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Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by
In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States in and for
the Northern District of New York.
SAM UR Ee PoE EY, Eso.
Chis Volume is inscribed
RocuesTer, NEw York,
November 21, 1867.
“Natural History, then, should be based on what is called a System of Nature;
or a great Catalogue, in which all beings bear acknowledged names, may be recog-
nized by distinctive characters, and distributed in divisions and subdivisions them-
selves named and characterized, in which they may be found.”—Cuvier’s Animal
Kingdom, Intro. 15.
* And after all, what does it matter to science that thousands of species, more or
less, should be described and entered in our systems, if we know nothing about
them?”—Agassiz’s Nat. Hist. U. S., 1. 57.
(av )
THE publication of Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom established an
epoch in the science of zoology. This eminent scholar brought
to his subject the critical and reflective powers of a great intellect,
and the varied and profound acquirements of a laborious life.
Having possessed himself of the results of antecedent as well as
contemporary investigations, and extended his researches with
more or less exactness, over the entire animal kingdom, he was
enabled to construct, upon the “System of Nature,” that remark-
able system for the classification of animals, which now forms the
basis of zoological science.’
This system of classification is anded exclusively upon the
anatomical structure of animals, whence comparative anatomy is
the source of its materials. It not only rejects the habits and
properties of animals as immaterial and transient, but it also
leaves out of consideration their mental endowments, which, how-
ever important in other respects, were incapable of affording a
basis of classification.
Under its clear and definite discriminations all the species of
each of the four great branches of the animal kingdom are seen
in intelligible and harmonious relations, notwithstanding their
striking diversities of form. Unity of type runs through the
structural organization of all the individuals comprised in each
of these branches. The grandeur of this fourfold plan of creation
is not more impressive than the wonderful adaptation of the sur-
rounding elements to the condition and wants of the multitude
of animal organisms which God has made.
It is not, however, the whole of the science of zoology to
1 Agassiz dates the new period from 1812, ‘‘when Cuvier laid before the
Academy of Sciences in Paris the results of his investigations * * * which
had satisfied him that all animals were constructed upon four different
plans.” —WNatural History United States, i. 193. The ‘‘Regne Animal” did
not appear, however, until 1816. )
furnish a systematic catalogue of animals, with its exposition lim-
ited to the frigid details of anatomical structure. This would
restrict it to dead rather than to living forms. Each animal is
endowed with a living, and, also, with a thinking principle, the
manifestations of each of which are not less important and in-
structive than the mechanism of the material frames in which
they reside. In a comparative sense the former are intrinsically
of higher concernment.
A monograph upon each of the principal animals seems, there-
fore, to be desirable, if not absolutely necessary, to fill out, in
some measure, this great programme; and to complete the super-
structure of a science, the foundations of which have been so
admirably established. These should contain a minute exposi-
tion of their artificial works, where such are constructed ; of their
habits, their mode of life, and their mutual relations. When the
facts bearing upon these several subjects have been collected and
systematized, the necessary materials will be furnished for the
proper elucidation of the long neglected subject of Animal Psy-
This volume upon ‘‘The American Beaver and his Works,”
although it falls much below the dignity and completeness of a
monograph, is offered as an experiment in this special undertaking
of collecting and systematizing our knowledge of the habits and
mode of life of the inferior animals. Whether the zoologist will
turn aside from the more intricate and fascinating subjects of his
science to consider the personal acts and artificial erections of
this humble, but most industrious mute; and whether the general
reader will find either pleasure or profit in studying the manifest-
ations of intelligence by a single animal, when spread out with
so much detail, I cannot pretend to form an opinion. A treatise
overdone is as distasteful to the reader as one imperfectly exe-
cuted; and since this is liable to both objections, it is submitted,
not without misgivings, to the public judgment.
As books of this description are more or less accidental pro-
ductions, it is sometimes proper to state how they came to be
written. Notwithstanding some reluctance to enter upon per-
sonal details, there is, in the present case, an urgent necessity -
for a brief explanation to bespeak the confidence of the reader
in the results of this investigation. It furnishes an apology for
introducing the following statement.
In the year 1852 a Railroad was projected and commenced by
the late Honorable Heman B. Ely, to open the iron region on the
south shore of Lake Superior, and introduce its rich and inex-
haustible ores into the manufacturing industry of the country. In
this enterprise his brothers, Samuel P. Ely, George H. Ely, and
John F. Ely, and their uncle, the late Hervey Ely,' then residents,
except one, of Rochester, New York, were associated. The mag-
nitude of the undertaking will be appreciated when it is stated
that this entire region was then an uninhabited wilderness, with
the exception of a few hamlets at Marquette, the present port of
the iron district on Lake Superior, and a few log cabins at the
iron mines, which had shortly before been discovered, but were
still uadeveloped. Atthat time the St. Mary’s Ship Canal, which
three years later connected the lower lakes with Lake Superior,
although projected, was not commenced ; consequently naviga-
tion between these lakes was obstructed by the rapids in the St.
Mary’s River. Besides this obstacle, it was five hundred miles
from Marquette to Detroit, the nearest point from which supplies
could be obtained. Notwithstanding these formidable difficulties,
the Messrs. Ely persevered in the enterprise until 1856, when
they found it advisable, after a large expenditure, to accept the
co-operation of other parties in the further prosecution of the
work. Joseph 8. Fay, Esq., of Boston, Edwin Parsons, Esq., of
New York, and some other capitalists, were then admitted into
the association. In 1858 the Railroad was completed to the three
principal iron locations, and in 1865 to Lake Michigame, after an
expenditure of about a million and a half of dollars.
Under the stimulus of commercial causes a Railroad was thus
constructed through a rugged wilderness for a distance of forty
1] cannot mention the name of my venerable and noble friend, now de-
ceased, without expressing my high appreciation of his great abilities, of
his genial and unselfish nature, and of his liberal and enlightened senti-
ments. He will be favorably remembered as one of the great men of his
day and generation. Born in West Springfield, Massachusetts, January
10th, 1791, he established himself in Rochester in 1813, where he engaged
extensively in manufacturing and commercial enterprises, in which he con-
tinued until 1861, when he retired from business. He died in this city,
November 23d, 1862. It was my privilege to know him intimately for nearly
twenty years; and this passing tribute to his memory is founded upon
persoual knowledge of his worth.
miles, and opened a country which, but for its mineral deposits,
would have been pronounced unfit for human habitation. With
its unequaled summer climate, and its unlimited mineral wealth,
it has now become one of the most attractive regions within our
national limits.
It so happened that this Railroad passed through a beaver dis-
trict, more remarkable, perhaps, than any other of equal extent
to be found in any part of North America. By opening this wil-
derness in advance of all settlement, the beavers were surprised,
so to speak, in the midst of their works, which, at the same time,
were rendered accessible for minute and deliberate investigation,
in a manner altogether unusual. A rare opportunity was thus
offered to examine the works of the beaver, and to see him in his
native wilds.
Having been associated in this enterprise from its commence-
ment, as one of the directors of the Railroad Company, and as one
of its stockholders, business called me to Marquette, first in 1855,
and nearly every summer since to the present time. After the
completion of the Railroad to the iron mines, it was impossible to
withstand the temptation to brook-trout fishing, which the streams
traversing the intermediate and adjacent districts offered in ample
measure. My friend, Gilbert D. Johnson, Superintendent of the
Lake Superior Mine, had established boat stations at convenient
points upon the Carp and Hsconauba Rivers, and to him I am
specially indebted first, fora memorable experience in brook-trout
fishing, and secondly, for an introduction to the works of the
beaver within the areas traversed by these streams. Our course,
in passing up and down, was obstructed by beaver dams at short
intervals, from two to three feet high, over which we were com-
pelled to draw our boat. Their numbers and magnitude could
not fail to surprise as well as interest any observer. Although
constructed in the solitude of the wilderness, where the forces of
nature were still actively at work, it was evident that they
had existed and been maintained for centuries by the permanent
impression produced upon the rugged features of the country.
The results of the persevering labors of the beaver were suggest-
ive of human industry. The streams were bordered continuously
with beaver meadows, formed by overflows by means of these
dams, which had destroyed the timber upon the adjacent lands.
Fallen trees, excavated canals, lodges, and burrows, filled up the
measure of their works. These together seemed to me to afford
a much greater promise of pleasure than could be gained with
the fish-pole, and very soon, accordingly, the beaver was substi-
tuted for the trout. I took up the subject as I did fishing,
for sunmer recreation. In the year 1861, I had occasion to
visit the Red River Settlement in the Hudson’s Bay Territory,
and in 1862, to ascend the Missouri River to the Rocky Mount-
ains, which enabled me to compare the works of the beaver in
these localities with those on Lake Superior. At the outset I had
\ no expectation of following up the subject year after year, but
\ was led on, by the interest which it awakened, until the mate-
\rials collected seemed to be worth arranging for publication.
\Whether this last surmise is well or ill founded, I am at least cer-
‘ain that no other animal will be allowed to entrap the unambi-
ous author so completely as he confesses himself to have been
by the beaver. My unrestrained curiosity has cost me a good
dealt of time and labor.
Me measuring and attempting to sketch a number of these
dans, I found it impossible to reproduce even a feeble copy. It
was evident that the photographic art was alone capable of
handing such a complicated subject; and of fixing, once for all,
its renarkable features. It seemed, also, to be extremely desir-
able ty secure an accurate representation of these structures while
would sjeedily fall into decay. While maturing a plan to take
into the \ountry for this purpose a party of photographers, the
desire was gratified by the adventure of Mr. James A. Jenney,
who cameo Marquette in 1861, with an instrument and the
necessary aypliances for taking landscape views. With him I
made an arringement for a series of photographs. The following
year, my fri\nd, the Rev. Josiah Phelps, rector of St. Peter’s
Church at M&quette, who had taken up this beautiful art as an
amateur, genebusly placed his instrument and his services at my
disposal, and thus a large number of additional photographs
were obtained fiym time to time. The engravings in this volume,
with some exce\tions, were made from selections from these
In addition to these, I made a general beaver collection, sufli-
ciently ample to illustrate other branches of the subject, consist-
ing of mounted specimens of the beaver, and of his skeleton, skulls,
pelts, tree cuttings, and limb and pole cuttings, of all sizes and
kinds, engravings of specimens of which are given in the following
It has been my-aim to speak in all cases, in which it was pos-
sible, from original specimens. In this manner, truth and cer-
tainty are both secured, and the amount of necessary description
is greatly abridged. It will be found, in the sequel, that this
account of the beaver rests essentially upon actual works repro-
duced by the photograph and copied by the engraver. Whatever
value it may possess is chiefly referable to this fact.
Marquette, which in 1853 consisted of a few scattering houses,
now contains twenty-eight hundred inhabitants. Situated upor
a bay of Lake Superior, and prosperous upon the large business
of the iron region, it is not too much to say that it is the most
beautiful village of the Northwest. The large investments made
for the development of the mineral wealth, and fur the prosecu-
tion of the constantly increasing trade of the iron district, fave
drawn to it a higher and more intelligent class of businessmen
than is usually found in villages of its size; and this, in turn, has
given to Marquette, in a social sense, its superior and attrictive
character. The climate also—a fact not suspected until the coun-
try was opened—is one of the finest, in the summer, to b» found
within the limits of the United States; while in the winter,
from its steadiness and uniformity, it is less trying tha that of
New England or New York. Marquette is destined to vecome a
city; and the principal centre of business on Lake Sup»rior.'
Besides the persons previously named, I am under very great
obligations to many others for co-operation, infornation, and
assistance, in various ways, while engaged upon ths investiga-
1This railroad, which was first known as the ‘‘Iron Mointain,” then as
the ‘‘ Bay de Noquet and Marquette,” and now as the ‘‘ Mrquette and On-
tonagon Railroad,” has carried down from the mines to Iarquette the fol-
lowing amounts of iron ore:
We PRBS. oho 31,000 Tons. | In 1868...........-+ 200,000 Tons.
hae eee ee 65,000 « fea ek. Be 250,000 «
TBH OW. canes . 116,000 « TSOB ste. eee 200,000 «
Ss peek nee 45,000 « 1B66%.c.88:- oe 210,000 «
PaGgi be.) 0 eh 115,000 « B67 ck... fee 270,000 «
tion. First among them is my friend, Samuel P. Ely, Esq., now
a resident of Marquette, and Vice-President and Managing Di-
rector of the Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad Company. He
has taken a cordial interest in the subject, joined me in some ex-
peditions, and seconded my efforts in every possible way. The
inscription of this volume to him is but a slight recognition of the
part he has taken in the collection of the materials. To Hon.
Peter White, of Marquette; to’Cornelius Donkersley, Esq., Su-
perintendent; L. K. Dorrance, Esq., former Chief Engineer; and
William H. Steele, Esq., Assistant Engineer of the same Rail-
road, I am also indebted for many personal favors; and to
Charles H. Kavis, the present Chief Engineer, as well. I desire
also to mention the friendly and faithful services of Wm. Badger,
who has spent many nights with me encamped by beaver dams,
and who, as a camp master and explorer, possesses high qualifi-
cations. To Capt. Daniel Wilson, an experienced trapper, as
well as an accurate observer, I am indebted for valuable inform-
ation. Iam also indebted to William Cameron, William Bass,
Paul Pine, and Jack La Pete, Ojibwa trappers, for an acquaint-
ance with the ‘“ beaver lore” of the Indians, which is both curious
and instructive. I desire also to mention my friend, George 8.
Riley, Esq., of Rochester, to whom I am indebted for valuable
suggestions. There are still others whose names would be neces-
sary to complete the list of those who have contributed in various
ways to the materials contained in this volume, whose friendly
offices are remembered with much pleasure.
It is perhaps superfluous to name my friend, Dr. W. W. Ely,
of Rochester, since he is a direct contributor to these pages.
Having articulated the skeleton represented in Plate III., he ex-
pressed a willingness to dissect a pair of beavers if they could be
obtained, which was accordingly done. The carefully prepared
and accurate presentation which he has made of this subject will
furnish ample materials for the further comparison of the Amer-
ican and European beavers.
RocussteR, November, 1867.
Order Rodentia—Characteristics of the Order—The Beaver a Rodent
—His Color—Black Beaver—Albinos—His Size—Movements—Func-
tions of Tail—Vision short—Hearing and Smell acute—Social Pro-
pensities—Habitat of American Beaver—Their Numbers—Habitat
of European Beaver—Fossil European Beaver—Trogontherium—
Fossil American Beaver—Castoroides—Great Antiquity of the Beaver
Type—Systematic Position of Castoride—Brandt’s Classification of
the Rodentia—Independence of this Family—American and Euro-
pean Beavers Varieties of the same Species..........seceeeeeeessecseeeeees
Introduction—Description— Skeleton— Skull—Teeth — Muscles — In-
ternal Organs: Mouth, Stomach, Intestines, Caecum, Heart, Lungs,
Liver, Spleen—Respiration of Aquatic Animals—Brain .................
ApprnpIx A. 1. Measurements of Skull. 2. Differences between
European and American Beavers considered. 3. Castoreum Organs,
and Generative Organs..............+. Feacaeeatecent sac caus sis ucsrae stars wsldias oz
Remarkable Beaver District—Number of Beaver Dams—Other Works
—Character of the Region—Beavers now abundant—Map of Area
—Object of Dams—Their Great Age—Of Two Kinds—Interlaced
Stick-Dam—Solid-bank Dam—Great Beaver Dam at Grass Lake—
Its Dimensions—Surrounding Landscape—Mode of Construction—
Lower Face—Water Face—Great Curve—Mode of discharging Sur-
( xiii)
plus Water—Artistic Appearance of this Dam—Necessity for Contin-
uous Repairs—Measurements—Cubic Contents—Photograph—Man-
ner of taking same—Relation of Dam below—Same of one above—
Manner, of Repairing Dams..-o.-ccesscenaenermeesencers ccesce scene scseeeserae 78
Solid-bank Dams—Places where constructed—No Dams in deep
Water—Where impossible, the Beavers inhabit River Banks—De-
scription of Solid-bank Dam—Opening for Surplus Water—Pond
confined to River Banks—Similar Dam with Hedge-—Fallen-tree
.Dam—Use of Tree accidental—Spring Rill Dam—Series of Dams
on the Carp—Dams in a’Gorge—Lake Outlet Dams—High Dam—
Long Dam—Description of same—Manner of Photographing same
—Dams in other Districts of North America—Petrified Beaver Dams
AMUIEGTI TAM Dac eceec sas cbacesesescossess sauces conranes teemeeetentetume ta arecdicestacs ss 104
Habits of Beaver—Our Knowledge limited—Indians and Trappers as
Observers—Source of Buffon’s Extravagant Statements—Disposi-
tion of Beavers to pair—The Family—Outcast Beaver—Beaver Mi-
grations—Adaptation to Aquatic Life—Suspension of Respiration—
Length of Time—Artifice of Musk-Rat—Burrowing Propensities—
Varieties of the Beaver Lodge—Island Lodge at Grass Lake—Size
and Form—Chamber—Floor—Wood Entrance—Beaver Entrance—
Their Artistic Character — Bank Lodge — Mode of Construction —
Chamber—Entrances—Another Variety of Bank Lodge—Chamber
and Entrances—Nature of Floor—Lake Lodge—Differences from
other Varieties — False Lodge of Upper Missouri— Lodges Single
Chambered—Burrows—Their Form, Size, and Uses—Examples, with
Measurements—Number of Beavers to the Lodge—Number of Lodges
GO LHe AON eis «ssnsscseseaks <+-> ob oncelsastet peer mmtnetess=cineexss\-cs\scesssisesecseemee 132
Subsistence exclusively Vegetable—Kinds of Bark preferred—Roots
of Plants—Incisive Teeth Chisels—Their cutting Power—It dimin-
ishes with Age—Provisions for Winter—Season for collecting—Fell-
ing Trees—Their Size—Number of Beavers engaged—Manner of
cutting—Chips—Short Cuttings—Moving them on Land—Floating
them in Water—Sinking them in Piles—Wood-eating—Evidence that
they eat Clear Wood—Brush-heap at Lodge—Restricted to Particu-
lar Places—Their Use—Ponds in Winter—Winter Life of Beavers... 166
Beaver Canals—Their Extraordinary Character—Originated by Neces-
sity—Their Uses—Evidences of their Artificial Character—Canals
at Natural Pond—Their Form and Appearance—Canal on Carp
River—Use of Dams in same—Canal Across Bend of Esconauba—
Same across Island in Pond—Beaver Meadows—How formed—Their
Extent—Beaver Slides on Upper Missouri—Scenery on this River—
Bluffs of Indurated Clay—Bad Lands—White Walls—Game—Con-
nection of River Systems with Spread of BeaverS.............sssecesseeee ga
Other Habits of the Beaver—Indications of Age—Tame Beavers—Nursed
by Indian Women—Building and Repairing Dams—Great Beaver
Districts—Hudson’s Bay Company—American Fur Company—Pri-
vate Adventurers—The Steel Trap—Trapping Season—Trapping at
the Dam—At the Lodge—Traps sprung—Whether the Beaver when
caught bites off his Fore Foot—Trapping under the Ice—Catching
in a Pen—Trapping Bank Beavers—Catching in Burrows—Trap-
pers as a Class—Custom of hanging up Skulls—Statistics of Fur
Trade— Early and Recent Exportations—Immense Numbers of
MAOH CU Suecuntantanices sec'ss|s celceeiccecaeeseceneseaanearaettnners/ecs ss -fectarehae ceseeey OLS
Inquiries proposed—Whether the Mutes possess a Mental Principle—
Whether its Qualities are similar to those manifested by the Human
Mind—Whether the Differences are of Degree, or of Kind—Consider-
ations from Structural Organization—The Principle of Life—Memory
—Reason—Imagination—The Will—Appetites and Passions—Lu-
nacy of Animals—General Conclusions..............cesescecsssseseeees seeee 248
AP NOTES TO CHAP Di lene cease scence ess ooeecsed oth oeSs ooo wlece eceaealbewee eee whe 287
B.—SaMuEL HEARNE’S ACCOUNT OF THE BEAVER.........cececececccccccees 806
POO e eee eee ee ewes Cee EOE REE HEEEe Hee tee
Order Rodentia—Characteristics of the Order—The Beaver a Rodent—His
Color—Black Beavyer—Albinos—His Size—Movements—Functions of Tail
—Vision short—Hearing and Smell acute—Social Propensities—Habitat
of American Beaver—Their Numbers—Habitat of Huropean Beaver—
Fossil European Beaver-——7Zrogontherium—Fossil American Beaver—Cas-
toroides—Great Antiquity of the Beaver Type—Systematic Position of
Castoride—Brandt’s Classification of the Rodentia—Independence of this
Family—American and European Beavers varieties of the same Species.
In structural organization the beaver occupies a low
position in the scale of mammalian forms. His low
respiration and clumsy proportions render him slow
of motion; and being a coarse vegetable feeder, and
adapted both to water and to land, he is inferior to
the carnivorous, and even the herbivorous animals, in
those characteristics upon which the gradations of
structure are established. In intelligence and sagacity
he is undoubtedly below many of the carnivora which
depend exclusively for subsistence upon their skill in
entrapping and seizing prey ; neither is it probable
that he is possessed of higher endowments than other
2 CET)
animals of a corresponding grade. And yet no other
animal has attracted a larger share of attention, or
acquired by his intelligence a more respectable posi-
tion in public estimation. The reason is obvious. In
a pre-eminent degree he requires artificial erections to
promote his happiness, and to secure his safety; con-
sequently, we are enabled to place our hands upon his
works, and to trace step by step, through tangible
forms, the evidences of his architectural skill. Around
him are the dam, the lodge, the burrow, the tree-cut-
ting, and the artificial canal; each testifying to his
handiwork, and affording us an opportunity to see the
application as well as the results of his mental and
physical powers. There is no animal, below man, in
the entire range of the mammalia, which offers to our
investigation such a series of works, or presents such
remarkable materials for the study and illustration of
animal psychology.
The specific characteristics and habitat of the
American beaver, and his position in the animal king-
dom, require some notice before entering upon the
subject of his artificial erections, habits, and mode
of life. Our interest in this animal will be much in-
creased by a preliminary consideration of these several
Of the nine orders of mammals established by
Cuvier in his systematic treatise upon the Animal
Kingdom, the fifth is the order Lodentia, or the
gnawers. To this order the beaver belongs. He is
thus found in the same category with the squirrel,
the rat, the marmot, the porcupine, and the rabbit,
and with many other mammals, all of which agree in
the possession of two large incisive teeth in each jaw,
separated from the molars by an empty space. These
incisors are the distinctive characteristic upon which
the order is founded. With jaws thus mounted, the
rodents are physically incapable of seizing a living
prey, and consequently are formed to draw their nu-
triment from the vegetable kingdom. The general
characteristics of this order are given by Cuvier as
“Two large incisors in each jaw, separated from
the molars by a wide interval, cannot well seize a
living prey or devour flesh. They are unable even
to cut the aliment; but they serve to file, and by con-
tinued labor to reduce it into small particles; in a
word, to gnaw it; hence the word rodentia applied to
animals of this order; itis thus that they successfully
attack the hardest substances, frequently feeding on
wood and the bark of trees. The better to accom-
plish this object, these incisors have enamel only in
front, so that their posterior edges wearing away faster
than the anterior, they are always’ naturally sloped
[or chisel like]. Their prismatic form causes them to
grow from the root as fast as they wear away from
the tip [their formative pulp being persistent], and
this tendency to increase in length is so powerful that
if either of them be lost or broken, its antagonist in
the other jaw, having nothing to oppose or commi-
nute, becomes developed to a monstrous extent. The
inferior jaw is articulated by a longitudinal condyle
in such a way as to allow of no horizontal motion,
except from back to front, and vice versa, as is requis-
ite for the action of gnawing. The molars also have
flat crowns, the enameled eminences of which are
always transversely, so as to be in opposition to the
horizontal movement of the jaw, and better to assist
trituration.”” - ig e
“Throughout the present group, the brain is almost
smooth, and without furrows. ix 5 = In
a word, the inferiority of these animals is perceptible
in most of the details of their organization.”
Baird remarks upon the rodents: “They exist in
all parts of the world, and are especially abundant in
America, which contains nearly as many species as all
the rest of the world put together. South America,
however, counts more species than the northern half
of the New World, the preponderance being caused
principally by the large number belonging to the genus
Hesperomys, of which our little deer-or white-footed
wood-mouse, is a familiar example.”
Waterhouse introduces the order Rodentia in the
following language: “The Rodentia, so called from
their gnawing propensities, form one of the most
clearly defined groups of the mammalia; a group
which has representatives in all parts of the world,,
and the species of which are very numerous. They
feed upon vegetable substances, and are of small size,
few exceeding the common hare in bulk. The most
striking characters of the rodents are those furnished
by the teeth; the long, vacant space which separates
the incisors in front, here adapted for gnawing, from
the masticating teeth behind. 3 . *
Sometimes the width of the incisor is very great, and
exceeds the depth; the rodents which burrow, and
live almost entirely under ground, present this form
1 Animal Kingdom. Carpenter and Westwood edition, p. 107.
2 Explorations fora Railroad Route, etc. to the Pacific, viii. 235.
of incisors, their powerful teeth being, no doubt, used
to gnaw through the roots which would otherwise
obstruct their subterranean course. +i * “
Those of the upper jaw are always shorter than those
of the lower, and usually describe about three parts
of a circle. The larger incisors of the lower jaw form
a smaller segment of a larger circle.”
Among living rodents the beaver is the largest with
the exception of the capybara of South America,
which is about one-third larger.” The form and
general appearance of the American beaver are well
known. His color is a reddish brown, but varying
in some localities to a yellowish tinge upon brown,
and in others to a glossy black. , Reddish-brown,
however, is the prevailing color. I have two pelts in
my collection of a dark chestnut, this being the color
_ of the coarse fur or hair which in all cases determines
the general color of the skin. The fine or true fur
is of a clear uniform brown from the root to the tip,
and the staple is short. It varies in length from one-
half to three-quarters of an inch, while the coarse
hairs, which resemble bristles, are from one and three-
quarters to two and a half inches in length, and suf-
ficiently abundant to completely overspread the fur.
Black beavers are scarce, and appear to be confined
to higher northern latitudes. The fact that they are
sometimes found of this color is attested by Hearne.
“Black beaver,” he remarks, “and that of a beautiful
_ 1? Nat. Hist. of the Mammalia. Lond. ed., 1848, ii. 1.
? One shot by Darwin at Montevideo weighed 90 pounds. In
general appearance it resembles the hare much more than the
gloss, are not uncommon; perhaps they are more
plentiful at Churchill than at any other factory in the
bay; but it is rare to get more than twelve or fifteen
of their skins in the course of one: year’s trade.” The
skin of the foetal beaver, of which I have two speci-
mens in my collection, is covered with a thick fur,
which is soft and silky to the touch, and of a clear
brown, with aslightly reddish tinge. In these skins the
coarse hairs are undeveloped. Albinos are occasionally
found, but they are rare. Upon this subject the same
author remarks: “In the course of twenty years’ ex-
perience in the countries about Hudson’s Bay, though
I have traveled six hundred miles to the west of the
sea-coast, I never saw but one white beaver skin, and
it had many reddish and brown hairs along the ridge
of the back. The sides of the belly were of a glossy
silvery white.”? Prince Maximilian speaks of white
beaver as occasionally found upon the Yellowstone
River. He says: “I saw one beautifully spotted with
white; yellowish-white and pure white are not unfre-
quently caught on the Yellowstone.’ The skin of
the beaver when tanned is thicker than the thickest
calf skin, and coarse in texture.
When full grown, the weight of the American
beaver varies from thirty to sixty pounds, the latter
weight being rarely attained. The weight of the
three largest Lake Superior beavers of which I have
reliable knowledge, was fifty-eight pounds each to two
1 Hearne’s Journey to the Northern Ocean. Dublin ed., 1796,
p. 241.
2 Tbid., 240.
’ Travels in North America. Lond. ed., 1843, p. 332.
of them, and sixty pounds for the third. One mounted
specimen in my collection was a full-grown three-
year old beaver when taken, and weighed thirty-five
pounds. He measured from the tip of the nose to the
end of the tail, three feet and eight inches; around
the centre of the abdomen two feet and one inch; and
around the head, back of the ears, one foot and two
inches. That part of the tail which is covered with
scales measured nine inches in length, and four and a
half in width at the centre, from which point it nar-
rowed in both directions. A second mounted speci-
men, also in my collection, and a male, weighed, when
taken. thirty-two pounds, and measured in his greatest
length three feet six and a quarter inches; around
the centre of the abdomen two feet two and a half
inches; and around the neck, back of the ears, one
foot two and a half inches. A third mounted speci-
men, the one represented in Plate I., and also in my
collection, was a two-year old beaver, and a female,
and weighed twenty-nine and a half pounds. She
measured in her greatest length three feet six and a
quarter inches; around the centre of the abdomen two
feet; and around the neck, back of ears, one foot one
inch. The skeleton represented in Plate ILI., now in
my collection, is that of a female beaver, full grown,
and three years old and upwards. She weighed forty-
three and a half pounds, and measured in her greatest
length three feet six inches; around the centre of the
abdomen two feet and six inches; and around the
neck, back of ears, one foot three inches. That part
of the tail covered with scales measured ten inches in
? One caught by Capt. Daniel Wilson weighed 58 pounds, and
two by John Armstrong weighed respectively 58 and 60 pounds.
length, and five and a half inches at its greatest
width. Another beaver, whose pelt I have, weighed
thirty-three and a half pounds. It was caught in
the year 1862, upon the same dam and at the same
time with the one whose skeleton is shown, and
was probably her mate, and if so, a male. These
beavers, all of which were taken on the south shore
of Lake Superior, may be regarded as average speci-
mens of the beaver of this locality. From a compar-
ison of their skulls with others in my collection from
the same district, sixty pounds is not an improbable
weight in occasional instances. The skull belonging
to the skeleton referred to, and which is No. 4 in the
Table of Measurements prepared by Dr. Ely (Appendix
A, note 1), measures 475 inches from the end of the
nasal bones to the occipital ridge, while that marked
No. 40 in same table measures 570 inches. As the for-
mer beaver weighed forty-three pounds, it is a reason-
able inference that the latter must have weighed at
least sixty pounds. The beavers of the Upper Mis-
souri are about the same size, while those in Oregon
and California are said to attain a larger average size,
with how much of truth I cannot state. Brandt, in
his elaborate work on the Rodents, and which is par-
ticularly full upon the beaver, concludes, after a com-
parison of a large number of specimens, that the
Asiatic, European, and American beavers are not dis-
tinguishable from each other in size.’
In form the beaver is short between the fore and
hind legs, broad, heavy, and clumsy, and. his motions
are slow and awkward. He walks with a waddling
1 Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Peters-
bourg. Sixth Series. Sciences Naturelles, tome vii. p. 61.
gait, with his back slightly arched, with his body
barely clearing the ground, and his tail dragging upon
it. Heruns slowly, with alternating steps, but when he
makes his most rapid movement, it is by the regular
quadruped gallop, the fore feet being raised together
and followed in the same manner by. the hind. An
ordinary dog could overtake him in ashort chase. In
the water, however, his motions are free and graceful.
Water is his natural element, and he cannot trust
himself far from it with personal safety. The usual
representations of the beaver show a gradual increase
in the size of the body from the head to the thighs,
with the posterior portion much the largest. While
the hips are broader than the shoulders, he is the
largest around the centre of the abdomen, from which
the body tapers in both directions, but more forward
than back.
Some of the details of the structural organization
of the beaver are of a striking character. The mus-
cles which regulate the movements of the inferior
jaw are large and powerful, as may be inferred from
the relative size of the head, and particularly from
the measurements of the neck immediately behind
the ears. This jaw has a free horizontal movement
from side to side, as well as forward and back, the ,
inferior incisors moving both to the right and to the
left of the superior, thus enabling the beaver to mas-
ticate his food by a transverse and diagonal as well as
forward and back movement of the molars on each
other. Incapacity for this transverse movement of
the inferior jaw is made one of the characteristics of
the rodent order. Cuvier deduced its necessary move-
ments from the nature of its articulation, and from —
the main direction of the enameled eminences of the
molar teeth, and then limited its horizontal move-
ment to a single direction, which was forward and
back. The American beaver is an exception to the
general rule.’ The powerful muscles, before referred
to, give to this animal the “horrid bite” (horrendus
morsus), to use the language of Pliny, for which his
tree-cuttings, if not his combative propensities, show
him to be distinguished. Kach condyle is movable
upon its fulcrum, which is a plain surface, and must
be held with immense strength to sustain the grasp
of the incisors while in the act of cutting down trees.
In swimming, the propelling power is furnished by
the hind legs. To adapt their feet for this purpose
they are completely webbed to the roots of the claws,
and are capable of a lateral spread of eight or nine
inches on the exterior line of the membrane. The
legs are thrown out behind, in the act of swimming,
like those of a duck, and nearly in a horizontal line.
While swimming, the fore feet are not used, but are
pressed back against the abdomen,’ their smallness
rendering them nearly useless for this purpose. Dr.
Ely, however, discovered a rudimentary membrane
between the fore fingers of these paws which is par-
ticularly conspicuous between the second and third.
The paws are very small relatively to the size of the
animal, and very much smaller than the hind feet;
but as they are capable of a very considerable rotary
movement, he is able to hold sticks and limbs of trees,
1 The squirrel, the rabbit, and the rat also appear to be excep-
? The otter is a more rapid swimmer than the beaver, but does
not use his fore feet, which are placed in the same position.
ae Oy Oe ee
Ce en Fo
aii t
1h) ca
Plate IL
PS Duval, Son # Wo. frile
From a Photo gra
TAIL of BEAVER, % nat. Size.
and to handle them with great dexterity while cut-
ting them, and also to carry mud and stones. As he
is capable of sitting up erect upon his hind legs, and
of walking upon them, his paws are thus liberated,
and by that means his architectural skill is rendered
possible. Man’s great superiority over the inferior
animals is shown in nothing more conspicuously than
in the freedom of his hands.
The beaver is a burrowing animal, his normal hab-
itation being the burrow rather than the lodge. To
enable him to excavate the large chambers under
ground, hereafter described, his paws are armed with
claws which are long, curving, and strong. In a full-
grown beaver, the claw upon the third finger measures
seven-eighths of an inch. Those upon the hind feet
are still longer and broader, and equally well adapted
to assist in excavating burrows. Upon the second
toe of each hind foot there is an extra claw, set im-
mediately under the true one and transversely. It is
very thin, broad, and round edged, and projects nearly
to the tip of the claw. It is peculiar to this animal.
In its form, structure, and uses, the tail, of which
a representation will be found in Plate II., is the
most conspicuous organ of the beaver. It is nearly flat,
broad, and straight, and covered with horny scales of
a lustrous black. These scales, which are such in ap-
pearance only, cover every portion of the surface both
above and underneath. The tail is attached to a pos-
terior projection of the body extending some inches
beyond the pelvis, and is furnished with strong mus-
cular attachments, by means of which its movements
are determined. Its principal uses are to elevate or
depress the head while swimming, to turn the body
and vary its direction, and to assist the animal in
diving. It is also used to give a signal of alarm to
its mates. When alarmed in his pond, particularly at
night, he immediately dives, in doing which the pos-
terior part of his body is thrown out of water, and,
as he descends head foremost, the tail is brought down
upon the surface of the water with a heavy stroke,
and deep below it with a plunge. The violence of
the blow is shown by the spray which is thrown up
two or three feet high. While watching upon their
dams at night I have been startled by this tremendous
stroke, which, in the stillness of the hour, seemed
like a pistol shot. I have heard it distinctly for half
a mile, and think it can be heard twice or three times
that distance under favorable conditions. On the
Upper Missouri, beavers are frequently seen in the
river by day, or basking in the sun under its banks.
I have seen them dive in this river in the daytime,
and without giving the signal stroke. In such cases,
their motions, in going under, are quick and graceful,
the upper line of the body, from the head to the tail,
coming into view in a curve, although but one-third
of their length is above the surface at one time.
While swimming in a direct course, with the head
above the water, the tail is not used, but is extended
motionless behind. Itis capable of a diagonal move-
ment from one side to the other, and vice versa, and
also of assuming a nearly yertical position. This en-
ables them to use it as a scull, which they do when
entirely under water, and swimming at the most
rapid rate. It is most flexible at the intersection
of the tail proper with the posterior projection of
the body to which it is attached. The muscles for
its down motion are several times stronger than for
either its upward or lateral movements. He is able
to turn his tail under him and sit upon it, or to use
it extended behind him as a prop while sitting up
upon his hind feet. Young beavers, while feeding
or resting, usually swing their tails around by their
side in the same manner as a cat, but with the lower
surface uppermost. It has often been asserted that
the beaver uses his tail as a trowel in preparing mor-
tar from mud. This mistake is sufficiently explained
by stating that he uses mud and soft earth, sometimes
intermixed with roots and grass, precisely as he finds
them, and without any preparation whatever, for
their conversion into mortar. But he uses his tail to
' pack and compress mud and earth while constructing
a lodge or dam, which he effects by heavy and re-
peated down strokes. It performs in this respect a
most important office, and one not unlike some of the
uses of the trowel.
The eye of the beaver is disproportionately small,
the optic nerve a mere thread, and its foramen one
of the smallest in the skull. As his vision is of short
range, he does not rely upon this sense except with
reference to near objects. On the contrary, his hear-
ing is very acute. The auditory tube, which is usu-
ally about half an inch in length, terminates in a
tympanic cavity, or bulla, of nearly globular form,
and large relatively to the size of the skull. It is
considerably larger than in man, and its size is, to
some extent, the measure of the strength of this
sense. This provision to intensify the hearing is,
however, equally conspicuous among the carnivora.
Upon this sense the beaver relies to a much greater
extent than upon his sight. He sits up on his hind
legs to listen, which is his usual position when on the
alert or suspicious of danger. He will often select a
slightly elevated and exposed position, and, sitting up,
listen for a considerable time and then retire, but to
return at intervals and repeat the observation until
satisfied whether or not danger is near. Since this
attitude is one expressive of intelligence, as well as
the one in which his form is seen at the best advant-
age, I have adopted it in the engraving (Plate I.) as
the most suitable for his representation.
Scarcely inferior to this sense in power is that of
smell, which is abundantly attested by the structure
of the nasal organs. The cavity occupied by the eth-
moid and turbinated bones is but little inferior in size
to that in which the brain is enveloped. As these
bones are laminated, the superficial surface of mem-
brane exposed to the air is very large. It is evident
from structural considerations that smell and hearing
are the principal informing senses of the beaver.
Their social propensities furnish another character-
istic. They pair, and with their offspring live in the
family relations until the latter attain maturity, when
they are forced to leave the parent lodge. It usually
happens that two or more such families inhabit the
same pond, and contribute their labor to the mainte-
nance of the dam, whence the common and nearly
universal opinion that they live and act in colonies,
or associated in villages. This is altogether an over-
statement. Hach family has its own lodge and _ bur-
rows, and its separate stock of winter provisions; and
there is no authentic evidence of any concert of ac-
tion among several families, either in building or
repairing dams. If such instances have occurred
they must be exceptional. This subject will be re-
ferred to again.
It is extremely difficult without dissection to de-
termine the sex of beavers, as they are monotrema-
tous, and there is nothing in their general appearance
to indicate the difference. The female brings forth
her young usually in May, and from two to five and
sometimes six at a time. In some rare instances eight
have been found in a foetal state among the beavers
of Lake Superior, and the same number born alive in
the lodge. Upon this subject Hearne remarks: “The
Indians, by killing them in all stages of gestation,
have abundant opportunities of ascertaining the usual
number of their offspring. I have seen some hun-
dreds of them killed at the seasons favorable for these
observations, and never could discover more than six
young in one female, and that only in two instances;
for the usual number, as I have before observed, is
from two to five.” The female has but four nipples,
two between the shoulders and two a few inches back
of them. At six weeks, a young beaver, captured
and domesticated, wili wean itself and take to bark.
The period of gestation is from three to four months,
and the ordinary duration of their lives from twelve
to fifteen years.
The habitat of the American beaver is unusually
broad. It is not surpassed by that of any other
animal upon the continent, the deer and the fox not
excepted. He was found from the confines of the
Arctic Sea on the north, to the Gulf of Mexico, the
1 Hearne’s Journey, p. 241.
Rio Grande, and the Gila rivers on the south, and
southward of these ranges in Tamaulipas in Mexico,
which is the southernmost point to which he has been
definitely traced. Throughout all the intermediate
areas, from Hudson’s Bay and the Atlantic on the
east, to the Pacific on the west, he was found dis-
tributed at the several epochs of Kuropean discovery.
Climatically he may be said to belong to the temper-
ate regions, from which his spread northward within
the Arctic Circle and southward into Mexico is doubt-
less ascribable to the courses of the rivers and to his
aquatic habits. Beavers were found in the greatest
numbers in the thick wood country around Hudson’s
Bay, one-half of which, according to Sir George Simp-
son, is under water; around the shores of Lake Superior,
upon the head waters of the Missouri and the Siskatch-
ewun,! and upon the tributaries of the Columbia. The
regions bordering on the Yukon, on the upper part of
Mackenzie River, on Frazer’s River, and on the Sacra-
mento were also notable for beavers. New England,
New York, Pennsylvania, and the Canadas were less
abundantly but very well supplied at the period of col-
onization. Southward, toward the Gulf, they were less
numerous, and in the vast prairie area in the interior
of the continent they were confined, of course, to the
margins of the rivers. With the commencement of
colonization their habitat began to contract. They
have now substantially disappeared from the United
States east of the Rocky Mountains, except in the
States of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and lowa;
and in the Territories of Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho,
1 Kis-sis-katch’-e-wun, ‘“ Swift Water.” Cree Dialect.
Montana, and Colorado. They are still occasionally
seen in Maine, New York, and Virginia. In the
Hudson’s Bay Territory, and in some portions of the
Canadas, and west of the mountains in Oregon, Wash-
ington, California, and Nevada they are still numer-
ous. They are also still abundant on the south
shore of Lake Superior in Upper Michigan, where
their works, in numbers and magnitude, are not sur-
passed by those of any other beaver district in North
Their immense numbers in former periods are suff-
ciently attested by the statistics of the fur trade, of
which some notice will be given in a subsequent chap-
ter. The earliest colonists found in their rich furs
their first exportable merchandise; and thus this ani-
mal contributed, with his life, in no inconsiderable
degree, to the colonization and permanent settlement
of the Canadas and the United States.
The habitat of the EKuropean beaver was as wide-
spread as that of the American. He was found in
the British Islands, in all parts of the European Con-
tinent, in Siberia, and southward, in Asia Minor, to
the Euphrates. He is now extinct in Europe, except
upon some of the larger rivers of the Continent, and
in some portions of Russia. In Scotland and Wales
he was found as late as the twelfth century. He is
still found in Siberia.
There are marked differences in the habits of the
American and Kuropean beavers, although it is doubt-
ful whether the species are distinct. The European
beaver is said to lead a solitary life in burrows,
rarely constructing lodges or dams; while the Ameri-
can beaver is pre-eminently a builder of both dams
and lodges. M. Myerink, of Berlin, described, in
1829, the operations of a small number of European
beavers established on the River Nuthe, an affluent
of the Elbe, which consisted in the construction of
burrows and lodges, and of a small dike or dam
about a foot high.t This last act was evidently re-
garded as noteworthy, if not exceptional. Instances
of this kind of work appear to be rare on the part
of the European beaver, while the American turns
the smaller streams, by means of dams, into a series
of ponds, one above the other, for miles together.
The region around the Black Sea was famous for
‘beavers in the classical period, whence he was called
by Piiny the “Pontic beaver.” In his brief account
of this animal, he describes his practice of cutting
down trees, but is silent upon the far more remark-
able performance of constructing dams for the pur-
pose of forming artificial ponds. No other Roman,
and no Greek author, as far-as I am aware, makes
mention of this practice. If the European beaver
had been a dam-builder to any considerable extent,
the fact would not, probably, have escaped the notice
of this indefatigable investigator.? It is surprising
1 Bennett’s Garden and Menagerie of the Zoological Society
Delineated. Quadrupeds, i. 158.
2 Kasdem partes sibi ipsi Pontici amputant fibri, periculo ur-
gente, ab hoc se peti gnari; Castoreum id vocant medici; alias
animal horrendi morsus, arbores juxta flumina, ut ferro, ceedit; ho-
mines parte comprehensa, non antequam fracta concrepuerint
ossa, morsus resolvit, Cauda piscium iis, cetera species lutre,
Utramque aquaticum ; Utrique Mollior pluma pilus.——Plin. Nat.
Hist., Lib. viii. e. xlvii.
The ancients confounded the testes with the castor sacs, and
perpetuated as credible this conceit of self-amputation. Herodo-
how little can be gleaned from the Greek authors with
reference to the beaver. Herodotus speaks of him
(iv. 109) as a well-known animal, but without giving
any particulars. Adlian describes him (Hist. Anim.,
Lib. vi. ¢. Xxxiv.) as aquatic in his habits, spending
the daytime concealed in the rivers, and roving by
night upon the land. Strabo (Geograph., iii. 163)
contents himself with pronouncing the castoreum of
the Spanish inferior to that of the Pontic beaver;
while Aristotle knew so little with reference to him
that he describes the same animal under the names of
castor (xésrwp) and latax (dda) as two different
tus is one of the oldest authorities for the mistake first mentioned.
Book iv. ec. 109.
Thus Ovid—
Sic, ubi detracta est a te tibi caussa pericli,
Quod superest, tutum, Pontice castor, habes.
Nux Elegia, 165.
And Juvenal—
—imitatus castora, que se
_ Eunuchum ipse facit, cupiens evadere damno
Testiculi, adeo medicatum intelligit unguen.
Sat., xii. 34.
Pliny, however, elsewhere states that Sextus, a Roman physi-
cian, questioned the truth of this statement. Vide Lib. xxxii. ¢.
1 “Certain wild quadrapeds,” he remarks, ‘also seek food
around the lakes and rivers, but around no sea, the sea-calf (seal)
excepted. Of this genus are the beaver (xdéctwp), and satherion
(cadeptov), and satyr (catuprov), and otter (évdpors), and latax
(Aéra&), which is broader than the otter, and provided with teeth
very much more robust. Going forth commonly by night, it
eats off the nearest bushes with its teeth. The otter also bites
men, nor, as they say, does he loose his hold before he shall have
Another interesting fact with reference to the bea-
ver is that of his great antiquity upon the earth. A
presumption to this effect would arise from his coarse
subsistence and his aquatic habits; but it is confirmed
by decisive evidence. Both the European and Amer-
ican beavers are found in a fossil state, and under con-
ditions which establish for each of them a very ancient
epoch for their first existence among living animals.
Upon the European fossil beaver, Owen observes:
“That the present European beaver is not the degen-
erate descendant of the great Trogontherium is proved,
not only by the differences in the dental structure
‘pointed out in the preceding section, but likewise by
the fact that beavers in no respect differing in size or
anatomical characters from the Castor Huropzus of the
present day, coexisted with the Trogontherium. Re-
mains of the beaver have been discovered by Mr.
Green in the same fossilized condition, and under cir-
cumstances indicative of equal antiquity with the
extinct mammoth, in the lacustrine formations at
Bacton. * * * Remains of the beaver have been
found associated with those of the mammoth, hippo-
potamus, rhinoceros, hyena, and other extinct mam-
mals, in the pleistocene fresh-water or drift formations
of the Vald’Arno; and remains of both Trogonthertwm
and Castor were found fossil by Dr. Schmerling in the
ossiferous caverns in the neighborhood of Liege. * *
heard the cracking from the bones. The hair of the latax, which
is intermediate between that of the deer and seal, is rough.”
(Tept Cdwy 0. 6. Seun. vii. 5. Ed. Schneid. i. p. 362.) Pliny, by
some misapprehension, speaks (supra) of the beaver as having
the same pertinacious bite ascribed properly by Aristotle to the
But the most common situation in which the remains
of the beaver are found in this island, as on the Con-
tinent, is the turbary peat-bog, or moss-pit. * * *
Remains of the Castor Huropeus have been found at
the depth of eight feet and a half beneath peat, rest-
ing upon a stratum of clay, with much decayed and
seemingly charred wood, associated with remains of
megaceros, or great Irish deer, at Higley, Norfolk.”
Beaver-gnawed wood was found in the same cavity
with, and five feet above the skeleton of the mastodon
discovered in 1867, at Cohoes, near Albany, New York.
This wood, which was first noticed by Dr. 8. B. Wool-
worth, is now in the State Cabinet of Natural History.
It appears from the description of Prof. James Hall,
who personally superintended the removal of the prin-
cipal bones, that this mastodon was found in a pothole
excavated in the shale rock (Hudson River group),
and more than forty feet below the surface. The
remains were imbedded in clay and river ooze, resting
upon gravel, and covered with an accumulation of
peat. In the presence of this beaver-gnawed wood
so near the mastodon, some evidence is furnished that
the beaver and the mastodon were contemporaneous.
The fossil remains of the Trogontherium were first
discovered by Fischer on the borders of the Sea of Azof,
and afterward in various parts of England. Cuvier
placed him in the genus Castor, and gave the name
? British Fossil Mammals and Birds. Lond. ed., 1846, p. 190.
? Prof. Hall, in describing the position and relations in which
this skeleton was found, remarks: ‘‘In the peaty deposits where
these bones have occurred, the remains of recent or existing vege-
tation are present; and the relations of these deposits show very
clearly that the surface of the country has undergone no important
upon Fischer's description. Owen afterward, by means
of additional specimens, detected variations in the
forms of the jaws and teeth which led him to question
this classification, and to assert a sub-generic position
for this animal. He remarks: “The well-marked dif-
ferences which the English fossils have demonstrated,
not only in the proportions, but in the form and struc-
ture of the teeth of the Trogontherium, will, I trust,
be allowed to yield the same grounds for its sub-gen-
eric distinction as has been proposed or accepted by
the best modern zoologists for the subdivisions of the
same value in the rest of the rodent order.” The
Trogontherium was about one-fifth larger than the Hu-
ropean beaver, the skull measuring seven inches and
three lines from the occipital ridge to the most convex
part of the incisors.
Since both the European beaver and the Trogon-
theritwm have been found in a fossilized state in the
newer pliocene formations, and in deposits which
have yielded remains not only of the mammoth and
the rhinoceros, but also of the mastodon, and since
there is evidence tending to show that the American
beaver was cotemporaneous with the mastodon, the
generic type of Castor, and also the family type of
Castoride are thus carried far back into the tertiary
Upon the American Continent the American bea-
modification since the period of the mastodon. This animal, and
the fossil elephant, Hlephas primigeneus, were coeval with the
existing flora and the present conditions of the surface of the con-
tinent; and there are no reasons, geologically, why they may not
have coexisted with the human race.”’
1 British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 188.
ver has likewise been found in a fossil state. On this
subject, Baird remarks: “The bone caves at Carlisle
yielded a large number of remains of beaver, both
young and old. There are no satisfactory points of
difference from the existing species, although in size
some of the teeth are larger than any recent speci-
mens I have seen, indicating a length of quite six
inches for the skull.”
As the European beaver has its prototype in the
Trogontherium, so the American species had its fore-
runner in Castoroides, a gigantic fossil beaver, surpass-
ing in size all existing as well as extinct rodents.
But few specimens have as yet been found. The first
was described by Foster and named Cuastoroides Ohio-
ensis; and the second by Hall and Wyman. The lat-
ter was found in a lacustrine formation subsequent to
the drift in Wayne County, New York. From the
geological relations in which these fossil remains were
discovered, Hall pronounces Castoroides cotempora-
neous with the mastodon. The skull, measured from a
cast in my collection, is ten inches and fifteen hun-
dredths in its greatest length, and seven inches and
sixty hundredths in its greatest width. He must
have been five or six times larger than the beaver of
the present time. Baird observes that the genus Cas-
toroides is nearer to the genus Zrogontheriwm than to
Castor, which is an interesting fact, showing that the
fossil genera are nearer to each other than either is to
the existing genus.
Although it thus appears that three distinct genera
of the beaver family—if Trogontherium stands inde-
1 Explorations for a Railroad Route, ete. to the Pacific, viii. 361.
pendent of Castor—have been ascertained, and that
the existence of its distinctive type extends backward
well toward the earliest epoch of mammalian life
upon the earth, yet it seems that the position of this
family in the animal kingdom is not as yet fully
determined. Whether the Castoride are entitled to
the full rank of an independent family, or should be
attached, as a sub-family, to some other group, is the
Brandt, whose treatise upon the rodents is particu-
larly elaborate with reference to the beaver, gives
prominence to this question, and also to that of
the specific differences between the Huropean and
American beavers. He proposes to divide the ro-
dent order into four sub-orders, and to arrange the
genera in twelve independent families. Under this
classification the Castoride become an independent
family of full rank. “The general structure,” he ob-
serves, “and especially the character of the skull
being more accurately considered, the order of the
Gnawers manifests, as it seems to me, four quite dis-
tinct types, exhibiting the equivalent of the sub-orders
Sciuromorpha, Myomorpha, Hystrichomorpha, and La-
gomorpha, of each of which respectively the common
genera Sciurus, Mus. Hystrix, and Lepus, known to
all, may be declared the foundations. The four types
just indicated appear by no means to be constantly
separated by ascertained differences, but they rather
offer, by means of common marks and intermediate
forms, a series bound in unity with sufficient con-
cord.” The Castoride are placed in the second sub-
1 “Structura generali et preesertim cranii ratione accuratius con-
sideratis Glirium Ordo typos quatuor admodum distinctos, ut mihi
order (Myomorpha), in which it constitutes the second
family, and the third in the general series from the
first. This arrangement appears merely to transfer
without obviating the difficulty, and tends to comph-
cate rather than simplify the question.
Baird introduces into the family Castoride the
genus Aplodontia, consisting of a single species found
in Oregon, and confined to the Northwest Coast. In
some features of the teeth and skull it resembles
Castor, and in other particulars affiliates equally well
with other genera of rodents. He then, having
placed the Scvwridx, as other zoologists have done, in
the front rank of the rodent order, attaches the
genera Aplodontia, Castor, and Castoroides to this group
as a sub-family, expressing, however, a doubt as to the
propriety of the arrangement in the following lan-
guage: “There has been of late a decided tendency
to place them near or among the Sciwridz. In this
view I am disposed to concur, although there still
remains the question, whether the two are not typical
of as many different sub-families, themselves forming
a family of full rank.”
Although unqualified to offer any solution of this
problem, it appears to me plain that the greater rela-
videtur, subordinum valorem exhibentes manifestat: Glires, Sciu-
romorphos, Myomorphos, Hystrichomorphos, et Lagomorphos,
quorum quidem singulorum fundamenta generalia genera Sciurus,
Mus. Hystrix, et Lepus omnibus nota declarari possunt. Typi
quatuor modo dici vero notis constanter diversis minime disjuncti
apparent, sed notarum communium formarumque intermediarum
ope series potius satis harmonice in unitatem conjunctas offerunt.”
—Meémoires de Académie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Peters-
bourg. Sixth series. Sciences Naturelles, tome vii. 292.
1 Explorations for a Railroad Route, ete., viii. 350.
tive antiquity of the three genera Castor, Castoroides,
and Trogontherium, and the unique and distinctive
type of animal life which they represent, should de-
termine the question in favor of the independence of
the Castoride as a family.
Another question remains, namely: whether the
American and European beavers are the same or dif-
ferent species. Linngeus, who founded the genus Cas-
tor in 1755, made but one species—C. Fiber. The
earlier naturalists, from Linneus to Buffon and Cu-
‘vier, accepted, without investigation, the specific iden-
tity of the European and American species.
According to Brandt (Mémoires, etc., 44), Oken was
the first in time (1816) who thought upon the question
of a possible difference of species. In 1819, Frederick
Cuvier (Hist. Nat. des Mamifers, No. 16) gave a pretty
full description of the external characteristics of a
Canada beaver in the Garden of Plants, but without
discussing the question of its possible difference from
the European. Again in 1825 (ib., No. 51) he de-
scribed a beaver of the Rhone, compared its skull
with that of an American beaver, and then, for the
first time, pointed out the differences in its skull which
have since been recognized as establishing distinct-
ness of species. He also named the American beaver
Castor Americanus, and the European Castor Gallicus.
Between these two periods (1820), Kuhl described a
Canada beaver in the British Museum, and named
it Castor Canadensis: but his description failed to
show any grounds of specific difference."
1“ Castor Canadensis.” ‘‘ Supra rufus, infra rufescente cinereus.
Extremitatum pallide brunescentium piles adpressis, brevibus,
Owen (1846), disregarding Fr. Cuvier’s name of the
European beaver, calls him Castor Europeus, in which
he is followed by Brandt and other zoologists. With
respect to the American beaver, if specifically different,
it is doubtful whether there is such a priority of scien-
tific determination in favor of Kuhl’s name, Castor
Canadensis, as to enforce its acceptance. Castor Amer-
icanus, from the great extent of his habitat, would be
more appropriate.
The question, however, of a specific name for the
American beaver ‘is at least premature. It is neces--
sary, first, to show that they are of different species,
which cannot as yet be conclusively asserted. Brandt,
who has investigated this subject more elaborately
than any other zoologist, came to the same conclusion
as Fr. Cuvier, that they were specifically different.
Since the publication of his memoir upon the Rodents,
this conclusion has been very generally acquiesced in
by zoologists. It appears, however, that his observa-
tions and comparisons were limited to eight skulls of
the European, and five of the American beaver. The
differences revealed by these skulls undoubtedly justi-
fied the inference of difference of species. A com-
parison of a much larger number of skulls might
show, nevertheless, that the variations relied upon
were not constant; and such has proved to be the
case. For the purpose of testing the constancy of
these assumed variations, I increased my collection of
lucidis. Unguibus tegularibus obtusis, corneis. Cauda applanata,
piles ad basin squamarum raris et brevibus. Dentibus surrufis.
Longitudo corporis, 225, poll, caude, 7’/’. Hjusque latitudo, 24
pollicum. Ad Fretum Hudsoni. In Musco Britanico.” —Beitrige
zur zoologie und Verleichenden Anatomie. .Frankf., 4, p. 64.
American beaver skulls to ninety-eight. Beside these,
seven American skulls and one European were loaned
from the Smithsonian Collection, and two American
from the New York State Collection, which increased
the whole number of American skulls examined to
one hundred and seven. A comparison shows that
the several variations between the skulls of the
European and American beavers, claimed to exist by
Brandt, are not constant; that the supposed differ-
ences shade off into each other and disappear, and
‘that the tendency to diverge, which plainly exists, is
no greater or stronger than would be unavoidably due
to the long-continued separation of these stocks, and
to climatic influences inseparable from their widely-
extended habitat. If brought together, they would,
without doubt, produce, inter se, a fertile offspring.
The anatomical differences between them are probably
less than between individuals of the most strongly
contrasted families of mankind. It will not be neces-
sary to present the comparative measurements in this
connection, as they are fully given in Appendix “A,”
to which the reader is referred. The tendency to
variation, however, is sufficiently marked to charac-
terize the American and European beavers as varie-
ties of the same species, which is the most that can,
at present, be claimed. This would fix the nomencla-
ture for the first as Castor Fiber, var. Americanus,
and of the second, as Castor Fiber, var. Europeus.
The beaver, in the duration of his distinctive type,
is one of the oldest of living mammals. He is also
shown to have been the cotemporary of many species
now extinct. His coarse subsistence, aquatic habits,
rugged strength, and prolific nature, eminently fitted
him for a long career of life upon the earth, trans-
mitted through the species. It is not improbable that
his first appearance antedates the present configura-
tion of the continents. Of the mastodon but one
species, I believe, has been found in America, while
several have been discovered in Europe and Asia,
neither of which is identical with the American spe-
cies. How the beaver, adopting the conclusion of but
a single species, propagated himself from one con-
tinent to the other, may be wholly unexplainable;
but it does not affect the question whether the two
beavers are of the same, or of different species. Of
all the mammals without the Arctic Circle in Europe
and America, with the exception of man, the beavers
of the two continents are probably the only individ-
uals whose specific identity can be established by
anatomical comparisons.
The second chapter and Appendix A, as has else-
where been stated, are from the pen of Dr. W. W. Ely,
whose able and thorough exposition of the anatomical
structure of the American beaver will command the
attention of the comparative anatomist, and prove in-
structive to the general reader. The comparison of
the skulls, referred to on the preceding page, was made
by him.
Introduction—Description—Skeleton—Skull—Teeth — Muscles — Internal
Organs: Mouth, Stomach, Intestines, Caecum, Heart, Lungs, Liver,
Spleen—Respiration of Aquatic Animals—Brain.
ApprenpIx A. 1. Measurements of Skull. 2. Differences between Euro-
pean and American Beavers considered. 38. Castoreum Organs, and Gen-
erative Organs.
In the study of animals for the purpose of determ-
ining their zoological relations, it has been found
necessary not only to consider their external charac-
teristics, but also to investigate their internal struc-
ture. The distinction of species is often impossible
without the aid of anatomical research. In the case
of the beaver, the closely-allied Huropean and Amer-
ican animals could not be distinguished by anything
in their external conformation. Anatomists resort,
therefore, to a minute investigation of the cranial and
other structures to discover essential points of differ-
For this reason, some account of the anatomy of
the beaver seems appropriate to the present volume,
which, although popular in its character, is sufficiently
comprehensive in its design to admit of the introduc-
tion of the scientific element. A somewhat general
resumé of beaver anatomy has been attempted in order
to give greater completeness to the work. It would
be impossible, in the limits of a chapter, to give all
the details belonging to this subject, which would re-
quire a special treatise. The same objection applies
to frequent references to comparative anatomy. If
the scientific reader requires any other apology for
omissions in the descriptive part, it must be found in
the writer’s desire to avoid compilation, and to give
only the results of personal observation. In a few
points he is at variance with authorities, but not
without due consideration.
The beaver is the largest indigenous rodent in
Kurope, and the largest rodent now living except the
capybara (Hydrochzrus Capybara) of South America.
In the following description I shall refer to three
adult animals, one male and two females, captured
near Lake Superior, in February, March, and April,
1866. Two had lost an arm each from previous cap-
ture, the parts having entirely healed. The meas-
urements here and elsewhere given, unless otherwise
specified, are in inches and hundredths of an inch,
U. S. standard measure. Weights in avoirdupois
pounds and ounces. Sign for inches, ”; for hundredths
of an inch, ”.
W’t 32 lbs. 2916 Ibs. 36 Ibs.
te a mow mom
Length from tip of nose to end of tail..| 42-25 42-25 42:
‘© of scaly portion of tail........... 9°75 10- 10°50
Circumference of head before ears...... 14- 13:
“ behind, eanrs:.....:.scccsess+- 14-50 15-50 14-25
“ behind shoulders......... 20- 19- 21-50
“6 middle of abdomen...... 26-50 24- 27:25
es before 25: 22:50 24-50
6 root of scaly tail.......... if 6: 8:
ut middle of scaly tail...... 8-50 8-75 10-50
The body of the beaver is largest at its centre, and
diminishes in size toward each extremity. The ani-
mal has a ratlike appearance about the head and neck,
and the smallness of the eyes and ears renders its phys-
iognomy dull and uninteresting. The body is covered
with reddish-brown hair of two kinds: the longer coarse
hairs are about 2” in length and 740” in diameter, and
the shorter, which are of a lighter color, and partly
concealed by the former, are about 1” long, and 7730’
in diameter. Both kinds present an imbricate epi-
dermoid structure. The beaver has the peculiar
odor of the castoreum, to be hereafter described. Its
head is rounded, flattened above, and the muzzle is
somewhat prominent. The upper lip is emarginate
to the edge of the incisor gum, where it closely ad-
heres. The lower lip is loose and pendant, so that
the incisor teeth are prominent features. Both lips
are somewhat drawn in behind the incisors, and are
slightly hairy within. From the angle of the mouth
a thin line of hairs extends backward one-fourth of
an inch to a quadrangular patch of thickly set hairs
on the inside of the cheek, 80” in length and 32” in
breadth. From the emarginate upper lip (in one
beaver) the hair extends 66” to the naked muffle,
which is 90” long and 22” broad, covered with rough
black epidermis. In two beavers the naked portion
of the muffle includes the nostrils, and extends in a
narrow line to the edge of the lip. The nostrils are
lateral, hairy, round when expanded, and assume a
sub-triangular or crescentic form, the convexity being
in front. Width between nostrils in one, 75”, in an-
other, 66”; diameter of nostrils, 20”. There are five
rows of bristles, the upper row having but few hairs.
The eyes are small, half an inch in diameter, and are
midway between the nostrils and the ears; diameter
of iris, 8”; length of closed eyelid, 50”. A few bris-
tles over the eyes. The ears are short, very hairy on
both sides, rounded and obtusely pointed. The pos-
terior extremity of the beaver presents a singular
formation. ‘The body diminishes in size gradually
from the hips, and terminates in a flat scaly tail,
which, measured from the sacrum, is about 18” in
length; the first 8” being covered with hair like the
rest of the body. The scaly portion commences ab-
ruptly with a width of about four inches, and termin-
ates with a rounded extremity. The scaly portion
(Plate IL ) is slightly convex above and below, thin at
the margin, and is covered with a black, tough, scaly
epidermis. The scales are somewhat irregular in form
and size, the most usual form being sub-hexagonal,
about 32” in length, and 12” in width. They are
arranged transversely in respect to length, in the so-
called quincunx form, and they diminish in size to-
ward the end of the tail; across the middle of the tail
their number is 19 or 20 above, and 20 or 21 on the
under surface. A few short, broken hairs pass out
between the scales.
It may be observed here that although this struc-
ture is usually described as scaly, it is so only in ap-
pearance. M. Sarrasin’ describes the “scales” as “cou-
chées les unes sur les autres, jointes ensemble par
une pellicule fort délicate, enchassés dans la peau dont
1 Histoire de Académie Royale des Sciences. Année 1704.
Paris, 1745. Lettre de M. Sarrasin, médecin du Roy en Canada,
touchant l’Anatomie du Castor, p. 61.
elles se séparent aisément aprés la mort de l’animal.”
Thin longitudinal and transverse sections exhibit the
true character of this structure. The tail is com-
posed largely of a dense fatty tissue; upon this lies
the derm or skin, 07” in thickness, its outer sur-
face being serrated, with the points of the serratures
toward the end of the tail. Over the serratures is ex-
tended the tough horny epiderm, «3” to yo” in thick-
ness, which is inflected under the serratures, so as to
present the imbricate appearance. The longitudinal
divisions are merely dips or depressions, not imbricate.
Longitudinal section of scaly tail, twice the natural size.
The beaver, being an aquatic as well as a land ani-
mal, presents two types of structure. The arms and
hands are small, are adapted to burrowing, and, being
capable of partial supination, the hands may be used
for holding substances between them. The hind ex-
tremities are strongly developed, and are constructed
after the aquatic type. The feet have been compared
to those of the turtle. Each extremity has five digits.
The back of the hand is thickly covered with short
hairs; the palm is naked, with a tough black epi-
dermis, and two tubercles, one opposite the fifth fin-
ger, the other under the metacarpals of the second,
third, and fourth. The fingers are furnished with
long claws, of which that of the third finger is the
longest, 92” long, and 20” broad. The first finger
(thumb) is shorter than its claw. Next in length is
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the fourth; then the second and the fifth. Between
the third and fourth fingers is a rudimentary web, ex-
tending to the second phalanx, measuring on its edge
60”. The foot is 62 to7” long. The upper surface is
covered with short silky hairs. Below itis naked. At
the base of the first toe isa tubercle. The third toe is
the longest; then in order of length the fourth, second,
fifth, and first. The claws are larger than those of
the hand, the third claw measuring from 87” to 1” 10”
in length, and 34” to 58” in width.
There is an extra flattened claw lying
under the regular claw of the second
toe (Fig. 2). All the toes are connect-
ed, to their extremities, by a firm naked
web or membrane, measuring on its
margin, when the toes are spread, 74
to $2 inches. The beaver has four nipples, two be-
tween the shoulders, 3” apart, and two, 3” farther
back, 4” apart.
Fia. 2.
Inside view of double
The skeleton of the beaver, of which a representa-
tion is given PI. III., affords 273 bones, including the
aural ossicles and excluding the sesamoid bones. Of
these there are 38 of the head, 20 teeth, and 215
bones of the trunk, tail, and extremities. The beaver
has 55 vertebra, viz., cervical, 7; dorsal, 14; lumbar,
5; sacral, confluent, 4; and caudal, 25.
The first and second cervical vertebrz are strong,
the second and third are the smallest. Six have for-
amina for the vertebral artery. The head of the first
rib is articulated between the bodies of the seventh
cervical and the first dorsal. The last four lumbar
vertebre have large transverse processes. The sa-
crum is straight, the first bone being somewhat prom-
inent anteriorly. The caudal vertebrae gradually
diminish in size and lose their vertebral characters.
In the sixth, the posterior lateral articulating surfaces
disappear, and the spinal canal in the tenth becomes
a mere groove. The spinous processes also disappear
in the eighth or ninth. The transverse processes are
long, broad, and toward the end of the tail are bifid
or double. The lateral foramina, which begin in the
sacrum at the posterior edge of the transverse pro-
cesses, continue to the sixth caudal.
The ribs are slender, rounded, in 14 pairs. Seven
are articulated by cartilage with the sternum. The
cartilages of the 8th and 9th are connected with the
costal cartilages. The remaining ribs are tipped with
free cartilage.
The sternum is composed of five narrow slender
bones; the first and fourth are the broadest. The ensi-
form cartilage expands into a broad flat disk. Length
of sternum and ensiform cartilage, 6”. The clavicles
are strong, 2” 16” in length. The scapula is 3” 25”
long, and 1” 50” broad. Its spine is prominent, and
the acromion is 1” 18” in length.
The humerus is 3” long; its body is triangular and
compressed; the tubercle at the head is large; about
the middle of the bone anteriorly is a large tubercle
for the insertion of the deltoid muscle; the lower end
is broad, thin, not perforated; the external condyle
spreads out to a thin convex edge which passes up
the middle of the posterior surface of the bone.
The radius is slender, and lies close to the ulna in
its whole length. The olecranon is 94” long, and the
entire ulna 4” 37”. The hands are small compared
with the feet. In the upper carpal row there are
two bones instead of the usual number of four. In
the second row a crescentic bone connects the thumb
with the lateral part of the head of the adjoining
(first) metacarpal. On the head of this metacarpal
are two smaller bones (trapezoids) overlying each
other, and articulating with the scaphoid of the first
row. On the third metacarpal is a wedge-shaped
bone with the apex toward the scaphoid. Next in
the row is a large bone (os magnum) receiving the
heads of the 4th and 5th metacarpals. The next
bone, occupying the position of the unciform, is large,
and is attached to the ulnar bone of the first row,
and supports the annular ligament. A third plate
bone, connected by hgament with the scaphoid, hes
over the root of the thumb and forms the other at-
tachment of the annular ligament. The phalanges
are normal, the thumb being very small.
The pelvis is long; the lateral bones being 6” 50”
in length, and the ilia having but rudimentary ale.
The ischium and pubis are thin, and their expansion
is effected by the large thyroid foramen, 2” long and
1” broad, which is destitute of ligament. Between
the ischial tuberosities it is 8”; the transverse diameter
of the pelvis is 2”... The greatest depth of the acetab-
ulum is superiorly and anteriorly in the line of the
ilium. There is the usual pit for the round ligament
which is well developed and strong, although R.
Wagner affirms that it does not exist in the mamma-
lia, except in man’ (1. p. 15).
1 Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate
Animals. By Rudolph Wagner. Transl. New York, 1845.
The femur is broad and very strong, 4” 10” in
length. Besides the two trochanters, there is a prom-
inent process on the outer margin, below the middle
of the bone, from which a sharp edge extends above
and below; a deep pit exists on the under side of the
great trochanter.
The tibia is 5” 25” long, triangular above. Its body
is excavated on each side of the posterior angle; be-
low it is rounded, with but small development of the
malleolar process.
The fibula forms a strong outer malleolar process
in close apposition to the astragalus. It is attached
for 1” 25” to the lower end of the tibia, and after the
epiphyses become consolidated the union is by anchy-
losis. The upper end of the fibula lies behind the
tibia, and has a hamular process pointing outwardly
and downward, which gives attachment to a strong
ligament that extends from the lower part of the bone
and passes from the process in question to the femur,
forming an outer lateral ligament to the knee-joint.
The patella is subtriangular in form with the base
The plane of the foot is oblique with respect to the
leg, requiring the feet to approximate to rest on a
level surface. The tarsal bones are 8 in number.
The astragalus requires no particular description.
The calcaneum is flattened obliquely on its upper and
under surfaces, and projects backward 84” It articu-
lates with the astragalus and the cuboid. The sca-
phoid has a neck and a rounded head which is seen
in the bottom of the foot. A nameless bone, subcon-
ical in shape, which is properly an appendage to the
scaphoid, articulates with the astragalus on the inside
of the foot and receives the apex of the first cunei-
form, which is flattened and notched at the distal end
to receive the phalangeal bone of the first toe.
A small cuneiform is articulated with the 2d meta-
tarsal, and a large one with the 3d metatarsal, receiv-
ing also the head of the 4th metatarsal, which is the
largest of its class. A portion of this 4th metatarsal’
is articulated with the cuboid. The 5th metatarsal is
joined to the side of the 4th, and has no connection
with the tarsus. On the tarsal end of the first toe a
movable flat bone is placed, answering by its connec-
tion with muscles, the purposes of a patella.
The peculiarities of the tarsal articulation are: the
supplementary scaphoid bone, the form and _ position
of the Ist cuneiform, and the connections of the 4th
and oth metatarsals.
The sesamoid bones are found as usual. The pha-
langes present nothing remarkable. The terminal
ones, to which the claws are attached, are furnished
with a bony process to support the claw. The first
toe is smallest and shortest, then the 5th and the 2d;
tbe 3d and 4th are about equal in length. The claws
of the Ist and 2d are placed obliquely, being turned
inward, so that their points are not worn; the others
become blunt and rounded at their extremities. The
second toe has an extra claw growing from the skin
and partly covered by the regular claw; it is flattened
laterally and has a sharp edge above and a point.
The claws of the fingers are about as long as those
of the toes, but are much narrower and more pointed.
The Ist finger is shorter than the 5th; then the 2d,
the 4th, and the 3d.
The hyoid bone forms a semicircle and has an an-
terior projection.
The skull of the beaver exceeds that of other ro-
dents in solidity and strength. It is much elongated,
its length being more than twice and a half its height.
Its upper line is nearly plane; a parallel line below
touches the condyle, the palatal bone, and the point of
the incisive septum. The principal surface of the
occipital bone is vertical to’ this line. The molars
occupy the middle of the skull, being separated by an
arched space from the incisors. Viewed from above,
the skull presents quite a different outline, the width
being about two-fifths of the length. These propor-
tions are shown in the lateral and the top views of the
skull (Plate IV.).
The nasal bones occupy one-third of the length of
the skull; are broadest anteriorly, and at their junc-
tion in front form an obtuse point. Their outer
margin is a convex curve, where they are joined to
the intermaxillaries. Their posterior extremities and
those of the intermaxillaries join the frontal on a line
with the anterior orbital tubercles of that bone. The
intermaxillaries are very strong. A nearly vertical
suture connects them with the superior maxillary; a
little more than half of the sheath of the incisors is
formed by them. The lateral and lower part of the
nasal opening in front, which has the form of the
1 References to figures of the skull, Plates [V. and V.:
1. Nasal bone. - 6. Occipital. 11. Lachrymal.
2. Intermaxillary. 7. Temporal. 12. Palatal.
3. Frontal. 8. Malar. 13. Pre-sphenoid.
4. Parietal. 9. Tympanic. 14, Post-sphenoid.
5. Interparietal. 10. Superior maxillary. 15. Ethmoid.
Plate IV
from a Phaiog »
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TOP VIEW OF SKULL. % nat size.
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letter V, is formed by them. The frontal bone is
flattened above. The two bones are early united,
and in the adult present only the trace of a suture.
The frontal is broadest anteriorly, spreading out to
form the anterior orbital processes. From a rounded
margin the orbital plate descends nearly vertically
into the socket. This margin is a little prominent
posteriorly, forming a smaller process. From this
point the bone is wedge-form, passing backward
between the parietals. In the orbital cavity the
frontal joins the lachrymal, the superior maxillary
and the ala of the pre-sphenoid. The lachrymal is
triangular above, wedged in between the frontal and
malar; it forms part of the inner anterior portion of
the orbit. The parietal bones are about half the
length of the skull. They are united in their middle
third by suture, being separated anteriorly by the
frontal bone, and behind by the interparietal; they
extend back to the occipital and join the temporals
by a longitudinal suture. Their anterior margin in
the temporal fossze is inflected, roughened, forming a
erest which extends on the temporal to the zygomatic
process; in the fosse they join the alex of both sphe-
noids; posteriorly and laterally their pointed extremi-
ties extend a short distance behind the temporals.
The interparietal bone is triangular, but very variable
in its form in different skulls. In young subjects it is
in two portions, divided by the sagittal suture; in old
skulls the place of the suture is occupied by a sharp
crest. The base of this bone joins the occipital. The
temporal bones are lateral. The zygomatic process
extends downward and outward, in a flattened form,
to constitute the roof of the glenoid cavity; then
curves forward to unite with the malar—posteriorly a
hooked process of the temporal winds around the
back part of the auditory tube to the base of the mas-
toid process. Anteriorly and inferiorly it joims the
ala of the post-sphenoid, and posteriorly it embraces
the tympanic bone; the sutures of this bone are squa-
mous. The glenoid cavity is a flattened groove of
greater width than length, its outer margin formed
by the abrupt termination of the malar, the inner
boundary being the vertical portion of the temporal;
the lower jaw moves freely, in a longitudinal direc-
tion, back into the space between the glenoid groove
and the auditory tube.
The vertical portion of the occipital bone is much
roughened for muscular attachment. Its upper mar-
gin is a sharp ridge, in front of which is the trans-
verse suture. In young subjects the ridge is wanting.
The occipital foramen is subtriangular or rounded—
broader than its height. The condyles look down-
ward, outward, and backward. The basilar portion
lies between the tympanic bones, and is united in front
by ligament to the post-sphenoid. An oblong, deep
cavity in the basilar portion renders this bone very
thin. The mastoid processes of the occipital are
lateral to the condyles. In young subjects the bone
consists of four portions, viz.: the upper squamous
portion, the basilar portion, and the two lateral or
condyloid portions.
The tympanic bone is very irregular in shape. It
forms a small part of the vertical extremity of the
skull, and its mastoid process joins that of the occipi-
tal. The bulla is thick and prominent. From the
posterior part of the auditory tube, a sharp prominent
crest extends downward to the bottom of the bulla—
a long, rough process at the base connects it with the
basilar process and the post-sphenoid—it is separated
from the ala of the sphenoid by a large fissure—the
foramen lacenum basis cranil. The auditory canal is
prominent, extending upward, outward, and forward.
The styloid bone les in a groove of the bulla, at-
tached by a ligament. The foramen for the Eustachian
tube is a little above the junction of the long process
of the sphenoid with this bone. The petrous portion
has an uneven surface within. Above the internal
auditory foramen is a pit which receives a process of
the cerebellum, in the margin of which is a semicir-
cular canal. The malar bones are long inferiorly.
The ascending portion in front is firmly united with
the transverse plate of the superior maxillary, the
edge of which is seen in front of the malar. Above,
the malar forms the outer third of the orbit—forming
a process from which a ligament extends to the frontal
to complete the orbital opening, separating the orbit
from the temporal fossa—this large fossa is bounded
laterally and posteriorly by the malar, temporal, and
parietal bones.
The superior maxillary bone extends from the pos-
terior line of the molars to the interparietal, and forms
about half the arch between the incisors and the
molars—and less than half the sheath of the incisors.
The transverse malar plate commences at the back
part of the first molar, extends outwardly to the an-
terior inferior angle of the malar, forming, as seen
from in front, a broad arch. In front of the first
molar, a ridge commences, becoming more prominent,
and passing upward, parallel with the malar plate,
crosses the suture, and is lost in the intermaxillary.
The ante-orbital foramen is concealed from lateral
view by the most prominent part of this ridge. The
s. maxillary forms part of the orbit anteriorly. The
alveolar part of this bone is more prominent on the
* outer surface—posteriorly it is supported by the
pterygoid bone, and the triangular palatal bone enters
as a wedge from behind as far as between the second
and third molars. The outer alveolar surface has a
sharp slope toward the middle portion of the skull,
where it joins the perforated body of the pre-sphenoid.
In young subjects, before dentition is complete, the
upper alveolar part is bulbous and prominent. In the
orbit the maxillary touches the frontal. The palatal
bone is somewhat cribriform—a ridge, commencing
with a point of bone, extends from its base, and is
continued along the maxillary, forming the posterior
half of the septum of the incisive foramina. The pos-
terior naris is nearly circular—the ascending portion
of the palatal supports above the two sphenoid bodies.
The sphenoid bones are distinct, and about equal
in length. The outer pterygoid process is short,
strong, and divergent—the inner is long, and curves
backward so as to touch a process of the tympanic
bone, forming thus an oval lateral opening. Where
the sphenoidal bodies join, by their side, is the large
sphenoidal fissure, corresponding to the oval and
round foramina—the small optic foramen is seen by
the side of the pre-sphenoid.
Brandt! describes but one sphenoidal wing in the
1 Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint
Pétersbourg. Sciences Naturelles, tome vii., 1855. Beitrige
zur naihern kentniss der gattung Castor, etc. J. F. Brandt.
Plate V
Nat size
temporal fossa. Although the sutures of the beaver’s
skull become consolidated early, and are sometimes
made out with difficulty, the two sphenoidal wings
can be traced in many skulls. In a young skull,
after the temporal and parietal are removed, the
broad squamous suture which connects the two wings
can be opened. Cuvier says: “Le sphenoide pos-
térieur touche un peu dans le tempe au frontal” T.
R. Jones, art. Rodentia in Cyc. of Anat. and Phys.,?
adopts Cuvier’s description of the sphenoids. In
forming the suture, the wing of the post-sphenoid is
anterior, but the other wing rises higher to join the
frontal—the suture of the frontal passes back some
distance under the parietal, but not far enough to
touch the posterior wing, although they are closely
approximated. In this instance, then, the statement
of Cuvier is not confirmed.
The ethmoid bone has a cribriform body in. the an-
terior part of the cavity that lodges the olfactory lobe.
It has also a vertical plate and three sets of cells on
each side, of which a representation is given (Plate V.);
the vertical plate has been removed to show the cells
entire. A turbinated bone in each nostril is attached
by its base to the sheath of the incisor. It is formed
of six or seven thin lamina of bone proceeding from
its base and dichotomously subdividing and convolu-
ting. This bone has been removed in Plate V. to show
the sheath of the incisor. The vomer is represented
in the same figure by the lower dotted lines. There
? Lecons d’Anatomie Comparée de Georges Cuvier, etc. Seconde
édition. Paris, 1835 to 1846.
> The Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, by R. B.Todd.
is also attached to the under surface of each nasal a
long curved bone overlapping the-turbinate, and serv-
ing to retain it in its position.
In addition to the ridges or crests which have been
described, there are the parietal crests; these start
from the interparietal crest, and, diverging, terminate
at the junction of the temporals and frontal. Their
usual form is represented in the top view of the skull,
but it is subject to much variation. There is a straight
glenoid crest at the junction of the temporal and
sphenoid. The top of the hook process of the jugular
bone forms a crest continuous with the sharp upper
edge of the malar. Delicate ridges extend from the
outer margins of the incisive foramina to the front
edge of the alveolar processes, and from the temporal
jugular process a crest extends backward toward the
posterior point of the parietal.
The incisive foramina are in the intermaxillaries
midway between the incisors and the molars. The
spheno-palatine foramen’ is just behind the orbital
opening of the ante-orbital foramen, and opens into
the nostril at the junction of the ethmoid and the
s. maxillary. The small optic foramen is in the ala
of the pre-sphenoid above the transverse opening in
the body of the bone. The pterygo-palatine’ is lower
than the optic, and opens in the anterior part of the
palatal bone. The external pterygoid plate is pierced
with a large foramen which communicates with the
sphenoidal fissure by what Cuvier calls the Vidian
canal. The condyloid foramina are in front of the
1 These foramina are named from analogy, the first is entirely
in the maxillary, and the second in the maxillary and the palatal.
condyles opposite their middle. The lateral foramina
in the vertical portion of the occipital are closed in
the recent subject by membrane.
Wormian bones are occasionally but not commonly
found in the sutures. Sometimes a rounded mass of
bone is imbedded in the larger mastoid process.’
The lower jaw is very massive (Plate V.). The two
parts are joined in front by a long and broad sym-
physis, forming below a pointed process. Its poste-
rior angle is flattened into a broad process, hollowed
within and tipped with a broad long crest—this part
extends farther back than the condyle—at the root
of the condyle on the outer side is a depression;
above this the coronoid process arises and is pointed
backward. The anterior line of the process passes
downward and forward, the crest terminating at the
extremity of the root of the first molar. The con-
dyle is quadrangular, rounded, and is nearer the coro-
noid process than the posterior crest. The foramina
for the nutrient vessels, etc. is behind the molars and
higher than their crown surfaces; the mental foramen
is below the anterior face of the first molar.
The character of the Rodentia as a natural order
is made to depend upon a peculiar kind of cutting or
incisive teeth, which are separated from the grinding
or molar teeth by an empty space, the canine teeth
being wanting. The teeth of animals bear a defin-
ite relation to their mode of subsistence, and from
* For measurements of the skull, and differences in the European
and the American beaver, see Appendix A.
their correspondence with other structures of the
body, the comparative anatomist is able to determine,
by an inspection of these organs alone, the kind of
animal to which they belong. The rodents gener-
ally derive their food from the vegetable kingdom.
Before describing the teeth of the beaver, we may
premise for the general reader a few facts in relation
to the dental organs. Mammalian teeth are composed
of substances essentially resembling bone, of which
three kinds are usually present, viz.: the external
hard covering or enamel; dentine, which forms the
body of the tooth; and cementum, or crusta petrosa,
which is deposited on the surface, and usually on the
dentine of the root. The divisions of a tooth are the
crown, or portion above the gum; the root, or part
inclosed in the socket; and the neck, or point of
junction between the crown and the root. ‘There are
three kinds of teeth: the front, or incisive; the back,
or molar; and the canine, or intermediate teeth, whose
development is a striking feature in the jaws of the
Carnivora. These are wanting in the Rodentia, and
in the Edentata the incisive teeth are wanting. Some
teeth are permanent, while others are deciduous, the
so-called milk teeth, whose places are supplied by
those of the permanent class. In some cases, teeth,
when once formed, are unchangeable in their-develop-
ment or growth, and are therefore called “rooted”
teeth. In other instances the teeth are so constituted
that they grow continually as they are worn by use,
and are called “rootless” teeth. Rootless teeth are
generally cylindric or prismatic, with an expanded
open cavity, containing a pulp organ capable of sup-
plying an unlimited growth, while the rooted tooth,
when once fully formed, is unchangeable, and the root
serves merely as a support for the crown. The beaver
has 20 teeth, viz., 2 incisors and 8 molars in each
jaw. The anterior molars, 4 in all, are deciduous;
the crowns of these teeth resemble the permanent
ones; the upper have three divergent roots and the
lower two. They are gradually protruded from their
sockets by the permanent teeth rising beneath them.
Whether the cutting teeth of the beaver should be
regarded as canine teeth rather than as incisors, has
been questioned, inasmuch as they extend back into
the superior maxillary bone. Itis generally held that
this relation is only to accommodate their great
length, and that their uses and connection with the
intermaxillaries are sufficient to sustain the ordinary
view. The incisors of the beaver are nearly triangu-
lar, and extend far into the jaw, with a circular
curve, the upper forming more, and the lower less
than half the circumference of a circle, the radius of
the curve in the upper being one inch, in the lower
1”75”. They are composed chiefly of dentine, having
a thin layer of orange-colored enamel on their ante-
rior surface and angles. The upper incisors are con-
tained in a sheath which projects into the nasal cav-
ity, the end of the tooth being separated by a thin
vertical plate of bone from the first molar. The
lower incisors pass under the roots of the molars to a
point behind them and below the posterior foramina.
The dentine of the incisors, being softer than the
enamel, wears away and gives to the end of the tooth
a beveled or chisel form, with a sharp anterior edge
of enamel, so that they are called scalpriform teeth.
The portion of the tooth inclosed in the socket has
a conical cavity, filled with the pulp organ, which
forms successive layers of dentine so that the tooth
continues to grow as fast as it is worn away. As it
sometimes happens that a tooth of this kind is broken
off, the opposite tooth has been found to grow until
its outward projection constituted nearly a circle.
The incisors, it need hardly be said, are, according to
the definition, “rootless” teeth. The molars are
firmly and compactly set in the jaws. The upper
set are supported on their outer edge by a firm alve-
olar ridge, but on the inside their sockets are shallow.
The lower set are more deeply and strongly implanted
in the jaw. The first molars are largest and longest,
and the last are the
Sa smallest, and project
but little from the jaw.
The inner surface of
the upper molars has
one deep longitudinal
groove extending to
the end of the tooth, and the outer surface three
grooves. These are similar, but reversed in the lower
tooth. The surface of the crown is marked by a
complicated folding of enamel, of which a diagram is
given (Fig. 3).
The dentine between the layers of enamel is worn
so as to leave the latter in ridges. Each molar is
curved so as to present two concave surfaces. The
upper set curve backward and outward; the lower set
forward and inward. The surface line of the upper
set is slightly convex, that of the lower is concave.
Their surfaces are thus brought into apposition, and
the bearing of the teeth in the sockets is effected
Leftupper molar, Left under molar,
outside. outside.
without undue pressure on their extremities. The
curves are rendered necessary also by the position of
the teeth in the jaws; the distance between the upper
molars, from side to side, being less than that of the
lower. The lower set are also longer antero-poste-
riorly by half the length of the crown of a tooth than
the upper.set. The cementum is found on the out-
side of the teeth and in the spaces where there are
inflections of enamel; but where dentine is opposed to
dentine it is not deposited in layers; and, if at all,
only in a granular form. The question arises whether
the molars, like the incisors, belong to the rootless
class of teeth. In Prof. Baird’s elaborate Report on
Mammals,’ the sub-family Castorine, embracing the
genera Castor, Aplodontia, and Castoroides, is defined
as having “rootless molars.” Brandt (op. cit., p. 301)
defines the family Castoroides—genus Castor—as hav-
ing “molares radicati’—rooted molars. If we exam-
ine the molars of the beaver in the young skull, in
their immature condition (Fig. 4), they are found to be
prismatic; their extremities in the jaws are expanded,
and present all the inflections of enamel
seen on the crown surface. In this,
their primitive condition, they grow as
do other rootless teeth, until the jaws
have attained their development. The
tooth then becomes rooted (Fig. 5) and
incapable of further growth—the pulp
cavity contracts, the opening becomes
lateral, and is sometimes entirely closed;
Section of ‘‘root-
less’? molar.
* General Report upon the Zoology of the several Pacifie Rail-
road Routes, vol. viii; Mammals. By Spencer F. Baird. Wash-
ington, D. C., 1857.
the pulp organ is atrophied; the tooth is smaller within
than without the socket. In a sec-
NATE: tion of the tooth the tips of the enamel
inflections are seen of different lengths,
as they have become gradually closed.
Corresponding changes have taken place
in the sockets; their bulbous projec-
tions in the upper jaw being no longer
visible. While, therefore, the molars
of the beaver are both rootless and
rooted: at different stages in the growth
of the animal, the latter is the characteristic of its
mature condition.
Section of ‘‘root-
ed”’ molar,
It would exceed our limits to enumerate the mus-
cles of the beaver. Their specification is the less ne-
cessary as the muscles of the mammalia present few
important variations from the human standard., They
may, however, be so modified in connection with par-
ticular functions as to merit notice, and for this rea-
son we shall allude briefly to the muscles of mastica-
tion. The power required for cutting and grinding
hard ligneous substances is supplied in the beaver by
the development of the masseter muscle. This mus-
cle arises from the whole length of the lower part of
the malar bone, and is inserted into the crest of the
lower jaw, and side of the jaw to the anterior end
of the crest. It is strengthened by tendinous fibres
passing from the root of the crest into the body of the
muscle. At the junction of the superior maxillary
and malar inferiorly a tendon runs forward to the
process covering the ante-orbital foramen. The inner
part of the masseter arises further forward by muscle,
and still further by tendon, as far as between the Ist
and 2d molar, and is inserted into the whole space of
the maxillary before the transverse plate, into the an-
terior surface of this plate, and its lower arched edge.
By means of its anterior tendon, the muscle of one
side acting, turns the jaw laterally to the opposite
side; while the double action of this part of the mus-
cle brings the condyle forward and fixes it in the
glenoid cavity for cutting operations. The cutting
and grinding power of this muscle must be very great.
The temporal muscle arises from the crest on the
temporal bone as far back as the occipital crest, and
from the parietal bone; also from a tendinous expan-
sion extending from the malar te the top of the skull,
and from the internal surface of the malar; and is in-
serted into the coronoid process of the lower jaw.
The pterygoid muscles require no particular descrip-
tion. The digastric muscles are large, and fill the
space anteriorly between the lateral parts of the jaw.
Their tendon in front of the hyoid bone is connected
with the mylo-hyoid. Posteriorly they are smaller
and are inserted at the base of the mastoid process.
The tail has free motion laterally; also by exten-
sion and flexion, particularly the latter. An upper
lateral muscle connected with the transverse processes
of the bones joins the gluteal. Another lateral mus-
cle extends from the side of the tail to the tuberosity
and ramus of the ischium. The flexors and exten.
sors arise from the corresponding surfaces of the sa-
crum, and are each in two layers. The flexors are —
the stronger muscles; they extend to the commence-
ment of the scaly portion of the tail, and send great
numbers of tendons to the different bones and their
The beaver presents many peculiarities of internal
structure; indeed, as a whole, it is a unique animal;
one that has hitherto baffled the skill of naturalists to
classify it.
The cavity of the mouth is small, and destitute of
cheek pouches; the tongue is long and fleshy, and has
a pointed elevation between the molars. The palate
has a longitudinal ridge extending back from the in-
cisors to four transverse ridges. The epiglottis is
leaf-like and pointed, and the larynx is short.
It is generally supposed that the rodent, in grind-
ing its food, is confined to the longitudinal motion of
the jaws. This is inferred from the form of the gle-
noid cavities, and the condyles; and the motion in
question has been adopted as a distinctive mark ‘of
the rodent family. Waterhouse’ affirms that the ro-
dents possess “very little lateral motion to the jaw,
which, however, moves freely in the longitudinal di-
rection.” At the same time he admits that the mo-
tion in the hares is chiefly lateral, inasmuch as the
crowns of their ntolars are never worn flat.
That the articulation of the beaver jaw admits of
free lateral motion is easily demonstrated in the recent
subject. Neither the ligaments nor the bony struc-
tures afford. any impediment, while the flattened
crowns of the molars, and the muscular provisions
1 A Natural History of the Mammalia, by G. R. Waterhouse,
vol. ii. Rodentia. London, 1848.
would lead to the conclusion that both longitudinal
and lateral motions were concerned in the grinding
Fra. 6.
Stomach of beaver, inside view. One-quarter natural size.
The insalivation of the dry food of the beaver is
provided for by the extraordinary development of
the salivary glands. The parotid and submaxillary
glands, united, are very large, and cover the front
and sides of the neck. The cesophageal membrane
is white, thick, and loosely attached to the muscular
coat. Where it enters the stomach it has a free
fringed margin. The stomach is one of the most
peculiar organs of the beaver; it is 10” in length and
4” in width, and when filled appears constricted in
its middle portion. This is not unusual in the ro-
dents, but in the beaver the structure is peculiar. At
the cardiac orifice is a gland, or aggregation of folli-
cles, through the margin of which the cesophagus
passes. ‘This gland is half an inch in thickness and
3 inches in diameter. It is composed of compound
follicles, which open by 15 or 20 orifices in parallel
rows. When the stomach is distended with air,
the gland is also inflated, and shows large cells and
numerous septa. The constricted appearance of the
stomach is due to a triangular valve or septum pro-
jecting into its cavity. The upper part of the stom-
ach is doubled in, so that a triangular muscle ex-
tends across its cavity, its free margin measuring 2”,
thus partially dividing the cavity into two portions.
A section of the stomach is represented in Fig. 6,
showing the triangular muscle and the gland. The
pylorus is muscular, and the orifice much smaller than
the duodenum. The intestine is twice the diameter
of the pylorus, and is doubled back upon the stomach.
In northern regions, and in winter, the beaver must
subsist either on wood or bark. The latter is com-
paratively innutritious. Besides, it would involve a
vast amount of labor on the part of the animal to
provide a winter stock of bark, which must be trans-
ported, together with its wood, to be submerged for
future use. The proportion of bark to wood, of the
kinds used by the beaver, is from 75 to ¢. This ques-
tion is settled by examining the aliment actually con-
sumed by the animal. The stomach has been found
distended with finely comminuted woody fibre, and
the same material was foundin the colon. In another
case the contents of the stomach, partly filled, were
the same, weighing 1 lb. 3 oz. The masses in the
colon were of the same character. If bark were in-
gested with the wood it must have been in small
quantity. The conclusion, therefore, is that the
beaver derives its nutriment from the vegetable gum,
sugar, and albumen contained in the alburnum or
sap-wood, when it cannot obtain succulent roots and
The length and size of the intestines in animals are
proportionate to the nature and nutritious qualities of
their food. In the carnivora, the intestinal canal is
shorter and less complicated than in the herbivora.
In the beaver, the length of the small intestines
averages 25 feet. They are destitute of valvulz
conniventes, which are confined to man,’ but the vil-
lous coat is well developed. Sixteen patches of
Peyer’s glands were counted in one subject. The
pancreas is long and delicate. Its duct enters the in-
testine 25” from the pyloric orifice, while that of the
gall-bladder enters but 4” from the pylorus.
The extremity of the small intestine projects a
little into the colon, and the orifice is circular.
Between the colon and csecum is a circular band of
muscular fibres acting both as a constrictor and a
valve. The cecum is larger than the stomach.
Its capacity when filled with water is 5 pints and
3 gills, and that of the stomach is 3 pints and 1
gill. The cecum is on a line with the colon for 7” or
8”, it then forms an angle, and gradually diminishes
in size to its extremity. In shape it resembles a
1 “Tt is remarkable that these folds (valvule conniventes) are
peculiar to the human subject. No other animal, so far as we know,
exhibits any arrangement of transverse folds of the intestinal mu-
cous membrane resembling them.”—‘‘ The Physiological Anatomy
and Physiology of Man. By Todd and Bowman.” Phila. ed.,
p. 574.
Nore.—In the stomach of the beaver I have found a very fine
filamentous worm, 40/’’ in length, species unknown. Large num-
bers of a long, slender white worm, 3/’ to 5/’ in length, were
found in the peritoneal cavity (Filaria, species not known), also in
the colon, and especially in the cecum, sclerostema, male and
female, species not known, and the amphistoma subtriquetrum.
sickle. The follicular cavities in the cecum and
colon, surrounded by columnar epithelium, give to the
surface a warty appearance. The reticulated or cel-
lular appearance of the colon is similar to what is
usually seen in this portion of the intestine.
Fig. 7.
Czcum of beaver. One-sixth natural size.
The greatest width of the cecum is 4”, and its
length, measured on its outer surface, is 2 feet 6’.
The colon, measured from the circular band to the
rectum, is 7 feet 6”. Atits commencement there
are two longitudinal bands, forming numerous folds
and sacculi; after continuing 7’, a third band starts
at an acute angle and continues 25’, terminating as
it began. The colon then diminishes in size, and in
place of cells is alternately expanded and contracted
to adapt itself to its contents.
The liver is long, flattened, with two principal
lobes, two smaller ones, and several fissures. It is
hardly necessary to say that glucose is obtained from
it. The spleen is small, long and linear in form. In
one animal it was 32” in length, in another, 42”, with
an average width of 40”. Weight of the largest spleen,
110 grains.
The right lung has two lobes, one of them bifid.
The left lung has four lobes. The supra-renal cap-
sules in the rodents are relatively large. The kid-
neys present nothing remarkable. Weight of one
kidney 640 grains. The heart weighs 714 grains,
and resembles the human in its cavities, valves, ves-
sels, etc. In one beaver a large calcareous deposit ex-
isted above the aortic valves. In another there was
incipient atheroma in patches in the same situation.
M. Sarrasin, in his account of the beaver, describing
the heart, says the right auricle being smaller than the
left, the right ventricle is filled by the conjoint action
of the auricle and the vena cava inferior; the latter
being at this point considerably expanded. The venous
sac, he adds, is narrower by the side of the liver where
it is closed by three valves, like the sigmoidal, which
prevent the reflux of the blood during the act in
question. M. Sarrasin’s account of the beaver is so
generally correct that his misconception on this point
is the more remarkable. It is well known that in
diving animals, whether birds or mammals, a provi-
sion exists in the venous system against the evils of
suspended respiration. R. Knox, Esq., claims to have
first noticed it in the case of the beaver. His account
is contained in the Memoirs of the Wernerian So-
ciety, vol. iv., part i1., 1823. This provision consists
in an enlargement of the inferior vena cava as it
passes through the fissure of the liver, constituting a
sinus in which a considerable quantity of blood may
be temporarily arrested.
In the beaver the inferior cava begins to enlarge
opposite the kidney. The largest part of the sinus is
where it receives the hepatic veins. After passing
through the diaphragm it contracts to its original size.
The four hepatic veins are also capable of containing
a large quantity of blood, the largest readily admit-
ting the adult fore finger. On opening the vena cava
in its length, its linear width, opposite the kidney, is
two inches; in the hepatic fissure it is three inches;
and before reaching the right auricle it is two inches.
The capacity of the venous sinus is not fully indi-
cated by these measurements, as the vein probably
yields to distention. The “sigmoid valves,” described
by M. Sarrasin, are merely the openings of the three
hepatic veins seen from above. The blood corpuscles
of the beaver measure zs00” In diameter. The mean
of 24 rodents, as given in Gerber’s Anatomy, 1s 3757”.
The eye of the beaver is small. The optic nerve is
but 5” in diameter. In decussating within the skull
the nerve of the right side passes under the left. The
reputed sagacity of the beaver is not accounted for
by the size or development of the brain. The impla-
cental mammals (marsupials and monotremes) are
the lowest of the mammiferous class, according to
Prof. R. Owen; their brains resembling those of birds,
in the absence of the great commissure, or corpus
callosum. The brains of rodents are a step in ad-
vance. The beaver brain is entirely smooth on the
surface, and, although the cerebellum is uncovered,
the posterior development is greater than in the mar-
supials. The olfactory lobe is large. The optic lobes
are covered. Width of cerebral hemisphere, 83”; of
corpus callosum, 60”; length of brain before removal,
1” 80”. Weight of cerebrum, 336 ers.; of cerebellum,
68 grs.; of medulla and peduncles, 69 grs.; total of
encephalon, 473 grs. The proportion of the marsu-
pial brain to the body in three animals, as stated by
Prof. Owen, is 1 to 520, 1 to 600, and 1 to 614. In
the beaver it is 1 to 532. The average of the mam-
malia, according to Leuret, is 1 to 186; of birds, 1 to
212. In man it is 1 to 36.
Norr.—For description of the castoreum and generative organs
of the beaver, see Appendix A, Note 3.
Remarkable Beaver District—Number of Beaver Dams—Other Works—
Character of the Region—Beavers now Abundant—Map of Area—Object
of Dams—Their Great Age—Of Two Kinds — Interlaced Stick-Dam—
Solid Bank Dam—Great Beaver Dam at Grass Lake—Its Dimensions—
Surrounding Landscape—Mode of Construction—Lower Face—Water
Face—Great Curve—Mode of discharging Surplus Water—Artistic Ap-
pearance of this Dam—Necessity for Continuous Repairs—Measurements
—Cubic Contents—Photograph—Manner of taking same—Relation of
Dam below—Same of one above—Manner of Repairing Dams.
THE particular beaver district which I have selected
for presentation is situated upon the summit level of
the coast range of hills that skirt the southwest shore
of Lake Superior, immediately west of Marquette.
It is the district shown upon the map. In length,
from east to west, it is eight miles, and six miles
broad, from north to south. This area is traversed by
a small stream, known as Carp River, which empties
into Lake Superior, and also by the Ely Branch of
the Esconauba! River, which rises in this area and
flows southward into Lake Michigan. It is, therefore,
seen to embrace a portion of the dividing ridge that
separates the drainage of the two great lakes, with
slopes in both directions. Within this district are
situated the three remarkable hills of rock iron ore,
now so well known throughout the country as the
Jackson, Cleveland, and Lake.Superior Iron Mines,
1 Ish-ko-nau-ba, .
besides several other iron locations of great value.
These are but the commencement of those vast ferru-
ginous deposits which distinguish this portion of
Upper Michigan over all other parts of the United
States... Lake Angeline, situated upon the summit
level of the coast range, is 850 feet above the level of
Lake Superior, from which it is distant about sixteen
miles. From the number of small lakes in this in-
considerable area, from the hills and lowlands into
which it is broken up, and from the number of small
streams to which they give rise, it is well watered,
and therefore extremely well adapted to beaver occu-
pation. There are other districts of the same extent,
in its immediate vicinity, particularly around Lake
Michigame,’ and upon the main branch of the Esco-
nauba, scarcely inferior to it in the number of beaver
dams and other erections which they contain; but the
one selected is sufficiently furnished in these respects
to yield ample materials for the illustration of the
works of the beaver. Since it is a material part of
1 The great richness of this ore is shown by the following
analysis :
WAT OMiscoseecse cs eceeesciccsescassy 70:22 Or Peroxide of Iron....... 90°58
OSA Eile spococnonqgegascboore: 29:53 ‘* Magnetic Oxide........ Siete)
Pn SOlitpley ccs seeccsgcccae ese 20 Gee Silie deta cse coscessecoaces 20
99°55 99-55
Foster and Whitney’s Report, Geology Lake Superior Land
District. Executive Doc., No. 4 (Senate), 1851, p. 74.
2 Ma-she-ga'-me, large lake. The Ojibwas classify lakes into
three kinds: Sé-gd-é’-gdé, small lake; Md-she-gii’-me, large lake;
and Git-ché-ga’-me, great lake. The last is applied to the “great
lakes” indiscriminately, and to the ocean.
my plan to show how completely they occupy a given
district, as their numbers increase, as well as the rela-
tions of their dams and other erections to each other,
I have explored the area covered by the map with
more thoroughness than any other, in order, as far as
possible, to exhibit all of their works within its limits.
Undoubtedly many of the lesser have escaped observa-
tion, but the principal and most important have been
found. There are within this area sixty-three beaver
dams, without reckoning the smallest, from those
which are fifty feet in length, and forming ponds cov-
ing a quarter of an acre of land, to those which are
three hundred and five hundred feet in length, with
ponds covering from twenty to sixty acres of land.
It also contains many acres of beaver meadows, many
lodges, burrows, and artificial canals.
A dense forest overspreads the land, with the ex-
ception of the beaver meadows and the clearings
made near the mines. Upon the margins of the
principal streams the prevailing trees are the tam-
arack and the spruce; upon the first rising ground,
back of these, we find the white and yellow birch,
the soft and bird’s-eye maple, the poplar and the ash;
and upon the hills the sugar maple, the oak, and sev-
eral species of pine. Among the bushes are the wil-
low, the alder, and the cranberry. In this area,
therefore, are assembled all the elements tending to
form an inviting beaver district; namely, numerous
small rivulets flowing through hard wood lands, upon
the bark of the trees of which they depend. chiefly
for subsistence; and shallow, sluggish rivers, suff-
ciently narrow between their banks to be traversed
by dams, and having deciduous trees adjacent, and
reachable by means of artificial canals cut through
the lowlands and filled with water from the ponds.
With the exception of Marquette, and a small set-
tlement at the mouth of the Chocolate River, and
with the further exception of several settlements upon
the lines of the Marquette and Ontonagon, and the
Peninsular Railroads, the entire region from Keweenaw
Bay of Lake Superior to Green Bay of Lake Michigan,
is still an unbroken and an uninhabited wilderness.
Prior to the discovery of the iron deposits in this dis-
trict, about the year 1846, it had scarcely been trav-
ersed except by the trapper, the surveyor, and the
Ojibwa Indians, the latter of whom possessed the
country as a part of their hereditary domain. From
the dense undergrowth of the forest, from the swampy
character of a large portion of the lands, and from
the numerous windfalls, extending in some places for
miles, it is even now extremely difficult to traverse
this region in any direction except upon Indian trails;
and no one but an experienced woodman can safely
undertake an expedition into this wilderness for any
considerable distance. Throughout this entire area
beavers are now abundant, and for the most part un-
disturbed in their habitations. Their works meet the
eye at almost every point on the numerous streams
with which it is covered as with a net-work; and they
afford to the observer the additional advantage of
being in a perfect condition as well as in actual use.
Each dam is not only complete in itself, but there is
‘a series of these dams, one above the other, on the
same stream, so located as not to interfere with each
other, and constructed so near together that the lower
one of two usually sets back its pond quite near to
that immediately above. In this manner every por-
tion of a stream is appropriated by them for the pur-
poses of habitation.
The accompanying map, which embraces but a
fragment of the area described, was drawn by. Mr.
L. K. Dorrance, chief engineer, and afterwards revised
by William H. Steele, Esq., assistant engineer of the
Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad, from materials
furnished by the author. Hach section delineated is
a mile square, the sections corresponding with those
upon the official United States Township maps. With
this integer of measurement, the distances between
the several dams and the size of the several ponds
can be readily ascertained as well as the actual lo-
cation of each. The size of some of the ponds may
be somewhat exaggerated, but the map is substan-
tially accurate. For convenience of reference the
dams are numbered consecutively. The sites of a
large number of lodges, the location of the principal
beaver meadows, and of several beaver canals are also
indicated on the map.
The dam' is the principal structure of the beaver.
It is also the most important of his erections as it 1s
the most extensive, and because its production and
preservation could only be accomplished by patient
and long-continued labor. In point of time, also, it
precedes the lodge, since the floor of the latter and
the entrances to its chamber are constructed with
reference to the level of the water in the pond. The
object of the dam is the formation of an artificials
pond, the principal use of which is the refuge it affords
1 Q-ko’-min, beaver dam.
Township 48 NV Range 2¢ W
Township 47 NRange 27 We
New England mine
mY me
—_ dron meinen =
eming DCT ANN coal
ual roe
Draws vy
; JV
| W958
|| Represents Beaver Dams
Beave Lodges
Beaver Meadows
LKDorvance &EWillianA Steele Civil Engineers
Te |
to them when assailed, and the water connection it
gives to their lodges, and to their burrows in the
banks. Hence, as the level of the pond must, in all
cases, rise from one to two feet above these entrances
for the protection of the animal from pursuit and
capture, the surface level of the pond must, to a
greater or less extent, be subject to their immediate
control. As the dam is not an absolute necessity to
the beaver for the maintenance of his life, his normal
habitation being rather natural ponds and rivers, and
burrows in their banks, it is, in itself considered, a
remarkable fact that he should have voluntarily
transferred himself, by means of dams and ponds of
his own construction, from a natural to an artificial
mode of life.
Some of these dams are so extensive as to forbid
the supposition that they were the exclusive work of
a single pair, or of a single family of beavers: but it
does not follow, as has very generally been supposed,
that several families, or a colony, unite for the joint
construction of adam. After a careful examination
of some hundreds of these structures, and of the
lodges and burrows attached to many of them, I am
altogether satisfied that the larger dams were not the
joint product of the labor of large numbers of beavers
working together, and brought thus to immediate
completion; but, on the contrary, that they arose from
small beginnings, and were built upon year after year
until they finally reached that size which exhausted
the capabilities of the location; after which they were
maintained for centuries, at the ascertained standard,
by constant repairs. So far as my observations have
enabled me to form an opinion, I think they were
usually, if not invariably, commenced by a single
pair, or a single tamily of beavers; and that when in
the course of time, by the gradual increase of the
dam, the pond had become sufficiently enlarged to
accommodate more families than one, other families
took up their residence upon it, and afterward con-
tributed, by their labor, to its maintenance. There
is no satisfactory evidence that the American beavers
either live or work in colonies; and if some such
cases have been observed, it will either be found to be
an exception to the general rule, or in consequence of
the sudden destruction of a work upon the mainte-
nance of which a number of families were at the time
The great age of the larger dams is shown by their
size, by the large amount of solid materials they con-
tain, and by the destruction of the primitive forest
within the area of the ponds; and also by the extent
of the beaver meadows along the margins of the
streams where dams are maintained, and by the hum-
mocks formed upon them through the annual growth
and decay of vegetation in separate hills. These
meadows were undoubtedly covered with trees adapted
to a wet soil when the dams were constructed. It
must have required long periods of time to destroy
every vestige of the ancient forest by the increased
saturaiton of the earth, accompanied with occasional
overflows from the streams. The evidence from these,
and other sources, tends to show that these dams have
existed in the same places for hundreds and thousands
of years, and that they have been maintained by a
system of continuous repairs.
In external appearance there are two distinct kinds
of beaver dams, although they are all constructed on
the same principle. One, the stick-dam, consists of
interlaced stick and pole work upon the lower face,
with an embankment of earth, intermixed with the
same materials on the upper, or water face of the
dam. This species is usually found on brooks, and
upon the larger streams without defined banks. The
greater proportion of beaver dams are of this descrip-
tion. The other is the solid-bank dam, which is
usually found lower down on the same stream, where
its banks have become defined, and it has a channel
of some depth, and a uniform current. In such places
the large amount of earth and mud, used to strengthen
the work, buries and conceals the greater part of the
brush and poles used to bind the embankment. to-
gether; thus giving to it, in the course of time, the
appearance, on both slopes, of a solid dike, or bank
of earth. In the first species the surplus water per-
’ colates through the dam along its entire length, while,
in the second, it is discharged through a single open-
ing in the crest formed for that purpose.
At the place selected for the construction of a dam,
the ground is usually firm and often stony; and when
across the channel of a flowing stream, a hard rather
than a soft bottom is preferred. Such places are
necessarily unfavorable for the insertion of stakes in
the ground, if such were, in fact, their practice in
building dams. The theory upon which beaver dams
are constructed is perfectly simple, and involves no
such necessity. Soft earth intermixed with vegetable
fibre is used to form an embankment, with sticks,
brush, and poles imbedded within these materials to
bind them together, and to impart to them the requi-
site solidity to resist the effects both of pressure and
of saturation. Small sticks and brush are used, in
the first instance, with mud, earth, and stones for
down weight. Consequently these dams are extremely
rude at their commencement, and they do not attain
their remarkably artistic appearance until after they
have been raised to a considerable height, and have
been maintained, by a system of annual repairs, for a
number of years.
The open stick-work dams are the most interesting
as well as the most common, and they will be first
This dam, which is represented in the engraving
(Plate VI.), and which is marked No. 8 upon the map,
is the most remarkable of all the structures of this de-
scription of which I have gained a knowledge. I have
seen others that were longer, and still others that were
higher for short distances, but none that united, to the
same extent, the two features of great length and
continuous elevation, or that contained so large an
amount of solid material. It is two hundred and sixty
feet and ten inches in length, measured with a tape
line along the crest of the dam, and six feet and two
inches in vertical height at the centre of the great
curve, with a slope, at the latter point, on the lower
side or face of the dam, of thirteen feet in length.
The site was well selected for a structure of this
magnitude. Lake Diamond is situated about half a
mile to the eastward, in the midst of high hills,
and maintains its level about fifteen feet higher
than the level of the pond formed by the dam. Its
eutlet forms a small brook a few feet over and a
few inches deep, and is the commencement of the
“GUuoT Feey' 092
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Ely Branch of the Esconauba River. Across this
brook, and about half a mile below the point where
it emerges from the lake, the dam was constructed.
It was undoubtedly small at first, but was raised and
extended in course of time, until 1t reached the base
of the hills on either side. At this point the hills
approach each other within three hundred feet, while
immediately above it they recede both to the right
and to the left, and back, near the outlet of the lake,
close in again, thus forming an amphitheatre of hills,
with a slight depression at the outlet, and another de-
pression to the right, and inclosing a level area of
about one hundred acres of land. The large pond
created by the dam, and which is known as Grass
Lake, overspreads about sixty acres of this level area.
A forest of heavy timber covers the whole tract with
the exception of the pond, and of a narrow fringe of
beaver meadow here and there. Along the skirts of
the pond, in its shallowest parts, trees, though dead,
are still standing, from which itis evident that the dam
now maintains the pond at a higher level than in for-
mer years, or, in other words, that it has been raised
to a higher level within the lifetime of these trees.
These several features of the landscape are distinctly
seen in the engraving. For a large dam, and the
formation of a large pond, which were to result from
the labor of many years bestowed by many successive
generations of industrious beavers, this site was not
only well selected, but it afforded greater advantages
than any other within the area indicated on the
At the place where it is constructed the ground is
neither soft nor alluvial, but composed of firm earth,
intermixed with loose stones, large and small. The
crest line of the dam is, of course, horizontal, although
sinuous, while its base line conforms to the irregulari-
ties of the original surface. At the point where it
crossed the thread of the stream it would necessarily
be the highest. Here the difference in level between
the water in the pond and the water below the dam
was ascertained to be five feet; the crest of the dam
rising but two inches above the level of the pond, and
the water below it being twelve inches deep. The
vertical height of the structure at the great curve,
therefore, was six feet and two inches. This differ-
ence of level decreases as either end is approached,
until it diminishes to one foot. At the ends, conse-
quently, the precise condition of the structure, at its
lowest stages, could be seen; not as at first con-
structed, but as 1t would appear after it had settled
down and had been repaired and strengthened from
time to time. Here it was built with small sticks,
from half an inch to an inch in diameter, and from
one to two and three feet in length. On the lower
side, which we shall call the face of the dam, the
sticks are arranged promiscuously, but usually with
their lower ends against the ground, and their upper
ends elevated and pointing up stream, against the
water slope of the dam, thus forming an inclined
bank of interlaced stick-work. Earth and mud, inter-
mixed with sticks and brush, form the water face or
upper slope of the dam, giving to it the nature and
appearance of a solid embankment. Thus the lower
face of the dam presents a mass of interlaced sticks
closely banked together, but still open and loose, and
free from earth, while the upper or water face is a
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Plate VIL.
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solid bank of earth bound together by a mass of
sticks imbedded and concealed from view. A trans-
verse section, therefore, is a triangle with the base
longer than either side. We thus have a section of
adam about a foot high, constructed with the least
amount of materials, but holding the water securely,
and yet so fragile that the weight of a man would
sink it below the surface of the water.
At the great curve, near the centre of the dam, the
minute as well as general structure of a large beaver
dam can be seen to the highest advantage. The en-
graving (Plate VIL) represents a section, upwards of
one hundred feet wide, through the centre of the dam,
including the great curve. It is engraved three-fourths
the size of the photograph. Small sticks are no longer
used, but billets of wood and poles trimmed of their
branches and stripped of their bark, and varying in size
from one to three inches in diameter, and from three to
seven and ten feet in length. These short cuttings and
poles, which are interlaced and arranged in every con-
ceivable way, form a sloping bank at an angle of from
30° to 40°. Their main direction is from the ground
upward toward the water face of the dam. They are
neither parallel with each other, nor in courses, but
are banked together in an irregular but compact mass,
and are so adjusted as to form an innumerable series
of props or braces, with their lower ends against the
ground, and their upper ends incorporated in the em-
bankment which forms the water face of the dam.
These poles, however, formed no part of the original
structure, but were added from year to year to repair
the waste of the dam from settlement and decay, and
to increase its height. We may therefore conceive
that the dam at this point was commenced, as near
the ends, with brush and poles laid horizontally, but —
lengthwise with the current, and filled in with earth
and mud intermixed with roots and grass, and that
as the work advanced, the upper ends became im-
bedded and concealed from view, while the lower
projected beyond the embankment. In course of
time, by the process of enlargement and repair, it
would assume its present form as shown in the engrav-
ing. With its increase in height, the crest of the
dam would tend to draw down stream from a line
perpendicular with the original centre of its base. In —
consequence of this, the open stick and pole work,
which forms the face of the dam, advances upward
and under the water of the pond as you descend ver-
tically from its crest to the bottom of the structure.
None of the poles on the face of the dam at the great
curve were as long as the slope itself. They appeared
to be loosely thrown together, but on attempting to
raise a number of them they were found to be fast at
one end cr the other, or so interlaced that it was dif-
ficult to remove them.
It will be observed that the dam, at the place
where the greatest strength was required, is in the
form of a curve, with its curvature up stream, and
that the line of this curve is more than a hundred
feet in length. The use of the curve in beaver dams
is of very common occurrence, and it has always been
regarded as a striking evidence of the intelligence of
its builders. In the engraving its form does not dis-
tinctly appear, from the reduced scale upon which
the work is shown, but when the original photograph
is placed in a camera of large magnifying power, the
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outline of the curve is fully revealed. In order to
indicate still more completely the crest line of the
dam, a ground plan of the entire structure, drawn
from actual measurements, is given in the engraving,
Plate VIII.
It is designed to show the crest line and the lower
face of the dam. With the engravings, and the meas-
urements in detail, hereafter given, the general ap-
pearance, form, and structure of the dam will be fully
The curve is one of the striking features of a beaver
dam. They are almost invariably found where the
thread of the stream originally ran, and are restricted
to the class of dams now under consideration. In the
largest structures, the convexity of the curve is usually
up stream, but this is not always the case. Several of
those represented on the map curved down stream at
the point where the dam was the highest. This one
shows a reverse curve down stream nearly as large
and well defined as the principal one in the opposite
direction. It is generally asserted that the introduc-
tion of a curve, with its convexity up stream, was the
result of intelligence and design on the part of the
architects; and that its use at the precise point where
the pressure of the water is the greatest, affords con-
clusive evidence that the beavers understood its me-
chanical advantages. Whether these curves were
the result of accident or of design is a question. We
must suppose that this dam was commenced at the
thread of the stream where the great curve is found,
and it seems not improbable that its curvature may
be due to the flow of the water on either side when
the original channel was first obstructed by their
rising work. After a quantity of materials had be-
come firmly anchored in the bed of the stream, the
tendency would be to a downward movement of its
margins by the force of the water, which would give
to it at its commencement a curvilinear form. With
the obstruction of the channel a pond would begin to
rise, but the surplus water would pass by on either
side at a higher level; consequently, as the work pro-
eressed, the contest with the water would be renewed,
with similar results at other points, and when the
dam was raised sufficiently high, and extended suffi-
ciently far to arrest the flow of the water in open
channels, and to discharge it through the dam, it
would be very sinuous throughout its entire extent.
Such, in fact, is the general character of all the dams
constructed upon the smaller brooks. In larger
streams, with their channels deepest in the centre,
we may conceive of a downward movement of their
materials by the force of the current, or the pressure
of the water at the point where the stream is the
deepest, and that this movement may have occurred
while the work of construction was in progress. A
downward curve is much more common than the
reverse in the larger streams. It is not a little sin-
gular that the dams across the streams that discharge
the largest volume of water are shorter and lower
than those upon the smaller brooks, and that in the
former the prevailing direction of the curve at the
highest point in the structure is down stream, while
in the latter it is in the opposite direction. The
mode of construction undoubtedly varied with the
character of the stream, and with the volume and
rapidity of the current. A comparison of a large
number of these dams, constructed in very dissimilar
situations, tends to show that their curvature is purely
The remainder of this dam is nearly as remarkable as
the central portion, and much longer as well as larger
than the engraving represents (Plate VI.), unless due
allowance is made for perspective. The focal point
occupied by the instrument was so near the struc-
ture as to depreciate quite rapidly its extreme parts.
Throughout its entire extent of two hundred and
sixty feet the face of the dam is composed, as at the
centre, of interlaced sticks and poles, and presents
the same general appearance, with a gradual abate-
ment in height.
On the water face of the dam neither a stick nor
a pole is seen, but a regular sloping embankment of
earth, from the crest downward, under the waters of
the pond. This face of the dam is precisely in the
form of the shelving bank of a stream.
There is no opening in the top of the dam, in any
part of it, for the discharge of the surplus water;
neither does it pass over its crest; but it percolates
through the thin bank of earth near its crest in nu-
merous places along its entire length. The dams of
this class all agree in this respect. In the most of
these dams the rapidity or slowness with which this
surplus is discharged, is undoubtedly regulated by the
beavers, otherwise the level of the pond would con-
tinually vary. There must be a constant tendency to
enlarge the orifices through which the water passes,
which, if left to itself, would in due time draw down
the pond, and expose the entrances to their lodges and
burrows; on the other hand, if the embankment was
made impenetrable, the water would rise and flow
over its crest, to its waste and injury. At ordinary
stages of the water the pond is maintained at a uni-
form level; but after a sudden rise, or in time of
freshet, it flows over the summit. The structure is
better able to bear an overflow than rents through its
embankment. This dam was rarely if ever over-
flowed, for a special reason, which will be stated
hereafter. Those upon the Carp, however, are sub-
merged with every considerable rise of the stream,
which, having a wide drainage, is subject to sudden
freshets. I have seen the water run over the tops of
these dams a foot deep. After the flow subsided, the
rents were speedily repaired. At ordinary stages the
surplus water passed through the dams by percola-
tion, straining through them near the crest as though
they were fine basket-work. I have visited the
Grass Lake dam six different years, and at high and
_low stages of the water in the neighboring streams,
and always found the pond at the same level, and
full to the crest of the dam, until the year 1865,
when it was lower than usual, and the dam itself
exhibited signs of neglect. From this fact it seemed
probable that after centuries of use and maintenance
by unnumbered generations of beavers, this interest-
ing and remarkable structure was about to be aban-
doned by its natural proprietors.
At the time the photograph was taken, the water of
the pond stood quite near the summit of the dam
along its entire length. In some places it came within
one or two inches, while in others it stood upon it and
trickled over. The crest is very narrow along its
whole extent, diminishing from a few inches at its
widest expanse to a mere line. It is a conspicuous
feature of beaver dams of this class that they are so
perfectly constructed as to hold and retain water until
it rises to their very summit. A fine sod, composed
of roots of grass intermixed with loam, is used to
finish the water line of the dam. On taking up a
handful of this sod, freeing it from earth and rinsing
it clean, it yielded one-half of its original bulk of
vegetable fibre, mostly fine roots and tendrils, still
green and undecayed. It was thus made evident
that it had been quite recently laid.
Tn constructing dams, loose stones are incorporated,
here and there, for down weight, and to give solidity
to the structure. We found stones upon this dam
which would weigh from one to six pounds. They
are most frequently discovered where the dam is the
lowest, although found in all parts of the work.
No one standing upon this dam, and observing its
fragile character, could fail to perceive that its main-
tenance would require constant supervision and per-
petual labor. The tendency to increased leakage
from the effects of percolation, and to a settling down
of the dam, as its materials decayed underneath upon
its stick-work half, would demand unceasing vigilance
and care to avert the consequences. In the fall of
the year a new supply of materials is placed upon the
lower face of these dams to compensate this waste
from decay. They use for this purpose the cuttings of
the previous fall, which during the winter have been
stripped of their bark for food, and laid aside appar-
ently for this object. It is from this practice, and the
manner of repairing their dams, that they assume, in
course of time, the highly artistic appearance upon
the lower slope which the engraving displays. The
sticks, poles, and billets of wood, when laid upon the
face of the dam, impart to this slope its regular and
symmetrical form. When first constructed, as before
remarked, and when at their lowest stages, they are
extremely rude, and only take on the appearance in
which they are usually seen after they have been
maintained for a long series of years. Fresh beaver
tracks are usually seen imprinted upon the soft earth
on the crest of these dams, and fresh beaver cuttings
are often found upon their lower faces, thus showing
that they are in the constant habit of traversing and
repairing the works. There is generally no difficulty
in walking over the larger dams with dry feet, by
keeping on the lower slope, except near the ends,
where the structure is not usually strong enough to
bear up the weight of a man. Upon the sloping face
of the great curve of Grass Lake Dam twenty men
could stand together without making any impression
upon the structure. The series of dams on the Carp,
shown upon the map, are similar to this, and would
average about three feet in height. While fishing in
this stream for brook trout, three of us found no difhi-
culty in landing from our boat upon their lower slopes,
and drawing the boat over without injuring them in
any respect.
The following measurements will indicate, in an-
other manner, the size and proportion of parts of this
great structure, as well as convey some impression of
the amount of solid materials employed in its erection:
Length of Dam measured on the Crest Line.
From Station No. 1 to Station No. 2 (See Plate VIIL.)..... 39 feet.
‘ CONS} 4
“ce “ec Ty) “cc
‘“ «6 COar “ BoP pirtemcnataveh ian5% oscshbtos 62ip <*) 10an.
“ ‘ “4 e BOM Olgtecon aa sinqacrsfukssoseetae 52) «&
‘< ‘s a) ‘ Boe GRR eaa SE teen aca ctasars* oe BU
oe £6 conG : CORY (etna se anes evel tele scice< cic Gy) Gt
Motaleen gthrecsasse-eseasaereeeeeeratees sclteas cans csovehesaes 260 feet 10 in.
Other Measurements.
No. 4. No. 44. No. 3. No. 2.
Height of structure from ground,
OMSDASCMUN Cn... .01eccascsaceasecesiens 6 ft. 2/7) 5 ft. 3//| 3 ft. 677) 2 ft. 177
Depth of water in small pond be-
MOWa Wass s.ct.ccccscascsaecaedasecnee 1 ft. 1 ft.
Difference of level of water above
MMOAUDCLOW QAM :..02-.0ss-«ssacacees 5 ft. 4 ft.
Height of water above base line...| 6 ft. 5 ft. 8 ft. 2//| 2 ft.
Approximate width of base, trans-
WELREISECHIONS sas secace.sosseceeeeee 18 ft. 15 ft. - |12 ft. 6 ft.
Length of slope of poles, lower
PA COMOLp CATs. snc .c<-aeme coeclseaccons 18 ft. It ft, 974) Ott: 6 ft.
Length of slope of water face of |
GATT otcose vcnobadop ab sanonbcendeouonue: i fe6/7 58 tt: 7 ft. 4 ft.
Depth of water in pond at the end |
DEPT t so eees hk ctns coicisscucceconee 4 ft. 83 ft. 6//| 8 ft. P ft.
The following figure represents a transverse section
of the dam at the head of the great curve, Station No.
4, and distinguishes the part which is a solid embank-
ment from that which consists of sticks and poles free
from earth.
Fic. 8
£ Lye
pe LL =
yet tg ZY 3 |%
LZ Ziff a)
LE LEE Fi Zig =ls
Z 7
LAL ipAn- ZA
Pole & Stick wark BASE /8 Fr. Solid Bank
Transverse section.
A computation made from the preceding, and some
additional measurements, shows that this dam con-
tains upwards of seven thousand cubic feet of solid
materials, all of which were transported and wrought
into this structure by its industrious and ingenious
The photograph of this dam, from which the en-
eraving was made, was taken by Mr. James A. Jenney
in August, 1861, upon four plates, each eight by ten
inches in dimensions; and from one position, in order
to show the dam, the pond, and the background in
one symmetrical picture. As a preparatory measure,
the trees, for fifty feet immediately below the dam,
were cut down and removed, the under-brush was
cleared, and the weeds and grass, which were growing
through the dam, were pulled out, that the work
might be shown free from all obstructions. A. scaffold
for the instrument was then erected in front of the
creat curve, about sixty feet distant from it, and
twelve feet high. It was my first intention to have
the dam photographed in four sections, with the in-
strument placed immediately in front of each, thereby
sacrificing the background in order to show the rela-
tive size of all the parts of the dam. ‘The first two
plates were taken on this plan. But the other method
was finally substituted for the reason that it would
show the central portion of the dam perfectly, while
the imperfect and reduced appearance of the re-
mainder would, it was believed, be more than com-
pensated by the completeness of the representation as
a whole. These photographs, when adjusted together,
make a picture thirty-six inches in length by seven in
width, and, in all respects, faithfully and strikingly
reproduce the original in miniature form. I esteemed
it, at the time, peculiarly fortunate that I was able to
secure an exact representation of this great structure
while it was in a perfect state, although not then as
well assured, as at present, that it is not surpassed in
magnitude by any other beaver dam in North America.
Two adjuncts of this dam remain to be noticed.
Of these, the first is a remarkable effort of engineering
skill, if from the end it subserves we are at liberty to
infer an intention on the part of the beaver to produce
that end. It is a second dam, in two sections, each
twenty-five feet long and two feet high, constructed
across the thread of the stream, and about one hun-
dred feet below the great curve. It is shown in
Plate VIII. At this point, the waters that flowed
through the dam above have again become collected
into a small running stream. This low dam forms a
shallow pond, in itself of no apparent use for beaver
occupation, but yet subserving the important purpose
of setting back water to the depth of twelve or fifteen
inches in the great curve. At this point the pressure
of the water in the pond against the dam is the
greatest, because here the bed of the channel is the
lowest, and the structure the highest; and the small
dam, by maintaining the water a foot deep below the
great dam, diminishes, to this extent, the difference
in level above and below; and neutralizes, to the
same extent, the pressure of the water in the pond
above against the main structure. Whether the lower
dam was constructed with this motive, and for this
object, or is explainable on some other hypothesis, I
shall not venture an opinion. I have found the same
precise work repeated below other large dams.
The second is also a dam which is constructed
across the outlet of Lake Diamond at the place where
it issues from the lake. It performs the important
office of protecting the great dam below from the
effects of a sudden rise of the waters of the lake. In
construction, it is in all respects like the Grass Lake
dam. It is ninety-three feet long, and two and a half
feet high at the centre, from which it diminishes
gradually te the ends. I first saw it in 1860, and
last in 1866, when it was still in good condition. A
dam at this point is apparently of no conceivable use
to improve the lake for beaver occupation. It has
ene feature, also. in which it differs from other dams
except those upon lake outlets: and that consists in
its elevation, at all points, of about two feet above the
level of the lake at ordinary stages of the water. In
all other dams except those upon lake outlets, and in
most of the latter, the water stands quite near their
crests, while in the one under consideration it stood
about two feet below it. This fact suggests, at least,
tne inference, although it may have but little of prob-
ability to sustain it, that it was constructed with
special reference to sudden rises of the lake in times
of freshet, and that it was designed to hold this sur-
plus water until it could be gradually discharged
through the dam into the great pond below. It
would, at least, subserve this purpose very efficiently,
and thus protect the dam below it from the effects of
freshets. To ascribe the origin of this dam to such
motives of intelligence is to invest this animal with
a higher degree of sagacity than we have probable
reason to concede to him; and yet it is proper to
mention the relation in which these dams stand to
each other, whether that relation is regarded as acci-
dental or intentional.
I have now given a full as well as somewhat de-
tailed description of a beaver dam of the ordinary
kind constructed by this architectural mute. This
explanation, and the engravings together, will render
unnecessary a special description of other dams of the
same class. In the remaining dams noticed, I shall
limit the description to the special features or differ-
ences by which they are distinguished, giving, at the |
same time, ground plans and measurements for the
purpose of comparison.
New dams are occasionally commenced, and old
ones, previously abandoned for some cause, are re-
paired and reoccupied, in beaver districts which are
undisturbed except by trappers. The increase or
decrease of beavers in numbers, influences, to some
extent, their movements in these respects. The sea-
son preferred for this work is during the months of
September and October, after the strong currents have
run out of the streams, and they have subsided to
their lowest levels. It is also the period during which
they cut and store their winter wood, with the im-
mersion and safety of which their ponds are intimately
connected. Hence we find that the active season for
beaver work is late in the fall; and that it is per-
formed with reference to the approaching winter, of
which they are not unmindful. These several subjects
will be elsewhere considered.
For the purpose of ascertaining how beaver dams
are commenced, and especially to find whether an
attempt is made to insert any portion of the materials
in the ground, as a means of holding them in their
places, | have taken up to the bottom both old and
new beaver dams, and examined, with some care, the
disposition and arrangement of the materials. The —
result demonstrated that neither stakes, brush, nor
poles were inserted or imbedded in the ground, but
on the contrary that they were laid flatwise upon the
bed of the channel, and held down with mud and
earth carried in and deposited upon them. A new
dam was commenced a year ago on the main branch
of the Carp, close beside the track of the Marquette
and Ontonagon Railroad, about twenty-three miles out
from Marquette. At the point selected for the dam
the Carp is a mere brook, and the railroad embank-
ment, which passes parallel with, and a few feet from
it, seemed to the observant eye of the beaver to afford
some advantages as a barrier, upon one side, to their
proposed pond; and notwithstanding the daily passage
of trains over the road, they commenced the dam, and
raised it about a foot high across the channel of the
stream. A conflict of interests thus arose between
the beavers, on the one hand, and one of the chief
commercial enterprises of the country, on the other.
The track-master, fearing the effects of an accumula-
tion of water against the railroad embankment, cut
the dam through the centre, and thus lowered the
water to its original level. As this was no new ex-
perience to the beavers, who were accustomed to such
rents, they immediately repaired the breach. For ten
or fifteen times it was cut through, and as often
repaired before the beavers finally desisted from their
proposed work. On taking up the remains of this
dam the present season (1866), I found that it was
commenced with brush and poles, with the bark on,
from ten to twelve feet in length, and that they were
arranged horizontally upon the bed of the channel,
and lengthwise with the flow of the stream instead or
transversely. In general the large ends of the poles,
and of the limbs with their branches attached, were
up stream, which of itself would tend to strengthen
their hold upon the bottom. Upon these materials,
which were compactly arranged, earth and mud, in
small quantities only, were accumulated for down
weight, and to fill up the intervening spaces; but it
was confined to the central and upper portions. On
the upper margin, which was to form the water face
of the dam, small sticks were used, together with
loam, intermixed with fine roots, for the purpose of
arresting the flow of the water through the rudely-
arranged materials of the dam. At this stage it was
extremely rude, and devoid of those striking charac-
teristics which these dams assume with age.
The manner in which they repair their dams is
both curious and interesting. It will be sufficient
here to state that ordinary repairs are made, when-
ever they seem to be required, by each beaver acting
independently, and without any concert with his
mates. In case of a breach in the structure, several
of them have been seen working together for its
restoration. They usually go down to the dam nightly,
one after the other, and as they pass along its margin,
each, upon his own motion, does such work upon it as
he chooses to perform. In another connection some
facts will be stated upon this subject.
CHA han LV.
Solid-bank Dams—Places where constructel—No Dams in deep Water—
Where impossible, the Beavers inhabit River Banks—Description of Solid-
bank Dam—-Opening for Surplus Water—Pond confined to River Banks—
Similar Dam with Hedge-—Fallen-tree Dam—Use of Tree accidental—
Spring Rill Dam—Series of Dams on the Carp—Dams in a Gorge—Lake
Outlet Dams—High Dam—Long Dam—Description of same—Manner of
Photographing same—Dams in other Districts of North America—Petri-
fied Peaver Dams in Montana.
Tue solid-bank dam, which we are next to consider,
although constructed upon the same principles as the
kind previously described, presents a very different
appearance. This difference of external form is the
result of the altered conditions under which it is
erected, occasioned by a gradual transformation in the
character of each particular stream in its descending
course. In the capacity thereby displayed of adapt-
ing their works to the ever-varying circumstances in
which they find themselves placed, instead of follow-
ing blindly an invariable type, some evidence of the
possession, on their part, of a free intelligence, is un-
doubtedly furnished.
After a stream has emerged from its sources in the
hills, and acquired volume with its onward flow, it
soon begins to develop banks as well as a broader
channel, and these banks assume a vertical form in
the level areas where the soil is alluvial. Such are
the changes which occur on the Ely Branch of the
Esconauba after it has passed dam No. 13, and on
Carp River after passing dam No. 39. The channel
of the first-named stream will then average seventy
feet in width, with vertical banks from three to four
feet high, and with a depth of water of about twenty
inches at its lowest stages, and in its shallowest parts.
Through the level areas it moves also with a sluggish
current. It will be seen, therefore, that in building
a dam across such a channel, it must be done in deep
water as compared with brooks; and further than this,
that the difficulty of construction increases with the
increase of the depth of the water, until it finally
becomes insurmountable. For this reason there are
no dams on the Carp below No. 50, and none on the
Hsconauba below the junction of the Ely Branch
with the main stream. There is no instance within
the area represented by the map where a dam has
been constructed across a stream having a greater
depth than two feet at the site of the structure when
the water is at its lowest level. It thus becomes
apparent that beaver dams are necessarily confined
to the sources of the principal rivers and to the small
tributaries which flow into them along their courses;
and that some change in the character of the dams
would be rendered necessary by the transformations
which occur with their increase in size or depth.
Where beavers inhabit rivers too large for dams,
they burrow in their banks, for which reason they
are distinguished by the trappers under the name of
bank beavers. These general considerations will serve
to explain the manner in which given districts are
occupied by beavers; the circumstances which render
some localities more favorable than others; and the
influence of topographical features upon the character
of their dams.
The first solid-bank dam to be described (Plate IX.)
is in the Ely Branch of the Esconauba River, and is
marked as No. 14 on the map. When photographed it
was not in a perfect condition. It had been cut through
in two places by the miners, some three years before,
to draw off the water from the beaver meadows pre-
paratory to cutting the grass from these meadows for
hay, and had thus been exposed to waste. The
water in the pond then stood but a few inches above
its natural level, leaving the dam mostly uncovered
on both slopes, and its lower face littered with loose
materials from these breaches. It exhibited the re-
mains only of what originally was one of the most
perfect structures of its kind. Upon the right bank
of the stream (left side of the engraving) was the
lodge, with its heap of brush, for the lodgment of cut-
tings, sunk in the pond immediately in front, and rising
above the surface; and on the opposite side was a
beaver meadow of considerable extent, back of which
was the forest.
The dam is constructed at a bend in the stream,
where the channel is about seventy feet wide and of
uniform depth, and where the bottom is smooth and
hard. It is substantially a solid embankment, and 1s
thrown across the stream diagonally, but in a straight
line, from bank to bank. Between these banks it is
seventy-five feet long. On the right side it is built
into the bank, and, rising above it, is extended, as a
low dam, for thirty feet beyond, and on the left for
fifteen feet, thus giving to the structure a total length
of one hundred and twenty feet. Between the banks,
fay ce POS
ee) vi
tana 7
the dam was of uniform width and height, as the bed
of the channel was level. At the base of the struc-
ture its average width transversely was sixteen feet,
diminishing to twelve feet at the original surface level
of the stream, which here was twenty inches deep,
and to four feet in width at the height of three feet
from the bottom. Above this last level the crest was
rounded up about sixteen inches higher, where it was
still two feet wide, the embankment having a total
height of four feet and four inches.
In constructing dams where the water is of such
depth, larger quantities of brush and poles are used
than in dams of the other class, and it is also neces-
sary to use larger amounts of earth. The brush is
required to hold the earth where it is placed, which
otherwise would be dissolved and flow away with the
current: and the earth in turn anchors the brush, and
when packed around it, the two together form a firm
and solid embankment. The principle on which
brush and sticks are used for their binding properties
is the same which led to the use of straw in mud
brick. Neither, separately, would answer the end
designed. So much earth was used upon this dam
that the brush and poles upon the lower face, as well
as on the water slope, were buried and concealed from
view, except the ends which projected in different
places. So firm and solid had the embankment be-
come, and such was its breadth near the summit, that
a horse and wagon might have been driven across the
river upon it in safety, but for the opening on the
left side for the passage of the surplus water. The
only differences, therefore, in the two species of dams,
consist in the filling in of the interstices on the lower
face with mud and earth, which turns it into a solid
embankment on both slopes, and throughout its whole
extent, and in the special method resorted to for dis-
charging the surplus water, which remains to be
From the solidity of these dams the water is not
able to percolate through them as before stated,
neither was it allowed at ordinary stages to pass over
their summits. <A regular opening is left in the crest
of the dam, usually in the line of the thread of the
current, several inches lower than its summit. On
the water face above the opening is found the ordi-
nary embankment, while on the lower face it is con-
structed of interlaced stick-work precisely in the form
of the dam first described. This opening is usually
from three to six feet long, so that the water passes
over its top, and also through this narrow portion of
the structure by percolation. It is evident, from the
existence and peculiar character of these openings,
that the beavers understood the injurious effects of
allowing the surplus water to flow over the crests of
their solid-bank dams, and also the importance of
regulating the amount of the discharge, which could
be effected by the enlargement or contraction of the
openings. The dam was cut through at this point,
which nearly obliterated this feature of the structure.
This species of dam, when completed, might possess
some advantages over the other in the matter of re-
quiring less frequent repairs, and yet with each freshet
it would suffer more or less of waste.
The pond above is narrow, it being confined with-
in the natural banks of the stream, with the excep-
tion of shallow water upon portions of the beaver
tenth ~
4 . =
“S e* a
Whar, AF
meadows; but it was, nevertheless, spacious from its
length and from the depth of the water, since the
dam set back the pond more than a quarter of a mile,
and was in places where depressions existed in the
bed of the river, ten or twelve feet deep. A short
distance above the lodge there is a beaver canal of
considerable size running back to the hard wood
lands. The beaver lodge belonging to this dam is
seen upon the bank on the left side of the engraving,
with a brush pile in the water immediately in front,
the uses of which will be hereafter explained.
There are four dams below this shown on the map
of the same general character and size, except that
they were shorter. They were so near each other
that each dam set back the water to the one imme-
diately above. When I first saw them in 1860, they
had been cut through by the miners, and were de-
serted, and when I last saw them, two years later, they
were wasting away.
~ Upon small brooks, having defined banks and some
depth of water, dams of this description are occasion-
ally found. The one represented in the engraving
(Plate X.), and which is No. 49 on the map, is situated
upon an affluent of the Carp, a short distance above the
boat station. It is fifty-five feet long, extending upon
the bank on either side, and nearly three feet high.
The embankment was several feet wide and composed
of earth, the brush and poles having decayed and dis-
appeared externally. Upon its top and lower face
alder bushes had germinated and produced a hedge so
dense that it was extremely difficult to penetrate it
sufficiently for the inspection and measurement of
_the work. Near the north end was the usual open-
ing, about six feet wide, where the lower face was
constructed of interlaced sticks, while the water face
was banked in with earth. In the engraving, which
was made from a drawing, the hedge is removed for
the purpose of showing the embankment. The fall of
water which passed over the crest of the dam at the
opening, was about a foot and a half. I was first
drawn to the place by the sound of the falling water
while passing by on the trail at some distance.
This dam realizes the earliest current descriptions
of these works by Buffon and other writers, particu-
larly its opening for the surplus water, and the hedge
growing upon its summit. In the Lake Superior re-
gion, and upon the head waters of the Yellowstone
and the Missouri, they are comparatively rare. All
the large dams are of the other kind. In some in-
stances both forms are found in the same dam, as will
hereafter be shown.
It was another conspicuous feature of beaver dams,
according to the early descriptions, that the trunk of
a tree, cut down for the purpose, often served as the
foundation of the structure. After selecting a proper
site, their first act, as a general rule, was said to be
the felling of a tree across the channel upon which
the work was to be constructed. There is one dam,
and but one, within the area of the map (No. 9),
which has incorporated within it the trunk of a fallen
tree. Except for this circumstance it would not de-
serve a special notice.
The tree in question (Plate XI.), which was a pine,
three and a half feet in diameter, had fallen from its
own decay. For aught that appeared, it might have
fallen upon adam previously constructed, and become
Plate XI.
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subsequently mcorporated within it; or it may have
been seized upon after its fall as a convenient part of
anew structure. At all events, the most singular fact
connected with it is, that the dam was constructed
below the log, so far as sticks and poles are used, while
it was banked in above the trunk with earth. The log
part of the dam was twenty-five feet long, and the re-
mainder sixty-one feet, with a vertical height at the
centre of four feet eight inches, and a slope of pole
and stick work on the lower face of nine feet. From
the nature of the positions in which beaver dams are
usually constructed, fallen trees, if cut down on pur-
pose, could be of but little advantage; and it is there-
fore probable that the use of trunks of trees in build-
ing dams was purely accidental, as in the present
In addition to the two species of beaver dams which
have been described, there are varieties of each that
possess special characteristics resulting from the na-
ture of the localities in which they are erected. Some
notice of these dams is necessary to complete the ex-
position of these structures.
The beavers do not restrict themselves to the prin-
cipal streams, nor yet to the small brooks, but where-
ever they find flowing water, however small in quan-
tity, they avail themselves of it if the place affords
the other requisite advantages. There is one dam,
not shown upon the map, situated at a short distance
from a spring in the midst of a dense forest, and upon
low and swampy ground, which may be called a
spring rill dam. As live trees were standing in the
pond, it was evidently of recent construction. A de-
pression in the ground formed a basin for the water
on all sides, except where the dam brought up the
deficiency; and a small spring supplied the water in
quantities barely sufficient to change the waters of
the pond. To prevent the escape of the water, the
dam was extended until it reached the length of one
hundred and thirty-three feet; after which the surplus
was discharged through it by percolation. The lower
face of the dam was constructed of sticks and twigs
interlaced, and the water slope was an embankment
of earth. Its height varied from one foot to two
feet and a half, with a difference of level in the water
above and below the dam of twenty inches at the
highest part of the structure. The pond was too
small to afford much protection to its occupants; but
this deficiency was in some measure compensated by
the abundance of hard wood upon its margin, and by
the seclusion afforded by the density of the surround-
ing forest. It seemed surprising, nevertheless, that a
beaver family should take up their residence within
an eighth of a mile of the line of the railroad, on
which nine trains per day each way were then (1860)
running. With their reputed shyness and caution
they were evidently waiting for some overt act of
hostile interference before they surrendered their hab-
itation. The snare was already prepared for them,
for on the day I measured the dam I saw two traps,
set in the usual manner, in the pond. Upon the im-
pulse of the moment, I was in the act of springing
them, to save the inoffensive mutes from their peril,
when it occurred to me that I had no indefeasible
right thus to interfere with the vocation of the trap-
per; whereupon, with some misgivings that I had
failed to perform my duty, I left them to the chances
of the trapper’s art. That night the beaver, whose
skull is number one in the table of measurements in
the Appendix, was caught, and this, together with the
tail and feet, were sent to me the following day, by
the successful trapper, who proved to be my friend,
Captain Bridges, the trackmaster of the railroad.
On Carp River there is a series of thirteen dams,
one above the other, commencing with dam No. 50 on
the map, which are much alike in size and external
appearance, and may therefore be referred to in one
group. They are constructed with interlaced stick-
work and poles on their lower faces, and banked in
with earth on their water slopes above, and discharge
the surplus water, at ordinary stages, by percolation.
While they are more or less sinuous in their crest
lines across the channel, the principal curve, at the
highest part of each structure, is usually down stream.
These dams are all situated within a distance of six
miles, measured along the winding channel of the
stream, the borders of which are fringed, here and
there, with beaver meadows, and these in turn are
bordered with a forest of tamarack and spruce. I
have passed over them in a fishing boat three succes-
sive seasons; the first time in 1860, and when they
were in a good state of preservation, with their ponds
full, and still occupied by beavers. They have since
then been deserted, and the greater part of them have
been carried away; thus showing the necessity for
constant watchfulness and repairs which their preser-
vation entails upon their builders. These dams were
from forty to one hundred feet in length, and from
three to five feet in vertical height at the thread of
the stream. As each dam, in nearly every instance,
sets back its pond to the one immediately above, in
some cases two and even three feet in depth, the fall
of water at each dam ranged from one to three feet.
In times of freshet this river, although but a small
stream, passes a considerable volume of water. I
have seen it flow over the crests of these dams a foot
deep, which, as it must occur, more or less, with
every copious rain, subjects these structures to a severe
test. Having seen them both before and after such
occurrences, there was no injury observable that could
not be speedily repaired. A detailed description of
these dams, with their respective measurements, is
scarcely necessary. ‘Those higher up, on the same
stream, are much larger, although the stream itself
diminishes to a mere brook. One of these in particu-
lar, on account of its great length, will be hereafter
Dams are often found upon small mountain streams,
and in the narrow gorges through which they flow.
They are constructed in the same manner as the ordi-
nary stick-dam, but are deserving of notice from the
nature of the localities in which they are erected.
It seems to be no hinderance to such a use of these
rapidly descending streams that the ponds thus formed
must be extremely short and narrow, and consequently
incapable of affording much protection. Many of the
dams in the declivities of the Rocky Mountain chain,
and in other mountain districts, are constructed in
situations precisely similar to that of the series about
to be described, and for this reason the latter are
especially interesting.
To find an illustration of dams of this kind it is
necessary to go without the area embraced in the
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map. About six miles southeast of Lake Michi-
game, and two miles south of the Washington Mine,
this series of structures, seven in number, is found,
of which a representation is given in Plate XII.
They commence at the entrance of a narrow gorge
between hills of considerable elevation, and are dis-
tributed on a gradually descending line of one hun-
dred and sixty feet, the lowest being constructed upon
the verge of a nearly precipitous fall of about one
hundred feet. Their size and height are sufficiently
indicated by the following measurements, which were
made when I first visited them in 1866, and for the
opportunity of doimg which I am indebted to Mr.
John Armstrong, one of the officers of the Washing-
ton Mine:
Ist 2d 3d 4th | 5th 6th 7th
Dam. | Dam. | Dam. |Dam.| Dam. | Dam. Dam.
Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. | Ft. In.| Ft. | Fe.
Length of dam.............. 90 160 8 20 |17 12) 9
Slope of lower face........ 13 6 9| 4 8 | 5 3] 3
Vertical height ............ DG eoaeOecGle 4a) 2) 10) 1 2
Distance between it and
23 15 80 |12 10 |10 to falls.
The second and third measurements given were
from the highest part of each structure respectively.
Taken together, these dams are quite remarkable.
The upper one, which is large throughout its entire
extent, forms a pond covering about ten acres of land.
A dense forest of hard wood overspreads the sur-
rounding hills, on the slopes of which a beaver-slide
down into the pond is occasionally seen. At the
upper end of the valley there is a beaver canal cut
through the low ground two hundred and fifty feet in
length, upon the margin of which the tree cuttings
were numerous. ach of the lower dams has a small
and narrow pond, but too inconsiderable in size to
afford much protection, since the banks, from their
rocky character, were unfavorable for burrows. The
volume of the stream was below that of the smallest
brooks, but, after rains, it sends down, undoubtedly,
an abundance of water. In each case the dam was
extended from one side of the gorge to the other, and
constructed of stick-work on the lower face, and earth
embankment on the upper, in the ordinary form. It
is difficult to understand the uses of any of these
dams, except the upper one, which sustains the main
pond; but we are not at liberty to suppose that all
this labor would have been performed without some
adequate object. A tame beaver shows an irresistible
propensity to dam up flowing water,—a propensity
which seizes him even when he sees water running in
rills in a yard, after a copious shower. Whether these
apparently unnecessary dams owe their origin to some
such unregulated fancy, I leave as a problem to such
as adopt the theory of the fettered intelligence of the
mutes. These dams show an aggregate descent in
the bed of the stream of about twenty-two feet in one
hundred and sixty; and are found to stand in definite
relations to each other.
In the mountain districts, and in the high lands
which are broken up into ranges of hills, small lakes
are usually numerous. They are also favorite resorts
of beavers, who inhabit them not less readily than
the flowing streams. ‘There are several such lakes
within the area embraced by the map, and they form
the most attractive features in the landscape. Em-
bosomed in the midst of hills still mantled with the
primitive forest, and reflecting, in the pure atmos-
phere of this elevated region, the brilliant sunshine
from their glittering faces, they enliven the solitude
of this wilderness with their cheerful aspect, as well
as break up by their presence its otherwise boundless
The outlets of nearly all of these lakes are ob-
structed with dams, the most of which are without
any apparent necessity, unless by means of them
they are enabled to hold the lakes at a higher and
more uniform level. The first of these which will be
noticed is upon the outlet of Lake Mary. It is rep-
resented as No. 5 upon the map. While it is of mod-
erate dimensions, being seventy feet long, with an
average height of two and a half feet, it was peculiar
in this, that for a considerable portion of its length on
either end it is a solid-bank dam, and a stick-dam in
the centre across the original channel of the outlet.
On the southwest end the embankment was fifteen
feet long, extending for a short distance upon the
bank; on the other twenty-five feet long, overlapping
the bank in the same manner; and in the interval or
central portion it was constructed, for thirty-one feet,
of interlaced sticks and poles.
Upon the outlet of Lake Helen there is another
dam (No. 4), which is one hundred and twenty feet
long, and two feet six inches high at its greatest ele-
vation. It was situated so far down the outlet that
the water of the pond did not set back as far as the
lake. At an early day this lake was known among
the trappers as Beaver Lake, from the number of
beavers found inhabiting its banks.
There are two dams on the outlet connecting Lake
Flora with Lake Mary, which are numbered 2 and 3 on
the map. Of these the lower one is an ordinary dam,
apparently constructed to strengthen the one above.
The upper one is situated about six rods down the out-
let from Lake Flora, and is a large and remarkable
structure. It is two hundred and three feet in length,
with a nearly uniform height of three feet from one
end to the other, and with a lower face of stick and
pole work, ranging from six to nine feet in length,
measured on its slope. The difference in level in the
waters above and below the dam, at the thread of the
outlet, is three feet; but, as the dam below sets back
the water about two feet deep at this point, the verti-
cal height of the structure here is five feet and over.
From these measurements an impression is afforded
of the large amount of solid materials this dam con-
tains. Although inferior to the Grass Lake dam, it
compares with it not unfavorably. The size of Lake
Flora is materially enlarged by this barrier across
its outlet, since it raised the water permanently from
two and a half to three feet. This dam, with its ap-
purtenances, was the possession, among other proprie-
tors, of the beaver whose skeleton is represented in
the plate. She was caught upon it in the year 1862,
while in the act of repairing a breach made by the
trapper, a few days before I visited and measured the
work. The great amount of materials contained in
this structure is shown by the unusual width of its
crest or summit, which presupposes a corresponding
transverse width at its base.
At 70 feet from | At 95 feet from | At 140 feet from
southwest end. same end, same end.
Width of dam at crest............ 4 ft.
4 ft. 4 ft.
Slope of lower face.............008 7 ft. 8 ft. htt:
Venticaleheighii.....<ssescerecees 3 ft. 3 ft. 5 ft.
About a quarter of a mile above Lake Flora there
is another small lake, or more properly a pond, formed
by two beaver dams, about one hundred and fifty feet
apart, but with no pond between them. They have
the appearance of one dam in two lifts, although en-
tirely distinct; and are shown on the map as No. 1.
The lower one is one hundred and twenty feet long,
and high enough to set back water three feet deep to
the dam above. Its only apparent object, as in a pre-
vious case, is to strengthen the upper dam, by dimin-
ishing the pressure upon it of its pond. The latter is
fifty feet long and three feet in height above the water
below it at the centre, which, as it is three feet deep,
gives a total height of six feet to the structure at this
The highest dam, of which I have gained a knowl-
edge, is situated on a tributary of the Pishikeeme
River, in township 49, range 30, and section 34, about
ten miles north of the east end of Michigame Lake.
It is constructed in a gorge between high hills. As
described to me by William Bass and Paul Pine, two
native Ojibwa trappers, who have seen it many times,
it is the highest of all the dams known in the Lake
Superior region. It is about thirty-five feet long,
twelve feet in vertical height, and with a slope of in-
terlaced poles on its lower face upwards of twenty
feet in length. I have not been able to visit this re-
markable structure and ascertain its dimensions by
actual measurement; but, judging from the character
and extent of the other erections of the beavers
within this area, I see no reason for disbelieving the
statement. It was named and described by them as
the highest beaver structure within their knowledge.
Some of the dams in this region are not less re-
markable for their prodigious length, a statement of
which, in feet, would scarcely be credited unless veri-
fied by actual measurement. The longest one yet
mentioned measured two hundred and sixty feet, but
there are dams four hundred, and even five hundred
feet long.
There is a dam, in two sections, situated upon a
tributary of the main branch of the Esconauba River,
about a mile and a half northwest of the Washington
Mine. One section measures one hundred and ten,
and the other four hundred and twenty feet, with an
interval of natural bank, worked here and there, of
one thousand feet. A solid-bank dam, twenty feet in
length, was first constructed across the channel of the
stream, from bank to bank, with the usual opening,
for the surplus water, five feet wide. As the water
rose and overflowed the bank on the left side, the dam
was extended for ninety feet until it reached ground
high enough to confine the pond. This natural bank
extended up the stream, and nearly parallel with it,
for one thousand feet, where the ground again subsided,
and allowed the water in the upper part of the pond
to flow out and around into the channel of the stream
below the dam. To meet this emergency, a second
dam, four hundred and twenty feet long, was con-
structed. For the greater part of its length it is low,
but in some places it is two and a half and three feet
high, and constructed of stick-work on the lower, and
with an earth embankment on its water face. In
effect, therefore, it is one structure fifteen hundred
and thirty feet in length, of which five hundred and
thirty feet, in two sections, is artificial, and the re-
mainder natural bank, but worked here and there,
where depressions in the ground required raising by
artificial means. As this dam had been cut through,
and the water drawn out of the pond about two years
before I visited and measured the work in 1866, it
was then falling into decay.
Three miles north of Clarksburg, in the south-
east quarter of section 25, there are three large
beaver dams, constructed on the same stream, and
from a quarter to a third of a mile apart. They are
situated upon an affluent of the main branch of the
Esconauba River. The first or lower dam measured
three hundred and eighty-five feet in length, and is a
large structure throughout its entire extent. It was
four feet high where it crossed the channel of the
stream, and three feet high for two-thirds of the re-
mainder of its length. Along this stream the prevail-
ing trees are spruce, tamarack, and cedar, interspersed
with poplar, with the latter of which the dam was
constructed. As the poplar is a soft wood, larger,
and often shorter billets were used, than in the dams
previously described. This dam, in external appear-
ance, was much inferior to those made of hard wood.
The upper dam measured five hundred and fifty-one
feet in continuous length along its crest. Divided into
sections it gave the following vertical elevations:
Hirst) section ote 84 fceteescscnce-cs.>s0-00-er-cs 0 3 feet high.
Second CCF Mill OOM i teeeeteases vers oo sesssscrealsson 2 ce
Third CORP SOO Mecemetne sales <cdeeccssscsscacces 1 foot 6 inches.
Fourth GG, TI09): °CS. sargoneigepdeeneeaeeees papodne: 1 foot.
Fifth Opal) agtecass tasteless sciees:s ses ve peionacteccite recat 9 inches.
Sixth CCR MCI re site <ls(sisc<es)a else ses cslaterneaceeeit G Ses
Totallength, 551 feet.
For two hundred feet on the east end of the dam,
which was its lowest part, it was carried up the stream
parallel with its course, and a few rods in front of the
rising ground which formed its bank. Here it was
constructed almost entirely of mud and sod. This
left a narrow channel of water along the crest of the
dam, which answered the purposes of a canal, the
ground being aswamp on either side. In places it
was simply a ditch, excavated in the soft wet earth,
the materials being thrown up in the form of a con-
tinuous embankment on the lower side, thus forming
a low dam with a narrow water channel on the upper
side. The excavation was from two to three feet
deep, and the embankment rose about six inches high.
This seems scarcely credible, especially as it resembled
so closely the work of the spade, but nevertheless it
was the handiwork of beavers.
A mile and a half southwest of the mine last
named, there is another very fine beaver dam three
hundred and eighty feet long, and unusually high
and broad throughout its entire extent. It will aver-
age three feet high for two hundred feet, and at the
centre it is four feet high, and quite massive. The
amount of solid materials in this structure is not less
than in that at Grass Lake. Mr. John Armstrong,
before mentioned, with whom I spent a part of a
night upon this dam, captured thirteen beavers upon
it in the fall and winter of 1865. There are three
lodges upon the borders of the pond, which would
give to them, before they were disturbed, twenty-one
beaver occupants, by the usual rule of computation.
There were also two beaver canals connected with the
In the year 1862, I heard, through Capt. Daniel
Wilson, of a long dam, constructed upon a small brook
which falls into Carp River high up on this stream;
and went with him to ascertain its length by measure-
ment. This dam is marked No. 19 on the map. It
proved to be a fine structure, and of extraordinary
length. On careful measurement with a tape-line,
following the crest of the dam, we found its total
length on a continuous line to be four hundred and
eighty-eight feet. For two hundred feet, from its
commencement on the left bank of the stream, it is
one of the most perfect and artistically formed struct-
ures in the Lake Superior region, although not so
high, and, for this reason, not equal to that at Grass
Lake. The pond was full to the crest of the dam,
thus showing that it was occupied by beavers, which
fact was afterward further confirmed by opening the
lodges upon its borders. It seemed to me to be very
desirable to perpetuate this dam in a photograph
while in its present perfect condition; not so much to
show the best part of the work, as to verify, in a
manner that would admit of no future question, the
fact of its extraordinary length when considered in
connection with the limited physical powers of its
architects. This desire was strengthened by the
further consideration that these dams begin to decay
as soon as they are deserted by the beavers, and
quickly thereafter disappear; and that in no case do
the latter remain in any district long after the estab-
lishment of the first settlements in their vicinity. If
anything was done, therefore, it was imperative that
it should be done immediately. Having ascertained.
that my friend, Rev. Josiah Phelps, Rector of St.
Peter’s Church at Marquette, had an excellent instru-
ment, and the necessary chemicals, which, with his
skill, he was willing to place at my disposal, and
that Mr. Walter Kidder, who, like Mr. Phelps, was
an amateur photographer, was willing to assist in the
work, a programme was arranged among us to secure
a photographic representation of this interesting
structure. As a conclusion to the subject of beaver
dams, I propose to give some account of the manner
in which this enterprise was accomplished.
At the time the photograph was taken, the Mar-
quette and Ontonagon Railroad, which now passes
within a mile of this dam, was not completed beyond
the Lake Superior Mine; but a very good trail had
recently been cut out which, passing within half a
mile of its site, made it comparatively easy of access.
It was necessary, as a preparatory measure, to cut
away the forest for some distance below the dam, and
to clear the latter of grass and weeds. The area im-
mediately below was heavily wooded with tamarack,
cedar, and spruce, interspersed with thickets of alder
and willow upon the lowest ground. ‘To prepare the
dam for being photographed, and to arrange the sta-
tions for the instrument, I went in with a party of
men in advance, and commenced the work. Having
previously ascertained that the instrument would
take, upon a ten-inch plate, fifty feet.of the dam
measured in a straight line, when stationed at a dis-
tance of sixty-two feet, and show its structure with
sufficient minuteness, we adopted a plan to photograph
it upon seven such plates. In the first place, eight
stations were established, and flag-staffs erected, de-
fining the space assigned to each plate. Of these, the
first six were in a straight line, and each was in, or
near the crest line of the dam. At the sixth station
the general direction of the dam inclined down stream,
with which divergence the last two were ma‘le to cor-
respond. We then cut a line ten feet wide through
the thickets of willow and alder, removing the forest
trees as well, running it parallel with the flag-staffs,
and sixty-two feet below them. This line was for the
movement as well as to afford a position for the scaf-
fold for the instrument. After this, it was necessary
to determine the position for the scaffold in front of
each section of fifty feet of the dam, and then to cut
out a triangular opening between the two, having its
apex at the scaffold station. It was further found
advisable to make the first section of the dam, com-
mencing at the end on the right, seventy feet long,
the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, each fifty
feet; and the seventh and last, seventy feet. The
first plate taken was to be of the second section, with
the scaffold immediately in front of its centre, and the
second of the first section, by turning the instrument
to the right, and not otherwise changing its position.
At this angle it would embrace the whole seventy
feet, as well as make the background harmonious as
to these two plates. After that the scaffold was to be
removed successively to the centre of each remaining
section on to the sixth, from which point the last sec-
tion of seventy feet was to be taken by turning the
instrument to the left, without changing its focal
position, as done in the previous case. This would
give to the seven plates a lineal length of three hun-
dred and ninety feet, and an actual length of dam,
measured upon its sinuous crest, of four hundred and
twenty-six feet. The dam, for the last-named length,
is shown in the plates, with the background of the
pond and surrounding forest three times repeated in
the three central plates. Besides this, however, a
portion of the dam sixty-two feet long is not shown.
When the dam had approached within six feet of the
bank on the left side, it turned directly down stream
parallel with it, and was extended for the distance
last named, when it finally terminated in the bank;
thus forming a narrow canal which followed the dam
down to its extreme end. The point where it turns
is concealed from view by a clump of cedar-trees
which are seen in the left end of the plate. Two
days were expended by this advance party in cutting
out the several lines, establishing the stations, and in
making a commencement of the work.
On Tuesday, the 50th day of September, 1862, with
the instrument and chemicals packed in boxes, we
went up the railroad from Marquette to the Superior
Mine, where we organized and provisioned our party
for an encampment of several days at the dam, some
six miles distant. The next day proved unfavorable,
with mist and rain, but we reached our destination
without accident to the materials, erected two brush-
camps, framed and put together a movable scaffold
twelve feet high, with a ladder to mount it, and
finished clearing away the area in front of the first
two sections. The work of chopping was also con-
tinued, as we found it necessary to cut down and
remove all the trees for twenty-five feet in width
along the entire front of the dam, as well as from the
triangular space in front of each scaffold station.
Besides this, the dark tent for preparing the plates
was also erected. When, at a late hour, we sat down
to our dinner, in this secluded place, our party of nine
men, with their camps under the shade of the tall
tamaracks, and the great dam stretching across from
hill to hill, presented quite a novel spectacle.
The next day, Thursday, came out clear and bright,
and we commenced early. Section two was first taken,
and the attempt proved successful; then section one,
and after that section three, with equal success. After
this, the fourth plate was tried and failed; three other
plates of the same section were also successively tried
and failed; whereupon, at four o’clock, we gave up
for the day, except the work of chopping and clear-
ing, which were continued to the last hour of our
About ten o'clock that night it clouded up, and
soon thereafter we had wind and rain. Friday morn-
ing came in with fog and mist, which lasted through-
out the day, with a breaking up toward evening, but
no sun. We took two other plates of section four,
and decided to keep the last. On the afternoon of
this day I made a new and careful measurement of
the dam, with the result given below, and also opened
and measured the two lodges appurtenant to the
structure. The next day would be Saturday, and our
last chance, and we had three plates yet to take.
As we were six miles from the nearest habitation
and twenty-three from Marquette, we would be com-
pelled to break up our encampment at noon to reach
town that night, where my friend, the rector, was
needed to officiate in another capacity on the ensuing
Sabbath. I began to fear for the residue of my picture,
as the night set in rainy, with thunder and lightning.
Morning came, bringing with it no sun, but a gale of
wind, which set the tall tamaracks crashing down
around us. Those, against which our camps were
constructed, were twisted off; but as the wind came
down the pond, we were safe in the open space below
the dam, and besides this, it soon lifted the clouds.
Having moved the scaffold the day previous to the
front of the fifth section, with the first appearance of
sunlight this section was taken successfully on the
first trial, after which it was removed to the fifth and
last position, from which the sixth and seventh plates
were taken with equal success. As the last three
plates, like the first three, were taken in sunshine
more or less strong, while the fourth was taken under
heavy clouds, we moved back the scaffold in front of
the latter section, tried again and succeeded, and our
work was done. We then packed up our materials,
broke up our camp, and returned to the railroad sta-
tion in time for the last train to Marquette; having
accomplished, whether important or otherwise, the
undertaking of preserving a permanent memorial of
this remarkable beaver structure.!
The pond covers about twenty-five acres of land,
1The photographs put together make a picture six feet and
eight inches long. It was expected, when the text was written,
that this dam would be engraved.
and continues across the entire length of the dam,
although quite narrow upon its left half.
Straight line. Crest line of dam.
IMSL SCOULON w. os once ocaectesemterecemeteesemerces 70 feet. 83 feet 6 inches.
ECON. BECLION.....0tecessatemnersmnreaeeenecrs cs 50 <“< OSe SUsIGr ease
IFA Section: 3... .o.)6kesaeeeeeeeeee eae aes HOE sé (jay CE GU
Hommbhy SCtwONss..c0 00 vet seeacetecasereenets 50 “ GONE Gees
Mitihy Section: ......-.-0262+ ssesseaeeeenentes= 4 fat) Si Ss Ommnnce
PURO SCCULON 2. ss .0.cccces cageonaeteeetesenn sere 50 * Bye), EG ta) | © GS
eventh Section. ::24.).. desc sddeeses secbeecer 40s b5Y: SCOR Sy CU
Here the dam turns down stream 10 ft. from bank, andruns 62 ‘
Total length of dam measured on crest line, 488 feet.
Other Measurements.
At 50 | At 85 | At 144] At.200| At 260} At 317) At 375
ft.from| ft. from | ft. from | ft. from |ft. from | ft. from ft. from
end. | end. | end. end. | end. | end. | end.
— 3) Lee i) erect) ee a
Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.
Slope of lower face.......... SONNem GWLOe Sal 8 8 6 5
Slope of water face......... Se) Ome a2 9 8 7 6
Depth of water at end of
SIG IN® chaabhooqone ee POO OIOOr 7 8 9 if 5 5 +
Vertical height of dam.....) 2 2| 3 2) 4.9/2 8} 1.8/1 8/1 8
This dam is a continuous work from one end to the
other. In two or three places there is a natural rise
of the ground as high as the top of the dam for a few
feet in length, but the inner slope is banked with
earth, and the summit worked. There are other
places where the embankment is solid, showing very
little wood intermixed, but it is artificial. The depth
of the pond a few feet back, or at the end of the water
slope, does not necessarily show the original ground
surface, as earth may have been brought up from the
bottom to place upon the dam; and yet the removal
of the earth from a point so near would seem to en-
danger the work, and to be for this reason improbable.
Taken as a whole, and as a beaver structure, it is an
extraordinary piece of animal mechanism, whether
considered with reference to its great length, the
amount of materials it contains, or its artistic ap-
pearance. It has undoubtedly been built upon and
repaired year after year until it reached its present
dimensions; and it is not in the least improbable that
it has existed and been continued for centuries.
There are other districts in North America where
beaver dams are not less numerous than in the regions
bordering upon Lake Superior. Along the Rocky
Mountain chain, for a distance of more than two
thousand miles, there are particular localities, on both
sides of the range, where these erections are found in
considerable numbers. They are also numerous in
the streams which flow from the Wind River, the
Big Horn, and the Laramie Mountains, and from the
Black Hills, but they are usually small, ranging from
fifty to one hundred feet in length, and from two to
three feet high. On HKagle River and other tributa-
ries of the Colorado, and upon the affluents of the
Rio Grande, near its sources, beaver dams of consider-
able magnitude have been noticed by explorers. In
the thick wood country along Hudson’s Bay, and
for a circuit of three hundred miles around and back
of its shores, they are especially numerous. From
general descriptions of these dams, obtained from va-
rious sources, and particularly from trappers, with
whom these several regions are familiar, it is evident
that they are all constructed on the same general
plan, and in the same manner as the varieties herein
described. Dams constructed of cotton-wood and wil-
low, of which I have seen a number of specimens
on the tributaries of the Upper Missouri, between the
Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountains, are inferior
in appearance to those in which hard wood is used, as
in the Lake Superior region; but the differences do
not affect the stability or efficiency of the structures.
Before concluding the subject of beaver dams, one
other variety remains to be noticed, which in novelty
surpasses all others. In Montana Territory three
beaver dams have been discovered in a petrified state.
They were found upon a small stream that runs
through the Point Neuf Cation, and empties into the
Snake River, one of the tributaries of the Columbia.
This canon is about three hundred miles north of Salt
Lake City. In length these dams are from fifty to
sixty feet, with a fall of water over two of them, at
the centre, of from three to four feet, and over the
third of about one foot. They were not in that com-
plete and final state of petrifaction which involves the
change of every particle of the original woody mate-
rials, and the substitution of solid substances; but
rather incrusted with lime, which, penetrating and
solidifying the entire structures, had given to them a
permanently durable form. It seems not a little sin-
gular that Nature should thus wrap up with her kindly
and preserving hand these memorials of the skill and
labor of the beaver, and hold them as a part of her
vast record of the past. My friend, Prof. Henry A.
Ward, of the University of Rochester, discovered these
dams while engaged in a geological exploration in
Montana, in the year 1865, and from him I received
the above account.
Habits of Beaver—Our Knowledge limited—Indians and Trappers as Ob-
servers—Source of Buffon’s Extravagant Statements—Disposition of
Beavers to pair—The Family—Outcast Beaver—Beaver Migrations—
Adaptation to Aquatic Life—Suspension of Respiration—Length of Time
—Artifice of Musk-Rat—Burrowing Propensities—Varieties of the Beaver
Lodge—Island Lodge at Grass Lake—Size and Form—Chamber—Floor
—Wood Entrance—Beaver Entrance—Their Artistic Character—Bank
Lodge—Mode of Construction—Chamber—Entrances—Another Variety
of Bank Lodge—Chamber and Entrances—Nature of Floor—Lake Lodge
—Differences from other Varieties—False Lodge of Upper Missouri—
Lodges Single Chambered—Burrows, their Form, Size, and Uses—Ex-
amples, with Measurements—Number of Beavers to the Lodge—Number
of Lodges to the Pond.
NOTWITHSTANDING our familiarity with the beaver,
through the persevering efforts made for his capture
by both American and Indian trappers, the amount of
our minute information concerning him is not as large
as might have been expected. Any attempt to pro-
nounce definitely upon his habits and mode of life
will lead us into errors, if we pass beyond such facts
as are susceptible of verification. These facts, from
the nature of the case, are difficult of ascertainment.
Although not exclusively nocturnal in his habits, the
beaver performs the principal part of his work at
night. He is both shy and timorous of disposition,
and, when seen, it is usually by accident, for a brief
space of time, and when engaged in one particular
act. No single observer, however favorable his oppor-
tunities, could cover the field, for which reason it is
necessary to collect and compare the observations of
a large number of persons to ascertain even the prin-
cipal facts. While, therefore, their artificial erections
speak for themselves, their habits, in other respects,
can only be determined by a series of authenticated
acts, in the ascertainment of which the greatest cau-
tion should be used. There is enough, within the
limits of the veritable, which is sufficiently remarka-
ble, without entering the domain of fancy to produce
a picture.
The Indian is a close, and, in the main, an accurate
observer of the habits of animals. Without hesita-
tion he places the beaver in the highest rank among
them for intelligence and sagacity. It is also a part
of the vocation of the white trapper to be versed in
their characteristics and manner of life to prosecute
efficiently his calling. From these sources of infor-
mation, and particularly from the last, the extrava-
gant statements concerning the domestic economy of
beaver communities were derived, which Buffon was
among the first to adopt and promulgate under the
sanction of his distinguished name. The reaction
which followed the disproval of these fictions tended
rather to arrest further investigation than to turn it
in the right direction; so that from Buffon’s time to
the present but little progress has been made in our
knowledge of this animal. After considerable inter:
course with Indian and white trappers on the south
shore of Lake Superior, in the Hudson’s Bay terri-
tory, and upon the Upper Missouri, I have been able,
through them, to verify but a small number of facts
tending to establish, as well as to illustrate, the habits
and mode of life of this long-observed rodent. At
the same time the amount of speculative opinion with
reference to his ways, which is cherished and believed
among them, is very great. To reject all their con-
clusions, for want of complete verification, would be
not less unwise than to adopt them unconditionally. It
will, therefore, be my plan to state, as facts, such only
as I can assert upon personal observation, or have
verified upon reliable testimony; and to introduce,
from time to time, in addition thereto, such state-
ments and conclusions of other persons, and upon
their authority, as have a probable basis of truth;
leaving their verification or disproval to future inves-
Beavers are social animals in an eminent degree.
This disposition is manifested in their strongly de-
veloped propensity to pair and live in the family
relation. It is still further exemplified by the con-
struction of dams, lodges, burrows, and canals for
objects which are common to them as a family; and
by providing a store of subsistence for winter use. A
beaver family consists of a male and female, and their
offspring of the first and second years, or, more prop-
erly, under two years old. The females bring forth
their young, from two to five at a time, in the month
of May,’ and nurse them for a few weeks, after which
the latter take to bark. I have seen upon the Upper
Missouri a domesticated beaver of three weeks old sus-
tain himself upon twigs of cotton-wood. They attain
their full growth at two years and six months, and live
from twelve to fifteen years. This last statement is
upon Indian authority. The cry of a young beaver re-
1 The rutting season is in the month of February.
sembles very closely that of a child a few days old. A
trapper illustrated to the author the completeness of
his deception by this cry, when he first commenced his
vocation in the Rocky Mountains, by relating the fol-
lowing incident: he was once going to his traps when
he heard a cry which he was sure was that of a child;
and, fearing the presence of an Indian camp, he crept
in cautiously through the cotten-wood to the bank of
the stream, where he discovered two young beavers
upon a low bank of earth near the water, crying for
their mother, whom he afterward found in one of his
traps. On one occasion I was similarly deceived in
an Indian lodge at the mouth of the Yellowstone River,
where a young beaver was lapping milk from a saucer
while an Indian baby was pulling its fur. It was not
until after several repetitions that I noticed that it was
the cry of the beaver instead of the child. When the
first litter attain the age of two years, and in the third
summer after their birth, they are sent out from the
parent lodge to seek mates and establish families for
themselves, in which movement they are followed by
each successive litter upon the attainment of the same
age. Such at least is the uniform testimony of both
Indian and white trappers, in support of which they
assign the following reasons: first, that when they
capture an entire family in one lodge or burrow, which
is not unfrequent, they rarely, if ever, find more than
two old beavers, the remainder being under two years
old; and that the usual number found in one lodge
ranges from four to eight, and rarely exceeds twelve:
secondly, that these numbers exhaust the accommoda-
tions of the lodge: thirdly, that old beavers are jealous
of, and hostile to their young after they attain ma-
turity: and, lastly, their well-known propensity to
pair. A fanciful notion prevails among the Indians,
that if young beavers, thus sent out, fail to pair, they
are allowed to return to the parent lodge and remain
until the ensuing summer; but as a mark of parental
disapprobation, for their ill matrimonial success, they
are required to do the work of repairing the dam.
There is another ramification of the same conceit, to
the effect that if they fail again to mate in the ensu-
ing summer, they are not allowed to return a second
time, but that they become from thenceforth “outeast
beavers.” The existence of such a class is believed
in, to some extent, both by the Indians and trappers,
and the two notions together furnish the only founda-
tion for the fiction at one time believed that there was
a class of slave beavers." These “outcasts,” so called,
* This belief in the existence of a class of slave beavers appears
to have been of Arabian origin. In the ‘Wonders of Creation,”
by Kazwini, an Arabian author who wrote in A.D. 1288, is the
following account: ‘‘The beaver (kundur) is a land and water
animal that is found in the smaller rivers of the country Isa
[north of the present government of Novgorod]. He builds on
the bank of the river a house, and makes for himself in this an
elevated place in the form of a bench; then, on the right hand,
about a step lower, one for his wife, and on the left, one for his
young ones, and on the lower part of the house, one for his ser-
vants. His dwelling possesses in the lower part an egress toward
the water, and another higher one toward the land. If, therefore,
an enemy comes on the water side, or the water rises, he escapes
by the egress leading to the land; but if the enemy comes on the
land side, by that which leads to the water. He nourishes himself
on the flesh of fishes and the wood of the Chelendech (? willow).
The merchants of that country are able to distinguish the skins of
the servants from that of the masters; the former hew the Chelen-
dech wood for their masters, drag it with their maw, and break it
are probably such beavers as, having lost their mates,
refused afterward to pair, and led thenceforth solitary
lives in burrows.
Beavers migrate from place to place more or less
every season, and particularly when a district becomes
overstocked. There is an annual migration down the
Missouri River, usually in the month of June, which
becomes the more marked from the inability of the
migrants ever to find their way back against its power-
ful current... The Indians affirm that in their local
migrations the old beavers go up stream, and the
young go down, assigning as a reason that, in the
strugele for existence, greater advantages are afforded
near the source than lower down upon any stream,
wherefore the old beavers wisely appropriate the
For his aquatic life, he needs, as well as possesses,
special organic adaptations. He is not only capable
of suspending respiration for an interval of several
minutes while swimming under water, but also of
putting forth, at the same time, his full physical
strength. With a relatively small heart and lungs,
his respiration is necessarily moderate in amount; but
in pieces with their forehead, so that in consequence of this office
the hair of the head falls out on the right and left side. The
merchants, who are aware of this fact, recognize in the hair of the
forehead thus rubbed off the skin of the servant. In the skin of
the master this mark of recognition is wanting, as he employs
himself with catching fish.”—(Brandt, Mémoires de l’Académie
de 8S. Petersbourg, tome vii. 349.)
1 A trapper whom I met on the Missouri River, in 1862, below
Fort Piere, in Nebraska, informed me that the beavers were then
(May 27) coming down the river; that he saw them daily, and
had taken over fifty.
as the blood must circulate while respiration is sus-
pended, other and independent vessels are provided
near the heart for its reception, where it accumulates
~ until respiration is resumed. If this blood were thrown
upon the lungs while their functions were suspended,
it would produce suffocation. It is said that he will
swim a quarter of a mile under water without coming
to the surface. Trappers differ as to the time he will
remain under water, but agree in placing it between
five and ten minutes. Mr. Atchinson, a Lake Superior
trapper, informed me that he once held a beaver,
caught in a trap, under water for the full space of ten
minutes, as he believed, without extinguishing life.
In the winter they are often compelled to swim fifty
and a hundred rods under the ice to find open water;
and they have been seen to take in a fresh cutting,
through a hole in the ice, and swim with it for thirty
rods to their lodge.
The musk-rat, whose aquatic habits, and use of
the pond, the burrow, and the lodge, affiliate him
with the beaver, resorts to a singular but well-
attested expedient to lengthen the period of sus-
pended respiration, which may be mentioned in this
connection. When swimming under ice he comes up
to its lower surface, and, having expelled the air from
his lungs, waits for a moment, and then, after drawing
in again the bubbles of air, proceeds on his way,
This fact has been confirmed to me by so many dif-
ferent observers, that I see no reason to disbelieve its
truth. Whether the air, by its contact with the ice,
recovered some property of which it had become ex-
hausted, I leave as a question to those capable of its
determination. It is claimed that the beaver resorts
to the same expedient, but I have not been able to
verify the fact.
The body of the beaver is nearly, if not perfectly,
balanced upon his hip joints. From these points as
fulerums, and by means of his hind legs, feet, and
tail, he has the full command of his bodily motions,
particularly in the water, without depending upon his
fore feet. In swimming, the propelling power is in
the hind feet and legs, which are so furnished and
articulated as to make him a rapid and powerful
swimmer. For the same reason, when on land, his
paws become liberated, and he is thus enabled to take
up earth and stones, and, holding them under his
throat, to carry them short distances, walking upon
his hind feet; and also to handle sticks and limbs of
trees. It is thus in his structural organization that
we discover the possibility of his architectural skill.!
It is another characteristic of the beaver that he is
a burrowing animal. Indulging this propensity, he
excavates chambers under ground, and constructs
artificial lodges upon its surface, both of which are
indispensable to his security and happiness. The
lodge is but a burrow above ground, covered with an
artificial roof, and possesses some advantages over the
latter as a place for rearing their young. There are
’ The otter is balanced much in the same manner, but he is
smaller, more slender, and more agile in his movements. As a
swimmer he is superior to the beaver. He will pursue and cap-
ture a fish with ease and certainty. In swimming, his fore feet are
not used, but are pressed back against his body, as in the case of
the beaver. His bite sustains the statement of Aristotle with
reference to the Enropean otter, minus the fancy for hearing the
cracking of the bones. (Supra, p. 36.)
reasons for believing that the burrow is the normal
residence of the beaver; and that the lodge grew out
of it, in the progress of their experience, by natural
suggestion. This subject will be referred to again.
We have before seen that one of the principal objects
of the dam was the formation of a pond; thus show-
ing a desire, on the part of its architects, to maintain
a large body of water at a permanent level for some
special use. We come now to inquire its uses, so far
as they relate to the lodge and the burrow. There
are several varieties of the beaver lodge, each of which
is adapted to the peculiarities of its situation; but
they collectively represent different applications of
the same general principle of construction. Thus we
find an island, a river bank, and a lake lodge, each
of which has special characteristics. The same is
true, in a less degree, of their burrows. Each will be
considered in its order.
Where large ponds are formed by means of dams, it
is not unusual to find small grass islands rising a few
inches above the level of the water. These islands
were probably produced by fallen trees which had
been flooded and destroyed by the pond, and upon the
decayed remains of which vegetation had sprung.
In other cases there are islands of firm earth which
chanced to rise naturally above the surface of the
water. These, whether unsubstantial or firm, are
generally selected as the sites for their lodges because
of the additional protection which insulation affords.
The lodge represented in the engraving (Plate XIII.)
is situated upon one of the low grass islands described,
and is one of the two found in Grass Lake above the
great dam. As it was engraved from a photograph, it
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is an accurate representation of a beaver lodge, and of
its surrounding landscape. This ledge’ is considerably
above the ordinary size, and a good specimen. In the
year 1860 I opened it, and measured its inner chamber.
It was not accessible from the land without a boat, and
we were compelled to fell a tree from the main land
across to the island as a means of transit. When we
reached it, we found it very unsubstantial; the turf,
which was saturated with water, yielding under our
feet with a rocking motion. The lodge was situated
upon the edge of the island, and was girded around
with a moat or trench about three feet wide, and from
three to four feet deep, which opened out into the pond
at the outer edge of the lodge. Externally it was a
rounded and dome-shaped mass of poles and sticks,
which were trimmed of their branches and stripped
of their bark, and interlaced much in the same man-
ner as those upon the lower faces of their dams. It
was oblong in form rather than round, as will appear
by the following measurements:
From the water level, on the right in the engraving, to the
water level on the left, measured over apex of lodge..... 22 ft. 6 inches.
Width of lodge at base or water WE CON See ce
From water level in front, to same on back side, measured
Myer apex Of Lodge... .xccsaspcennuueaueeres Veneeneeeet esta acedc sacs 20) 266 LORS
Width of lodge at base or water line, from front to back... 19 “* 9 «
Vertical height of lodge above water level.........sessseeseere Beaten i) 36
We commenced opening it at the top. A few of
the poles on the surface were loose and easily removed,
but at a few inches below the apex we found them so
1The Ojibwas call a beaver lodge wig-e-wam’, which is the
game word they employ to designate their own bark house. When
they make the distinction, they prefix the word for beaver, ah-
mick’. .
interwoven and imbedded in earth and loam, that it
was impossible to loosen them with our hands. About
a foot below the surface the walls were substantially
solid. With the aid of an axe, however, and after an
hour’s hard labor, we succeeded in making an opening
through the roof about three feet in diameter, which
uncovered and disclosed the chamber very perfectly.
Fig. 9.
Ground Plun. Island Lodge.
It is shown in the annexed figure (Fig.9). The roof
had settled down in the centre from the superincum-
bent weight, but not so far as to interfere with the
accommodations of the chamber. It had no support
under it of any kind whatever. After removing the
materials which had fallen in from the roof upon the
floor, we found the latter hard, smooth, and clean,
with fresh-cut grass around the outer border for their
nests; thus showing that it was an occupied lodge.
In standing upon the floor of the chamber, the heel of
a. boot did not indent the surface, although it was but
two inches above the level of the pond. This last
fact was shown by the level at which the water stood
in the entrances, two in number, which came through
the floor in the outer edge of the chamber, as shown
in the figure. .
Longitudinal diameter of chamber ..................4- 7 ft. 8 in.
JINTEYINENYES #oC Bepraonansceconina soc odcocce \ochbocabrmadcaensaaccon Ce
Werticall height... :..:i.ciiecesseersemeae nace tect 1 ft. to 1 ft. 4 in.
Size of entrances through floor....................000 15 in. square.
Length of each entrance respectively ................ 10 and 7 feet.
The roof was about three feet, and the side walls
from four and a half to five and a half feet thick, which
rendered it, as a structure, both strong and durable.
Among the characteristics of the beaver is that of
cleanliness in his lodges and burrows. Nothing ap-
peared in this chamber to detract from his reputation
in this respect. There was no opening for light or
ventilation; but yet, from the porous nature of the
materials, as put together, sufficient air would pene-
trate the lodge from without to satisfy the require-
ments of its occupants, whose low respiration enables
them to endure the confined atmosphere of the lodge
and the burrow. In the winter season, their breath,
rising through the top of the lodge, dissolves the snow
and forms a chimney opening over it, which not only
continues their supply of air, but also reveals their
habitation to the trapper. .
The entrances to a beaver lodge, of which there
are usually two, and sometimes more, are the most
remarkable parts of the structure. They are made
with great skill, and in the most artistic manner. In
new lodges there is generally but one, but others are
added with their increase in size under the process of
repairing, until, in large lodges, there are sometimes
three and four. These entrances are of two kinds.
One is straight, or as nearly so as possible, with its
floor, which is of course under water, an inclined —
plane, rising gradually from the bottom of the pond
into the chamber; while the other is abrupt in its
descent, and often sinuous in its course. The first
we shall call the “wood entrance,” from its evident
design to facilitate the admission into the chamber of
their “wood cuttings,” upon which they subsist during
the season of winter. These cuttings, as will else-
where be shown, are of such size and length that
such an entrance is absolutely necessary for their free
admission into the lodge. The other, which we shall
call the “beaver entrance,” was the ordinary run-way
for their exit and return. It is usually abrupt, and
often winding. In the lodge under consideration, the
wood entrance descended’ from the outer rim of the
chamber outward about ten feet to the bottom of the
pond in a straight line, and upon an inclined plane;
while the other, emerging from the rim of the
chamber at the side, descended quite abruptly to the
bottom of the moat or trench, through which the
beavers must pass, in open water, out into the pond.
Both entrances were rudely arched over with a roof
of interlaced sticks filled in with mud intermixed with
vegetable fibre, and were extended to the bottom of
the pond and trench, with the exception of the open-
ings at their ends. At the places where they were
constructed through the floor they were finished with
neatness and precision; the upper parts and sides
forming an arch more or less regular, while the bottom
and floor edges were formed with firm and compacted
earth, in which small sticks were imbedded. It is
difficult to realize the artistic appearance of some of
these entrances without actual inspection.
These. lodges, at first small, and with contracted
chambers, are enlarged, both in external size and in
internal accommodation, by the process of repairing.
After their winter cuttings are peeled of their bark
for food, they are put out of the lodge, and, in due
time, a portion of them are placed upon its roof to
supply the waste by settlement and decay. Late in
the fall, each season, the sides of their lodges, nearly
to the summits, are, in some cases, plastered over with
mud, which, soon freezing, materially increases their
strength. The decayed portion of the walls and roof
which form the chamber within are, from time to
time, removed, which gradually increases its size. By
the two processes of external addition and internal
enlargement, continued through a series of years, a
lodge is finally produced of the size represented in the
engraving. The quantity of sticks, poles, and billets
of wood used in its construction was about a cord.
It has elsewhere been stated that the entrances of
these lodges were from two to three feet below the
surface of the water in all cases, and that in this
lodge the level of the water in the pond stood within
two inches of the floor of the chamber. In every
lodge opened I have found the floor but a few inches,
~ usually from two to six, above the level of the water.
The nearer the two to the same level, the easier the
introduction of their cuttings, which must be dragged
in with their teeth at no small exertion of strength.
_ From the uniform relation found to subsist between the
level of the floor and of the pond, it is evident that the
beavers regulate the discharge of the surplus water
through their dams with a view to the maintenance,
as near as possible, of a uniform level of the pond.
Any great variation, in this respect, would either
flood their habitations or expose their entrances; and
therefore the maintenance of their dams becomes a
matter of constant supervision and perpetual labor.
We discover also a reason why their principal repairs,
both of their dams and lodges, are deferred to the last
moment before going into winter quarters; since their
comfort and security are involved particularly in the
stability of their dams, which for months together,
during the winter, are beyond their control. In
choosing the sites of their lodges, so as to be assured
of water in their entrances and at their places ot
exit, too deep to be frozen to the bottom; in the ad-
justment of the floors of their chambers to the level
of the ponds; and in their appreciation of the causes
of a change of level in these ponds, as well as of the
remedy, decisive evidence seems to be furnished of
their possession of a jree intelligence, as well as of
constructive skill.
One other circumstance remains to be mentioned
with reference to this lodge. It was opened and
measured, as before stated, in 1860. The following
year, while going again to Grass Lake dam for the
purpose of obtaining a photograph of the same, I re-
gretted the destruction of the lodge, of which a repre-
sentation was not less desirable than of the dam. On
reaching the lake, I was both surprised and gratified
to find that the lodge had been completely restored
by the beavers; and the engraving (Plate XIII.) shows
the lodge as it appeared after it had once been par-
tially destroyed, and again repaired, in the manner
Fig. 10.
Island Lodge. Side view.
In this figure of the lodge (Fig. 10), which was
taken from the island, its long side is shown, together
with the moat by which it is surrounded. The two
engravings together represent a beaver lodge so faith-
fully and completely as to render unnecessary any
further description of their external appearance. Both
engravings were made from photographs of the orig-
The number of lodges upon the largest ponds rarely
exceeds four. In some instances six and eight have
been found. Upon Grass Lake, as before stated, there
are but two, both of which are upon grass islands
within the pond. There are none upon its banks.
Another, and equally common variety may be called,
by way of distinction, the bank lodge. They are of
two kinds. One is situated upon the bank of the
stream or pond, a few feet back from its edge, and en-
tered by an underground passage from the bed of the
stream, excavated through the natural earth up into
the chamber. The other is situated upon the edge of
the bank, a portion of it projecting over, and resting
upon the bed of the channel, so as to have the floor
of the chamber rest upon the bank or on solid ground,
while the external wall, on the pond side, projects
beyond it, and is built up from the bottom of the pond.
There is a lodge of this description near dam No. 14
represented in Plate IX. Originally it was a fine
lodge; but when I opened and measured it, in 1860,
it had been deserted for two or three years, and
had fallen into decay. A ground plan is given in
Figure 11. One-fourth part of it, which represents
the thickness of the external wall, projects beyond the
bank into the river, while the remainder, which in-
cluded the whole of the chamber, was upon the land.
It was constructed in the same manner, and presented
the same general appearance, as the one last described.
Height of lodge, on river side, from bed of channel. 6 ft. 6 inches.
EVGTMITL OMMANIOIEIOC csec0ssscssveserass recess seeeecienenreece Ov ttlO) oo
Diameter on base line, on level of bank............... TAS i es
MTraNSVENSeCVCAMELOI. .scves ss «sevcbarccdsicacecepecremtereeee: 14 ft.
Diameterrotec uae -+. +22. ..0-.ccesesccasecvecesceuneoreaser 6 ft.
Height of chamber from floor of lodge.................. 2 ft. 6 inches.
Height of floor above level of pond when full......... Opens
Sizejorventrancesthrouch floor..:......<.esnceseeeasentes 15 ‘* square.
Thickness of wallsiand TOOfs.....+..2.+c+cecessseseceessees 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 inches.
The floor of the chamber was hard, level, and
clean, with small quantities of dried grass scattered
here and there, but much decayed; showing that the
lodge had been for some time deserted. At the two
points where the walls of the lodge intersect the
banks were the entrances. As the dam had been cut
; WW!
Bank Lodge. Ground Plan.
through and the river drawn down nearly to its orig-
inal level, an excellent opportunity was afforded to
examine these entrances where they came through
into the chamber, and also the arched way which led
down to the bed of the stream. The upper one was
the wood entrance, or, at least, the most convenient
for that purpose; although both were nearly straight,
with a gradual descent, and surprisingly well con-
structed. The edges or rims of these passages, where
they entered the chamber, were as hard, smooth, and
recular as if finished with a mason’s trowel; the
covered way over each was constructed with a mass
of interlaced sticks, filled in with loam, and forming
a perfect roof; and the bed of each passage-way was
composed of earth, made solid by imbedded sticks,
and graded with a regular descent. There is nothing
—I repeat the statement—connected with the lodge
which excites so much astonishment as the mechan-
ical skill displayed in the construction of these en- _
In lodges situated like this the entrances are called
the “angles” by the trappers. These angles had been
“staked out,” to use the phrase of the trappers, some
years before, and the stakes still remained. Two
rows led up to each entrance, and were thus driven
in for the purpose of compelling the beavers, on en-
tering the lodge, to pass through a narrow way, within
which the traps were to be set for their capture.
This is the usual method of trapping beavers at the
A beaver lodge, from its dome-shaped form, makes
a very conspicuous appearance, particularly when it
is symmetrically formed and in perfect repair. But
they are neither as high nor as narrow at the base as
they have been usually represented; and the greater
proportion of them are much inferior to those de-
Lodges are more frequently situated a few feet
back from the edge of the bank than in any other
position. They are erected and maintained with less
labor, but they are usually smaller, and not as con-
veniently connected with the water as the varieties
1 They are called Ah-me-ko-ish’ by the Ojibwas, which signifies
‘beaver door-way.”
ohh aes
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previously considered. .One other bank lodge only
will be described, and it will differ from the last in
being situated wholly upon land. It is located on a
neck of land formed by a bend in Carp River below
dam No. 50, and is shown in Plate XIV.
Across the neck a beaver canal had been cut, about
five feet wide on an average, and three feet deep, at
one of the junctions of which with the river the
lodge is situated. The river here passes through low
and swampy ground, and is broad and sluggish. At
high water there would be a current through the
canal but for a small dam thrown across in front of
the lodge, by which it is prevented. The difference
of level in the river at the two ends of the canal can-
not exceed an inch. In a subsequent chapter the
nature and uses of the canals, which have occasionally
been referred to, will be considered.
To reach this lodge we descended the river in a
boat." It was opened and measured in September,
1862; it was of ordinary size and appearance, and
gave the following external measurements:
From base, measured over apex, and parallel with canal. 16 feet 2 inches.
MIA Meter Ab ASS LINE ..2, 20..csscqeresecectasseresesecorcee tateacenccesecesectees ce 0) CC
From base over apex at right angles with canal...............14 ‘* 9 inches. _
DiNm eter At PASS LD Crsscstuccnc-cosecsssceoeh seceusseeetersersntecerctentscencchete HK) Ce
Vertical height of lodge above level of ground.......... Sere ae Batt
Height of ground above level of river sssccscesscesesesess 10 inches.
On the top of the lodge we found about three arm-
fuls of the cuttings, of the previous fall, which had
been denuded of bark and distributed irregularly over
its roof. Having removed the loose sticks and poles,
1 My estimable friend, Rev. Henry Fowler, of Auburn, N. Y.,
was my companion on this occasion.
we came, at the depth of a few inches, to a mass of
sticks and cuttings of various
sizes imbedded in dry earth or
muck, of which the roof was com-
posed. When these materials had
been removed and the chamber
uncovered, we found the roof very
cleverly supported by three poles,
as shown in the diagram (Fig. 12).
i ee >) No. 1) was. 6 fet) Migs
form Roof of Lodge.
long, about 2 inches thick, and
extended entirely across the chamber into the walls
on either side. No. 2 was 4 feet 3 inches long, about
2% inches thick, and rested upon the wall and also
upon pole Nol. And No. 2 was 4 feet long, of the
same thickness, and rested the one end upon the
wall and the other upon No. 2. Upon these was
a network of smaller poles and sticks filled in with
muck. The three principal poles formed a perfect and
well-contrived support for the roof. Whether this was
a new or an old lodge we had no means of ascertain-
ing; and, therefore, it did not necessarily follow that
they were so arranged by design. If an old lodge,
these poles were probably once upon the top, and had
come into their present position by the gradual pro-
gress of the settlement and decay of the materials
underneath, which was followed by their removal from
the roof of the chamber within as it was built upon
above. The magnitude of the canal is an evidence
of its great age, but this again is no evidence of the
age of the lodge, which may have been erected after
the latter was excavated. An examination of beaver
lodges shows quite clearly that they can be continued
Fig. 12. —
for centuries by the simple process of repairing. Such
is doubtless their history. New lodges would be de-
manded with an increase in numbers up to a certain
limit, but otherwise they would not, in all probability,
be constructed.
Around the outer rim of the chamber (Fig. 13)
there was fresh dry grass for beds, which had evidently
been recently cut from the meadows. In the centre
of the floor there was a large quantity of old and de-
cayed grass, damp and wet, on the removal of which
a considerable depression of the floor was observable.
Ground Plan of Lodge.
The above diagram shows the chamber and the
position of the entrances.
Diameter of chamber parallel with canal............. 6 feet 5 inches.
MrANSVELSe | CIAMELEY. Jt.ccanesqnacnesssitoreseomeen sees ees. Once
Height of chamber at centre.............0c-csccsscercees 1 foot 9 inches.
Level of floor below ground)... -t..cci7scesseeceas-c0ss> ee
Height of floor above water in entrances............. a
For the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the
floor we made an excavation, 1 foot and 9 inches deep,
through a mass of small beaver cuttings imbedded in
loam, of which it was composed, before we came to clear
earth. They were mere twigs a few inches long and a
quarter of an inch in diameter, and packed down in a
solid mass. As the floors of beaver lodges are usually
but three or four inches above the level of the water,
and so near it as to become thoroughly saturated, it
is extremely probable that they are, in all cases, made
firm and solid in this way, partly by accident and
partly by design. Without some such solidifying
process these floors would soon turn into soft mire,
and the chambers become uninhabitable.
The two entrances, as in the other cases, were the
most interesting portions of the structure. One en-
tered the canal, and from thence the river to go up
stream; the other the river direct for going down
stream. The former was nearly straight, with its
bottom out to the canal a gentle slope; while the other
descended quite abruptly as it emerged from the lodge,
and then turning to the left, nearly at right angles, ran
straight to the river. Both were neatly constructed,
but one only, that which terminated in the canal,
was adapted to the purposes of a wood entrance. We
were able to run a pole through this passage from the
point where it entered the chamber out into the canal,
and obtain its length, together with its other dimen-
sions, which were as follows:
Measurements of Wood Entrance.
Length of passage from rim of chamber to canal............ 7 feet 11 inches.
Width of same where it entered chamber...............sseeee0s 2 ee
Width throughout to the canal, about..../.2....2.....scsen-0--rs ign
Depth of water in entrance just without chamber............ 114“
Roof of entrance above level of water, at same point........ L foot 5 ‘“*
Total height of entrance at same point.............. sscesceeees LEAN EERE
Depth of soil and roots above passage without lodge....... Ay ees seyret vice
The roof of the passage-way within the walls of
the lodge, and for a short distance without, was
rounded or arched quite regularly, and constructed
with sticks; but for the remainder of the way to the
canal it was ground excavation, the roof being
strengthened by the roots of alder bushes under
which it ran. After leaving the chamber, the roof
of the passage-way descended so as to intersect the
water at a distance of 32 feet, after which the pas-
sage was full of water out to the canal, which it en-
tered 3 feet below the surface. The floor of the en-
trance or passage-way, just out of the chamber of the
lodge, was sprinkled over with short and slender
twigs of willow, about 6 inches long and # of an inch
thick, which were evidently designed for young beavers.
They were green and fresh cuttings, some of them
peeled of their bark and thrown out of the chamber,
and others with the bark on ready for use. I made
a small bundle of these tit-bits for young beavers, and
preserved them as a memorial of this lodge.
The other, or beaver entrance, opened out from the
chamber on the canal side, and, after descending for
a short distance, turned abruptly to the left, after
which it ran under ground nearly in a straight line
to the river, as before stated.
Measurements of Beaver Entrance.
Width at edge of. chambers. ..c.sast«ssecmeestccesess 1 foot 8 inches.
Depth of water im same; at Gitto..... 2. .-cccses-scauces. 1) ce
Height of entrance above water..........ssscss.ssseseee Cenc
Total height from bottom to roof of entrance....... lfoot4 <«
Length of passage-Way........c,cecccccncos sccscsncssseneell feet 6 &°
Short cuttings might have been carried into the
chamber through this passage, but not those of any
length. Besides this, as they almost invariably trans-
port their cuttings down stream, the other, from its
location, was the proper wood entrance. As the river
was too shallow, on the lodge side, for their conceal-
ment, the beavers had excavated a channel, about 2
feet deep, in its bed for a distance of 25 feet out into
deep water. The artificial character of this channel
was perfectly manifest.
We piled up the sticks and poles taken from this
lodge, and estimated the contents at half a cord. It
was of the average size, and a fair specimen of these
With the minute description, now concluded, of
island and bank lodges, it will be unnecessary to
enter into details with reference to other varieties,
except to point out differences where they exist.
Fia. 14.
Lake Lodge. Ground Plan.
It has elsewhere been stated that beavers inhabit
the small lakes as well as the flowing streams. They
construct lodges upon their shores, which, as they are
usually shelving and have a hard bottom, render
some further variation in structure necessary. The
lodge represented in the above ground plan (Fig. 14) is
situated upon the south shore of Lake Diamond, a few
rods above its outlet. ‘Two-thirds of it were built out
upon the lake for the obvious purpose of covering the
entrance as well as for its extension into deep water.
It measured, on the line of the shore, seventeen feet
over its summit, and twenty-four feet in the trans-
verse direction, and was three feet and a half high.
The chamber was between the five trees which were
growing through the lodge and connected with the
lake by a long passage-way within the lodge. It
was constructed of sticks and poles in the usual man-
ner. <A few rods above there was another lodge built
out upon the water in the same way and for the same
object. Similar lodges are found upon the shores of
most of the lakes within the area embraced by the
map. They are chiefly interesting as illustrations
of their capacity to vary the mode of construction
of their lodges in accordance with the changes of
The finest lodge [ have seen was upon a grass island
in Lake Flora. It was remarkable for its regular
and symmetrical proportions. Externally it was a
mass of naked poles and sticks, rather conical than
dome-shaped, four feet high and sixteen feet over the
apex. Its base was smaller than usual, relatively to
its height. This lodge was the habitation of the
beaver whose skeleton is represented in Plate III. I
first saw it in 1862. In 1865 I went again to see it
with the intention of obtaining a photograph, but
found it deserted and going to decay.
Beavers are found upon the Missouri River from
the mountains down to the mouth of the Big Sioux,
along a distance of more than fifteen hundred miles,
although the signs of their presence are not abundant
below the Yellowstone. Above the mouth of the last
named river their tree cuttings are seen in great num-
bers on the banks at intervals all the way to the
Fie. 15.
False Lodge, Upper Missouri.
mountains, with the exception of the district known
as the Bad Lands. They live in burrows in the banks,
but protect the entrances to them by a false lodge, as
shown in the figure. After the river has subsided to
its lowest level, which is shortly after the first of
September, they construct a lodge upon the bed of
the river and against its vertical bank. It is built of
sticks and poles of willow and cotton-wood, in the
precise manner of the lodges described, without being
intended for a residence, but instead of that, as a pro-
tection to the entrance to their burrow, which rises
from under this lodge back into the bank and well up
toward the surface, where the chamber or burrow is
excavated. The materials used in the construction
of this lodge furnish undoubtedly a portion of their
supply of winter wood, as well as a lodgment for
their short cuttings for the same purpose. With
the spring rise in the river most of these lodges
are swept away; but as the entrances to their bur-
rows are then deep below the surface of the water,
the security of their habitations is not endangered
until the river again subsides in the fall, when
they are again reconstructed. I saw a number of
these lodges between the Yellowstone River and the
Rocky Mountains, in June, 1862, which had with-
stood the great freshet of that year; and made the
above sketch of one of them. The entrances or pas-
sage-ways often extend back twenty feet into the
bank, and each communicates with one or more under-
ground chambers which are always found near the
surface. Trappers who have opened them describe
the chambers as small, but neatly formed and clean.
Lodges are occasionally seen upon the river banks and
upon the bottom lands, but from the extent of the
cutting among the cottonwood-trees, which sometimes
lay in piles upon each other, it is evident that most
of the beavers inhabit the river banks.
Whether beaver lodges ever have more than one
chamber is a question. It has been stated that two
have been found, in some instances, one above the
other. I have opened a large number of these lodges
in dissimilar situations, and never found but one with
two chambers, and these were upon the opposite sides
of a fallen tree, over which the lodge was constructed.
The chambers communicated with each other by
water, though not directly. In some cases three or
four lodges have been found in a cluster, and so near
together as to have a common roof; on opening which
it was ascertained that each had its separate passages
to the water, and no communication with the others.
They were separate lodges, built side by side, and
probably at different periods; and were turned into
one externally by the process of repairing in the man-
ner previously stated. Two or three thus situated
relatively are occasionally seen in the Lake Superior
region. A Rocky Mountain trapper informed me that
he had opened a lodge, upon one of the tributaries of
the Missouri, which contained four chambers, each
communicating with the other, and with the pond,
and in one of which he found a quantity of cuttings
stored for winter use. The other statement with ref-
erence to lodges with two chambers, one above the
other, appears to be without foundation. Asa general
rule, the lodge has a single chamber, and where two
or more are placed side by side, there is no connec-
tion between them. !
In addition to the lodge, the same beavers, who in-
habit it, have burrows in the banks surrounding the
pond. They never risk their personal safety upon
the lodge alone, which, being conspicuous to their
enemies, is liable to attack. These burrows are the
ultimate places of refuge to which they are more apt
to retire than to their lodges, when disturbed on the
land. Along their canals, also, the burrows are nu-
merous, since while in their narrow channels they are
more exposed than while in the ponds. These bur-
rows are small underground chambers. They are en-
tered by a passage-way, usually under the roots of a
tree standing in the edge of a pond, which, with the
chamber, are from ten to fifteen feet in length. As
the entrances are always below the surface level of
the pond, there are no external indications to mark
the site of a burrow except one, and that occasional
only, which will be hereafter noticed. A description
of two or three of these burrows, with diagrams and
measurements, will illustrate their character.
This burrow (Fig. 16) is on the east side of the lake,
a few rods south of the outlet of Lake Diamond. There
Fia. 16.
Ground Plan of Beaver Burrow at Grass Lake.
are two entrances, separated by a stone, and roofed
over with roots and earth. The one upon the right
side passes under the edge of a rock; the one on the
left, under the roots of a tree; and both are two feet
below the surface of the water. Within the distance
of fifteen feet from the pond, the bank rose about
seven feet above its level. The burrow rose also with
the bank, so that at the distance of eight feet from
its mouth, the roof of the burrow came within six
inches of the surface of the ground above, and at its
extreme end within three inches, the roots of the
overspreading forest trees forming a covering of suff-
cient strength. It was evidently carried thus near
the surface for the admission of air through the
eround roof. The chamber, in its most capacious
portion, was a foot high and twenty inches wide.
With its branches it would afford ample accommoda-
tions for a beaver family. I found it accidentally by
observing a small opening into it at its extreme end,
which enabled me to open the remainder of it easily
for the purpose of measurement. The breach pre-
viously made had destroyed it for beaver use.
Fie. 17.
Ground Plan of second Beaver Burrow at Grass Lake.
About twenty feet above the great dam, and upon
the south side of the pond, is the burrow represented
in the above figure (Fig. 17). It ascends with the
bank, which it enters under the roots of a tree, is ten
feet long, and has a chamber twenty inches in width
and a foot high. It terminates under the roots of a
pine-tree, where its roof comes within four inches of
the surface of the ground. It is a good specimen of
the ordinary burrow.
North of the Cleveland Mine there is a natural pond,
shown on the map, which will be more particularly de-
scribed hereafter. The canals which enter it have a
number of burrows upon their upper portions, one of
which is represented in the figure (Fig. 18). This bur-
row is shown in Plate XVIIL., and is the one nearest to
the pond. It was found open at the centre and also at
the extreme end. The length of the passage-way from
the canal was eleven feet, and this communicated with
a chamber three feet two inches by two feet and a half
in ground dimensions, and about ten inches high. The
roof of the latter came near to the surface, and was
formed chiefly of the roots of the clump of trees under
Fra. 18.
Ground Plan of Burrow on Beaver Canal.
which it was excavated. Water stood in the passage-
way nearly to the chamber. It is a fine specimen of
a burrow.
Fig. 19.
Beaver Burrow. Ground Plan.
Burrows are often found excavated under fallen
trees when lying near the pond. The above figure
(Fig. 19) shows one of this description near dam
No. 14. A canal about ten feet long and from three
to four wide, leads up to the roots of a tree, back of
which are two logs. The burrow was excavated under
these fallen trees, which were much decayed, and the
entrance to it was under the roots of the tree in front
of them. No further description is necessary; and
this, with the foregoing illustrations, sufficiently pre-
sent the subject of burrows. The necessity for pro-
tecting the entrances to these burrows by a sufficient
depth of water in the pond to cover them, illustrates
still further the uses of the dam and the importance
of maintaining the pond at a uniform level.
The small number of lodges found upon the largest
ponds, and the large number of burrows, renders
it probable that there are more beavers in every
pond than the lodges can accommodate; and yet it is
difficult to ascertain the truth of the matter. The
lodges are undoubtedly warmer in the summer than
the burrows, and therefore better adapted to the rear-
ing of their young. If this use determined the num-
ber, then the lodges would show the number of fami-
lies inhabiting the pond. Beavers without mates, or
who have lost their mates, would, in all probability,
lead solitary lives in burrows; and these, with the
full families in the several lodges would, most likely,
represent the number of beavers in each pond. At
all events, the trappers, whose rules are founded upon
experience and observation, estimate the number of
beavers in each pond by the number of lodges, reck-
oning eight to the lodge in the Rocky Mountain
region, and seven in that of Lake Superior.
In the Cascade Mountains, the beavers live chiefly
in burrows in the banks of the streams, rarely con-
structing either lodges or dams. Upon this subject,
Dr. Newberry, in his report on the Zoology of Oregon
and California, remarks: “The sides of these streams
are lined with their habitations, though we never saw
their houses, and seldom a dam; but usually their
burrows penetrated the sides of the streams, a suffi-
ciently large and long excavation being made to form
warm, roomy, and comfortable quarters. We found
the beavers in numbers, of which, when applied to
beavers, I had no conception.”
The burrows of beavers inhabiting river banks are
said to be occasionally detected by a small pile: of
beaver cuttings found heaped up in a rounded pile, a
foot or more high, at the extreme end of each burrow.
It is affirmed by the trappers, and with some show of
probability, that this is a contrivance of the beavers
to keep the snow loose over the ends of their burrows,
in the winter season, for the admission of air. I have
never seen these miniature lodges, and therefore can-
not confirm the statement, either as to their existence
or use; but if, in fact, they resort to this expedient,
it is another reason for inferring that the lodge was
developed from the burrow with the progress of ex-
perience. It is but a step from such a surface-pile of
sticks to a lodge, with its chamber above ground, with
the previous burrow as its entrance from the pond.” A
burrow accidentally broken through at the upper end,
and repaired with a covering of sticks and earth would
lead to a lodge above ground, and thus inaugurate a
beaver lodge out of a broken burrow.
1 Explorations for a Railroad Route, ete. to the Pacific. VI.
Zoology, 258.
The Ojibwas call a burrow O-wazhé, whence the name
“wash,” commonly used by the trappers to denote a beaver
Subsistence exclusively Vegetable—Kinds of Bark preferred—Roots of
Plants—Incisive Teeth Chisels—Their cutting Power—It diminishes with
Age—Provisions for Winter—Season for collecting—Felling Trees—
Their size--Number of Beavers engaged—Manner of cutting—Chips—
Short Cwttings—Moving them on Land—Floating them in Water—Sink-
ing them in Piles—Wood-eating—Evidence that they eat Clear Wood—
Brush-heap at Lodge restricted to Particular Places—Their Use—Ponds
in Winter—Winter Life of Beavers.
Tue nutriment of the beaver is drawn exclusively
from the vegetable kingdom. They subsist princi-
pally upon the bark of deciduous trees. Where the
variety is large, they prefer, as is shown by their cut-
tings, yellow birch, cotton-wood, poplar, and willow.
These are their chief reliance. They also eat the
bark of the soft and bird’s-eye maple, of the walnut,
and of the black and white ash, together with various
kinds of roots, such as those of the pond lily, and of
the coarse grasses that grow in the margins of their
ponds. Late in the winter they eat clear wood, and
such roots as they can reach from their burrows or
find in the banks. This subject of wood eating will
be referred to again. In the summer they rarely cut
large trees, but live upon the bark of the smaller ones,
upon willow and raspberry bushes, and upon different
kinds of roots. Notwithstanding the great abund-
ance of food at this season of the year, they are usu-
ally the fattest in the winter.
(166 )
I it
As cutting instruments, they are armed with power-
ful incisive teeth, by means of which they are able to
cut down forest trees of surprising size in comparison
with their own diminutive forms. Their teeth are
chisels in form and structure, and also in efficiency.
When at the age of eighteen months, and from that
on to two and three years old, their teeth, which
during these periods are in a rapidly growing state,
are in the best condition for cutting. After this, as
they grow older, their teeth file down with constant
use, and growing less rapidly, become dull and inef-
ficient in cutting. It is said that the diminution of
cutting power is so great that very old beavers are
often unable to provide themselves with food suffi-
cient for their sustenance during the winter, and, in
consequence, become poor and feeble. A beaver of
this description was caught, in the fall of 1864, on
one of the dams of the Esconauba, and upon being
shown to William Bass (Ah-shé-gos), an Ojibwa trap-
per extremely well versed in the habits of the beaver,
he remarked that, “had he escaped the trap, he would
have been killed by other beavers, before the winter
closed, for stealing cuttings.” Such beavers are often
found dead, with gashes in their bodies, showing that
they had been attacked by their associates, which oc-
currences the Indians explain in this way.
The thick bark upon the trunks of large trees, and
even upon those of medium size, is unsuitable for
food; but the smaller limbs, the bark of which is
tender and nutritious, afford the aliment which they
prefer. To cut down a tree, by persevering labor, in
order to reach its limbs and branches, is of itself an
act of intelligence and knowledge of no ordinary
character. Their practice of cutting down trees is
sufficiently well understood; but precise information is
desirable as to the manner in which it is done, the size
of the trees felled, and the way in which the limbs are
reduced, removed, and stored for winter use. These
topics will form the subject of the present chapter.
As beavers do not hibernate, they are compelled to
provide a store of subsistence for the long winters of
the North, during which their ponds are frozen over,
and the danger of venturing upon the land is so
largely increased as to shut them up, for the most part,
in their habitations. In preparing for the winter,
their greatest efforts in tree cutting are made. They
commence in the latter part of September, and con-
tinue through October and into November the several
employments of cutting and storing their winter
wood, and of repairing their lodges and dams. These
months are the season of their active labors, which
are only arrested by the early snows and the forma-
tion of ice in their ponds. It is a feature of the cli-
mate of the Lake Superior region, and I presume it is
equally true of that around Hudson’s Bay, that the
snows begin to fall before the frost has entered the
ground, whence it is, that throughout the winter the
earth remains unfrozen, under a deep covering of snow.
In this we recognize a beneficent provision of the Cre-
ator for the welfare of the burrowing animals, without
which many of them would perish. The beavers, as
has elsewhere been stated, perform the most of their
work at night; but they come out early in the even-
ing, and continue at work during the early morning
hours. For the remainder of the day they are rarely
seen, except in regions where they are very numer-
ous, or are entirely undisturbed by trappers. On the
Upper Missouri I have seen them swimming in the
river in broad day, and also basking in the sun on the
tops of their false lodges under the banks. We
brought down witli us a young beaver caught with a
scoop net, while swimming near the river bank. In
the Lake Superior region I have seen them generally
in the night, while watching on their dams for this
purpose. By making a breach in their dams you can
compel them to come out, but it will be late in the
night before they show themselves, and they are so
wary that it is extremely difficult so to conceal your-
self in their immediate vicinity as to see them work.
After ice has formed in their ponds, they retire to
their lodges and burrows for the winter, and they are
not seen again, either by day or night, except in rare
instances, until a thaw comes, of which they take
‘advantage to come out after fresh cuttings. It is said
that the bark of their winter wood is apt to become
soft and sour before spring from soakage in the pond,
wherefore a mitigation of the severity of the winter,
sufficient to open the ice in their ponds, is in every
sense a providential relief.
In establishing their lodges so as to adapt them to
winter occupation, and in the manner of providing
their winter subsistence, the beavers display remark-
able forethought and intelligence. The severity of
the climate in these high northern latitudes lays
upon them the necessity of so locating their lodges
as to be assured of water deep enough in their
entrances, and also so protected in other respects, as
not to freeze to the bottom; otherwise they would
perish with hunger, locked up in ice-bound habita-
tions. To guard against this danger, the dam, also,
must be sufficiently stable through the winter to
maintain the water at a constant level; and this
level, again, must be so adjusted with reference to the
floor of the lodge as to enable them, at all times, to
take in their cuttings from without, as they are
needed for food. When they leave their normal mode
of life in the banks of the rivers, and undertake to
live in dependence upon artificial ponds of their own
formation, they are compelled to forecast the conse-
quences of their acts at the peril of their lives.
Before entering upon the subject of tree cuttings, it
may be proper to make a slight reference to the char-
acter of the forests in the principal beaver districts re-
ferred to in these pages. On the Upper Missouri and
its tributaries, cotton-wood is the prevailing tree, and
willow the principal bush. In this region, therefore, as
their favorite subsistence is both abundant and conve-
nient of access, beavers have been found in the greatest
numbers. Upon the Siskatchewun and its afiluents,
the forest growth is much the same, with a limited
proportion of evergreen trees. Around Hudson’s Bay
and the shores of Lake Superior, the prevailing trees
are the tamarack, the spruce, the hemlock, and the
pine, but they are interspersed with the birch, the pop-
lar, the maple, and other deciduous trees, and also
with patches of willow upon the borders of the
streams; which together furnish such an abundance
of subsistence as to render them but little inferior
to the first for beaver occupation. The only differ-
ence against the latter is the necessity for transport-
ing their cuttings over longer distances. In Cali-
fornia, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia,
v4 atta Wertteathad Uy
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INCE ila
while evergreen trees are the principal forest growth,
deciduous trees are sufficiently abundant for all the
purposes of beaver maintenance. There was scarcely
any portion of the original forest area of North
America, except the exclusively pine tracts, where
beavers could not sustain themselves in considerable
numbers. Their greatest numbers, however, were
found in those particular districts of country where
the trees, whose bark was preferred, were found in
the greatest profusion.
The engraving (Plate XV. Fig. 1) is from a photo-
graph of an original specimen now in my collection.
It was in the process of being cut down by the beavers
in October, 1862, when my attention was called to it
by some woodmen, who had observed it on the south
shore of Lake Flora, near dam No.2. I went to the
place and secured it before the beavers had an oppor-
tunity to finish their work, which another night would
probably have consummated, to the destruction of the
symmetry of the cutting. The tree is a yellow birch,
thirteen and a half inches in diameter below the in-
cision, and twelve inches above, with a circumference
of something over three feet. As the tree was green,
and this part was removed before it had been exposed
to the weather, the marks of the teeth are seen with
entire distinctness over every part of the cut surface.
The width of the incision up and down is eight inches,
and it was commenced seven inches above the ground.
It is evident that the process of cutting is round and
round the tree continuously, and that the reduction is
uniform until itis cut on all sides more than half way
to the centre. After that, the remainder of the cut-
ting varies; in some cases it is uniform until the tree
falls, while in others it is the deepest on one side,
toward which it is then most likely to fall; and from
which the inference is drawn, with some degree of
probability, that it was the intention of the beavers
to fell it in that direction. Where the tree leans
slightly, the deepest cutting is on the side opposite to
the direction of its fall; and where it stands upon a
side hill, itis often, when the tree is small, cut entirely
upon the upper side. While gnawing down a tree,
they sit up erect on their hind féet, which, being plan-
tigrade, renders this posture natural and convenient
for the body. Although I have not succeeded in wit-
nessing the act, on the part of the beavers, of felling
a tree, I have obtained the particulars from Indians
and trappers who have. The usual number engaged
in the work is but two, or a pair; but they are some-
times assisted by two or three young beavers. It
thus appears to be the separate work of a family,
instead of the joint work of several families. One
tree of the size of this would furnish a sufficient
amount of small cuttings for their winter supply.
When but two are engaged they work by turns, and
alternately stand on the watch, as is the well-known
practice of many animals while feeding or at work.
When the tree begins to crackle, they desist from
cutting, which they afterward continue with cau-
tion until it begins to fall, when they plunge into the
pond, usually, and wait concealed for a time, as if
fearful that the crashing noise of the tree-fall might
attract some enemy to the place. The next move-
ment is to cut off the limbs, such as are from two to
five and six inches in diameter, and reduce them toa
proper length to be moved to the water and trans-
ported thence to the vicinity of their lodges, where
they are sunk in a pile as their store of winter pro-
visions. Upon this work the whole family engage
with the most persevering industry, and follow it up,
night after night, until the work is accomplished.
The greatest number of beavers ever seen thus en-
gaged by any of my informants was nine, while the
usual number is much less. These somewhat minute
particulars are so far important as they tend to show
the existence of the family relation, as well as the
number of the family; and they also have some bear-
ing upon the question of the recognized right of prop-
erty incuttings. A fair consideration of ascertained
facts tends to the inference that each family is left to
the undisturbed enjoyment of the fruits of their toil
and industry. The manner of reducing and remoy-
ing limbs of trees will be further explained when we
take up that class of cuttings.
Another and a larger tree cutting of the kind above
described, I found the present season (August, 1866),
and sent it to the Commissioners of the Central Park,
New York. It is a yellow birch, seventeen inches in
diameter below the incision, fourteen inches above,
and shows a cutting entirely around the tree four and
a half inches deep. The incision was not as deep
relatively as in the other case; but it removed the
whole of the sap-wood and a portion of the duramen.
It was cut thus far in the spring of the present year,
as the tree was still alive and in full leaf; and with-
out doubt for the purpose of eating the chips, as few
or none were found at the foot.
The second engraving (Fig. 2, Plate XV.) is also
from a photograph of an original specimen in my col-
lection. As the tree lodged in falling, it did not breaix
at the point where it was cut. This tree was also a
yellow birch, and stood on the border of Grass Lake,
a few rods above the great dam. Since the deepest
incision was upon the pond side of the tree, it seemed
to have been their intention to fell it into the pond;
but their expectations in this respect, if indulged, were
disappointed; and further than this, their labor was
lost by the lodgment of the tree. It measures seven-
teen inches in diameter below the incision, and ten
and a half above it, with a circumference at the place
where it was made of three feet four inches. The cut
was commenced six inches above the ground, and
was twelve inches wide up and down the trunk of the
tree. This tree cutting was two years old when I
brought it away in 1861. It is quite a common prac-
tice with beavers to fell trees into ponds and lakes
for the purpose of submerging their branches, and
thus preserving them, with all their small shoots and
twigs, under water, where they may be accessible
throughout the winter under the ice. Along the
skirts of large ponds, where deciduous trees are found
growing, numbers of trees thus fallen into the pond
are seen; their conical stubs showing quite plainly by
whom they were cut down. [I have a second tree
cutting precisely similar to this, the parts being un-
separated by the fall, measuring sixteen inches in
diameter below the incision, thirteen above it, and
three feet three inches in circumference at the point
where the incision was made.
Beavers occasionally cut the wild-cherry tree, al-
though it is somewhat doubtful whether they eat its
bark. I found one of this description on the upper
rr ae
part of Carp River, the present summer, which meas-
ured eighteen inches in its greatest diameter below
the incision, and fourteen above. They had com-
menced and cut round the tree in two places higher
up, finally completing the work at a third and lower
place. It is an interesting specimen for this reason,
although somewhat weather-worn, since it shows the
appearance of a tree cutting at different stages of its
depth. None of its branches were either cut or re-
moved by the beavers. These rings show that the
cutting was commenced near the close of winter, in
deep snow; and that the deepest and lowest cutting
was made after the snows had wasted nearly to the
ground. As few chips remained, it was evident that
the incision was made for the purpose of eating the
wood. ‘This specimen is now in the State Collection
at Albany.
The foregoing are fair specimens, as to size, of the
tree cuttings in the Lake Superior region, and are
among the largest of the hard-wood trees usually cut
down by the beavers. I have a number of speci-
mens of all sizes from six to eighteen inches in
diameter, all of which were cut in the same manner,
and present the same external marks and conical
form at the cut ends. Those described are not un-
usually large. I have seen many others of equal size
at places inconvenient for removal. One yellow birch
at the head of Lake Flora, partly cut down, measured
five feet and four inches in circumference below the
incision, and four feet and six inches above, with but
nine inches in diameter at the centre still uncut.
The chips at the foot of a fresh cut tree are quite
abundant, as well as objects of curiosity. I have
an assortment of them, some of which measure three
and a half inches in length, from an inch to an inch
and a half in width, and about a quarter of an inch
in thickness.
Fig. 20.
Beaver Chip.
Natural size.
The above representation (Fig. 20) shows the inner
face of one of these chips. Upon the end to the right
are six distinct cuts, the first two of which are but half
the width of a single tooth; while on the other, which
is the thickest end, there are eight, some of which are,
in like manner, but half the width of a single tooth. It
is made evident by running the inferior incisive teeth
in a beaver’s skull over these several cuts, that the
upper incisors are used for holding, while the cutting
is done by the inferior; and more than this, that but
a single tooth is used at a time, the other following
in the space made by the previous bite. There is
another fact which tends to confirm this explanation
of the manner of cutting, which is that the chip is
split inward toward the centre with each cut. If
both of the inferior incisors were cutting at the same
time, the split would occur with each alternate cut;
otherwise one of the teeth would be sprung. These
chips also show that the gnawing process is one of
splitting as well as cutting. The crowning surface of ©
each cut is found to fit exactly the slight concavity in
the inner side of the incisor. It will be observed from
the sloping edges of the chip that each cut penetrated
deeper than the one preceding it as they severally ap-
proach the centre, and that the split surface in the
centre is less than an inch in length. From the size
of this chip, and the number of distinct cuts upon it,
some impression may be formed of the number and
power of the bites necessary to gnaw down a tree of
the diameter of either of those described; and yet it
is said, by those who have witnessed the performance,
that a pair of full-grown beavers will accomplish the
work in two or three nights.
Cottonwood-trees are soft and easily cut. The
largest trees ever fallen by the beavers are of this
kind. J have seen them on the banks of the Upper
Missouri twenty inches and two feet in diameter.
One specimen in my collection, which I brought down
this river from a point about a hundred miles east
of the Rocky Mountains, measures sixteen inches in
diameter, and was an ordinary specimen. It is re-
presented in the group of cuttings (Plate XVI),
but partly concealed from view. Father De Smet,
the well-known missionary to the Indians of the
Columbia River, informed me that he had seen cot-
tonwood-trees, cut down by beavers, thirty inches in
diameter; and Dr. F¥. V. Hayden, that he had meas-
ured a cottonwood-tree, on the Yellowstone River,
after it was cut down by them, of the same diameter.
Lewis and Clarke, remarking upon the tree cuttings
at the mouth of the same river, state that ‘the
beavers have committed great devastation among the
trees, one of which, nearly three feet in diameter, had
been gnawed through by them.”! After passing Fort
Randall, in ascending the Missouri, the cottonwood-
tree cuttings are seen in places in great numbers
along a distance of a thousand or more miles to the
mountains. At some points, as elsewhere stated, they
are cut down in such quantities as to form piles of
timber; but where these occur, the trees are usually
small. On the Yellowstone River, where the quan-
tity of cotton-wood is small and confined to the bottom
lands, the beavers were making such havoc at the
time of my visit (1862) that the Crow Indians had
become seriously concerned about their own supply of
wood. This may seem extravagant, and it probably
was an unnecessary alarm: but it is also easy to dis-
cover that with beavers very numerous and the sup-
ply of wood limited, they might draw overlargely
upon the supply.
Smail trees and the limbs of large trees are cut
into pieces of convenient length for transportation,
and consequently must bear a definite relation to the
physical powers of the animal. It is necessary to
move them on land, from where they are cut, to the
nearest accessible point in the pond, whence they
are floated to the place where they are to be sunk
to form a magazine of provisions for the winter.
The larger, therefore, the limb is in diameter, the
shorter must be the cutting in order to be movable.
A comparison of a large number of these cuttings
shows that when five inches in diameter, they are
usually about a foot long; when four inches in diam-
1 Travels, etc. Longman’s ed., p. 146.
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eter, they are about a foot and a half long; and when
three inches in diameter, they are about two feet long.
Poles from one to two inches in diameter are often
found eight, ten, and twelve feet in length; and also
cut up into short lengths from a few feet to a few
inches long. Short cuttings of these dimensions they
are able to roll for considerable distances, or drag with
their teeth to the water; after which they are easily
transported to the vicinity of their lodges and there
sunk. I have, in my collection, a large assortment of
these cuttings of every size and variety, a selection
from which is represented in Plate XIV., engraved
from a photograph of the originals.
The four separate pieces shown in the engraving
which are marked No.1, are bird’s-eye maple denuded
of bark. This portion of the tree was six feet long
before it was cut into lengths, and from five to six
inches in diameter. It will be observed that the cut
ends are conical, showing that the beavers cut round
and round, in the process of doing which it is neces-
sary to turn the stick. One turning would probably
suffice to cut a limb three inches in diameter; but one
of the size of this would require several. The small
tree from which these cuttings were made grew upon
the border of the pond, and formed the part nearest
to the root. While the remainder of the tree was cut
up and removed, these were left from inability to take
them away. Near the root of the tree there was a
depression in the ground across which it fell, and
when cut into lengths the pieces rolled down into the
basin. The largest weighed eleven pounds and a half
in its dry state, and the smallest six. Finding their
removal impossible, they were stripped of their bark
and abandoned. In moving cuttings of this deserip-
tion, they are quite ingenious. They shove and roll
them with their hips, using also their legs and tails
as levers, moving sideways in the act. In this man-
ner they move the larger pieces from the more or less
elevated ground, on which the deciduous trees are
found, over the uneven but generally descending sur-
face to the pond. The tree cuttings are usually
within a few rods of the water, and are rarely found
at any great distance unless upon side hills which
favor their easy descent. After one of these cuttings
has been transported to the water, a beaver, placing
one end of it under his throat, pushes it before him to
the place where it is to be sunk. How they sink
them is a question. The yellow birch, when fresh
cut, is of nearly the same specific gravity as water.
On trying the experiment with a piece of the size of
an ordinary cutting, | found that it would barely
float, the whole of it becoming submerged except a
small portion at one.end. It was evident that a few
hours of soakage would carry it to the bottom. It is
sufficient to state the fact that piles of these cuttings
are found, late in the fall, sunk near their lodges in the
ponds,—except where brush piles are found, the uses
of which will hereafter be explained. In amount
they vary from one-quarter to three-quarters of a cord,
while in occasional instances a full cord has been
found. Pole cuttings, short bits, and brush are
dragged to the water with their teeth, and are gener-
ally moved through the water held in the same man-
ner. In swimming, the upper part of the head and a
small part of the shoulders only are out of water; so
that they are often seen with a stick or piece of brush
held in the teeth at one end, with the remainder
passing diagonally across the back. Captain Johnson
once saw a beaver swimming in Grass Lake, in the
daytime, with a small bundle of grass upon the top of
his head, which he was evidently transporting to his
Beaver stick No. 2 in the engraving is a very in-
teresting specimen, since it illustrates an intermediate
stage of the process of cutting branches of trees into
short lengths. It is a yellow birch, seven feet and a
half long, with an average of three and a half inches
in diameter. They commenced cutting it into seven
pieces, of which the first four were each about a foot
long, and the remaining three each about twenty
inches; and the work was going on at all of these in-
cisions at the same time. Some of them were cut
about half through, the others less or more. The stick,
in other words, was ready to be turned for the com-
pletion of the work. To cut it entirely through from
the upper side would require an incision of such width
as to involve a loss of labor. Among the piles on
piles of cuttings seen and examined, I do not recol-
lect of ever finding one of hard wood of the thickness
of this cut entirely through from one side. There
was a prong at each end of this stick, the longest of
which is not seen in the engraving, which evidently
defeated their efforts to turn it over. Finding this
impossible, the stick was abandoned after stripping off
the bark on its upper surface. This specimen is in-
teresting from the revelation it seems to make of the
manner of reducing the branches of trees. In the first
place, after felling a tree, they cut off from the trunk
such limbs as are of suitable size to be cut into lengths
for transportation, which is but a small part of a large
tree. They next trim each limb by cutting off, close
to the body, the small branches and twigs, thus free-
ing it of brush. There are nine such, large and small,
cut off from this stick. How the limbs are cut into
sticks of the length of this Iam unable to state, but
it must be effected before they are brought, by the re-
moval of the branches, prone upon the ground. After
that they can only be gnawed upon the top and sides,
and the stick must be turned to complete the work.
Whenever, from any cause, they are unable, as in this
case, to turn it over, they are forced to abandon it, or
finish their labor in an unusual manner. That they
rarely fail is shown by the scarcity of these abandoned
cuttings. Ihave found but three, two of which are
in my collection, and the third was left to be brought
in, but the person sent after it was unable to retrace
the route.
The short cutting, No. 3 in the engraving, was
taken from the top of the lodge at dam No. 14. Both
ends are conical, showing that it was turned while
being gnawed. There are two extra cuts, which on
close examination show the same fact. The only ex-
planation which can be offered for these extra inci-
sions is that the wood itself was eaten. Stick No. 4,
which is a poplar, is marked in precisely the same
way. These apparently unnecessary gnawings are
often found on beaver cuttings. No, 5 is the stub of
a small tree, with two deep incisions around it, while
it was taken off at a third place above. These are
the only evidences found upon the cuttings themselves
that they ever eat clear wood. It was stated by some
of the early writers that the beaver subsisted upon
wood as well as bark,’ but the former fact appears to
have been overlooked in the more recent articles upon
this animal, until the statement became general that
he lived upon bark and the roots of certain plants.
The three beavers sent down for dissection last win-
ter were taken in February and March, at the time
when, their store of provisions being the lowest, they
might, if ever, be expected to eat clear wood. Dr.
Ely found their stomachs filled with lignine, with a
slight intermixture of the tendrils of forest trees, and
no perceptible remains of bark. The commuinuted
particles were so clearly of wood as to leave no doubt
upon the question. The contents of the caecum dis-
closed the same fact, as the digestive process simply
removed the saccharine materials from the wood. At
the same time the beavers were in excellent condition.
Trees are often found in the spring gnawed around,
and no chips at the foot. It was evident from the
leaves that the work was done after the sap had
started, and for the purpose of eating the wood.
Additional evidence, tending to confirm the fact of
wood-eating, may be derived from a comparison of
the amount of bark upon the usual stock of winter
cuttings with the necessary wants of a beaver family
of six or eight individuals. It would afford to each
but a small amount of sustenance.
While it is generally understood that beavers
never eat the bark of evergreen trees, for which
they have an aversion, they sometimes cut them
down; and it may be done for the purpose of eat-
1M. Sarrasin, Histoire de Académie Royale des Sciences.
Année 1704.
ing the wood. Dr. Newberry, in his Report re-
ferred to (supra, p. 165), remarks as follows upon the
tree cuttings in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon:
“From the point where their burrows terminate in
the water, trails lead off to the thickets of willow or
pine, where the beavers find their food. These thick-
ets exhibit the most surprising proofs of the power
and industry of these animals; whole groves of young
pine-trees cut down within a few inches of the ground,
and carried off bodily. * * * We often saw trees
of considerable size cut down by the beaver; the
largest of which I noticed was a spruce pine, twelve
inches in diameter.” In the Lake Superior region no
species of evergreen tree is ever cut by them; except
occasionally a young spruce, and in these cases the
Indians affirm that they are cut down for the gum
exuded from the tree. A Missouri trapper informed
me that he had seen pine-trees that had been cut
down by beavers, but he observed, that he never could
find a place where a limb or a twig had been cut off
from such a tree. There is a possibility that the
evergreen trees, referred to by Dr. Newberry, were cut
down by the beavers to obtain the nutritious mosses
which grow upon certain species of these trees in
great profusion; or for the sweet gums they afforded.
Upon the pines west of the mountains there is a moss,
erowing as a parasite, which the Indians collect in
large quantities and bake in ground ovens for winter
food. It is cooked or baked in the same manner as
the Kamash, which is one of their staple articles of
consumption. A “moss glue,” as it is commonly
called, is thus obtained, which is both palatable and
nutritious. ‘The inner bark of the gum-pine tree also,
is sweet flavored, and used by the Indians for food.
Undoubtedly the beavers of the west coast have
special inducements to attack the evergreen trees
which do not exist in other parts of their habitat.
Pole cuttings of different lengths are often found
in their piles of winter wood, but they are generally
cut for present use. Fresh cuttings are rarely found
between the commencement of vegetation in the
spring and the first appearance of frost in the fall.
When the trapper begins to find them, he regards it
as a sign that they have commenced their fall work.
After their cuttings of various lengths and sizes
have performed the first office for which they were
collected and stored, they are in the condition to be
most useful for repairmg their lodges and dams.
Most of the sticks and poles found upon the tops of
their lodges and upon the lower faces of their dams
show conclusively that they were first cut and stored
for winter subsistence, then carried into the lodge and
the bark eaten off, after which they were thrown out
into the pond, to be again gathered and applied to the
purposes named. This is not always the case with
respect to their lodges, some of which I have found
covered with a mass of poles of black alder, with the
bark on; upon their dams, also, brush and drift-wood
are often found; but these cuttings are the usual
materials used for repairing both.
There is another class of brush cuttings, the prin-
cipal object and use of which are involved in some
doubt. In streams having considerable volume, which
are liable to rise suddenly after rains or thaws, and
develop currents more or less strong, a brush-heap
(Fig. 21) is almost universally found sunk in the pond
immediately against, or slightly above each lodge.
There is a strong current, at such times, in Carp River
below dam No. 30, and in the Esconauba below dam
No. 13. On the other hand, these brush piles are
rarely, if ever, found connected with lodges situated
upon the margins of ponds formed by dams across
Fig. 21.
Brush-heap near Lodge.
small brooks, or near island lodges in large ponds,
or near the lake lodges. In the ponds of the small
streams there is little or no current, and none that
is perceptible in the small lakes. As a confirm-
ation of the supposed relation between these currents
and the brush heaps, the latter were found con-
nected with all of the lodges on the Carp below the
point named, while none were to be seen near the
lodges in Grass Lake, nor in the pond at the Long
Dam, nor at any of the lake lodges. The same is
equally true with reference to the four lodges on the
margin of the natural pond hereafter described.
The brush-heap represented in the figure was in
front of the lodge at dam No. 34. It was simply a
pile of brush, composed of alder bushes and the small
branches of deciduous trees, sunk to the bottom of the
pond in water about four feet deep, with a portion of
the pile rising above the surface. To form these
heaps, they tow in the brush to the place, piece by
piece, and sink it in some way in a well-compacted
pile, which after a short time becomes firmly anchored
in the mud below. A Missouri trapper informed the
author that he had seen beavers, while performing
this work, swim to the place towing a piece of brush,
and then, holding the large end in their mouths, go
down with it to the bottom apparently to fix it in the
mud-bottom of the pond. An ordinary pile covers an
area from ten to fifteen feet in diameter, and rises a
few feet above the surface of the water, and contains
the substance of half a cord of wood.
Both the Indians and the trappers regard these
brush-heaps as their winter supply of provisions.
Whether the old brush is removed each fall, and its
place supphed with fresh, I have not been able to
ascertain with any certainty, but it is very doubtful.
I have seen the same brush piles at the same lodges
in different years, on the Carp, the brush itself being
old and decayed; but without knowing whether the
lodges were still occupied. In any event it would be
necessary to replenish the supply at times, to make
good the waste by decay. While the brush was fresh
they would be certain to use it for food, but whether
it is their supply for the winter, is made doubtful by
the presence of short cuttings lodged here and there
in the pile. Having in repeated instances seen and
pulled out of these brush-heaps short cuttings of the
kind found in their store piles in the large ponds and
lakes, with the bark still upon them, the fact of their
presence suggested the probability that the principal
object of these brush-piles was to afford a safe lodg-
ment for short cuttings, upon which they mainly
rely. Without some such protection they would be
liable to be floated off by the strong currents, and
thus be lost to the beavers at the time when their
lives might depend upon their safe custody. A resort
to a brush-pile, anchored in the bed of the channel in
the manner described, as a means to the safety of
their winter wood, displays remarkable forecast and
intelligence. It may also throw some light on the
false lodges of the Upper Missouri, which may have
been constructed in part for a similar object. Whe-
ther this is the true explanation of their object is
not entirely certain; but it seems to be extremely
The otter is a rapid and splendid swimmer, possess-
ing such agility of movement that he is able to catch
the quickest fish. It is doubtful whether the beaver
is quick enough in his motions, were he inclined to
_ adopt this mode of subsistence. There is no evidence
that he ever attacks or feeds upon fish. When
domesticated he will eat some kinds of animal food;
but he prefers farinaceous substances, and soon devel-
ops a special fancy for sugar.
The flesh of the beaver has no particular excellence
to attract the epicure. It is used acceptably, how-
ever, in the same forms as the flesh of other animals.
The tail, which is composed largely of dense, fatty tis-
sues, is regarded as a delicacy.
It is rather remarkable, on general considerations,
that the shallow ponds made by beaver dams do not
freeze to the bottom during the cold winters of the
high northern latitudes. The fact that they remain
unfrozen to this extent, even around Hudson’s Bay,
is wellestablished. Captain Wilson informed me that
he had found open water along the crest of the dam
at Grass Lake, and generally at the lodge before
described, in the coldest part of the winter, the ther-
mometer in this region standing at an average of 5°
below zero for weeks together. There are special
reasons for this, among which is the deep covering
of snow throughout the winter, which protects the
water from the severe temperature of the atmosphere.
The first fall of snow lies in the pond partly con-
gealed, and afterward freezing at the surface, bears
up the subsequent deposits. From this, or some other
cause affecting the temperature of the water, the ice
formed is not always strong enough in the coldest
weather to bear up the weight of a man. Another
curious fact observed by the trapper is, that thin ice
is usually found over their piles of winter wood. As
these ponds are rarely over six feet deep in any part
of their area, the consequences of their wood becom-
ing ice-bound would not be less fatal than the forma-
tion of solid ice in the entrances to their lodges.
There are undoubtedly local causes affecting the tem-
perature of ponds and of their different parts, such as
springs rising through their beds with their waters at
a relatively higher temperature, of the knowledge of
which the beavers avail themselves in selecting the
places of deposit for their winter subsistence, as well
as the sites for their habitations. Strangely as it may
appear to us, the winter life of the beaver, while shut
up in the seeming darkness of a pond covered over
with its white mantle of ice and snow, is made a
season of security, of comfort, and of pleasure. Thus
we see, on every hand, how the Divine Author of ex-
istence has hedged about the lives of these remembered
creatures with His protecting care.
Nore.—It is a peculiarity of the languages of our Indian na-
tions that, while they are barren of terms to express metaphys-
ical or abstract conceptions, they are opulent in terms for the
designation of natural objects, and for expressing relative differ-
ences in the same object. In the Ojibwa, for example, there are
different names for the beaver according to his age, and com-
pound terms to indicate sex, as follows:
Specific name, Ah-mik’.
Year old and under, Ah-wa-ne-sha/,
Two years old, O-bo-ye-wa’!.
Full grown, or old, Gi-chi-ah’-mik.
Male beaver, Ah-yii-ba-mik’.
Female beaver No-zha-mik’,
Their terms for the works of the beaver are the following :
O-ko’-min, beaver dam; Wig-e-wam’, beaver lodge; O-wazhe’,
beaver burrow; O-de-ni-o/-nane, beaver canal—literally, “made
channel to travel in;” O-da-be-naze’, lodge chamber—literally,
“lodging place ;” Pa-piéi-num-wad’, snow chimney over lodge—lit-
erally, ‘‘ where they let off their breath.” They have names,
also, for the different kinds of cuttings; but they are descriptive
rather than specific terms.
(a,asinale; a, asin father; &,asinat; i, asin ice; i, as in 7%.)
Beaver Canals—Their Extraordinary Character—Originated by Necessity—
Their Uses—Evidences of their Artificial Character—Canals at Natural
Pond—Their Form and Appearance —Canal on Carp River—Use of Dams
in same—Canal across Bend of Esconauba—Same across Island in Pond
—Beayer Meadows—How formed—-Their Extent—Beaver Slides on
Upper Missouri—Scenery on this River—Bluffs of Indurated Clay—Bad
Lands—-White Walls—Game--Connection of River Systems with Spread
of Beavers.
In the excavation of artificial canals as a means for
transporting their wood by water to their lodges, we
discover, as it seems to me, the highest act of intelli-
gence and knowledge performed by beavers. Remark-
able as the dam may well be considered, from its
structure and objects, it scarcely surpasses, if it may
be said to equal, these water-ways, here called canals,
which are excavated through the low lands bordering
their ponds for the purpose of reaching the hard wood,
and of affording a channel for its transportation to
their lodges. To conceive and execute such a design
presupposes a more complicated and extended pro-,
cess of reasoning than that required for the construc-
tion of a dam; and, although a much simpler work
to perform, when the thought was fully developed, it
was far less to have been expected from a mute ani-
When I first came upon these canals, and found
they were christened with this name both by Indians
and trappers, I doubted their artificial character, and
supposed them referable to springs as their producing
cause; but their form, location, and evident object
showed conclusively that they were beaver excava-
tions. They are not mentioned, as far as I am aware,
in any of the current accounts of this animal, for
which reason, as well as their extraordinary character,
they are deserving of more than a general notice.
From the preceding engravings an impression has
been obtained of the character of the forest in the
vicinity of dams and ponds. It will be observed that
the tamarack and spruce are the prevailing trees upon
the borders of the streams. These evergreen trees
are themselves indicative of swamp lands. Both the
Ksconauba and the Carp flow through low grounds,
which, widening out in places into flats, are invariably
covered with these trees; with the exception of the
areas of the. beaver meadows. Birch, maple, poplar,
and ash are found upon the first high ground; but
often at the distance of several hundred feet from the
original channel of the stream. In some places these
rivers cut the high banks, thus bringing the deciduous
trees within reach; but the latter are some distance
back at the greater proportion of the ponds shown on
the map. itis one of the principal objects of dams
on the small streams, which are without defined
banks, to flood the low grounds with a pond, and thus
obtain a water connection with the first high ground
upon which the hard wood is found. Where the pond
fails to accomplish this fully, and also where the
banks are defined and mark the limits of the pond,
the deficiency is supplied by the canals in question.
On descending surfaces, as has elsewhere been stated,
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beavers roll and drag their short cuttings down into
the ponds. But where the ground is low, it is gener-
ally so uneven or rough as to render it extremely dif-
ficult, if not impossible, for the beavers to move them,
for any considerable distance, by physical force.
Hence the canal for floating them across the inter-
vening level ground to the pond. The necessity for it
is so apparent as to diminish our astonishment at its
construction; and yet that the beaver should devise
a canal to surmount this difficulty is not the less
The area represented by the map is not more
abundantly supplied with dams, lodges, and burrows
than with artificial canals. It contains within its
limits nearly every variety of the works of the
beaver found in North America, some of which, as
the Grass Lake dam, are unequaled in their magni-
tude and completeness. Beaver canals are very nu-
merous within this area. Many of them are small
and unimportant; but the great length of some of
them is the striking feature which invests them, as
artificial works, with a high degree of interest.
Immediately north of the Cleveland Iron Mine there
is a natural pond (Plate XVII.) covering about forty
acres of land. It is bordered on all sides, except at its
outlet, with rising ground at the distance of a few hun-
dred feet from its margin. The intermediate ground is
level, and rises but a few inches above the surface of
the pond. On this low land there is first a border of
moss turf entirely skirting the pond, and spreading
out in different places from fifty to two hundred or
more feet. Without this, tamarack, spruce, and pine
are found; and upon the rising ground, birch, ash, and
maple. The pond is shallow, and thickly sprinkled
over in the summer with water lilies; while in the
moss turf, the unique Pitcher-plant (Sarracenia Pur-
purea) grows in the greatest profusion. This turf,
which is saturated with water, and yields under the
feet, spreads out like a carpet on the skirts of the
pond. These particulars have been mentioned to
show that there was not a spot of solid earth imping-
ing upon the water in which the beavers could con-
struct a burrow. It is well known that they never
risk their personal safety upon the lodge alone, which
is conspicuous to their enemies, but rely upon con-
cealed burrows as the places of final resort.’ In addi-
tion to the principal use of a canal to reach by water
the hard-wood lands, it was also necessary to their
inhabiting this pond that they should be able, by its
means, to reach burrowing ground.
These canals are about three feet wide and about
three feet deep, with a depth of water varying from
fifteen to thirty inches. They are made by excava-
tion. The earth, which is more or less soft from sat-
uration, is removed by being thrown out on either
side, or carried out into the pond. In some places it
appears to have been placed on the bank, but nearly
all of these canals are so old that no signs can now be
observed of the places where the excavated materials
were deposited. Their artificial character is demon-
strated by other proofs. In the first place, they are
filled with water from the ponds up to the first of the
dams, which are sometimes built across them; and
where there are none, then to the end of the excava-
tion. The banks, in the second place, are vertical,
showing none of the marks of water flowing in a
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small stream. In the third place, they often term-
inate in dry hard earth at the foot of the rising
ground. There is not, in the fourth place, the slight-
est current in these canals showing that they are fed
by springs. In the fifth place, surface water, filtering
through grounds substantially level, never could cut
such uniform, and, much less, such deep channels.
And in the sixth and last place, roots of trees, four
inches in diameter, are found cut off and removed to
afford an unobstructed channel. In like manner,
alder bushes, which branch low, as well as send out
strong roots, are found cut off in large numbers where
they overhang and line their borders. An inspection
and comparison of a number of these canals leave no
doubt whatever of their artificial character.
The first canal to be described, and which is shown
in Plate XVIII, is on the north side of the pond rep-
resented in the preceding plate. For the distance
of four hundred and fifty feet it is cut through level
ground, and filled with water from the pond. There
are knolls or hummocks scattered over the surface in
which tamarack and spruce trees are rooted; but
there is no perceptible ascent until the first dam is
reached, when there is a rise of about a foot. The
banks of the canal, which are vertical, rise a few
inches above the level of the water with which it is
filled. Up to this dam it is perfectly evident that the
water in the canal is supplied from the pond. Twenty-
five feet above there is a second rise of about a foot,
and here we find a second dam, extending over seventy-
five feet beyond the canal on one side, and twenty-
seven on the other. As here used, these dams are
exceedingly ingenious. They were designed to receive
and hold the surface water from rains, as well as that
passed down by drainage from the high grounds, after
which it was collected by filtration, in the channel of
the canal which is sunk about three feet below the level
of the surrounding ground. At the distance of forty-
seven feet from the second, there is a third and much
larger dam, one hundred and forty-two feet long, con-
structed in a semicircle, with its arms pointing out
toward the high ground, and designed for the same
object. It collects the surface water in pools, here
and there, but fails to form a pond for want of suffi-
cient water., With this dam the canal terminates.
At this point the hard wood is reached, at the dis-
tance of five hundred and twenty-three feet from the
pond. A B in the diagram represent a transverse
section of the first dam, on the line of the canal; and
C D, the same of the third. The crests of these
dams where they cross the canal are depressed, or
worn down, in the centre, by the constant passage of
beavers over them while going to and fro, and dragging
their cuttings. This canal, with its adjuncts of dams
and its manifest objects, is a remarkable work, tran-
scending very mueh the ordinary estimates of the in-
telligence of the beaver. It served to bring the occu-
pants of the pond into easy connection, by water, with
the trees that supplied them with food, as well as to
relieve them from the tedious, and perhaps impossible,
task of moving their cuttings five hundred feet over
uneven ground, unassisted by any descent. As an
effort of free intelligence to surmount natural obstacles,
it is one of the highest achievements of this animal.
The width and depth of the channel at different
points are sufficiently shown upon the ground plan.
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: 4ft.6. tre Depth of Water
\ 3% wide
Not the least interesting fact connected with this
canal is that of the great amount of labor necessary
for its excavation. It must have required many years
of continuous effort before it was brought into its pres-
ent completed condition, both as to length and depth.
The canals are most likely cleaned out and deep-
ened from time to time, as materials from the surface
fall into them and obstruct the channel. The bottom
was covered with fine fibres and tendrils of tree roots,
and with decayed leaves, which made it soft and yield-
ing to the depth of a foot below the apparent bottom.
There are several canals connected with this pond,
of which the four largest commence near the four lodges
situated upon its borders. It will be sufficient to de-
scribe one of those remaining, taking that immediately
opposite on the south side of the pond (Plate XIX.).
This canal is also excavated through the low ground,
and is filled to its extreme ends with water from the
pond. At the distance of one hundred and fifty feet
it reaches the first rise of ground, and the hard-wood
land, where it branches into two canals, one of which
is continued for one hundred feet, and the other for
one hundred and fifteen feet along the base of high
and dry ground, covered with deciduous trees. Both
branches terminate with a vertical cut in dry sandy
soil, and are carried through the same low ground as
the main trunk, the surface rising but a few inches
above the level of the pond. Of its artificial char-
acter there can be no doubt. The measurements are
given upon the ground plan.
This canal passed a number of knolls surmounted
with trees, under many of which burrows had been ex-
cavated. Hvidences of this underground work were
apparent in many places. One of these burrows, that
nearest to the pond, is described with a diagram (supra,
page 163).
At the distance of about seventy feet from the pond,
this canal widens out to five feet, and then bears a little
to the left. The engraving (Plate XX.) is from a photo-
graph taken from this point, and looking down toward
the pond. It shows the pond and about seventy-five
feet of the canal. The lodge is mostly concealed
behind the clump of small trees upon the right. The
engraving is inaccurate in one respect. It shows the
ground too much elevated above the level of the
water in the canal.
There is one feature of this canal deserving of at-
tention. After the rising ground, and with it the
hard-wood trees, were reached at the point where it
branched, there was no very urgent necessity for the
branches. But their construction along the base of the
high ground gave them a frontage upon the canal of
two hundred and fifteen feet of hard-wood lands, thus
affording to them, along this extended line, the great
advantayes of water transportation for their cuttings.
If we are to regard these extensions as a further
expression of their appreciation of the uses of a canal,
it must increase our estimate of their powers of reflec-
tion. “Instinct,” as that unfortunate and blundering
term is understood by those who comprehend its mean-
ing, would have fully performed its office when the
canal had been carried to the point of contact with the
high ground. Any progress of the work beyond this
must be referable to the exercise of a free intelligence.’
1 The lodges upon this pond were of the usual size, measuring
from fourteen to sixteen feet over their summits, and from three
a See a
ve wm)
There is an extensive canal on Carp River a short
distance below the bend represented in Plate XIV. It
runs through low, swampy ground, which is covered,
for one-quarter of its length, with a thicket of alder so
dense that it was difficult to follow the channel for the
purposes of measurement. The river, which at this
point is a hundred feet wide, more or less, is bordered
with alder and cranberry bushes, and with a forest of
tamaracks. Back of these, some six hundred feet, is the
first rising ground covered with deciduous trees; to
reach which the canal was constructed. At the dis-
tance of one hundred and eleven feet from its com-
mencement in the river there was a rise in the surface
level of about a foot, which made necessary either a
dam, or an additional foot of excavation, to furnish a
sufficient depth of water. A dam twenty-five feet long,
across the canal and the grounds adjacent, was the ex-
pedient adopted. The second level of the canal, thus
raised a foot above the first, continued one hundred
and seventy-eight feet, where a second rise occurs of
about the same amount, and where a second dam
was constructed thirty feet long. As the ground on
both sides of the canal was swampy, with water in
pools here and there, it was only necessary to exca-
vate a channel of the requisite depth to obtain a suffi-
cient supply of water by filtration from the adjoining
lands. Up to the first dam the canal was filled from
the river, and consequently varied in depth with the
rise and fall of the stream; but above this, where it
feet to three feet six inches in height. The chamber of the lodge
at the canal last described was four feet nine inches in its largest
diameter, four feet six inches in its transverse, and one foot three
inches high.
depended upon the dam, and the source of supply
before named, it was uniformly about eighteen mches
deep. From the second dam the canal continued at a
foot higher level for the distance of two hundred and
ninety feet, where it terminated at the base of the
hard-wood lands at a distance of five hundred and
seventy-nine feet from the river. Its average width
was about four feet, and it had an unobstructed chan-
nel of about eighteen inches deep from one end to the
other, with the exception of the dams. The run-ways
of the beavers over these dams were very conspicu-
ous. They were shown, as in the other cases, by a
depression in the centre formed by traveling over
them in going up and down the canal. At the mouth
of the canal the river was not deep enough for a
beaver to swim below its surface out into the stream.
To obviate the difficulty, a channel, twenty-five feet
long and a foot or more deep, was excavated in the
bed of the river far enough out to carry them into
deep water. The materials were thrown up in an
embankment on the side below the excavation, ap-
parently lest the current of the stream should carry
them back into the channel. The excavation and the
embankment, which were plainly to be seen side by
side, the latter in places coming up to the surface of
the water, presented another striking illustration of
the industry as well as intelligence of the beaver.
It is manifest from the form and general appearance
of this canal (Plate X XI.) that it is artificial. In ad-
dition to the uniformity and depth of its channel, its
vertical banks, the absence of a current, the sources
whence the water is obtained, and its actual use as a
channel for the transportation of wood cuttings, there
Plate XXI.
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is still other evidence tending to the same conclusion.
Along the canal there are roots from two to four
inches in diameter cut off at the bank on opposite
sides, below the surface of the water, and removed.
Alder bushes in great numbers, even when branching
across the canal several inches above the ground, are
found cut off to free the channel from obstructions.
Besides these several considerations, the canal term-
inates in dry ground; and the intermediate space
through which it is carried is of such a character as
to preclude the possibility of the formation of such a
channel by natural causes.
This canal may be regarded as typical of these
works. They are usually cut through low, swampy
ground where the supply of water is obtained by fil-
tration from the adjacent lands, after forming a chan-
nel for its reception. With dams at each change of
level to prevent the channel from drawing off the
water, they can be carried as far as pools of surface
water can be found.
It is not uncommon to find, at bends in streams,
canals cut across the neck, apparently to shorten the
distance in going up and down by water. One of this
kind has been shown (Plate XIV.) in connection with
a lodge. There are a number of these canals within
the area of the map, three of the largest of which are
shown in sections 4 and 28. The engraving (Plate
XXII.) is from a photograph of one on the section last
named, and it is introduced to show the beaver mead-
ows on the Esconauba as well. It is a view across a
bend in this river, showing the stream in the foreground
passing by from right to left, and again in the back-
ground flowing in the opposite direction. The canal
is excavated across the neck, and appears in the right
side of the engraving. It is one hundred and eighty-
five feet long, three feet wide, and about fifteen inches
deep. When the dam below (No. 14) was in repair
and the pond full, it would be about four feet wide
and three feet deep. No other object for these exca-
vations can be assigned, except to shorten the distance
in going up and down the river. There was no hard
wood in its vicinity. Alder bushes were growing on
both sides of the canal, which were cut away on one
side to show the water within it. The evidence is
less conclusive that these excavations are artificial
than in the case of the canals before described.’
In some cases similar excavations are made across
islands in their ponds, where they are long, for the
obvious purpose of saving distance in going around.
In the Chippewa River, in Lower Michigan, there is a
pond, covering several hundred acres of land, formed
by a beaver dam, in which there is a low island of firm
earth nearly a mile in length. Across this island there
are two such canals about five hundred feet long, exca-
vated by the beavers for the purpose of a water transit
over the island. They were described to me, with
their dimensions, by the Rev. Mr. Johnson, for many
1 The Ojibwas discriminate this variety of canal from the other,
and call it o-ne-ge’-gome (from nee-geek’, otter), signifying ‘“ otter
crossing,” from the use the otter is known to make of them.
The otter is a “gay and festive” animal. He does not slide
down hill upon-the frozen snow after the fashion of the Polar
bears described by Dr. Kane; but, coiling himself up in the form
of a hoop, with his tail in his mouth, he will roll down a hill
upon the snow-crust with great velocity. Father De Smet, be-
fore referred to, witnessed this performance of an otter in Wash-
ington Territory.
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years a missionary among the Ojibwa Indians, who
went upon the island and examined them. Beaver
excavations on a large scale are very common in dis-
tricts favorable for their occupation, and they are
greatly diversified in character. At the upper end of
the principal pond at the gorge, where the series of
dams are found, there is a canal two hundred and
fifty feet long, which enters the pond where it is too
shallow for a beaver to swim below the surface of the
water. To correct this inconvenience a channel was
excavated in the bed of the pond for about fifty feet
in length, the materials from which were thrown up
on either side.
Beaver meadows are properly among the works of
the beavers, although consequences, merely, of their
labor for other objects. Where dams are constructed,
the waters first destroy the timber within the area cov-
ered by the ponds. When the adjacent lands are low,
they are occasionally overflown after heavy rains, and
are at all times saturated with water from the ponds.
In course of time, the trees within the area affected
are totally destroyed; in place of which a rank, lux-
uriant grass springs up. A level meadow, in the
strict and proper sense of the term, is thus formed;
although much unlike the meadow of the cultivated
farm. At a distance they appear to be level and
smooth; but when you attempt to walk over them,
they are found to be a series of hummocks formed of
earth and a mass of coarse roots of grass rising about
a foot high, while around each of them there is a
narrow strip of bare and sunken ground. The bare
spaces, which are but a few inches wide, have the
appearance of innumerable water-courses through
which the water passes when the meadows are over-
flowed. A beaver meadow, therefore, may be likened
to the face of a waffle-iron—the raised eminences of
which represent the hummocks of grass, and the in-
dentations the depressions around them for the pas-
sage of water. In Plates IX. and XXII., which are
engraved from photographs, a small portion of the
beaver meadows are shown.
The amount of lands in a beaver district thus
turned into meadows is large, when the conditions
under which they are produced are considered. On
the Carp and Esconauba Rivers, within the area of
the map, there are about ninety acres, in the aggre-
gate, of beaver meadows; the situation and bound-
aries of which are indicated by dotted lines. There
are other districts, particularly on the main branch of
the Esconauba, where the amount is much larger.
These meadows are very common in the vicinity of
beaver dams. When iron mining operations were
first commenced in the Lake Superior region, the
grass upon these meadows was the main reliance of
the miners for hay for their winter stock. In 1866,
Captain Johnson, superintendent of the Lake Supe-
rior Mine, cut fifty tons of hay upon a single beaver
meadow on the main branch of the Esconauba.
In addition to the nutriment which the roots of
these grasses afford to the beavers, the meadows them-
selves are clearings in the wilderness, by means of
which the light, as well as the heat of the sun, is let
in upon their lodges.
Beaver trails are quite numerous, as well as con-
spicuous, along the margins of their ponds. They
show their run-ways back into the woods, and the
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lines on which they move their cuttings into the
ponds. They are narrow, well-beaten paths for a
short distance from the ponds, but soon lose their dis-
tinctness and disappear altogether. They are chiefly
interesting as indications of their numbers, and of
the long periods of time each dam has been main-
tained, and each pond inhabited.
On the Upper Missouri we meet with another form
of trail, which is called a “beaver slide.” It is de-
signed to maintain, as well as afford, a ready connec-
tion between the river and its banks. On both sides
of this river, for miles together, the banks are vertical,
and rise, at ordinary stages of the water, from three
to eight feet above its surface. It would, consequently,
be impossible for the beavers to get out of the river
upon the land except by excavating a passage-way
through the bank, from the river to the surface, or by
the construction of the inclined or graded way, known
as a “beaver slide.” The latter expedient was adopted
and made the ordinary run-way to and from the river,
and the bottom lands upon its border. They are sim-
ple excavations in the bank, in the form of a narrow
passage-way, inclined at an angle varying from 45° to
60°, so as to form a gradual descent from a point a
few feet back of the edge of the bank to the level of
the river. Several of them are often seen in the
bank, within ten feet of each other, as shown in the
Plate. (Plate XXIII.)' They are first seen near the
1 In the foreground in this engraving is shown the “ Bull Boat”
of the Upper Missouri, used by the Mandans, Minnitares, Crows,
and Blackfeet, for crossing the river. It is made of a single raw
hide of a buffalo, unhaired and stretched over a dome-shaped
frame of splints. It is safe, convenient, and portable; and it will
carry two persons.
mouth of the Big Sioux River, from which point to
the mountains they are observed in great numbers, in
places where beavers are most numerous. They fur-
nish another conspicuous illustration of the fact that
they possess a free intelligence, by means of which
they are enabled to adapt themselves to the circum-
stances in which they are placed.
This great river, which has been so frequently re-
ferred to in these pages, presents to the tourist many
striking features. I am tempted to make a digression
for the purpose of noticing a few of them. It runs
for three thousand miles through the great central
prairie area of the continent without being inter-
rupted by a waterfall, or traversed by a mount-
ain chain. It is a great river from its mouth to the
Falls of the Missouri, which are within the Rocky
Mountain chain; and itis navigable at certain seasons
by steamers of the first class, within forty miles of the
falls. In width it varies from a mile and a half toa
third of a mile, rarely contracting its channel within
a quarter of a mile when its banks are full. Its cur-
rent, which is rated by river men at from four to five
miles per hour, exceeds, in rapidity, that of any other
navigable river within the United States. By means
of its powerful current it is able to hold in suspension
the great amount of earthy materials that impart to
its waters their deep yellowish color. From this cir-
cumstance, also, it derived its aboriginal name, Ne-
shod'ja, which, in the dialect of the Kaws, signifies
“the muddy river.”
1«“With reference to the range of the Missouri between low
and high water, but little can be said. It is about thirty-five feet
at the mouth; twenty feet at St. Joseph’s, Missouri; and still
Its “bluffs” testify to the long series of centuries
during which this river has flowed from the mountains
to the sea, and measure the enormous amount of solid
materials which it has transported to the Mississippi
and thence to the Gulf. For the first thousand miles
these bluffs are, upon an average, upwards of four
miles apart; for the second thousand, upwards of
three miles; and for the remainder of the distance to
the falls, upwards of one. They bound the valley ex-
cavated by the river, and mark the limital range of
its flow. The tops of the bluffs, which are on a level
with the prairies, are from fifty to one hundred and
fifty feet above the level of the river, from its mouth
to the confluence of the Yellowstone; while above the
latter point they rise three hundred feet high and
upwards for miles together.
The lands between the bluffs are level, rising but
a few feet above the river, and are called “Bottom
jess above, being at Fort Benton only about six feet. Ice dams
in the spring sometimes occasion great local rises.
“Tts high water width, for so long a river, is remarkably uni-
form. In the vicinity of Fort Benton it varies from five hundred
to one thousand feet. Near the mouth of Milk River it has in-
creased to fifteen hundred feet. Below the Yellowstone it is
about two thousand feet. From this vicinity the river gradually
attains an average width of about three thousand feet, which it
holds for some six hundred miles to its mouth.
“Its annual discharge is about four trillions of cubic feet, or
about one-fifth of that of the Mississippi.
“At Fort Benton it is two thousand eight hundred and forty-
five feet above the Gulf, and at its mouth, three hundred and
eighty-one feet.”.—Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi
River. Published by the War Department, 1861, p. 61.
The June rise of the Yellowstone is about ten days in reaching
St. Louis, or in moving a little over two thousand miles.
Lands.” It is a striking fact with reference to these
lands, that they have been literally made by the river
to the depth of its channel from bluff to bluff; and
that they are still undergoing the process of being cut
away and reformed with each successive flood. Al-
though the river to-day cuts against one of its bluffs,
while the opposite one may be four miles distant, the
time has been when it also impinged on the other,—
having removed in its course all the intermediate soil
to the depth of its channel. As it cuts away on
one side, it throws up materials on its receding bed in
the form of a sand-bar, which is afterward raised by
the slow process of surface deposits by successive
floods to the common level of the bottom lands. With
every change of level in the river it shifts its channel
more or less, as the direction and force of the pressure
upon its banks change with the rise and fall of the
stream. The rapidity with which this river, when in
flood, cuts away its banks, which it is seen are sedi-
mentary, is quite remarkable. It is not uncommon
for a farmer on the Lower Missouri to lose forty acres
of his farm in the bottom lands in a single night. At
such times there is a constant splash of earth falling
into the river, carrying with it the tallest cottonwood-
trees, whose age measured the interval since the river,
cutting its way in the opposite direction, had cast up
the sand-bar upon which they afterward took root. I
have seen trees falling in, one after another, while still
others in a leaning position were just ready to follow.
The mud deposited on their foliage soon brings them
to anchor, after which they are stripped, in course of
time, of both limbs and bark; and thus, with one end
imbedded in mud and the other rising toward the sur-
face of the water and pointing down stream, become
the “‘snags” which have made this river famous for
its steamboat disasters.
The river banks are usually from five to eight feet
high when the channel is full, and always vertical.
Any person falling into this river, in time of flood, is
pretty certain to be drowned, unless he can reach
a sand-bar, or the side opposite the one against which
the current is running.’
From the mouth of the Missouri to Kansas City,
there is a belt of forest on both sides of the river sev-
eral miles wide; but above this point the belt con-
tracts rapidly in width, the prairie coming occasion-
ally to the bluffs, as at Fort Leavenworth and at
Omaha. Above the last-named place the forest con-
tinues to decrease to the confluence of the Big Sioux
River, after which, for the remainder of the distance
of about two thousand miles to the mountains, it is
confined to the bottom lands and the declivities of the
bluffs. All without is open prairie, with the excep-
tion of narrow belts of forest along the margins of
the tributary streams. For the last fifteen hundred
miles the bottom lands are but partially wooded; and
’ Where the channel is narrow and the current swift and full,
the most powerful swimmer is unable to keep himself above the
surface of the water, its whirling and eddying motions tending to
draw him under. In 1862, I saw five men drown at mid-day in this
river just below Fort Benton, which is but thirty-six miles below
the Falls of the Missouri. Six men were capsized in a rapid in
a small boat, and were one after the other soon drawn under.
Of these, four came to the surface once, and again went under;
three came up a second time, and one a third. He alone was
saved, by means of a small boat, which went to their relief within
two minutes of the accident.
the country, in other respects, is unfavorable for set-
The scenery upon the Missouri is monotonous un-
til the confluence of the Yellowstone is approached.
This is owing to the fact that at the river level we
are shut in from the magnificent summer landscape
of the prairies, of which the eye never wearies; and
are confined to the narrow range of the bottom lands
and bordering bluffs, which have few attractive feat-
ures. One of the most remarkable regions of the
earth is thus traversed without being seen. From the
old village of the Mandans, and particularly above
the Great Bend of the Missouri, the scenery changes
and assumes more imposing forms. First there are
high banks of indurated clay, seamed with lignite,
which rise three hundred feet high and assume gro-
tesque architectural forms from the effects of rain and
frost. These, with more or less uniformity in appear-
ance, border the river for five hundred miles until the
Bad Lands are entered, which, commencing about fifty
miles above the confluence of Milk River, continue for
upwards of three hundred miles. The “Bad Lands”
(mauvaises terres), so called, are sterile, rounded mud
hills, of a dingy-brown color, thickly studded together,
and rising, with deep chasms between, two hundred or
more feet high. They are composed of adhesive clay,
which, softening to a considerable depth under every
rain, are destitute of every species of vegetation ex-
cept an occasional sage-tree or dwarf cedar, and a
straggling cactus. This assemblage of conical hills
presents the most dreary landscape within the limits
of our Republic, the deserts of the Colorado Basin not
excepted. Silence and desolation reign throughout
their area. They form a narrow belt along this por-
tion of the Missouri, from which they stretch south-
ward across the Yellowstone, and terminate in the
Black Hills in the central part of Nebraska.
About one hundred miles from the foot of the
Rocky Mountains we find the most remarkable forma-
tion upon the river, and the most striking scenery
upon its borders. Lewis and Clark, who passed
through this region in 1805, called this formation the
“White Walis’—a not inapt designation. Prince
Maximilian, in his “Travels in North America,” also
describes them; but any description, however minute,
must fail to convey more than a faint general impres-
sion of their actual appearance. They are continuous
for about forty miles, first appearing as the north
bluff of the river, then upon both sides, and afterward
on the north side alone. The river cuts through the
formation, which is a whitish friable sandstone, so
slightly cemented that small pieces are readily pul-
verized ‘with the fingers, and yet it retains the form
of solid rock. Its opposite bluffs here approach within
half a mile of each other; and rising about two hun-
dred feet high, are buried but a few feet below the
level surface of the prairie. The extraordinary ap-
pearances of these “walls” are the effects, in a great
measure, of frost and rain, which, having disinte-
grated portions of the rock, have wrought out the
marvelous results presented to the eye. A steep bank
first rises from the river, which is composed of the
comminuted materials of this rock, colored a dingy
brown by washings from the soil above. This, ascend-
ing about a hundred and fifty feet, at an angle of 60°
or more, is destitute of vegetation, and has a smooth,
uniform surface. Out of this bank rises the “ White
Walls” in perpendicular cliffs from fifty to seventy
feet high. In some places, masses of this rock abut
against the face of the bluff; in other places, detached
masses are exposed on two and sometimes on three
sides; and in still other places, solitary walls, in the
form of masonry, rise in stupendous magnitude. Ra-
vines here and there break .through the formation at
right angles with the river, exposing two and some-
times three sides of a great square; while in other
places there are wide openings in the rock, more or
less parallel, which assume somewhat the appearance
of great streets. To complete the illusion, there are
rents In some of the narrow walls having the sem-
blance of gateways, doors, and windows. The effects
of atmospheric causes in disintegrating this unequally
cemented sandstone have been extremely curious, giv-
ing rise to every conceivable form. Buttresses, tur-
rets, pinnacles, and spires meet the eye on every side,
together with massive walls, rent and perforated, and
standing like piles of masonry. In the distance the
effect is truly imposing, suggesting very naturally the
presence of great cities in ruins.
Some of the detached masses have been christened
by tourists, among which are the “Castle,” the “Cathe-
dral.” and the “Steamboat.” The last is a huge pile
of whitish rock, exposed on three sides for about
five hundred or more feet, and, rising about sixty feet
in height, presents the general form of a Missouri
steamer, with its saloon deck, smoke-stacks, and pilot-
house traced in dim outline.
In addition to the white sandstone, of which nine-
tenths of this formation is composed, there is another
stone of a reddish-brown color, the nature of which I
was not able to ascertain, which assumes not less re-
markable forms. It crops out in the form of narrow,
long, and low stone walls, with horizontal lines of strat-
ification or seams distinctly visible; and vertical rents
here and there, from top to bottom, which give to it
the appearance of dry stone walls. In some places,
gateways through them, formed with the most perfect
regularity, are seen. These brown-stone walls run
parallel with the river in some places, and in others
diagonally up its banks.
In Arabia Petreea there is a white wall formation
very similar to the one here imperfectly described. In
future years, when the Upper Missouri region becomes
more accessible, a summer expedition to the “white
walls” will abundantly reward the tourist.
This river is also celebrated for its game. All of the
principal animals of the North American Continent
are found upon its banks. The buffalo, elk, red and
black-tailed deer, antelope, grizzly and black bear,
? Lieutenant Grover, after first referring to the ‘white walls,”
speaks of this brown rock as volcanic. ‘“ The bluffs,” he remarks,
“are now more abrupt, and crowded the river; colonnades and
odd detached pillars of partially cemented sand, capped with huge
globes of light brownish sandstone, tower up from their steep
sides to the height of a hundred feet or more above the water.
Then the action of the weather upon the bluffs in the background
has worn them into a thousand grotesque forms, while lower down
their faces seams of volcanic rock from three to six feet thick,
with a dip nearly vertical, and no uniform strike, beaten and
cracked by the weather, rising from six to eight feet above the
surface, run up and down the steep faces and projecting shoulders
of the cliff—a most perfect imitation of dry stone walls.”—
Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River, p. 58.
beaver, and the gray wolf are seen from the mouth of
Cannon-ball River, where game first becomes abund-
ant, through all the intermediate region to the mount-
ains, with the exception of the Bad Lands.
Buffaloes are the most numerous, and are often seen
in herds of several thousands. They are easily shot
from the deck of a steamboat, while swimming across
the river. However eager a person may be for buf-
falo-shooting, he will find it in such ample measure on
this river that he will finally put aside his gun from
mere weariness.’
The grizzly bear is the great animal of North Amer-
ica, not excepting the buffalo or the moose. We first
saw this monster among the “white walls,” galloping
along the sloping banks beneath them. His bulky
and powerful form gave him a dangerous as well as
commanding appearance.
Among the lesser animals upon this river is the
prairie dog, a rodent resembling the squirrel. We
stopped at one of their “villages,” as a collection of
their burrows is familiarly called, and were not a
little surprised at the number and spread of their
The antelope is the most beautiful animal of the
plains. We often saw them in small herds of one or
1 When the first pair of buffaloes had been shot and taken on
board the steamer, at the time I went up the river, the mate called
upon the trappers on board for volunteers to dress the animals.
Two men stepped forward, one of them a Frenchman, as might
have been expected, but the other, strange to say, was a Greek,
born at Athens, as he afterward informed me. For two years he
had been pursuing the vocation of a trapper in the Rocky Mount-
ains. He found his way to New Orleans in a merchant vessel,
and thence went to the mountains as an adventurer.
two hundred. Their flesh, upon which we occasion-
ally feasted, is superior to that of the elk or the buf-
falo. Elks were frequently seen in small herds of
twenty or thirty.
Another characteristic animal of the Upper Mis-
souri is the mountain sheep. They were formerly found
as low down as the confluence of Cannon-ball River,
but now they are rarely seen below the Bad Lands.
We first saw them arhong the “ white walls,” in flocks
of from ten to twenty. They are of a brown color,
somewhat larger than the common sheep, and of tim-
orous disposition. Along the faces of the steepest
cliffs, where the slightest footing can be had, they run
with assurance and rapidity, working their way up
through places apparently impassable.
Fig. 22.
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Trails of Mountain Sheep on Bluffs near confluence of Muscle Shell River.
Above the “white walls,” where the bluffs rise in
places three hundred feet high, the footprints or trails
of the mountain sheep are very frequently seen on
their steep declivities. A representation of these trails
is given in the figure (Fig. 22). The banks rise pre-
cipitously, apparently at an angle of 70° or 80°, with a
smooth surface and devoid of vegetation. No animal
found in the region, except the mountain sheep, could
either ascend or move in a horizontal line upon such
bluffs and maintain his footing. These footprints
appear to be a series of alternating footholds sunk in
the bank by long use, rather than continuous depres-
sions in the form of a sunken trail. Their lines along
the bluffs can be seen as distinctly in the clear atmos-
phere of this region, for a quarter of a mile, as a chalk
line upon a black-board immediately before the eyes.
The preceding diagram, in two sections, is from a
rough sketch made while we were passing the bluffs at
the distance of a few hundred feet. It seems probable
that the mountain sheep resort to these precipitous
banks for safety as well as rest, since while upon their
dizzy declivities they could enjoy the consciousness of
perfect security.’
From this long digression I return once more to the
beaver, to make a brief reference to the connection of
the great river systems of North America with the
spread of this animal. The true habitat of the beaver
is near the sources of streams, where they are small
and easily spanned with dams. This transfers them
to the mountain and elevated areas as their appropr-
ate home. And yet, as they are migrating animals,
1 The least reputable animal of the Missouri is the gray wolf,
the largest of his genus in North America, and the most insatiable
of the carnivorous genera. They are very numerous, following
the buffalo in their migrations, and preying upon their young
as well as upon the wounded and decrepid. The *wariness of
the wolf was well illustrated to us, one day, by his manner of
drinking. We saw one jump down the bank of the river, which
was about five feet high, upon a piece of fallen earth just above
the water, and lap the water for about five seconds, and then jump
up again upon the bank to see whether any one was approaching.
After this he returned and drank again for the same length of
time, and again ascended the bank to repeat his observation.
These proceedings were repeated six or eight times before his
thirst was satisfied.
they have but to surrender themselves to the current
of the rivers, the Missouri for example, to propagate
themselves over a large part of the United States.
With this river, and commencing at its source, they
could reach, in time, every part of the area between
the Alleghany and the Rocky Mountains: and in like
manner with the Siskatchewun, commencing their
spread from the same mountains, they could reach the
chain of lakes, the St. Lawrence, and all their tribu-
taries upon a line of thousands of miles. The wide
habitat of the beaver is thus explained by his aquatic
habits and the remarkable connection of the river
systems of the continent.
Other Habits of the Beayer—Indications of Age—Tame Beavers—Nursed
by Indian Women—Building and Repairing Dams—Great Beaver Dis-
tricts—Hudson’s Bay Company—American Fur Company—Private Ad-
venturers—The Steel Trap—Trapping Season—Trapping at the Dam—
At the Lodge—Traps sprung—Whether the Beaver when caught bites off
his Leg—Trapping under the Ice—Catching in a Pen—Trapping Bank
Beavers—Catching in Burrows—Trappers as a Class—Custom of hang-
ing up Skulls—Statistics of Fur Trade—Early and Recent Exportations—
Immense Numbers of Beavers.
BrroreE taking up the subject of trapping, there are
a few remaining facts relating to the habits of the
beaver which it may be well to embody in a general
statement. His personal acts, as far as they can be
ascertained, are not less essential to the completeness
of his natural history than his works, or his anatomi-
cal structure. Our knowledge of these acts, although
more ample than in relation to most animals, is
still very limited; wherefore each additional item
must be considered in the light of a substantial gain.
Some of the facts about to be stated are upon the au-
thority of the Missouri and Lake Superior trappers,
others were obtained from Indian sources, and the re-
mainder were derived from personal observation.
The beaver, in moving, never steps backward, but
turns round, as his tail drags on the ground. While
walking, his back arches slightly; when standing still,
its curvature is much increased. In running, his
quickest movement is by a gallop, or a series of jumps,
which take him along, notwithstanding his clumsy
frame, at a rapid rate. When swimming with a
part of his head out of water, the tail is extended
motionless behind; but when he is entirely under,
and swimming at the most rapid rate, it is swung
from side to side with a peculiar diagonal stroke;
that is, it is raised in a partly vertical position,
and then moved upward and to the side, when
the relative position of the edges of the tail are re-
versed, and it is swung in the opposite direction. It
is the precise movement by which a boat is sculled
with an oar. I have not seen this tail movement, but
make the statement upon the authority of Indians by
whom it has frequently been observed. By means of
his tail used as a scull, and his webbed hind feet, the
propelling power of the beaver in swimming is very
great. They carry small stones and earth with their
paws, holding them under the throat, and walking on
their hind feet. Large stones, weighing five or six
pounds, of which size they are found on dams, they
push along in different ways—with the shoulder, with
the hip, and with the tail. They work the tail under
a stone, and give it a throw forward. In moving ma-
terials of various kinds they are very ingenious and
persevering. It is said by the trappers, with how
much of truth I cannot affirm, that they will place
earth and sod upon each other’s backs and tails, to be
thus transferred to the dam. They handle a stick
with their paws as dextrously as a man would with
his hands, turning it at pleasure while cutting it in
two or eating off the bark. Taking one end of a
short cutting in their teeth, and rising up on their
hind feet so as to bring it across their back, they will
carry it, with the opposite end dragging on the ground,
for a considerable distance, walking nearly erect on
their hind feet. Their tracks in the snow are often
seen, with the marks of a bush or limb by their side,
showing that it was held in the mouth and passed
across the shoulder, the ends dragging on the snow
upon the side opposite to that on which it was held.
They have also been seen swimming in their ponds,
carrying small branches in the same manner.
In cutting down trees, they either sit or stand upon
their hind legs, and placing their fore feet against the
tree, gnaw round and round, making the first incision
about three inches wide and an inch deep, and each
successive one wider and deeper until the tree falls.
I have found these trees in all stages of their progress
in cutting. Three beavers have been seen at work
together gnawing at the same tree, which is as many
as could conveniently find a place. With this num-
ber, two nights at most would give ample time to fell
a tree a foot in diameter. After the tree falls, they
retire for a short time, until the woods are again still,
when the whole family come out and commence cut-
ting off and reducing the limbs to short lengths to be
carried to the pond, and thence to the winter pile. A
small portion only of the limbs of a large tree are
used. They select such as are most convenient for
cutting and removing, or are preferred for other
reasons. Small trees, a few inches in diameter, are
removed bodily. The number of trees of different
sizes cut down each season in a well stocked beaver
district is surprisingly great. In places they obstruct
the passage through the woods, although this occurs
infrequently. While the surveys on the Marquette and
Ontonagon Railroad were progressing, a small party
encamped upon the main branch of the Esconauba,
near its source, counted nineteen treefalls, which they
heard in a single night, between the hours of seven
and twelve o’clock. Along the margins of streams
inhabited by beavers, the stubs of trees cut down by
them are very numerous. They are met at almost
every step. This might be expected, since a number
of years are required to obliterate the evidences of
their work. Many trees partially cut and abandoned
are also found, as well as many that have lodged in
The usual number of beavers in a litter, as else-
where stated, is from three to five, but it is occasion-
ally greater. William Bass, before mentioned, found
eight young beavers in a foetal state in one female,
and eight young beavers born alive in a single lodge.
He had also found six young ones a number of times,
and all the numbers below this down to a single
young beaver. With reference to the duration of
their lives it is difficult to ascertain any facts tending
to establish its limit. There are no indications to be
found on their teeth by which their age can be de-
termined; but their tails grow stout with age, and
become grayish or light colored on the under side.
Their teeth file down and lose their sharpness, and
they become lean and their flesh tough as they grow
old; but these are relative indications only. Bass in-
formed me that he once caught a part of a beaver’s foot
in a trap, taking four of the five claws; and that eight
years afterward he caught a beaver in the same trap-
ping district with the corresponding foot mutilated in
a manner so exactly agreeing with it that he felt per-
suaded it was the same beaver. This would have
made him not less than eleven years old. He had
also seen others apparently several years older than
this. From such imperfect data as they possess, the
Indians believe he lives from twelve to fifteen years.
Young beavers are easily domesticated; and al-
though active and mischievous, they are affectionate
and harmless. When captured very young, the In-
’ dian women, if they desire their preservation, nurse
them until they are old enough to feed upon bark. At
six weeks of age, a young beaver will wean itself and
take to bark. When brought up in an Indian family
they become very much attached to all its members,
and are entirely contented in their domesticated con-
dition. A Missouri trapper mentioned to me the cir-
cumstance of a young beaver captured by his partner,
and nursed by the wife of the latter, who was an In-
dian woman, that followed them on their trapping
rounds, wherever they went, for several successive
years. They shifted their camp frequently, and
moved long distances, always taking the beaver with
them as one of the family. When they commenced
breaking up their camp he understood the movement
immediately, and showed, by unmistakable signs, his
desire to accompany them. After securing two packs
upon a horse, he was placed on top, between them,
which was his usual place, and rode for miles, from
camp to camp, on many different occasions. When-
ever they stopped, he fed himself upon bark, but he
would eat their food as well. He soon manifested a
great passion for sugar, and whenever it was shown
to him he was extremely troublesome until his desire
was gratified. He was particularly attached to the
half-blood boy with whom he was nursed and grew
up—following him on all occasions wherever he went.
He was also a great favorite in the camp of the trap-
pers, as the care taken of him sufficiently shows.
Beavers are often seen sunning themselves on the
bank of a stream, lying side by side, but head and
tail: their relative positions seeming to indicate a
double degree of watchfulness. When they come
out of the water and intend to rest, they first dry
or drip themselves; after which they comb the hair
about their heads with their paws, and with the
extra claws on the hind feet they comb each side of
their bodies alternately. Occasionally they indulge
themselves at play, for which a formal preparation is
made. After selecting a suitable place upon dry
ground near the pond or stream, they void their cas-
toreum here and there upon the grass, and, in the
musky atmosphere thus created, spend some hours at
play or basking in the sun." The trappers call these
play-grounds “Musk Bogs.” Two or three of them
are often seen at play in the water—diving, swim-
ming around, and ducking each other.
In building a dam in deep water they commence
with brush, preferring alder, from the small amount of
its foliage, which they cut on the adjoining banks, and
move by water, holding it by their teeth, to the place
selected. The brush is arranged in parallel courses,
as near as may be, lengthwise with the flow of the
1 The castoreum sacs are inclosed in muscular cavities, so that
a portion of their contents can probably be voided at the pleasure
of the animal.
stream, and with the large ends facing the current.
It is begun literally at the surface of the water, and
the first courses are sunk to the bottom by successive
deposits upon them. I have seen such dams when
first commenced, and when the brush filled but a
small part of the channel.
At first the brush makes a loose dam, through
which the water flows without sensible obstruction;
but when the materials, by their increase in quantity,
begin to check the flow of the water and to experi-
ence, in consequence, an increase of pressure, they
commence carrying in and depositing upon them
earth, sods, and stones, for down-weight to anchor
them, as well as to fill up the interstices. The first
season the beavers content themselves with a low
dam, rising about a foot above the original level of the
water, and afterward raise it from year to year until
it reaches its natural limitations. In this manner the
small dams on the main branch of the Esconauba,
near its sources, were constructed. For several miles
this stream passes through comparatively level land,
with a channel about thirty feet wide and from one to
two feet deep, and with defined banks about three feet
high. Dams are found at short intervals upon its entire
course, and also upon its small tributaries; but those
upon the former are short, low, and inferior struc-
tures. Beaver meadows border this river continu-
ously for miles. As places of concealment, they are
equivalent to thousands of burrows. These meadows
show of themselves how completely the stream has been
appropriated, in past times, for beaver habitation.
The persevering industry of beavers in repairing
their dams is well established. Many successive
breaches must be made in these structures before they
abandon the work of their restoration; and even after
deserting the place, either they or other beavers are
sure to return when circumstances become favorable.
The instances are rare in which they are seen, for
any length of time, while engaged upon this work.
Captain Daniel Wilson informed me that he had seen
beavers at work on the Grass Lake dam, making
ordinary repairs, on several different occasions, while
watching at night for deer, in one of the trees grow-
ing in its crest. They came down to the dam singly,
and swam along its line from one end to the other.
When any work seemed to be needed, each one, upon
his own motion and without any concert with others,
devoted himself to the task of setting it right. They
brought sticks in their mouths, and mud with their
paws held under the throat. When these were ar-
ranged and the mud deposited upon them, they gave
the latter a heavy stroke with the tail to pack it
firmly in its place. Four or five beavers came down
each night, at intervals of half an hour apart; each
and all of whom performed more or less work upon
the dam, and did it in the same manner. One night,
while I was watching upon the same dam, the first
beaver made his appearance about eleven o’clock, and
swam across the pond near the crest of the dam, com-
ing within a few feet of the place where I was par-
tially concealed. Having discovered the intrusion, he
went under immediately, giving the alarm signal with
his tail. After this he went behind the grass island
upon which the lodge represented in Plate XIII. is
situated, and repeated these signals at intervals for
more than an hour; thus preventing other beavers
from showing themselves that night near the dam. By
cutting their dams and lowering their ponds, they are
easily compelled to come out of their lodges to dis-
cover the cause. But it is not as easy to witness,
undiscovered, the process of their repair. When a
branch of the Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad
was extended to the Esconauba River, in 1862,
dams number 11 and 12 were cut through, and
abandoned in consequence by their proprietors. Two
years afterward, this end of the road being disused, a
pair of beavers returned to the lower pond and re-
paired the dam. With the hope of witnessing the
process of repairing a dam, several large openings
were made in it to draw off a part of the water; a
scaffold was erected in one of the trees overlooking
these breaches, and at nightfall my friend Johnson
and myself were established in this lookout for the
night. About one o'clock, two beavers came down
together to ascertain the cause of the lowering of their
pond, and to repair the mischief; but they discovered
us in our imperfect concealment, when within a few
feet of the dam, and avoided coming any nearer.
They remained swimming about the pond, with a part
of their heads above the water, for about an hour, and
being afraid to undertake the work, they then retired.
In the clear atmosphere of this region you can almost
read print by the light of the moon. The ripples in
the water, made by the beavers, were seen by us before
the animals themselves were discerned. These two
were probably the sole occupants of the pond, where
they had shortly before established themselves for the
winter. Their presence also tends to show that they
live in pairs and families, and not in colonies or com-
It has elsewhere been stated that beavers never eat
the bark of evergreen trees, although they cut down
pine and spruce in certain places. Pine-trees have been
found cut down in Oregon, without showing a limb or
a twig removed. They cut the fir-tree, commonly
called the balsam-fir, in the Lake Superior region,
generally taking the smallest. I have short cuttings
of this fir—single cuttings made from single young
trees, trimmed of their branches. The Indians affirm
that they are cut for the balsam. Whether beavers
eat it, my informants were unable to state; but they
believe it is used to heal their wounds; with how
much of truth I cannot say. There is no doubt that
evergreen trees are cut for some other purpose than
their bark, but with what object appears to be as yet
unknown; unless it be for their gums and mosses,
as elsewhere suggested.
A knowledge of the habits of beavers is neces-
sary to the trapper to enable him successfully to pur-
sue his vocation. During the aboriginal period, this
animal was of no use except for his flesh, which was
not of much request; and the Indians had no method
of taking him except by the bow and arrow. After
the colonization of North America commenced, a new
value was given to the beaver for his fur, which was
chiefly used, as is well known, for making hats. From
their excessive numbers and wide distribution, their
pelts were among the first, and for a number of years
the largest, exportations of the colonists. The settlers
as well as the Indians united in the business of trap-
ping, which they pursued with such diligence that,
about the year 1700, beaver pelts ceased to be ex-
ported, to any considerable extent, from the New
England and Middle States. At this early period,
their numbers had become so greatly reduced by cap-
ture and dispersion that the business of the trapper,
within these areas, ceased to be remunerative. In the
regions around Hudson’s Bay and Lake Superior;
upon the head waters of the Missouri and Siskatch-
ewun, and upon the Columbia and its tributaries, it
has continued through all the intermediate period
to be, and still is, a profitable vocation. After the
substitution of silk for fur in the manufacture of
hats, the value of beaver peltry greatly declined;
thus affording a respite to this persecuted animal,
under the effects of which he is now increasing in
numbers in certain localities. This is particularly
the case on the Upper Missouri and in the great
forests around Lake Superior: but it is not at all
probable that they will ever recover, in any locality,
their former numbers. In 1862, beaver pelts were
worth, at Fort Benton, on the Upper Missouri, one
dollar and a quarter per pound against seven and
eight dollars per pound fifty years ago. They are
now worth two dollars per pound on the south shore
of Lake Superior. An ordinary pelt weighs from
12 to 12 pounds.
The Hudson’s Bay Company, chartered May 2d,
1682, and the American Fur Company, organized in
the early part of the present century, have been the
principal organizations engaged in the fur trade in
North America. Instead of ravaging their districts,
as the colonists did, they early adopted a protective
system, not only with reference to the beavers, but
also to other fur-bearing animals, that their numbers
might not become exhausted. Among other regula-
tions of the Hudson’s Bay Company, an interval of
five years is allowed to elapse, after a season’s hunt in
a particular beaver district, before it is again resumed.
While these companies have prosecuted their opera-
tions upon a vast scale, they have by no means en-
joyed a monopoly of the business. Private adven-
turers in large numbers have engaged in trapping, and
followed it year after year asa regular pursuit. Our
Indian nations, also, whose territories produce fur-
bearing animals, trap more or less for the means of
subsistence. Within our national limits there are
hundreds, and even thousands of men, who now make
trapping their exclusive business.
As success in trapping depends very much, as
before remarked, upon the knowledge the trapper has
of the habits and mode of life of the several animals
he seeks to capture, an examination of the methods
resorted to in trapping beavers will develop some of
the habits of this animal not before introduced. It
is for this reason exclusively that the subject will be
Fia. 23.
Newhouse’s Trap.
The steel trap came into use when the systematic
pursuit of the fur-bearing animals commenced. Its
form is well known. The most perfect instrument,
however, is of recent introduction, and is known as
the “Newhouse Trap,” of which the foregoing cut is
a representation.
The jaws are smooth, and spread six inches and a_
half, of the size best adapted for taking beavers. Its
chief merits, as an improvement upon the old form,
are said to consist in such an adjustment of the form
of the jaws, and of the bow of the spring to each
other, and the further adaptation of the power of the
spring to both, as to secure in the highest degree the
two qualities of a good catcher and a sure holder.
These traps are used without bait, and operate on the
principle of an inadvertent tread upon the pan.
The trapping season commences about the first of
November and ends about the first of April, during
which period the different fur-bearing animals are in
the best condition with respect to their fur. But it
is pursued more or less at all seasons of the year, by
persons who are more reckless of the waste of animal
life than the regular trappers. In the spring, summer,
and fall, the usual place of setting traps for beavers
is upon the dam. The trapper avails himself of the
well-known habit of this dam builder to repair at once
any breach made in the structure, over which his su-
pervision is constant. He therefore makes one or more
openings in the crest of the dam, four or five inches
deep, and sets a trap in the pond at each one, about
a foot back of the breach and a few inches below the
surface of the water. By means of a chain the trap
is then secured to a stake driven into the bed of the
pond, about four feet back of the trap and out in the
pond, where the water is of some depth. When a beaver
ascertains that the level of his pond is subsiding, which
is shown by the fall of the water in the lodge entrances,
he goes to the dam, after night has set in, and com-
mences its repair. While thus engaged, he is in constant
_ danger of springing the trap by stepping on its pan
inadvertently. If taken by either of the fore feet, he
is very apt to break the bones in turning around the
trap, thus freeing himself; but if caught by either hind
leg, his case is hopeless. He immediately plunges into
the deep water of the pond, where his course is soon
arrested by the stake and chain. It is a part of the
trapper’s merciless plan to drown the animal, for the
double purpose of preventing him from breaking away
and of saving his body under water, where it will be
inaccessible to beasts of prey. To accomplish this
end, two contrivances are resorted to, of which the
most simple is an extra stake set a short distance
beyond the first, around which the beaver is quite cer-
tain to coil the chain, and thus drown himself, in his
attempts to escape; and the other is the pole-slide. A
dry pole, ten or twelve feet long, with a prong at one
end to prevent the ring of the chain from slipping off,
is secured to the bank or dam by a hook driven down
into the ground near the trap. The small end of the
pole—the ring being run up to the large end near the
hook—is then immersed in the pond as far out as it
will reach. When a beaver is caught, he dives and
swims in the direction to which the pole leads, the
ring sliding down to the end. In the deep water thus
reached, the weight of the chain and trap, by which
his motions are embarrassed, prevents his rising to
the surface, and he is soon an unresisting victim of
the trapper’s art.
Captain Wilson, before referred to, on one occasion
set three traps in this manner on the Grass Lake
dam, using stakes instead of the pole-slide, with the
following results. Two days afterward he found, on
going to the traps, the three breaches fully repaired.
Two of the traps held each a beaver, and both
drowned; but notwithstanding the calamity that
had befallen them, other beavers had finished their
work. The third trap had disappeared from sight.
He found the chain still held by the stake, which
showed, on running it up, that the trap was buried
in the breach made in the dam, under the materials
used in its repair. Upon drawing it out, he discovered
a duck in the trap, which had been caught and
drowned, and that both the duck and the trap had
been carried by the beavers into the breach and
there buried.
Trapping at the lodge is another of the common
methods. Two parallel rows of stakes are driven in
from the mouth of each entrance for some distance
out into the pond, thus forming two narrow channels,
through one of which the beavers must pass to enter
the lodge. A trap is set in each passage-way, and
secured by a chain and stake in the usual manner. In
Fig. 11, supra, page 149, these rows of stakes are
shown. Traps set in this way are often found sprung
and empty, which has given rise to an opinion, more
or less prevalent among the trappers as well as the
Indians, that they are deliberately sprung by the
beavers. There is not only no foundation for this
conceit, but, on the contrary, the beaver is a remark-
ably dull animal with reference to precautions against
the trap. A sufficient explanation is probably found
in their manner of disposing their fore feet while
swimming, which are pressed back against the body,
so that in passing over the trap the abdomen instead
of the feet comes in contact with the pan, causing the
trap to spring. As the trap cannot hold upon a broad
flat surface, the beaver escapes.
There is another belief, universally adopted by both
Indians and trappers, which also admits of question,
namely, that when a beaver is caught by either fore
leg, he bites it off and thus frees himself from the
trap. Beavers are frequently taken with one and
sometimes both fore legs gone, and others with the
hind feet mutilated in various ways. Two of the
three beavers sent down to me from Lake Superior
last winter, for the purpose of dissection, had lost
each a fore leg, one the right and the other the left,
apparently cut off close to the shoulder, with the
stumps perfectly closed over with skin and healed.
The beaver represented in Plate I. is one of them,
and has his lost leg restored by borrowing the re-
maining one of his neighbor. A beaver was taken
on the Upper Missouri, in 1860, with but one perfect
foot remaining. Both fore legs were wanting, and
one of the hind feet was in part cut off. Captain
Wilson caught a beaver on the Esconauba River, in
1862, with but one perfect foot, and that, one of the
fore ones, by which he was captured. The other fore
leg was gone, apparently cut off close to the shoulder,
and the stump healed; one hind foot was cut off
across the middle of the webbed portion; and the
other diagonally across the same, leaving one toe and
its claw. This beaver had evidently been caught
four times in traps, from three of which he had
escaped. ‘rappers expect to lose most of the beavers
taken by the fore leg,—that is, they catch a foot in-
stead of the animal,—and they endeavor so to set their
traps that the hind feet will be most likely to tread
upon their pans. The true explanation of their ex-
trication from traps, when caught by the fore legs, is
probably found in the relative smallness of the bones
of these legs, and in their frantic efforts to escape.
Running around the trap would easily snap them off,
after which the rending of the skin would be quickly
effected. That such is the true explanation, receives
confirmation from the fact that the tendons of the leg
are usually found pulled out from the shoulder, and
still attached to the foot in the trap; which would
have been severed by the teeth before the bones of
the leg, had the beaver attempted to bite off the
Beavers caught in traps, and not drowned, some-
times become entirely tame from the effects of ex-
haustion. Mr. Atchinson, before mentioned, informed
the author that he once found a beaver alive in his
trap, and completely tamed. He said, to use his own
language, “that it looked at him with such an entreat-
ing and submissive expression, that he could not find
it in his heart to kill him.” He resolved to save his
life, and take him to the museum at Marquette. On
placing his hand upon the beaver’s head, and passing it
along his back, the latter showed no disposition to bite,
or aversion to this familiarity. After taking him out
of the trap, he held and fed him in his lap; and then
carried him on his back for sixteen miles, through
the forest, to the railroad station. The journey
proved too rough for the exhausted beaver, and he
died the following morning. This tameness was un-
doubtedly the result of physical exhaustion, which
deprived the animal of all power of resistance, as
well as carried him beyond the sensation of fear.
Rarey’s system of taming horses is founded upon the
same principle.’
In the winter, which is the season for trapping,
after the ponds are frozen over and the beavers are
housed for the winter, other methods are resorted to,
among which is the following: the trapper selects a
place in the vicinity of a lodge, cuts a hole through
the ice, and puts down into the pond a fresh-cut pole
of birch or poplar about ten feet long. While the
small end is pushed out into the water, the large end
is securely fastened in the edge of the bank, and a
trap is set immediately under the place where it is
secured. This fresh cutting the trapper knows will
1 That great fear will produce nearly the same results is shown
by the peaceful gathering together of different species of wild ani-
mals in South America, when the annual rains deluge the pampas.
Upon this subject Lieut. Gibbon remarks: “The Indian builds
his hut on those elevated places which remain islands. When
the great floods of water come down, crickets, lizards, and snakes
crawl into his thatched roof; and droves of wild cattle surround
his habitation. Armadillos rub their armor against the pottery
in the corner of his hut, while the tiger and the stag stand
tamely by. The alligator comes socially up, when the ‘gran
bestia’ seats himself on the steps of the door. The animal fam-
ily congregate thus strangely together under the influence of the
annual deluge. Those of dry land meet where the amphibious
are forced to go; and as the rains pour down, they patiently
wait. Birds fly in and light upon the trees and top of the hut,
while fish rise out of the rivers and explore the prairie lands.
The animals begin to seek a place of refuge in the month of Jan-
uary, when the soil becomes gradually covered.”—Ezploration
of the Valley of the Amazon, Part II. p. 253.
soon be discovered, and seized with avidity for trans-
portation to the lodge. When a beaver has thus
found it, and ascertained that it is fast at one end, he
follows it up for the purpose of cutting it off—very
naturally desiring to secure the whole of the stick.
This brings him immediately over the trap; and if the
trap is judiciously piaced, it will be next to a miracle
if the unsuspecting victim does not step upon its pan
before the stick is severed. This has always been
found one of the most successful methods of trapping.
After a trap has been set in this way, the trapper
throws snow into the hole cut through the ice, to
hasten the freezing over of the opening, and leaves
the place to quiet until his next round among his
traps brings him again to the spot.
Another method, of Indian invention, and which,
for its deliberate wickedness, surpasses all others, if
the business itself admits of gradations in cruelty, con-
sists in staking around the pile of winter wood of a
beaver family, for the purpose of forcing the whole of
them, one after the other, by hunger, into the death-
pen thus contrived for their ensnarement. By sound-
ing on the ice, they are able to discover where these
piles are deposited; after which stake-holes are cut
through the ice, and dry stakes are driven in so as to
form a palisade entirely around their stock of winter
provisions. On the line of their run-way from the
lodge to this pile one of the stakes is pulled out, and
a light, dry twig is put down loose in its place. When
these arrangements are completed, the trapper rolls
himself up in his blanket and lies down upon the ice
to watch for a movement of the twig, which must oc-
cur whenever a beaver enters the inclosure. If he is
fortunate in point of time, that is, if there is a present
want of a cutting at the lodge, he has but a short time
to wait. A beaver goes out from the lodge to bring
back a cutting from the pile, and, finding a barrier
around the magazine, he seeks and finds the only
opening left, through which he passes into the inclos-
ure. As he enters, the light twig is moved, disclos-
ing to the trapper above his presence within the pen;
whereupon the latter restores the stake to its place,
and the fate of the luckless beaver is sealed. When
he finds his return to the lodge cut off, he swims
around the circuit of the stakes until he comes back
to the place where he entered, and there resigns him-
self to death. After he is drowned, the trapper takes
him out of the pond, removes the stake, restores the
twig, and again lies down to wait the coming of the
second beaver. The same necessity which sent out
the first soon sends out another upon the same errand,
to experience the same fate. One after the other the
remainder of the family, under the pressure of the
same hunger, and perhaps to discover the cause of the
absence of those who went before them, go forth from
the lodge and enter the fatal prison-house of the trap-
per. Itis said that if he takes the first beaver by
this device, it is almost certain that he will capture
the entire family. The drawback to this manner of
entrapping is the danger of alarming their fears by the
presence of the palisade around their pile of cuttings,
at which, if the first beaver turns back, the rest will
keep at a distance. It is further stated that they in-
variably drown at the stake where they entered.
In trapping bank beaver, they use various kinds of
scents to attract them to the place where the trap is
set, which is usually near the bank, and a few inches
below the surface of the water. Gum camphor is one,
a piece of which is inserted in the split fork of a stick,
and the latter is then set in the bank so as to bring
the camphor immediately over the trap, but above the
water. A beaver, when he scents the pungent odor of
the camphor, follows it up until he discovers the sub-
stance; whereupon he rises up to reach it, in doing
which he is liable to step on the pan of the trap with
his hind foot, and thus pay for his curiosity with his
life. Trappers also use castoreum, cinnamon, cloves,
and oil of juniper for the same purpose. Cloves and
cinnamon are dissolved in alcohol and made into a
kind of paste, which, when smeared over a stick ad-
justed in the same manner, is found to answer equally
well as a bait. Traps are also set, at a venture, upon
their run-ways, particularly on their solid-bank dams,
which always, by some depression, show where they
pass in going up and down stream. When set. in
such places, it is necessary to make a slight excava-
tion for the reception of the trap, and to cover it with
leaves. They are also set in the water at points
where the land juts out into the pond, along which
beavers are apt to pass in going up or down the pond.
Whenever the trapper discovers a trail, or well-
marked line on which beavers travel, either on land
or in the water, he avails himself of the knowledge to
conceal a trap under their footsteps.
Another method of catching beavers where they are
very numerous, is to drive them from their lodges to
their burrows, and having closed the entrances, to
open the burrows and pull them out with hooks or
by hand. This mode of hunting them was formerly
practiced extensively in the Hudson’s Bay territory.
The Indians ascertained the situation of their burrows
by sounding the ice along the margins of the ponds
with ice chisels, the sound of the stroke revealing in
some way the presence of a chamber in the bank. After
the burrows were found, an opening was made in the
ice over the mouth of each entrance, for the double pur-
pose of discerning by the movement of the water when
a beaver had entered, and of closing it up behind him.
The next step was to stake across the stream, where it
entered the pond, to prevent their escape out of the
pond. After these preparations were completed, and
a person was stationed on the ice near each entrance,
the lodges were broken open to drive out their in-
mates and force them to take refuge in their burrows.
As soon as the motion of the water showed that one
or more of them had entered a burrow, its mouth was
closed, and every one thus entrapped was sure to be
taken. After they were thus locked up, the next
movement was to open their burrows from above,
whereupon, without resistance, they were captured
and dispatched. Hearne, from whose work the above
account is taken, remarks: “‘ When their houses are
broken open, and all their places of retreat are dis-
covered, they have but one choice left, as it may be
called, either .to be taken in their houses or their
vaults; in general they prefer the latter; for where
there is one beaver caught in the house, many thou-
sands are taken in their vaults.”*
When beavers are shot in the pond, they sink to the
bottom and are thus lost, for which reason the gun is
* Hearne’s Journey, etc., p. 235.
rarely used in the beaver hunt. West of the Rocky
Mountains, however, where the ponds are shallow and
small, and the danger of losing the animal after being
caught in a trap is greater, the gun is often used.
Robert Meldrum, for many years a trapper in this
mountain region, and now one of the factors of the
American Fur Company, informed me that when he
hunted beaver west of the mountains he preferred the
gun for the reasons stated. He mentioned that on one
occasion he found three lodges on a pond upon one of
the tributaries of the Columbia, where he “shot
twenty-one beavers and left three.” His estimate of
the total number was upon the assumption of eight to
a lodge, the well-known rule among Rocky Mountain
trappers. It is amusing to find how systematic this
class of men become in their calculations.
Trappers often associate for the purpose of extend-
ing their operations over a larger area, in which case
they establish and provision camps, and assign the
several branches of the work to different persons.
When two or more are engaged in the same vicinity,
and not associated, they adopt certain independent
lines or routes, so that neither may interfere with the
other. It is a custom among the trappers of the
Rocky Mountains to recognize in each other proprie-
tary rights in certain beaver districts. When a trap-
per finds a new stream well stocked with fur-bearing
animals, it takes his name, and is regarded as his ex-
clusive range so long as he chooses to occupy it.
Among such of the Ojibwa Indians on Lake Superior
as engage in trapping, there is a similar custom.
They divide the principal districts among themselves,
after which each leaves to the others the undisturbed
enjoyment of their respective beats. Each trapper, or
- family, or association, therefore, has a special round,
upon which they make repeated expeditions during
the season of the hunt. On the first journey, they
carry in and distribute their traps, select and provision
their camps, and prepare generally for an arduous
winter's work. A single trapper can manage from
fifty to seventy traps upon a line thirty or forty miles
in circuit. At regular intervals, the traps, after being
set, are visited, the captured animals removed, and the
traps reset. This round of the traps, with the curing
of the skins, fills out their time, and furnishes sys-
tematic employment for the season.
The life of the trapper, although one of hardship
and privation, is full of adventure. They lead, to a
greater or less extent, a life of solitude in the track-
less forests, encountering dangers of every kind, en-
during fatigue and hunger, and experiencing, in return,
the pleasures, such as they are, afforded by the hunt.
As a class they are generous, reckless, and intelligent,
and very companionable. From their relations to
each other of their adventures, and of their observa-
tions upon the habits of animals, a kind of “animal
lore” has been developed and propagated of very
ample fullness and range, which, in course of time,
may be considered worthy of perpetuation in written
form. Their conclusions are not always veritable, as
they are prone to be over-credulous; neither are their
speculations always sound; but in both they display
much acuteness and ingenuity. The regular trappers
are an original and peculiar class of men, whose tend-
encies of mind have led them away from human
society, into a life substantially with the wild animals,
and with Nature in her most rugged forms. Many of
them, by natural endowments, were deserving of a
higher destiny.
It is one of their customs, and one which served
me a useful purpose, to hang up the skulls of captured
animals upon bushes and limbs of trees on the lines
of their routes. This practice is alluded to by Samuel
P. Ely, Esq , in the following letter, which I take the
liberty to insert for its humorous reference to this
custom. Having written to him for some beaver
skulls to complete my collection, his answer came
under date of February 26, 1866, as follows: “I can
obtain the skulls, and have arranged with two differ-
ent trappers for thirty each. If they both fulfill their
engagements, your craniology of the beaver will be
unimpeachable. Accompanying them will be an oc-
casional mink, otter, and lynx skull, which may be
useful for purposes of comparison. It is fortunately
quite easy to procure these skulls. It appears that a
custom is quite prevalent among trappers to hang up,
among the bushes on their line, the skulls of the
animals whose fur and flesh they have appropriated;
and it is nothing more than the collection of them on
one of their tours to get thirty or forty specimens.
Since nothing of this kind is done without motive, I
present you gratuitously my theory on that point.
Ist. It is subjectively encouraging to the trapper,
when the hunt fails him for a time, and his traps are
empty, tolook upon the memorials of his past success.
“2d. It is objectively calculated to produce on the
living animals, which also view these relics, a feeling
of resignation to the fate, which, once deemed finally
inevitable, they are the less careful to avoid.
“Tt is interesting, however, that so remarkable a
custom should furnish immediately such a mass of
materials for scientific investigation. Think of sixty
skulls off-hand? They are promised to me without
fail. Do not, however, count them already sure,
because these sons of the forest, as a general thing,
fail to apprehend the relation between a promise and
its fulfillment, which the more civilized man finds it
convenient to observe.”
The number of beavers taken during a season’s
hunt varies, of course, with the skill of the trapper
and the supply within his district. On the south
shore of Lake Superior, an Indian family of four
effective persons will capture from seventy-five to one
hundred and fifty, if their hunting grounds are well
stocked. Fifty and a hundred are not an uncommon
number.” But the business must be assiduously fol-
lowed to secure any degree of success.
The statistics of the fur trade sufficiently prove that
beavers existed in immense numbers in different parts
of North America at the several epochs of their set-
tlement. <A brief reference to some of the figures
will make this apparent. In 1624, the Dutch West
1 It is proper to add that the promise was amply redeemed by
the production, in due time, of forty skulls.
? John Hutchins, a famous trapper, now residing in Manlius,
New York, estimates the number of animals he has caught in
traps, or taken in other ways in the course of his life, as follows :
“one hundred moose ; one thousand deer ; ten caribou ; one hun-
dred bears; fifty wolves; five hundred foxes; one hundred rac-
coons ; twenty-five wild-cats; one hundred lynx; one hundred
and fifty otters; six hundred beavers ; four hundred fishers; mink
and marten by the thousands, musk-rats by the ten thousands.” —
Newhouse’s Trapper’s Guide, p. 64.
India Company exported from New Amsterdam four
hundred beaver skins, and thus inaugurated this trade
with the New World. This number had increased by
1635 to fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-
one. During the ten immediately previous years the
whole number exported was eighty thousand one hun-
dred and eighty-three.' Each pelt was then worth
about two dollars and a quarter. The trade steadily
increased until the dominion of the Dutch ended, in
1664. Beaver pelts were then a measure of value,
and formed a part of the currency; and the beaver
himself was adopted for the central symbol in the seal
of the province. Their furs continued, under English
rule, to be the chief article of export from New York
until the year 1700, after which the exportation de-
clined rapidly, and soon became extinct. In 1687,
Thomas Dongan, governor of the province of New
York, remarks in an official letter as follows: “We
find this year that the revenue is very much dimin-
ished, for in other years we were used to ship off for
England thirty-five or forty thousand beavers, besides
peltry; this year only nine thousand and some hun-
dreds, peltry and all.”? Again, in November, 1700,
Governor Bellomont wrote to the lords of trade in
equally discouraging language: “The beaver trade
here and at Boston is sunk to little or nothing, and
the market is so low for beaver in England that ’tis
scarce worth the transporting. I have been told that
in one year, when this province was in possession of
the Dutch, there were sixty-six thousand beaver skins
exported from this town; and this last year there was
1 Natural Hist. New York, Pt. I., Zoology, p. 73. De Kay.
2 Colonial Hist. New York, iii. 476.
but fifteen thousand two hundred and forty-one ex-
ported hence.”* During the same periods, large num-
bers of beaver skins were exported from Delaware,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and from New
England. In the early part of the last century the
trade ceased within these portions of the United States.
Shortly before the year 1800, American enterprise
was directed to the fur trade on the Northwest Coast,
and the several organizations which sprang up were
finally merged in the American Fur Company, whose
field of operations was upon the head waters of the
Columbia, the Yellowstone, and the Missouri, and the
shores of Lake Superior. This company is still en-
gaged in the general business, but the amount of
beaver skins now obtained is comparatively small.
Formerly it was large, but the statistics of their trade
are not within my reach.
The Hudson’s Bay Company has been the most im-
portant and efficient organization in North America
for the capture of the fur-bearing animals. Possess-
ing exclusive jurisdiction over an immense area, of
little value for settlement, but of great value for the
production of fur, they have enjoyed a monopoly of
this trade for nearly two centuries. Their exporta-
tion of beaver skins alone has often exceeded a hun-
dred thousand per annum. In 1745, one hundred
and fifty thousand were received at Rochelle and
London, the greater portion of which was from the
Hudson’s Bay territory and the Canadas. From the
recent catalogues of the sales of this company, it ap-
pears that they sold at their houses in Edinburgh and
—— eee
1 Colonial Hist. New York, iv. 789.
London, in January and August, 1854, five hundred
and nine thousand two hundred and forty beaver
skins; in January and August, 1855, sixty-two thou-
sand three hundred and fifty-two; and in January,
1856, fifty-six thousand and thirty-three;' making in
the aggregate the enormous number of six hundred
and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-
five beaver skins in the course of two and a half years.
It is to be inferred that the large number sold in 1854
was the accumulation of a few previous years, and
that the numbers sold in 1855 and in the first half of
1856 show the average annual production at this
late period.
The foregoing statistics are sufficient to indicate the
numerical extent to which the species had become de-
veloped and increased in North America, as well as
to mark the areas in which they were the most abund-
ant. A statement before made may be here repeated,
that the beaver, with his life, has contributed in no
small degree to the colonization and settlement of the
British Provinces and the United States.
Having in the preceding pages discussed the princi-
pal questions with reference to the beaver and his
works, it is proposed, in a final chapter, to consider
some of those relating to Animal Psychology. Al-
though a digression from the main subject to one
entirely independent, the two are strictly correlated.
It must be the ultimate result of investigations con-
cerning the habits and lives of animals to raise Ani-
mal Psychology to the rank of a science, by affording
1 Schooleraft’s Hist., Cond., and Pros., of the Indian Tribes,
vi. 728.
the necessary materials for solving questions relative
to the mental qualities of the mutes.
Nore.—In closing these pages upon the works of the beaver,
I desire to make special mention of my friend, William Cameron,
of Marquette, to whom I am indebted for my first acquaintance
with the beaver lore of the trappers. Although I have not ven-
tured to use it, except with caution, I have found it useful in the
progress of this investigation. A quarter-blood Ojibwa, and the
son of one of the factors of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Cam-
eron married an Ojibwa woman, adopted the customs of her
nation, and is now drawing near the end of a long life spent on
the shores of Lake Superior. As a voyageur, he has traversed
the continent to the Pacific coast; as a trapper, he has explored
the great forests around Lake Superior, as well as portions of the
Hudson’s Bay Territory; and lastly, as a soldier in the army of
the United States, he has served his country with fidelity. A
thoroughbred woodman, an honest and most unselfish man, he is
every way a clever companion. I shall ever hold him in pleasant
remembrance as one of those eccentric and unspoiled children of
nature whom we occasionally meet with in the journey of life,
Inquiries proposed — Whether the Mutes possess a Mental Principle—
Whether its Qualities are similar to those manifested by the Human
Mind—Whether the Differences are of Degree, or of Kind—Considerations
from Structural Organization—-The Principle of Life—Memory—Reason
—Imagination—The Will—Appetites and Passions—Lunacy of Animals
—General Conclusions.
THE popular mind has always been in advance of
the metaphysicians with reference to the mental en-
dowments of animals. For some reason there has
been a perpetual hesitation among many of the latter
to recognize, in the manifestations of the animal
mind, the same characteristics that are displayed by
the human intellect: lest the high position of man
should be shaken or impaired. Besides this, the con-
nection in man between the intellectual faculties and
the moral sense is found to be so intimate, that the
concession of the former has seemed, to cautious
minds, to draw after it the necessary admission of
the latter. In attempting to escape this imaginary
dilemma, the metaphysicians have been betrayed, as
it would seem, into a false position. This is shown
by the invention, in modern times, of a vague, not to
say fictitious, principle, with which all animals have
been arbitrarily endowed for the government and
maintenance of their lives. ‘There can be no objec-
tion to the use of this principle, which is termed “in-
(248 )
stinct,” to explain, or rather to leave unexplained,
certain mental phenomena exhibited equally by man-
kind and the inferior animals, so long as it is restricted
to those mental processes which are beyond the reach
of consciousness. But the attempt to explain all the
mental phenomena manifested by the mutes by means
of an arbitrary term is an evasion of the true ques-
tion involved. It would be difficult, in right reason,
to discover the slightest tendency to lower the per-
sonal dignity of man, or to alter in the least his re-
sponsibility to God, by recognizing the existence in
the mutes of a thinking self-conscious principle, the
same in kind that man possesses, but feebler in de-
gree; nor even by conceding their possession of a
moral sense, although, so far as our present knowl-
edge extends, it is so faintly developed as scarcely to
deserve the name. Man, at least, should neither ad-
mit nor deny the moral sense to the lower animals
because of the supposed bearing of such an admission
upon his own relations to the Supreme Being. The
question of the degree and kind of their mental en-
dowments should stand upon its own basis, and be re-
solved upon its own merits. I trust the sensibilities
of no one will be disturbed by this method of intro-
ducing the subject of Animal Psychology; and that
the subject may be considered unaffected by external
complications, and be studied independently upon its
own authoritative facts.
When the Creator brought into existence the vari-
ous species of animals, He intrusted to each individ-
ual being the care of his own life. As a principle of
intelligence was indispensable to capacitate each one
to maintain and preserve that life, we find each indi-
vidual endowed with a mental or spiritual essence
which is distinct from the body, but associated with
it in a mysterious manner. It requires no argument
to prove that the mutes possess a principle of intelli-
gence which performs for them the same office in
governing their conduct that the human mind does
for man. When the existence of mind in the mutes
is recognized, the qualities it manifests become the
subject of investigation. As we know nothing of the
ultimate nature of the human mind, so in like man-
ner we know nothing of the ultimate nature of the
animal mind; but since the former manifests certain
faculties, as memory, certain passions, as anger, cer-
tain appetites, as hunger, and puts forth a certain
power, the will,—the true inquiry is, whether the
latter manifests certain faculties, as memory, certain
passions, as anger, certain appetites, as hunger, and
puts forth a certain power, the will? Ifthe affirma-
tive is found to be true as to each of these proposi-
tions, then the next question must be, whether any
difference in kind can be discovered between the
memory of a man and the memory of a mute; be-
tween the anger of the one and the anger of the
other; the hunger of the one and the hunger of the
other; or the will of the one and the will of the other.
Unless some real and determinate difference can be
found by which to differentiate the qualities of the
animal mind from those of the human mind, it must
necessarily follow that the mute and the man are
both endowed with a similar mental principle; and
that man owes his superior dignity not to the exclu-
sive possession of this principle, but rather to its en-
joyment in a higher, more ample, and more distin-
guishing degree.
It is one of the extraordinary features of this Divine
gift that it is capable of adaptation to so many, and
to such diversified organisms; and not less remarkable
that it should still reveal the fundamental similarities
of acommon principle through all its ramifications,
so far as we are able to observe its manifestations.
Our knowledge of the lives of the higher animals is ex-
tremely limited, and founded upon observation alone;
while of the inferior species it is next to nothing.
The discussion of the subject of Animal Psychology
is, therefore, necessarily limited to the higher ani-
mals, and to such facts, with reference to these, as are
well authenticated and universally admitted. Any
argument which passes beyond the range of ascer-
tained facts is incapable of Pee or disproving any
Neither is it desirable to ane ourselves with the
question, whether or not the mutes possess a con-
science, or the moral sense. While a negative decla-
ration proves nothing, an affirmative assertion is
without support in existing knowledge. The prior
question, in point of time, is concerning their mental
It is equally unnecessary to discuss the grounds of
the artificial distinction which is made between the
appetites and passions on the one hand, and the intel-
lectual powers on the other. The concession of the
former to the mutes in common with mankind, and
the withholding of the latter as an independent and
distinguishing gift, is an assumption which tends to
mislead without advancing the true inquiry. The
passion of anger and the pain of hunger can only be
predicated of a mental principle, of which they are
manifestations as absolutely as memory or imagina-
tion. Indeed, itis an axiom in moral as well as in
intellectual science, that pain and pleasure are expe-
rienced in the mind, and not in the organs of the
body. When, therefore, we find the phenomena of
pleasure and pain displayed by individuals of every
species, and to be essentially the same in kind
among them all, it leads to the same general con-
clusion; namely, that all living creatures possess a
similar mental principle. This leaves the question of
difference in degree, which was rendered necessary
by difference in species.
I propose to submit, in a brief form, a series of con-
siderations or arguments based upon the structural
organization, and authenticated acts, of the higher
animals, tending to show: first, that they possess a
mental principle; secondly, that the qualities which
it manifests are essentially the same as those displayed
by the human mind; and lastly, that the difference
between these qualities, and, inferentially, between
the principles they respectively represent, is one 0.
degree and not of kind. The discussion, to be brief,
must necessarily be general; and it is entered upon
rather for the purpose of offering suggestions upon
branches of the subject, than of treating it systematic-
ally as a whole. I have neither the facts nor the
ability to prepare a treatise upon this important but
difficult theme.
I. Structural Organization. It has been demon-
strated, by anatomical comparisons, that the struct-
ural organization of the vertebrate animals conforms
to a general plan, the fundamental features of which
run through all the species, genera, orders, and classes
of this branch of the animal kingdom. The several
species thus stand in fixed relations to each other,
and are all bound together by the common creative
thought which is incorporated in the diversified forms
of the individual representatives of each. Man, there-
fore, is not permitted to overlook the fact that he is a
constituent member of this vertebrate branch; and
although endowed, relatively, with the highest capa-
cities, and invested with the highest organization, he
cannot free himself from the bond by which its sev-
eral members are indissolubly united.
Among the conspicuous features of this plan of
structure is the brain, which is enveloped in a skull,
and placed in immediate connection with the organs
of sense. The nervous system, of which the brain is
the centre, is universally regarded as the seat of the
mental principle. Since all the vertebrate animals
possess both the one and the other, they are all alike
raised to the first condition necessary for the mani-
festation of intelligence. In the next place, they all
agree in the possession of the organ of vision, located
in the head in immediate connection with the brain;
of the organs for smelling and hearing (with the ex-
ception perhaps of some species), similarly placed, and
holding similar relations to the brain. Besides these,
are the senses of taste and touch. These several senses,
operating through similar mechanisms, have but one
office, that of communicating impressions of external
objects to the brain for the information of the mental
principle. By their means a second condition of in-
telligence is secured; namely, perception. Without
one or more of these senses, which are the instru-
ments of perception, the bare continuance of animal
life would be impossible; and yet, without the pres-
ence of a mental principle to take cognizance of the
impressions thus conveyed, their object would neces-
sarily be defeated.
These intimacies of structure are particularly re-
markable among the mammals. The office and func-
tions of the several bones and muscles of the animal
frame are much the same in the different species. So
the nervous system, which is centralized in the brain,
is distributed throughout the body in such a manner
that the relative position as well as functions of its
several parts are similar, if not precisely the same, in
all. The several ganglia are found in the same con-
nection with the nerves of sensation and of motion,
and performing the same offices in a similar manner.
Such minute differences as exist find their explana-
tion in the special adaptation of each animal to his
sphere of life. In like manner, the circulating sys-
tem is constructed upon the same general plan, em-
ploying the same organs, with slight variations of
form. The same is equally true of the organs of res-
piration and of the digestive apparatus. One nomen-
clature suffices for the minutest subdivisions of the
mammalian form. The anatomist traces, with facil-
ity, this conformity of structure through all the
diversities which specific difference creates. Such
modifications of particular organs as occur are seen
to be necessary to meet special exigencies, such for ex-
ample as relate to subsistence and to motion. Thus,
the organs of respiration admit of considerable diver-
sity in size and form, according to the amount they
are required to furnish. Birds need a large quantity of
respiration to give to their muscles the strength, and
to their bodies the lightness necessary to flight; whence
they have not only a double circulation of the blood,
and an aerial respiration, but they also respire by other
cavities besides the lungs. In most animals the quan-
tity of respiration is moderate, because they are formed
to walk rather than to run; in reptiles, which are
formed to creep or hop, it is lower still; while in fishes
it is least of all, since they are suspended in a medium
of nearly their own specific gravity, and require but
little muscular strength for motion. These differ-
ences are chiefly produced by variations of the same
organs. From the fact that the vertebrate animals
share a common typical structure, a strong presump-
tion arises that they also share a common principle of
This presumption is materially strengthened by
other considerations. The structure of the higher
animals leads directly to the inference that each of
their organic forms was designed to be actuated and
governed by a thinking principle; a principle not
only capable of receiving impressions conveyed by
the organs of sense, but also of making a rational
use of the perceptions which these organs were
designed to throw perpetually under its cognizance.
To deny the existence of the principle, or its power
to act, is a denial of the obvious purpose of the elab-
orate mechanism of the animal frame.
From every point in which the structural relations
of the vertebrate animals are considered, a common
plan of creation is not only seen, but this, in turn,
becomes deeply significant upon the question of sim-
ilar mental endowments. These intimacies of struct-
ure are the foundation of corresponding intimacies in
the principle of intelligence by which they are actu-
Il. The Principle of Life. Life in all its forms is a
mystery. As a formative power, it builds up the
infantile body from weakness into maturity and
strength. It maintains a perpetual conflict with the
elements of disorder and decay until the organism in
which it dwells breaks up, or wears itself out. Is
death the destruction of this principle? or is it imma-
terial, and expelled, like the spirit, from the body?
If it be a principle, and, therefore, immaterial, it
would be difficult to show that the living and think-
ing principles are separate and distinct entities. It
seems to be more than surmisable that the two are
identical. It is I—the spirit—which lives, and not
the body, which is material. If life comes of the
union of body and spirit, then it is not an entity, but
a result; and all there is of life is the life of the spir-
itual essence, or of the principle of intelligence.
Vegetable life cannot be compared with animal, be-
cause the former, to omit other differences, is without
self-consciousness. Will it be said that the mutes are
without consciousness? It is answered that conscious-—
ness is an inseparable and essential quality of the
mental principle. When a beaver stands for a mo-
ment and looks upon his work, evidently to see whe-
ther it is right, and whether anything else is needed,
he shows himself capable of holding his thoughts be-
fore his beaver mind; in other words, he is conscious
of his own mental processes.
The possession of the principle of life by the higher
animals, from its most robust to its most sensitive forms,
draws after it whatever this principle may represent.
Il. Memory. The mind is known by its qualities
As a principle, or essence, it is not divisible into
parts, or faculties, or organs, each having an independ-
ent existence. “The utmost ingenuity,” says Aber-
crombie, “has not been able to advance a step beyond
the fact that the mind remembers, reasons, imagines;
and there we must rest contented.”
It cannot for a moment be doubted that the animal
mind remembers, and that it displays this quality as
purely and as absolutely as the human mind. Memory,
then, must be conceded to be one of its qualities. Its
quickness or slowness, its retentiveness or weakness,
are wholly immaterial. Itis sufficient that the animal
mind is able to recall a former perception, or previously
known fact, and to have treasured it during the inter-
val. The inference that follows from the recognized
possession of a principle capable of remembering is
very important. Memory is one of the qualities by
which the existence of the human mind is demon-
strated. By the same quality the existence of a cor-
responding principle in the mutes is also established.
If a comparison of the two acts of remembrance show
them to be in all respects similar, then the two prin-
ciples of which they are manifestations are, inferen-
tially, the same in kind. The difference is indeed im-
mense between the memory of a familiar object, or
even of a series of antecedent facts, which a mute
may exhibit, and that powerful memory in man,
which not only is able to hold the facts of universal
knowledge, but also to reproduce the process of reas-
oning, by which the great truths of science have been
demonstrated. This difference, however, is immate-
rial, since it is one of degree, and not of kind. As
there is a gradation of its power among the individ-
uals of the human species, so there is undoubtedly a
similar gradation among the several species of the
vertebrate animals.
“Memory,” says Sir William Hamilton, “is an im-
mediate knowledge of a present thought, involving an
absolute belief that this thought represents another
act of knowledge that has been.” As the mind is a
unit, the whole mind remembers, and not one of its
fractional parts. If the power to remember were re-
moved from the mental principle, it would become
powerless, and perhaps be overthrown. The past, in
such a case, would be utterly lost, the present vanish-
ing with every instant, the future inconceivable, and
the external world a blank. On the other hand, let
any created being possess, in addition to the senses, a
something capable of remembering, and it has more
than the power to remember; it has, with it, a capa-
city to know, to understand, and to reason. That
something is the mental principle. Every other infer-
ence is excluded. Knowing the qualities of this prin-
ciple as it exists in the human species, and conscious
of its unique and extraordinary character, when we
find the mutes in possession of a something which dis-
plays the same qualities, the philosophical axiom at
once suggests itself, namely, “that a plurality of prin-
ciples is not to be assumed, when the phenomena can
possibly be explained by one.”
IV. Reason or Judgment. The mutes perceive ex-
ternal objects in the same manner that we do. After
admitting that no distinction can be found between
their manner and our own of acquiring a knowledge
of external things, through the organs of sense, it has
been denied that they are able to make a rational use
of the perceptions thus obtained. Their acts, in in-
numerable instances, are seen to be acts of intelligence
and knowledge, such as a man would perform under
similar circumstances, and yet, there is an unwilling-
ness to recognize in them the results of deliberate pro-
cesses of reasoning, followed by an exercise of the
will. A large class, it is true, acknowledge some reas-
oning powers in the mutes, but under such qualifica-
tions, limitations, and restrictions, that, in effect, it
denies to them the possession of a free intelligence.
The real question is practically evaded. Their acts
should be tested by the same analysis which is applied
to human acts, and full credence be given to the re-
sults. As we cannot place ourselves in personal con-
nection with the animal mind and thus obtain their
testimony concerning their mental processes, we are
remitted to their personal acts. Upon these, however,
a judgment can be formed as definitely as one man
can pronounce upon the act of another man. While
this method is not as irrefragable as an appeal to
consciousness, it 1s one upon which mankind act
implicitly in their own affairs.
“Reason,” says Abercrombie, “consists in comparing
and weighing facts, considerations, and motives, and
deducing from them conclusions, both as principles of
belief and rules of conduct.” * * * * “lItis the
exercise of mind by which we compare facts with
each other, and mental impressions with external
things.” There are many simple forms of reasoning;
such as the relation of cause and effect; the compar!-
son of one fact with another, and drawing an inference
therefrom; and the separate consideration of the sev-
eral qualities of an object. It will be sufficient for
the present purpose to take a few of the more simple
acts of animal intelligence, and test them by the or-
dinary standards by which human reasoning is meas-
ured and determined.
Anecdotes of the intelligent conduct of animals are
innumerable. They are not only constantly appearing,
and arresting attention, but a sufficient number of in-
stances to illustrate the subject are within the personal
knowledge of every individual. It will not be neces-
sary, therefore, to seek a large number of cases, or to
choose such as are the most remarkable. Such only
will be selected as tend to illustrate particular forms
of reasoning.
It is said that a dog, when attempting to track his
master by the scent of his footsteps, will, if he finds
the road branching, turn up one branch, and failing to
find his scent, will then return and go up the other
without putting his nose to the ground. It shows he
drew the inference that because he did not take the
one branch, he must necessarily have taken the other.
The act being conceded, the interpretation given be-
comes an unavoidable conclusion.
Again, a dog will open a gate with his paw, a self-
taught act. From the fact that he applied the means
to effect the end, the inference arises necessarily that
he understood the connection between the means and
the end. This is, pure and simple, a case of reason-
ing; and, more than that, a kind of reason which can
only be predicated of a thinking principle. The fol-
lowing artifice for catching fish, resorted to by the
tiger of the Amazon, is related by Herndon. It in-
volves the same form of reasoning, but covers a wider
range of facts. “An enormous tiger,” he remarks,
“was extended full length upon a rock level with the
water, about forty paces from me. From time to time
he struck the water with his tail, and at the same
moment raised one of his fore paws and seized a fish,
often of an enormous size. These last, deceived by
the noise, and taking it for the fall of fresh fruit (of
which they are very fond), unsuspectingly approach,
and soon fall into the claws of the traitor.”' This
self-taught device, founded upon a practical knowl-
edge of the habits of fish, displays the operation of
unfettered reason. If an analysis of the act were
made for the purpose of discovering the mental pro-
cesses involved, the formula and the result would be
precisely the same as if it had been a human act.
Reasoning upon the relations of causation must be of
perpetual recurrence in the lives of animals. It is
not conceivable that they could maintain their exist-
ence from day to day without this mental power.
Dr. Kane relates a somewhat similar artifice of
his dog Grim to escape duty in harness. “Grim,”
he says, “was an ancient dog: his teeth indicated
many winters, and his limbs, once splendid tractors
for the sledge, were now covered with warts and
ringbones. Somehow or other, when the dogs were
harnessing for a journey, ‘Old Grim’ was sure not
to be found; and upon one occasion, when he was
detected in hiding away in a cast-off barrel, he in-
continently became lame. Strange to say, he has
been lame ever since except when the team is away
* Valley of the Amazon. Part I., 312.
without him.”! How came Grim, it may be asked,
to understand the relation between sound legs and
the sledge? and beyond that, to feign lameness as an
excuse from duty? To reach this final device re-
quired a lengthy process of reasoning, as well as a
recognition of the sense and justice of his master,
upon both of which he intended an imposition. To
say the least, these acts transcend the supposable
powers of “an agent which performs ignorantly and
blindly a work of intelligence and knowledge.”
They can only be explained as the operations of a
free intelligence.
The works of the beaver afford many interesting
illustrations of his intelligence and reasoning capa-
city. Felling a tree to reach its branches involves a
series of considerations of a striking character. A
beaver seeing a birch-tree full of spreading branches,
which to his longing eyes seemed quite desirable,
may be supposed to say within himself: “If I cut this
tree through with my teeth it will fall, and then I
can secure its limbs for my winter subsistence.” But
it is necessary that he should carry his thinking be-
yond this stage, and ascertain whether it is suffi-
ciently near to his pond, or to some canal connected
therewith, to enable him to transport the limbs,
when cut into lengths, to the vicinity of his lodge. A
failure to cover these contingencies would involve him
in a loss of his labor. The several acts here described
have been performed by beavers over and over again.
They involve as well as prove a series of reasoning
1 Arctic Explorations, i. 149.
2 Sir William Hamilton’s definition of ‘ Instinct.”
processes undistinguishable from similar processes of
reasoning performed by the human mind.
Again, the construction of a canal from the pond
across the lowlands to the rising ground, upon which
the hard wood is found, to provide a way for the
transportation of this wood by water, is another re-
markable act of animal intelligence. A canal is not
absolutely necessary to beavers any more than such a
work is to mankind; but it comes to both alike as the
result of progress in knowledge. A beaver canal
could only be conceived by a lengthy and even com-
plicated process of reasoning. After the conception
had been developed and executed in one place, the
selection of a line for a canal in another would in-
volve several distinct considerations, such as the
character of the ground to be excavated, its surface,
elevation above the level of the pond, and the supply
of hard wood near its necessary terminus. These,
together with many other elements of fitness, must
be ascertained to concur before the work could be
safely entered upon. When a comparison of a large
number of these beaver canals has demonstrated that
they were skillfully and judiciously located, the in-
ference seems to be unavoidable that the advantages
named were previously ascertained. This would re-
quire an exercise of reason in the ordinary accepta-
tion of the term.
And this leads to another suggestion. Upon the
Upper Missouri these canals are impossible, from the
height of the river banks; and besides this they are
unnecessary, as the cotton-wood, which is the prevail-
ing tree, is found to the edge of the river. While,
therefore, canals are unknown to the Missouri beavers,
they are constantly in use among the beavers of.
Lake Superior. On the other hand, the “beaver-
slides” so common and so necessary on the Upper
Missouri, are unnecessary, and therefore unknown, in
the Lake Superior region. Contrary to the common
opinion, is there not some evidence of a progress in
knowledge to be found in the beaver canal and the
beaver-slide? There was a time, undoubtedly, when
the canal first came into use, and a time, consequently,
when it was entirely unknown. Its first introduction
was an act of progress from a lower to a higher artifi-
cial state of life. The use of the slide tends to show
the possession of a free intelligence, by means of
which they are enabled to adapt themselves to the
circumstances by which they are surrounded. In like
manner it has been seen that the lodge is not con-
structed upon an invariably typical plan, but adapted
to the particular location in which it is placed. The
lake, the island, and the bank lodge are all different
from each other, and the difference consists in changes
of form to meet the exigencies of the situation. These
several artificial works show a capacity in the beaver
to adapt his constructions to the particular conditions
in which he’ finds himself placed. Whether or not
they evince progress in knowledge, they at least show
that the beaver follows, in these respects, the sugges-
tions of a free intelligence.
“Instinct,” says Dr. Reid, “is the habitual power
of producing effects like contrivances of reason, yet
so far beyond the intelligence and experience of the
agent, as to be wholly unexplainable by reference
to them.” Habitual acts can only be understood
from humanexperience. Acts to be performed habit-
ually or mechanically must first be learned by an
exercise of intelligence. It is a very unsatisfactory
explanation of the works of a beaver, to affirm that
he was endowed at his birth with a mechanical skill
which, by the laws of mind, must be acquired by
experience. An assertion that the acts of a beaver in
felling a tree, in constructing a dam, or in excavating a
canal, are beyond his intelligence, is mere assumption,
as well as a contradiction of terms. This conclusion
flows legitimately from the original blunder of at-
tempting arbitrarily to endow animals with a super-
natural principle, which enables them to perform
ignorantly and blindly works of intelligence and
knowledge. While this mysterious “agent” performs
its office intelligently, the animal is a mere machine,
according to the theory of Descartes. In other words,
he is made a dwelling for a principle of intelligence;
but this principle being superior to, and in some way
independent of, the mute, holds no other relation to
him than that of master and guide. Can anything
be found in the whole range of human speculation
more feeble than this expedient of human reason to
explain a class of phenomena as simple as the sim-
plest in the natural world?
The practice of beavers, while moving their short
cuttings by water, of placing one end against the
throat and pushing it from behind, of carrying mud and
stones under their throats, holding them there with
the paws, and of packing mud upon their lodges and
dams by a stroke of the tail, have elsewhere been ex-
plained. They are severally intelligent acts, performed
sensibly and rationally. Their method of shoving or
rolling the larger billets of wood with their hips is
even more ingenious. The little ants resort to a simi-
lar expedient to move bits of grain, but shove them
with their shoulders. Their ingenuity and intelli-
gence attracted the attention of ancient observers,
several of whom recognized in them the possession of
a mental principle.’ Cicero says of the ant, who ex-
cels the beaver in systematic industry: “In formicam
non modo sensus, sed etiam mens, ratio, memoria.”
Personal labor of every kind and description depends
upon, as well as evinces, the continuous operation of
a mental principle.
Many animals, among which the beaver and the
ant are good examples, provide a store of provisions
for their sustenance during winter. This act shows
a forecast of the future. To satisfy present hunger
is a simple act of intelligence; but to anticipate dis-
tant wants and provide for them is a much higher act
of knowledge. What motive could induce the mutes
to make such provision unless they knew, or had
1 Ac veluti ingentem formice farris acervum
quum populant, hiemis memores, tectoque reponunt:
it nigrum campis agmen, predamque per herbas
convectant calle angusto; pars grandia trudunt
obnixe frumenta humeris; pars agmina cogunt,
castigantque moras; opere omnis semita fervet.
VirGit, AUNEID, iv. 402.
Ac si quis comparet onera corporibus earum, fateatur, nullis
portione vires esse majores. Gerunt ea morsu. Majora averse
postremis pedibus moliuntur, humeris obnixe. Et iis Republice
ratio, memoria, cura.
Puiny, Nat. Hist., Lib. xi. c. xxxvi.
The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat
in the summer. PROVERBS, Xxx. 25.
2 De Nat. Deorum. Lib. iii. ¢. ix.
~—— |)
learned by experience, that winter followed the sum-
mer, and that the preservation of their lives required
the accumulation of a surplus of food? The posses-
sion of a thinking principle renders all of these acts
perfectly intelligible as well as simple; and without
it they are wholly incapable of a rational expla-
The beaver, in a comparative estimate, is a low ani-
mal in his structural organization, as has been shown.
He lives upon the coarsest food, is slow of motion
upon land, of low respiration, monotrematous, and
aquatic. His vision is short in range, and his brain
is without those convolutions which are regarded as
indications of mental power. In the great catalogue
of animals, which is constructed upon the basis of
anatomical structure, he rises no higher than the rat,
the porcupine, or the squirrel. There is no reason for
supposing that he is more intelligent than any other
rodent of a corresponding grade. And yet by his
-sagacity, his industry, and his artificial erections, he
has raised himself to a very respectable position, in
human estimation, for intelligence and architectural
capacity. It is because he needs these erections to
promote his comfort and safety that man is able to
follow the evidences of his skill and intelligence, and
to become satisfied of their extraordinary character.
If then an animal, with such an inferior organization,
manifests so large an amount of mental capacity, of
how much more must those be capable whose organ-
ization is found to be so much superior!
There is no doubt that the highest forms of intel-
ligence among the mutes are to be found in the car-
nivorous animals. As an order they live pre-eminently
by their wits; and they are unquestionably endowed
with mental capacities, of higher relative power, to
enable them to maintain their existence. The pro-
pagation and perpetuation of their species to the
present time, testifies to the continuous triumph of
their superior intelligence over the feebler capacities
of the non-carnivorous mutes upon whom they sub-
sist. They are able to endure hunger and fatigue,
to wait and watch for prey, and to invent and prac-
tice many artifices for the capture of the latter. Many
of them have great physical strength, a large brain,
powerful respiration, and remarkable fleetness of foot.
Their personal appearance commands both respect
and admiration. Who ever looked into the clear
round eye of a lion, without being impressed with the
thought that there was a quick intelligence and a
powerful will behind it, which, in the open plain or
in the thicket, it would be hard to deceive and difh-
cult to overmatch!
The carnivorous animals construct nothing, save a
burrow or aden. Their personal acts, which have
never been carefully studied, furnish, therefore, the
only sources of information concerning their mental
endowments. But enough of these have been wit-
nessed and authenticated to illustrate the subject. It
will be sufficient for the present purpose to introduce
one or two cases.
The fox, when pursued, often takes to the bed of a
shallow stream to conceal his footprints and suppress
his scent; or runs back upon his own track for some
distance, and then, making a long leap at a right
angle, changes his direction. These devices were
well adapted to embarrass and foil his pursuers. It
seems to be an unavoidable inference that the fox
understood the means by which he was followed, and
that he possessed sufficient acuteness, as well as sub-
tlety of mind, to counteract, in these ways, the danger.
These expedients presuppose a consciousness of peril,
which of itself involves a knowledge of antecedent
occurrences; and the execution of the device shows
deliberation, conclusion, and an exercise of the will.
The acts themselves are unexplainable except as
manifestations of a free intelligence.
This animal, whose cunning is proverbial, has been
known to simulate death, to secure his deliverance,
under circumstances somewhat trying to his fortitude.
A fox one night entered the hen-house of a farmer,
and after destroying a large number of fowls, gorged
himself to such repletion that he could not pass out
through the small aperture by which he had entered.
The proprietor found him, in the morning, sprawled
out upon the floor apparently dead from surfeit; and
taking him up by the legs carried him out, unsus-
pectingly, and for some distance to the side of his
house, where he dropped him upon the grass. No
sooner did Reynard find himself free than he sprang
to his feet and made his escape.’ He seemed to know
that it was only as a dead fox that he would be al-
lowed to leave the scene of his spoliations; and yet
to devise this plan of escape required no ordinary
effort of intelligence, while its execution rather taxes
our confidence in his possession of such steadiness of
1 This incident was communicated to the author by Coral C.
White, of Aurora, New York, who carried out the fox. His
veracity is unimpeachable.
nerves. A man placed in similar circumstances, and
resorting to a like expedient, would be conscious of
several distinct processes of reasoning. It is difficult
to perceive how these processes could be possible, in
either case, except by the agency of a mental princi-
ple, or how they could differ as modes of thought.
The several acts of the mutes here cited, as illustra-
tions of the exercise of reason, can be fully explained
as manifestations of a thinking principle. When the
possession by them of such a principle is recognized,
all difficulties vanish; and their conduct appears in an
intelligible light. It also follows that their intelligence
must necessarily be free to act within the range of its
powers. In this discussion the relative strength of -
their mental capacities is left out of view, as imma-
terial. Compared with those of the human intellect
they are feeble and slight, but within their several
spheres of life and action they are ample for the
promotion of their individual happiness.
V. Imagination. Whether the animal mind exhibits
the quality of imagination it may be difficult to sub-
stantiate. Although it is one of the highest quali-
ties of the mental principle, yet it is manifested in
many simple forms. The playfulness of childhood,
which is also commonly exhibited by the young of
animals, is superinduced, seemingly, by the pictures
or images formed in the mind by the fancy or imagin-
ation. This faculty, Kames observes, “is the great
instrument of recreation.” If an attempt is made to
explain the songs of birds, it will be necessary to re-
sort to imagination, since the art itself is imaginative.
Animals are known to dream from physical indica-
tions during sleep, and dreams are the works of mem-
ory and imagination. Too little is known of the lives
of animals to show whether they possess this quality
in any sensible degree.
VI. The Will. A doubt has been entertained whether
the mutes possess a will, like the will of man, because
responsibility must follow its exercise. Their own
lives, at least, are intrusted to their keeping, the pres-
ervation of which is the highest form of responsibility.
With a free volition, they rise up or lie down; they
go or come; they play or quarrel, they bark, or mew,
or sing; and they lie in wait for prey, or seek it by
long excursions. These several acts are performed
under the influence of motives, and were preceded by
an exercise of the will. Unless the mute has a free
choice between alternative courses, one of which may
lead to danger and the other to safety, his conduct
would be unintelligent. He might lose his life at any
moment. The will is that mental power that sets
the body in motion to execute a resolution previously
reached by a process of reasoning. It is the power
which adopts and executes the conclusions of the
judgment. Unless a difference can be discovered in
the quality of the will, as displayed by the mutes and
by mankind, there is no means of distinguishing one
from the other, except in the degree of its strength
and persistency. A will, also, presupposes the exist-
ence of a mental principle, of which alone it can be
VIL. Appetites and Passions. The mutes have the
appetites and passions in common with mankind. No
difficulty has ever been found in conceding a commu-
nity of characteristics in these, the inferior, manifest-
ations of the mental principle. While they differ in
the degree of their strength, some of them are un-
doubtedly wanting among the lowest grades of the
vertebrate animals. As a portion of them excel man-
kind in the acuteness of the senses, by means of which
the feebleness of their mental powers is supplemented,
so in some of the appetites and passions they may
possess a delicacy of sensibility of which the human
species are incapable. In their affections for their
young, and for their mates (among such as pair), the
highest evidence of their sensibility is found. They
also display courage, fidelity, and gratitude, and to
these, perhaps, in some rare instances, benevolence
may be added. For the possession of these qualities,
which are undistinguishable from the corresponding
qualities manifested by the human mind, and for the
beautiful illustrations of maternal affection which
they display, they are entitled to our regard.
Captain Stansbury gives the following account of a
blind pelican upon one of the islands of the Great
Salt Lake of Utah: “In a ramble around the shores
of the island, I came across a venerable looking old
pelican, very large and fat, which allowed me to ap-
proach him without attempting to escape. Surprised
at his apparent tameness, we examined him more
closely, and found that it was owing to his being en-
tirely blind, for he proved to be very pugnacious,
snapping freely, but vaguely, on each side, in search of
his enemies, whom he could hear but could not see.
As he was totally helpless, he must have subsisted on
the charity of his neighbors, and his sleek and com-
fortable condition showed, that like beggars in more
civilized communities, he had ‘fared sumptuously every
day.’ The food of these birds consists entirely of
fish, which they must necessarily obtain from Bear
River, from the Weber, the Jordan, or from the Warm
Springs on the eastern side of Spring Valley, at all of
which places they were observed fishing for food. The
nearest of these points was more than thirty miles
distant, making necessary a flight of at least sixty
miles ‘to procure and transport food for the subsistence
of their young. Immense numbers of young birds
were huddled together in groups about the island,
under the charge of a grave looking nurse or keeper,
who, all the time that we were there, was relieved
from guard at intervals as regularly as a sentinel.”?
Incidents illustrative of this class of qualities could
be multiplied to an indefinite extent. They tend in a
1 Stansbury’s Salt Lake, p. 193. Another incident related by
the same writer, expressive of the maternal solicitude as well as
intelligence of the pelican, is worth repeating. ‘‘ Rounding the
north point of Antelope Island, we called at the little islet, to
which we had given the name of Egg Island, to look after our
old friends, the gulls and pelicans. * * * One poor fellow,
about four inches long, driven by the extremity of his fear, took
to the water of his own accord, when he was swept out by the
current to the distance of two or three hundred yards, and seemed
quite bewildered by the novelty of his situation. As soon as he
was discovered by the old birds, who hovered over our heads in
thousands, watching our proceedings with great anxiety and noise,
one—the parent, we judged, from its greater solicitude—lighted
down by its side, and was soon joined by half a dozen others,
who began guiding the little navigator to the shore, flying a
little way before him, and again alighting, the mother swimming
beside him, and evidently encouraging him in this, his first adven-
ture upon the water. The little fellow seemed perfectly to under-
stand what was meant, and when we sailed away, was advancing
rapidly under the convoy of his friends, and was within a few
yards of the shore, which he doubtless reached in safety.”—Ih.
p. 207.
striking manner to show the uniformity of the opera-
tions of the mental principle throughout the animal
VIII. Lunacy of Animals. Under the preceding
heads we have discussed a small number out of the
great body of facts which tend to establish the exist-
ence of a thinking reasoning principle among the
mutes; and also tending to show that the qualities’
manifested by it cannot be distinguished from the cor-
responding manifestations of the human mind, except
in the degree of their strength. Cases have occurred
among animals where their mental powers were over-
thrown, and lunacy supervened, furnishing the same
external indications which follow the overthrow of
the human intellect, so that the animal has been seen
in both conditions, when in the full possession of his
faculties, and when their functions have been sus-
pended. Dr. Kane relates several cases in point among
his dogs, occasioned by the absence of light during the
long arctic winter while he was ice bound in the far
north. He remarks as follows: “The mouse-colored
dogs, the leaders of my Newfoundland team, have for
the last fortnight been nursed like babies. No one
can tell how anxiously I watch them. They are kept
below, tended, fed, cleansed, caressed, and doctored,
to the infinite discomfort of all hands. To-day I give
up the last hope of saving them. Their disease is as
clearly mental as in the case of any human being.
The more material functions of the poor brutes go on
without interruption; they eat voraciously, retain
their strength, and sleep well. But all the indica-
tions beyond this go to prove that the original epilepsy,
which was the first manifestation of brain disease
among them, has been followed by a true lunacy.
They look frenziedly at nothing, walk in straight and
curved lines, with anxious and unwearying persever-
ance. They fawn on you, but without seeming to
appreciate the notice you give them in return; push-
ing their heads against your person, or oscillating
with a strange pantomime of fear. Their most intel-
ligent actions seem automatic; sometimes they claw
you as if trying to burrow into your seal skins; some-
times they remain for hours in moody silence, and
then start off howling as if pursued, and run up and
down for hours. So it was with poor Flora, our
‘wise dog. She was seized with the endemic spasms,
and after a few days of violent paroxysms, lapsed into
a lethargic condition, eating voraciously, but gaining
no strength. This passing off, the same crazy wild-
ness took possession of her, and she died of brain
disease (arachnoidal effusion) in about six weeks.”!
This account is so full and specific that it needs no
comment. Such a case of lunacy was only needed
to complete the analogy which seems to be sustained
in every other of the more common manifestations ot
the animal and of the human mind.
From the foregoing but most incomplete and im-
perfect consideration of some of the branches of the
subject of Animal Psychology, it would be venture-
some to urge any other than the more simple conclu-
sions. Two or three only will be suggested.
In the first place, the term “instinct,” to explain
the intelligent acts of animals, should be abandoned.
This term was an invention of the metaphysicians to
* Arctic Explorations, i. 157.
assert and maintain a fundamental distinction be-
tween the mental principle of the human species and
that of the inferior animals. With its multiform defi-
nitions, and with the repeated enlargements of its
signification, it 1s wholly incapable of explaining the
phenomena of animal intelligence. As a vain attempt
to embody a system of philosophy in a definition, it
has proved a failure, as might have been expected.
When carried to its legitimate results, it endows every
animal with a supernatural principle, and makes
each of his intelligent acts little short of a miracle.
As a term or invention it is functus officio. With its
disuse the subject of Animal Psychology is freed from
all extraneous embarrassments, and the mental phe-
nomena manifested by the mutes can be investigated
and explained on philosophical principles.
In the second place, we are led to recognize in the
mutes the possession of a free intelligence. In other
words, that they are endowed with a mental principle
which performs for them the same office that the
human mind does for man; that this principle is free
to act in view of motives and premises; and that it is
ample in measure to enable each animal, within his
sphere of action, to preserve his life and govern his
conduct. This conclusion seems necessarily to follow
from their possession of the organs of sense, from
their manifestation of the appetites and passions, and
from their ability to perceive, to remember, to reason,
and to will.
And in the third and last place, as we are unable,
in similar specific acts, to find any difference in kind
between the manifestations of perception, appetite
and passion, memory, reason and will on the part of
a mute, and the corresponding manifestations on the
part of a man, we are led to the conclusion that the
difference is one of degree, and not of kind; and
therefore that the principle from which they emanate
is the same in kind, but bestowed in different meas-
ure, to adapt each species to its particular mode of
This theory, when rightly considered, is neither
novel nor subversive of moral truth. The general
intelligence of mankind, which embodies, in a greater
degree than is usually supposed, the highest sense of
the human understanding, never adopted the spec-
ulations of the metaphysicians with reference to the
endowments of the inferior animals. On the con-
trary, it has ever been disposed to recognize in them
the possession of a rational, thinking principle, as free
to act as the mind of man. To this view later
writers are drawing sensibly nearer. Among the
number, Max Miiller has quite recently put forth
some very sensible observations. “I mean,” he re-
marks, “to claim a large share of what we call our
mental faculties for the higher animals. These ani-
mals have sensation, perception, memory, will, and in-
tellect—only we must restrict intellect to the inter-
lacing of single perceptions. All these points can be
proved by irrefragable evidence. * * * There are,
no doubt, many people who are as much frightened
at the idea that brutes have souls, and are able to
think, as by ‘the blue ape without a tail” * * *
It does not follow that brutes have no souls, because
they have no human souls. It does not follow that
the souls of men are not immortal, because the souls
of animals are not immortal; nor has the major
premiss ever been proved by any philosopher, namely,
‘that the souls of brutes must necessarily be destroyed
and annihilated by death. Leibnitz, who has defended
the immortality of the human soul with stronger
arguments than even Descartes, writes: ‘I found at
last how the souls of brutes and their sensations do
not at all interfere with the immortality of human
souls; on the contrary, nothing seems better to
establish our natural immortality than to believe that
all souls are imperishable.’”* To nearly the same
effect, Agassiz had previously expressed himself.
“When animals fight with one another,” he says,
“when they associate for a common purpose, when
they warn one another in danger, when they come to
the rescue of one another, when they display pain or
joy, they manifest impulses of the same kind as are
considered among the moral attributes of man. The
range of the passions is even as extensive as that of
the human mind, and I am at a loss to perceive adif-
ference in kind between them, however much they
may differ in degree, and in the manner in which
they are expressed. * * * This argues strongly
in favor of the existence in every animal of an im-
material principle similar to that which, by its excel-
lence and superior endowments, places man so much
above animals. Yet the principle exists unquestion-
ably, and whether it be called soul, reason, or in-
stinct, it presents in the whole range of organized
beings a series of phenomena closely linked together;
and upon it are based not only the highest manifesta-
tions of mind, but the very permanence of the specific
1 Science of Language. Scribner’s ed., lec. ix. p. 349.
differences which characterize every organism. Most
of the arguments of philosophy in favor of the im- °
mortality of man apply equally to the permanence of
this principle in other living beings.”!
With two or three further suggestions this discus-
sion will be concluded. It cannot be said that the
views, herein presented, tend to lower the personal
dignity of man; but, on the contrary, they rather
serve to distinguish his position. His great superior-
ity is abundantly assured by the bestowment of the
highest structural organization, of the fullest mental
endowments, and by the possession of articulate
speech. The distance which separates him from the
highest of the mutes is sufficiently immeasurable to
relieve his pride from all sense of humiliation from
the consciousness of sharing the principle of intelli-
gence with the latter. Sidney Smith has touched
this point with his satirical pen in the following lan-
guage: “I confess I feel myself so much at ease about
the superiority of mankind—I have such a marked
and decided contempt for the understanding of every
baboon I have ever seen—lI feel so sure that the blue
ape without a tail will never rival us in poetry, paint-
ing, and music, that I see no reason whatever that
justice may not be done to the few fragments of soul
and tatters of understanding which they may really
possess.” The mental principle here derided, while
its possession is admitted, has, nevertheless, the in-
herent dignity of which a thinking principle cannot
be divested. By his pre-eminent endowments, man
stands at the head of the animal kingdom, the great
1 Nat. Hist. U. S., i. 64.
exemplar of this principle, and separated by a wide
interval from its other possessors. The separation is as
marked and real as could be desired. But it is doubt-
ful whether he possesses the sum of the powers of the
principle called mind. It is precisely here, as it seems
to the writer, that God has revealed a feature in the
plan of creation not less wonderful than the original
conception of a mental principle. Having called into
existence this marvelous principle, and created a series
of organic forms, He apportioned it among them all
in such measure as to adapt each individual being to
the sphere of life in which he was designed to move.
The widest possible range for the exercise and devel-
opment of mind was thus provided. A full compre-
hension of its powers and capacities must therefore
be sought in its varied manifestations by the several
species. It is not probable that the whole of its powers —
are possessed by any species: but rather that in their
totality they are to be found among the members of
the animal kingdom as a whole. A true system of
mental philosophy, therefore, cannot be developed
until all the manifestations of this principle are com-
The hiatus between man and the nearest species
below him in the scale of intelligence is so wide as to
disturb the symmetrical gradation of the several
orders of animals. We can neither conjecture that
some intermediate order has fallen out of existence,
nor assume the permanent degradation of any existing
species; but, on the contrary, it seems to have been a
part of the original plan of creation that man should
stand without a compeer or contestant, the indisputable
head of the series of organic forms, and the recipient,
in the largest measure, of the gift of the mental prin-
ciple. Some explanation of his excessive superiority
may be found in the progress he has made since his
emergence from his primitive condition. For ages,
the bounds of which are unknown, mankind were im-
mersed in a barbarism the depths of which can be
but feebly conceived. They were without arts, with-
out agriculture, without flocks or herds, depending
chiefly upon fish, and the spontaneous fruits of the
earth for subsistence. There are glimpses afforded to
us, here and there, of a state of society in which the
family relations were unknown, and in which violence
and passion reigned supreme. The contrast between
such a condition of mankind, and that of the present
time, is so great that it is difficult to recognize in these
primitive barbarians our lineal progenitors. Out of
that condition man has struggled through a long and
painful experience until he has been finally rewarded
with the amenities of civilization. Language has
been the great instrument of this progress, the power
of which was increased many fold when it clothed
itself in written characters. He was thus enabled to
perpetuate the results of individual experience, and
transmit them through the ages. Hach discovery
thus became a foundation on which to mount up to
new discoveries. With the knowledge he has gained,
and the elevation he has experienced, it is now diffi-
cult to realize the low condition from which his line
of advancement commenced. Portions of the human
family are still found in the darkness of ignorance,
and in the feebleness of mental imbecility; and yet,
although the distance of their intellectual separation
is very great, it is much less than that between the
latter and the most intelligent of the inferior animals.
The difference expresses the superiority of his struc-
tural organization and of his mental endowments.
On the other hand, can it be truly affirmed that
the inferior animals have been stationary in their
knowledge from the commencement of their exist-
ence? ‘This conclusion should not be over-hastily
assumed. Within the period of human observation,
their progress has seemed to be inconsiderable—but
yet not absolutely nothing. For example, dogs under
training have developed special capacities, such as the
pointer and the setter, and have transmitted them to
their offspring. This shows not only progress, but
that of so marked a character as to work a transform-
ation in the characteristics of the animal. Many ani-
mals, as the elephant, the horse, the bear, and even
the hog—the type of stupidity—have been taught a
variety of performances, under the stimulus of re-
wards, of which they were previously ignorant.
These examples, however, are less important than
the knowledge acquired by undomesticated animals,
and transmitted, as a part of their experience and
knowledge, in the species in which they were ac-
quired. Of this kind are the several varieties of the
beaver lodge and dam, and the development and per-
petuation of the idea of a beaver canal. When care-
ful and patient investigation has been made of these
several subjects, the results will materially modify,
in all probability, our present impressions.
Finally, is it to be the prerogative of man to uproot
and destroy not only the masses of the animal king-
dom numerically, but also the great body of the spe-
cies? Ifthe human family maintains its present hos-
tile attitude toward the mutes, and increases in
numbers and in civilization at the present ratio, for
several centuries to come, it is plain to be seen that
many species of animals must be extirpated from the
earth. An arrest of the progress of the human race
can alone prevent the dismemberment and destruction
of a large portion of the animal kingdom. Domestica-
tion or extermination is the alternative already offered
not alone to species, but to families and orders of ani-
mals. It may be that this result was never intended in
the councils of Providence. It is not unlikely that
God has adjusted a balance among the several orders
of animals which cannot be overthrown except at the
peril of the aggressor; and that in some mysterious
way this balance is destined to be preserved. The
present attitude of man toward the mutes is not such,
in all respects, as befits his superior wisdom. We
deny them all rights, and ravage their ranks with
wanton and unmerciful cruelty. The annual sacri-
fice of animal life to maintain human life is frightful,
if considered only with reference to its excess beyond
our reasonable wants. When the Creator made man
omnivorous, He designed his use of animal food. It
is not sentimentalism but rather sense, to say that he
should exercise the right with reason and forbearance.
When we claim that the bear was made for man’s food,
we forget that man was just as much made to be food
for the bear; and that our right to eat the bear rests
upon no higher sanction, than his coequal right to feast
upon our flesh if he overcomes in battle. Man’s do-
minion over the mutes is in virtue of his superior
endowments; but it is equally clear that the great
Author of existence designed the happiness of the
smallest and least endowed of all His creatures as
completely and as absolutely as He did the happiness
of man. If we recognize the fact that the mutes pos-
sess a thinking, and reasoning, and perhaps an im-
mortal principle, our relations to them will appear to
us in a different, and in a better light.
From Hearne’s Journey, etc. Lond. ed. 1795, p. 226.
From Gardens and Menagerie. Zoolog. Soc’ty. Quadrupeds. I. 153.
(285 )
Ol eer
THE annexed articles by Hearne and Bennett, Appendices
B and C, are the best and most authentic extant upon the
beaver. They have been made the foundation of the later
accounts of this animal which are found in the Encyclope-
dias, and in current works on Natural History. It was their
brevity, and consequent incompleteness, which induced the
publication of this work, for the purpose of furnishing a more
detailed exposition of the habits of the beaver, and of his ar-
uficial erections,
(286 )
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(287 )
II. Differences between the European and the American
If naturalists have found it difficult to agree as to the proper
classification of the beaver, they have been scarcely less troubled
to decide whether the beavers of the Old and the New World con-
stitute one or more species. Some reference to this subject might
be expected in a work like the present; and in order to limit the
discussion I propose to examine only the views given by Dr.
Brandt, as being the latest and most elaborate, and probably the
most conclusive, that can be adduced in favor of the diversity of
In a series of essays published in the ‘‘ Memoires de Académie
‘de St. Petersbourg,” Brandt bas discussed many questions relating
to the beaver with great ability and thoroughness of investiga-
tion. His conclusions on the point before us are expressed in
the following summary :
“1, From the investigations of Kuhl, Oken, and previously of
Brandt and Ratzeburg, no outward characteristic appears afford-
ing evidence of a specific difference.
“9. That in respect to the relative size of the body, the Ameri-
can beaver, from previous experiences, does not differ from the
European in any essential particular, and probably not at all.
“3, That in respect to the relation of the head-, ear-, foot-, and
tail-formation, no distinctive characteristics have yet been dis-
“4, That, on the other hand, by the comparison of eight skulls
of the European beaver, with five skulls of beavers from the
northwest coast of America, manifold constant differences, in
part very striking, become apparent between the beavers of the
Old and New World.
“5, That many of the differences in these skulls involve also
variations in the external structure.
“6, That, finally, the well-known histological variation in the
castor sacs, which exists between the beavers of the Old and the
New World, and also the difference in the appearance of their
secretion, seem to establish a specific difference between the two.”
P. 62.
Excluding then, as we may do, all but the two points named,
viz., the differences observed in the skull, and in the castoreum
organs, it remains to inquire whether these variations are con-
stant and essential, and such as characterize species, or only
The fact that the beavers of the Old and the New World present
certain points of difference in the skull formation is not to be de-
nied, and the attempt has been made to eliminate those which
are considered unessential from those which possess an invariable
character in the two races, so as to establish just grounds for the
specific distinction. It is important to realize the tendency to
variation which exists in the cranial structures, and I therefore
quote from Brandt, from an article ‘‘ Upon the variation of par-
ticular bones of the Beaver Skull,” op. cit. p. 67.
“Tf we have the opportunity of comparing with each other a
large number of skulls of one and the same species, we not unfre-
quently learn, on closer inspection, that no one of them agrees
perfectly with the others, but that all show more or less striking
variations. These variations are often so considerable, that if we
thus examined but two or three skulls, we should have no hesi-
tancy in deciding, according to the prevailing method of determ-
ining zodlogical species, that there was a specific difference in
the animals to which such skulls belonged. The examination of
a larger number of beaver skulls convinced me how erroneous
would be a conclusion drawn from the examination of a small
number of specimens.
“The following remarks, therefore, have only for their object to
name the variations which I have seen occur in the skulls of the
species Castor, and to show that it is only by several, or better,
by many specimens of one and the same species, that we can
with any degree of certainty determine the boundaries of such
In the comparisons made by Brandt of Huropean and American
beaver skulls, he refers to eight of the former, and five of the lat-
ter variety. We have, in our collection, over ninety skulls of the
American beaver from the region near Lake Superior, and through
the kindness of Prof. James Hall, of the New York State Mu-
seum, and Prof. Spencer F. Baird, of the Smithsonian Institution,
T have had the opportunity to examine skulls from other American
localities, in all over one hundred specimens. Prof. Baird has
also favored me with a European skull, No. 6564, from the
Smithsonian Institution.’
By comparing the skulls of this extensive series with the de-
scriptions given by Brandt in the following article, I find that
many more resemblances may be traced between the Huropean
and the American beaver than he has observed, thus reducing the
amount of constant differences between the two varieties.
We give the translation of the whole of his article in which
the two kinds of skulls are compared, adding to the sections the
results obtained by an examination of the skulls of the American
series referred to above.
“‘ Mémoires de l’Académie de St. Petersbourg, VI. Série, p. 53.
“$1. Superior aspect of different beaver skulls.
“Tf we examine the skull of the Huropean and of the American
beaver, we notice the following special differences :
“1. The portion of the frontal bone lying between the arches of
the eyebrows, in all the European skulls is shorter and broader,
much broader than long; but in the American, narrower and
somewhat longer (quite as broad as long); so that the middle
transverse diameter of the anterior portion of the frontal bone—
that part lying between the eyes—is in the American skulls
nearly or quite as long as the arch of the eyebrows; but in the
European it appears longer than this.”
This is true generally of the American skulls; but in six speci-
mens the average length of the eyebrow portion is 81/’’2, and
the average width of the middle portion is 1/’ 08//’3, being an
excess of width of 26/2.
“9. In the European skulls the arches of the eyebrows are
shorter, and their posterior tubercles, opposite the highest point
of the malar bone, are strongly developed. In the American, on
the contrary, the posterior eyebrow processes, only indicated,
sometimes scarcely indicated at all, or at least but slightly devel-
oped, can be seen back of the highest point of the malar. The
anterior eyebrow process is in all the European skulls likewise —
stronger than in the American.”
The highest point of the malar in American skulls is in advance
of the posterior processes; but in one skull (No 20) it is on a line
1] am also indebted to Prof. Baird for the use of several works, relating
tu the beaver, from the Smithsonian Institution.
with these processes, as in the European variety. In the older
and larger American skulls, both processes are strongly developed,
particularly the anterior. In many skulls the posterior processes
are as strongly marked as in the European skull. In the young
New York skull they are even stronger than in the young and
larger European skull.
“3. The snout, measured from the inferior orbital opening to
the inferior corner of the nostril in two Kuropean skulls of equal
size (Nos. 56 and 186 of the Kiew Col.), is broader and somewhat
longer than in an American skull of equal size in the Academic
“4. The nasal bones show the greatest variations. Their length
in all the European is much above one-third the length of the
skull, measured from the incisor teeth to the crista occipitalis ;
while, on the contrary, in the three larger of the American skulls
the length of the nasal bones is only a little if any over one-third,
and the smallest not even one-third the length of the skull. The
nasal bones of the six older skulls lying before me of the European
beaver are therefore longer, and extend more or less far poste-
riorly, 7.e. more or less beyond the anterior prominence of the
arch of the eyebrows, so that they (the nasal bones) lie with their
posterior borders nearly or quite opposite the middle of the mar-
gins of the orbits. In a young Polish beaver (No. 57 of the Kiew
Col.) they reach, however, only to the anterior third of the orbital
ring (note—our Caucasian skull can serve as an example of
strong lengthening of the nasal bones)—and in our young Lap-
land beaver they lie nearly as in our California beaver skull, o)-
posite only the circumference of the anterior border of the orbital
ring. In none of the five American skulls, lying before me, on
the contrary, do the nasal bones extend beyond the anterior
prominence of the eyebrows. In nearly all the skulls of the
European beaver, compared with the five American ones lying
before me, the nasal bones are in form longer in the middle and
posterior, however, in general narrower, so that their breadth in
their middie varies between one-fourth and one-fifth of their
length, while in our five American skulls the breadth of their
middle portion attains to between one-third and one-fourth of
their length. Although the nasal bones of the American beaver
are thus on the whole broader, still they vary less in this respect
than in their lesser length. The external border of the nasal
bones of the European beaver is not so strongly curved as in the
American. Two of the European skulls, however, approach
quite to the American in this respect. The superior surface or
the anterior half of the nasal bones is in six of the European
skulls pretty plane; in two of the others, on the contrary (Nos. 51
and 1955 of the Kiew Col.), as in all the five American, it is
strongly convex. In regard to the character (or relation) of the
nasal bones, there remains, therefore, in consequence of the pre-
ceding remarks, only their more considerable length in compari-
son with the skull as a mark of the European beaver; since the
greater lengthening posteriorly of the nasal bones cannot be so
rigorously proven in all European beavers, especially not in our
Lapland specimens. It is possible, however, that the nasal bones
are less prolonged posteriorly in younger animals than in full-
grown, so that in this way the full-grown European might be
recognized by its posteriorly prolonged nasal bones. Confirm-
atory of this view are the following facts: 1. That in all of the six
old skulls lying before me of European beavers, the posterior ex-
tremities of the nasal bones reach more or less far posteriorly,
and that this happens in a young skull of the Kiew Collection
(No. 57), the length of which is four lines greater than that of
the one from Lapland; and 2, that in one very young American
skull, the nasal bones extend backward somewhat less relatively
than in the full grown.”
It is in respect to the nasal bones that the greatest difference
has been observed between the European and the American
beavers. The most striking obvious difference being the back-
ward extension of the nasals in the European variety. In ex-
treme cases, their posterior margins are found behind the middle
of the margin of the orbital ring; and over the anterior margin
of the upper molars—a point probably never reached by the
nasals in the American skull; but this feature of the European
skull is not constant. Brandt has not found it in the Polish and
the Lapland beaver, and he expressly yields the point as to its
being a characteristic mark of the European variety; it cannot,
he says, ‘‘be rigorously proven in all European skulls.” - In the
New Yor skull the nasals are elongated as represented in the
Polish skull. It does not appear that the lengthening of the
nasals in the American skull is invariably due to age—since
their proportional length, in some young skulls, perhaps equals
that of older specimens. The form of these bones, 7.e. their
width and convex outer margin, differ much in American speci-
mens. Having examined this subject with much care, Brandt
concludes in respect to the nasal bones, that there remains “only
their more considerable length in comparison with the skull as
a mark of the European beaver.” —
I have carefully examined over one hundred skulls in reference
to this point, the measurements being made with callipers, the
length being estimated from the inferior border of the intermax-
illary to the occipital crest in the median line.
In six American skulls the average length is 5’’ 39/2. The
average length of the nasals is 1/” 80’’3, an excess of 13///4
over one-third the length of the skull.
In three skulls having an average length of 4/’ 42/’, the
length of the nasals is 1’’ 58/’’3, making the excess over one-
third 34//’,
In seven skulls whose length respectively is 5’ 10/’’, 3/’ 95/”,
BY LOM. BM! 13) AM Galt eae yt rT!" the “excess of
length of the nasals over one-third the length of the skull is 63/’’,
34!", 30", 49/77 461" 51, Ay’,
In the New York skull, No. 1072, in which the backward pro-
iection of the nasals resembles some of the European skulls, the
excess over one-third is but 11’’’. In the European skull, No. 6564,
in which the backward projection of the nasals appears to have its
maximum, this excess is 29’’’, which is much less than in many
American skulls. We must conclude, therefore, that the back-
ward projection of the nasals, and their greater proportionate
length as compared with American skulls, are not constant and
distinctive features of the European variety.
“5. The frontal portion of the lachrymal bone of the American
beaver is more triangular, posteriorly twice as broad as ante-
riorly, and smaller than in the European ; it is also nearly limited
to the space between the malar and frontal bones; since it im-
pinges only with its anterior border-like narrow end upon a small
process of the upper jaw, or even only approaches it. In the
beavers of the Old World, however, the larger, more quadrangu-
lar, anteriorly and posteriorly equally broad frontal portion of the
lachrymal bone lies not only between the malar and frontal bones,
but is united in similar extent equilaterally with the superior
I find American skulls in which the upper surface of the lachry-
mal bone has the quadrangular form, as broad anteriorly as pos-
teriorly, and united as in the European skull, to the intermaxillary,
while in the greater number of instances the description above
given is found to be correct.
‘““§ 2. Arterior aspect of the skull.
“On the closer study of the beaver skull anteriorly, we learned
that in all the examined skulls of the Huropean beaver the nasal
opening appears triangular, inferiorly narrow, and hence more or
less pointed; while the lateral margins, raised like a crest, and
bounding it inferiorly, approached each other at a more or less
acute angle. In the American skulls, on the contrary, the nasal
opening has a quadrangular form, and appears below only a little
narrower than above; while the lower ends of the crest-like ridges
of the lateral margins are nearly parallel, and curved inward but
The tendency to the quadrangular form of the nasal opening
in the American beaver, and to the triangular form of the Euro-
pean, is evident. Yet there are American skulls where the form
of the opening is nearly if not quite as triangular as in the Euro-
‘““A comparison of the both equally large European skulls with
the American skull of equal size of the Kuprianow skeleton,
showed that the inter- and inferior maxillary, together with the
incisor teeth, are strikingly broader in the European, but some-
what lower than in the American skull. So much so indeed that
the breadth of the American intermaxillary is to that of the Hu-
ropean as 9: 13, nearly as 3: 4. The breadth of a single inci-
sor tooth of the upper jaw in the European beaver is something
more than one-third the breadth of the anterior inferior border of
the intermaxillary, while each single upper incisor of the American
beaver is equivalent in breadth to one-third the transverse di-
ameter of the inferior border of the intermaxillary.”
In the measurement of five skulls I find the breadth across the
incisor portion of the intermaxillary to average 88/’’, and the
average width of a single upper incisor to be 30’. In five other
skulls the intermaxillary width is 78’’’, and the width of an inci-
sor is 27’, In another skull the intermaxillary width is 91/’,
and the width of the incisor is 32’. This is ‘something more
than one-third.”
§ 3. Lateral aspect of the beaver skull.
“A comparison in profile of the two European skulls mentioned
above (Nos. 55 and 186 Kiew), with a skull of equal size of the
Kuprianow skeleton, gave the following results:
“1. As has already been mentioned above, a straight line drawn
from the anterior extremity of the nasal bone to the crista occip-
italis, shows no essential difference between the American (of
Kuprianow) and the two Huropean skulls of corresponding size.
The same result is also furnished by a comparison of all the other
European and American skulls.
“2. The zygomatic process of the superior maxillary appears
on the external surface of that portion lying up near the superior
maxillary process of the malar bone, in the European at least half
as broad, generally more than half as broad as the adjacent end
of the superior maxillary process of the malar bone, and in fact
even in the younger specimens (also in No. 57 Kiew, and in our
Lapland skulls).
“Tn all of the three larger American skulls the zygomatic pro-
cess of the superior maxillary lying near the anterior and upper
malar bone, attains to only about one-quarter the breadth of the
upper end of the superior maxillary process of the malar bone,
and appears, at least in its middle and upper portion, only as a
border, a condition especially noticeable in our smallest American
skulls, in which even the lower end of the zygomatic process of
the superior maxillary appears like a border.”
In five American skulls the zygomatic process of the superior
maxillary equals, or exceeds in breadth, one-half the width of the
corresponding portion of the malar.
‘3. The nasal process of the intermaxillary of the older and
old Huropean skulls, in which the posterior ends of the incisors
appear to extend less high than in the older American, is pro-
vided with a longitudinal depression of greater or less size run-
ning from before backward, above the posterior ends of the upper
incisors where they are located in the skull, which depression is
also present in the very young American skulls in which, in va-
riation from the three larger American skulls lying before me, the
posterior ends of the incisors go backward in a straighter direc-
tion than in the European skulls of different ages.
“4, The malar bone of the European appears in general higher
in the middle of its broader portion.
“5. The ridge formed by the parietal and frontal, behind and
below the posterior tubercle of the eyebrow arches, in the Eu-
ropean skull, is more considerable, and enters into combination
with a ridge elevating itself out of the squamous portion of the
temporal, which ridge in the American is generally wanting, or
only indicated.”
Brandt’s largest American skull was but a medium sized one,
measuring 5/’ 24/’’ by 3/7 60/"’.. In an American skull of this
size before me the ridges in question exist; but in the older and
larger skulls they are strongly developed.
“6. The hook-formed process of the zygomatic process of the
temporal bone lies with its anterior point, in the American beaver,
hardly or only a little behind the anterior border of the temporal
fossa, while in the European beaver it always lies more or less
behind it. In the European beaver the end of the zygomatic
process of the temporal bone appears on the whole more ap-
proached to the occiput and osseous auditory meatus.”
According to my own observation, the hook-formed process
referred to above is in the American beaver longer than in the
Kuropean. We have but one or two skulls in which it appears
somewhat shortened, without becoming as short as in the Hu-
ropean variety. With respect to the relations of the zygomatic
process and the auditory tube, the American skulls are variable,
and strong resemblances could undoubtedly be found to the Ku-
ropean form.
“7, In the American beaver there extends downward from
the posterior angle of the posterior end of the parietal bone a
more or less triangular, somewhat curved process, which pro-
ceeds between the posterior crucial process of the squamous por-
tion of the temporal bone and the squamous portion of the occip-
ital bone. In consequence of this but slightly indicated process
in many European beavers, as in our Rolaer, the posterior and
upper angle of the squamous portion of the temporal bone of the
American beaver is generally more rounded, but in the European,
triangular and shorter.”
I have found but a single and partial exception to the above
statement. In an American skull, No. 2031, S. L, there is an
exact correspondence between the above-described processes and
those of the European beaver, No. 6564, on the left side; on the
right side the American skull shows a faint indication of the
uncial process of the parietal, and a slight but more obtuse devel-
opment appears also in the European.
“8. In the beaver of the New World the end of the coronal
process of the lower jaw is slightly or not at all hooked, at least
not so strongly hooked as in several European. In all five lower
jaws of the American beaver the anterior opening of the canalis
infra-maxillaris lies under the alveolus of the anterior inferior
molar, in the Kuropean beaver somewhat before the same.”
In a large proportion of cases the coronal process of the lower
jaw in the American beaver presents the hooked form. It issome-
times very much hooked. The description given of the anterior
mental foramen corresponds with my observations.
“$4. Posterior aspect of the skull.
“The general form of the squamous portion of the occipital
bone shows no essential variations. The middle portion of its
posterior surface shows in the American as well as in the Eu-
ropean a shallower or deeper, broader or narrower groove, or a
single, sometimes even doubled longitudinal ridge.
“The occipital foramen, on the contrary, in all the European
skulls, is narrower than in the American, but appears extended
further upward than in the latter, so that its upper margin is
nearly on a level with the base of the zygomatic process of the
temporal bone, while in the American skulls the superior margin
of the occipital foramen lies about opposite the inferior border of
the zygomatic process. Correspondingly with the first-described
relation of the occipital foramen the squamous portion of the oc-
cipital bone over the occipital foramen appears in the European
skulls lower than in the American—an appearance especially
striking in the two skulls of equal size with the American skull
of Kuprianow ”
If we examine a large number of skulls of the American beaver,
the great variety of forms presented by the occipital foramen ap-
pears remarkable. It is sometimes low and broad, again a
rounded arch, and in other instances shows the high triangular
shape peculiar to the Kuropean variety. This form is found fre-
quently in young, and occasionally in old skulls.
““§ 5. Inferior aspect of the European and American skulls.
“The groove occurring on the inferior surface of the base of
the occiput so characteristic of the species Castor, from three to
four lines deep, six to seven lines broad, posteriorly six to eight
lines long, is in all the European skulls lying before me larger,
deeper, and more rounded, and inclosed by rounded margins, pos-
teriorly particularly strongly curved, so that it appears three to
four lines deep, six to eight lines long, and posteriorly six to
seven lines broad. In the same skulls we find it more or less
widened back of its middle portion, while in the American skulls
it appears smaller in comparison with its breadth, longer and
narrower, not widened back of its middle point; at its posterior
end even more or less narrowed; and possesses, in addition to
its more lengthened form, nearly straight margins and less depth.
Its longitudinal diameter is about six lines, its greater transverse
diameter four to five lines, and its depth two and a half to three
Brandt has well described the basilar cavity as it appears in
the American, compared with the European beaver. Its form,
however, in the American beaver, is subject to variation, being
sometimes narrow and shallow, with its lateral borders nearly
parallel, and in some cases it is more rounded—its length and
breadth. being equal—thus presenting an approximation to the
Huropean variety.
“The posterior processes of the inner sphenoidal wings pro-
ceeding to the osseous bulle of the temporal bone, are in all the
European shorter, and therefore the bull of the ossa temporum
are moved further forward than in the American.”
The European beaver skull before me presents the peculiarity
named above, and the difference between the two varieties in this
respect, is confirmed by my observations.
“The palate bones vary in the European and American skulls,
both in length and breadth, as well as in the greater or less
acuteness of their anterior extremity. In both there are skulls
in which they agree or vary more or less.”
Having but one European skull, I can only state that the
palate bones in this skull, and in an American skull before me,
agree perfectly in form, and in the position of the palatal fora-
mina. There is undoubtedly some difference among American
skulls as to the posterior width of the palate bones. The palatal
foramina are sometimes opposite the space between the second
and third molars, sometimes a little anterior to this.
“The malar arches often appear in the European beaver thicker,
but in many individuals no thicker than in the American.”
“The symphysis of the inferior maxillary is shorter and nar-
rower in the Kuropean.”
“In the structure of the molar teeth, I did not, in addition,
succeed in finding any difference.”
I have thus endeavored to show, from an examination of a
large number of skulls of the American beaver, that a greater
tendency to variation in these structures exists, than was observed
by Dr. Brandt, in the smaller number (five American and eight
Kuropean skulls) on which he based his differential character-
istics. It will be remembered that Brandt does not insist upon
the most obvious feature which distinguishes the Old World
beaver from that of the New World, viz., the greater lengthening
posteriorly of the nasal bones, since it ‘‘cannot be rigorously
proven in all cases.” Following out then the principle which
guided his researches, many additional exceptional instances have
been found to invalidate the conclusion that the European and
the American beaver constitute different species. The extremes
of difference, in their aggregate, on the one side and the other,
are sufficiently striking to justify us in regarding them as varie-
ties of one and the same species; while the want of constancy
in these peculiarities suggests the inference, that these varia-
tions are due to long separation of the races, and to accidental
causes, rather than to original diversity of the stock. It is con-
ceded by the advocates of a diversity of species that the beavers
of the Old and the New World cannot be distinguished by any
external characteristic. The same is true of their habits and in-
stincts, except so far as they have evidently been controlled by
external influences. The castoreum secretion is variable, even in
European beavers, and there are facts to show that the elements
of the food of the animal are sometimes found in it. The differ-
ences observed in it, being more of degree than of kind, are not
of such a character as to render it improbable that they are due
to the influence of climate, food, and accidental causes. That the
beavers of the Old and the New World would prove fertile inter se,
is, from their great similarity, almost certain. The beaver is a
very old animal, as is proved by his fossil remains. As an
aquatic animal, and a vegetable feeder, it is probable that he lived
at a very early epoch, perhaps before the present configuration
of the continents, so that from his tendeney to extensive dis-
tribution, and his prolific nature, there would be nothing to hinder
the spread of a single species over both continents. That long
separation should have developed certain peculiarities of structure
might reasonably be expected. From the observed tendency to
variation exhibited by the skulls of consanguinei, we should
even expect to find these differences greater, in separated races,
than actually occurs. There appears, therefore, to the writer, to
be no necessity for assigning a separate and distinct origin to the
beavers of the Old and the New World, in order to account for
the differences which have thus far been observed between them.
III. Castoreum Organs, and Generative Organs,
The beaver has long been celebrated for the peculiar secretion
called castoreum, which has been much used in medicine. Other
animals furnish highly odorous secretions, of which musk and
civet are examples, the uses of which in relation to the animals are
not well understood. Although much attention has been paid to
the anatomy of the beaver, the organs furnishing the castoreum
have not unfrequently been erroneously described. It will be
seen in the descriptions and figures which follow, that the beaver
has two sets of glandular organs, lying below the pubis, of which
the upper pair furnish the castoreum, and the lower, an oily secre-
tion. In the Lecons d’Anatomie Comparée (Cuvier), vol viii.
p. 245, also in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Médicales, Art.
Castor, and in the U.S. Dispensatory, by Wood & Bache, the
castoreum is incorrectly referred to the lower pair of organs, and,
again, both the upper and lower glands have been said to furnish
this secretion.
The beaver has but a single orifice for the genito-urinary and
the intestinal organs, and there is nothing in its external appear-
ance by which its sex can be determined.
When the animal is laid on its back there is a space between
the pubis and the scaly tail about seven inches long, covered with
hair like the rest of the body. In the centre of this space is the
upper margin of the cloacal orifice, which is one and a half inches
in length, just within which, at the lower margin, is the orifice of
the intestine. The width of the tail where the scales commence
is about four inches.
On dissecting off the skin, the skin muscle is brought into view,
and the forms of the sacs which it covers are recognized. The
surface of this muscle next to the sacs is smooth and but slightly
attached to them: with the underlying muscles it forms an en-
velope capable of compressing these sacs so as to expel their con-
tents. The name given to these organs, in view of their supposed
analogies, is preputial glands, though by Cuvier and others this
term is applied to the lower sacs. I shall call the upper, the cas-
toreum sacs, and the lower, oil sacs. By the trappers they are
called the bark stone, and the oil stone.
. S WY, Yy i
Li WN \\ YZ $
Note to Figure 1.
1. Muscle covering pubis. 5. Oil sacs.
2. Testicles. 6. Upper half of cloacal orifice.
3. Penis. 7. End of rectum within the cloacal
4. Castoreum sacs. — orifice.
Figs. 1 and 2 exhibit these organs in a male and a female beaver,
the latter being a small-sized animal, weighing 294 lbs. The cas-
toreum sacs, nearest the pubis, are oval, flattened, of a light color
like parchment, and communicate freely with each other by their
transverse portion. Linear marks and depressions on their sur-
faces correspond with membranous duplicatures within, which
add largely to the internal surface, forming septa and cells cov-
ered and filled with castoreum. The larger folds have a general
direction towards the outlet of the sacs. The sacs are formed oi
several layers of connective tissue, lined by a tender membrane,
which is colored by the secretion, and exhibits minute follicular
apertures. The castoreum is light or dark yellow in different
cases, viscid, adhesive, gritty from the presence of calcareous mat-
ter, and has a strong, peculiar odor. Under the microscope, it
shows granular and epithelial matter, and spherical crystals of
Ere. 2.
= y
S 4 9
aa a
Zz 4
Drawn by W. W. Ely.
Nore to Figures 2 anp 8.
1. Uterus and Fallopian tubes. 7. Cloacal cavity laid open—above
2. Bladder and ureters. the figure are the vaginal and
8. Vagina. urethral orifices, the clitoris
4. Rectum. and nymphee.
5. Castoreum sacs. 8. End of rectum.
6. Oil sdes. 9. Pubis, concealing the bladder
and uterus.
10. Upper half of cloacal orifice.
carbonate of lime; these crystals are also found in the urine of the
beaver. In the male, the castoreum sacs measured 41’’ in length,
2’’ 10’”’ in width, with a circumference of 42’. Weight of one
sac and contents, 900 grains. From both sacs 415 grains of pure
castoreum was obtained, but the whole of the secretion could not
be removed.
The oil sacs, or “preputial glands” (Cuvier), are connected
with the castoreum sacs, and are pyriform in shape. Each has a
duct, which opens within, by the side of the cloacal orifice at its
upper margin, surrounded by a dark areola. On everting the
orifice of the duct, it appears to be a cul-de-sac, having three
minute orifices at its bottom Although each oil sac appears as
one, there is, in addition tothe principal gland, two smaller ones,
which may be separated, each having its communication with the
tube which furnishes the outlet; in each cavity are hairs loose or
growing from its surface, and the smaller cavities are sometimes
filled with them. The walls of the oil sacs are much thicker than
the castoreum sacs, and contain many follicles of considerable size.
The cavities contain a thick, oily, creamy fluid. From the larger
cavity, about two drachms were obtained, having, when recent,
a faint odor of castoreum. This secretion, after standing six
months, is about half clear oil, and the remainder a whitish sedi-
ment. The whole is soluble in ether, except a small residue of
epithelial matter, but the oil is sparingly soluble in strong alcohol.
In a female beaver, Fig. 3, the castoreum sacs are 54/’ long, and 3”
broad. The oi! sacs are 24’/’long. The amount of castoreum in
these sacs was small and dark colored.
The Rodents, as a class, are very prolific; this is true of the
beaver. Their genital organs are consequently strongly developed.
The statement of Cuvier, however, that the size of the testicles
in the Rodents exceeds ordinarily that of the kidneys, is not true
of this animal. Viii. 104.
In Fig. 1, the form of the penis is shown, curved and retracted.
When extended it is five inches long, and 12/’ in circumference.
The glans is flattened, 1’’ 20’’” in length, and covered with a
rough integument. It contains a bone equal to its length, and
largest at the base. The transverse communication of the casto-
reum sacs is behind the prepuce. The urethra has a spongy portion
34’ long, and a membranous one 24/’.. Cowper’s glands lie be-
hind the pubis. The prostate glands lie by the side of the ure-
thra at its origin. The vesicule seminales are united, and lie
behind the neck of the bladder, each being 1/’ 80’”’ long, 90/’’
wide, and 60’”’ thick. It is possible that these glands were hy-
pertrophied, as their cavities contained a dense fibrous substance,
a portion of which had escaped into the urethra, distending and
obstructing its membranous portion. The testicles are contained
in a sac projecting from the inguinal opening, and are 14/’ in
The Weberian organ, or the uterus masculinus, is well devel-
oped in the beaver. It is triangular in shape, flattened and thin
antero-posteriorly, and is connected by its edges with the vasa
deferentiz. It lies between the bladder and the vesicule semi-
nales. Below it seems lost in the thin connective tissue. In the
upper part, where it is 14’’ in width, is a small cavity without
any outlet. The filaments which extend from the superior angles
lie upon the vasa deferentize, and disappear at the bottom of the
testicles, being 62/” in length. The significance of this structure,
so interesting to the philosophical anatomist, is but at present a
matter of speculation. Homologous with the uterus, the vesi-
cula prostatica, as it is sometimes called, like the mamme of the
male, suggests the idea of typical structures, or of organs of
original utility, but dwarfed in the progress of development.
Drawn by W. W. Ely.
In Fig. 3, the genital organs of the female are represented. The
parts being dissected from the‘r connections, and laid on a flat
surface before the drawing was made, their natural relations are
somewhat altered. The oil sacs and castoreum sacs are discon-
nected. They are much larger than the other specimen, relatively
to the size of the animal. The cloaca is laid open, and the vaginal
orifice is higher than in the natural state ; this, and the urethral
orifice, would be retracted and concealed by the nymphe, which
would be nearer the external orifice. The clitoris is small, dim-
pled, and surrounded with a prepuce, and the nymphe are thin,
composed of a membrane similar to that of the castoreum sacs,
their lateral portions extending downward in the direction of the
opening of the oil sacs R. Wagner asserts that the nymphe
are wanting in the inferior mammalia, but Cuvier says more
correctly: ‘Le fait est que les nymphes existent chez plusieurs
Rongeurs.” Viii. 256.
The orifice of the urethra is half an inch behind the clitoris.
The urethra and the vagina are each 4/’ long. The latter is
strongly muscular, and smooth within. The bladder, which lies
in front of, and conceals the uterus, is contracted, thick, and
rugose. The position of the ureters is seen in the figure. The
uterus is 14’’ long, and its vaginal extremity is lobulated. It is
divided into two cavities by a firm septum, each cavity opening
into ‘the vagina by a separate orifice. The Fallopian tubes are
94’ long. The ovaries are small, oval, 67/’’ long, 32/’’ in width.
It is probable, though I cannot affirm it, that pregnancy in the
beaver is Fallopian, as in the rat and the rabbit.
CastoreuM.—The difference in the castoreum as furnished by
the European and the American beavers has long been known
to chemists and physicians; the Russian castoreum being most
esteemed as a medicine. The fresh specimens of American cas-
toreum which I have seen, differ in amount, appearance, and con-
sistence. The following are Brande’s analyses of this substance :
Violatileiailiccs socu-tecwscseoece ces POOR SWolatn ei oilgesarcnces.-socdescescaces 20
FROIN Cases ay sosclettiset soo Shccoaezeee) LOSODE BEVER LIN meee acest CREM nen ne clsc5 cou's'ss OOSO
CASTOR sete See eee eee eo eecas OU HOR LCOS LORIN rate nucad ere ccs secisec, | at
AST UnTtG rss ree ioe bee eee seclec septate O05 | Cholepferin, 220..4:0ccceesccone 1-2
(SIN VAGUE aes weeee le cones ccesce ae ULAR LAN OUIMTeTissne oe teat osc dees toes es cce 1:6
Carbonate of lime......... 00.00 BPE WCE ents sock. seaevi cs. occas BO
Oper sa Le eee ees ada ce ee ere ea INSU Z OM Cckesemen cee aca. actoseeeccsay arta
DEI CUS. sccceneettios eaters vaceceeeesce 2 OUMMather:soluble im alcohol........ 1:6
Animal matter like horn........ 2:80 | Carbonate of lime................... 2°6
INEGIIPLANIC Js ierceacostieecees sv reaces 120500) | OPMEPESHDSktes escsslescctecesescceeet | ote
Moisture and loss................. 22°O8 PMEMDIEANE! foe .cccclsed ecceccctosssaet COW
- Migistiime an@ losses v.cce.s-eees cee Med
99-30 —
The European castoreum is supposed to contain a larger propor-
tion of the volatile oil, castorin, and resin, and probably its superior-
ity as a medicine depends upon the resinoid element. A specimen
of castoreum which I obtained from a male American beaver
more than a year ago was, at first, of a light yellow color, soft,
and very adhesive. At the present time the color is the same ex-
cept where it has had access to the air, which has changed the
surface to a dark brown. One hundred parts of this castoreum
lost fifty-six parts in boiling alcohol. Of the residuum, thirty-
three parts dissolved with effervescence in diluted hydrochloric
acid, affording evidence of a large amount of carbonate of lime.
The remaining eleven parts appeared to be chiefly animal matter,
but it was not critically examined. The alcoholic solution on cool-
ing showed no trace of castorin. Mixed with water the alcoholic
solution became milky. On filtration and thorough drying of the
filter there resulted 41 parts of resin.
Samuel Hearne’s Article on the Beaver.
From Samuel Hearne’s ‘‘ Journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort to the
Northern Ocean.”’ London: 4to., 1795, ch. vii. p. 226.
The beaver being so plentiful, the attention of my companions
was chiefly engaged on them, as they not only furnished delicious
food, but their skins proved a valuable acquisition, being a prin-
cipal article of trade, as well as a serviceable one for clothing, ete.
The situation of the beaver houses is various; where the beavers
are numerous, they are found to inhabit lakes, ponds, and rivers,
as well as those narrow creeks which connect the numerous lakes
with which this country abounds; but the latter are generally
chosen by them where the depth of water and other circumstances
are suitable, as they have then the advantage of a current to
carry wood and other necessaries to their habitations, and be-
cause, in general, they are more difficult to be taken than those
that are built in standing water.
There is no one particular part of a lake, poud, river, or creek,
of which the beaver make choice for building their houses on in
preference to another; for they sometimes build on points, some-
times in the hollow of a log, and often on small islands; they
always choose, however, these parts that have such a depth of
water as will resist the frost in winter, and prevent it from freez-
ing to the bottom.
The beavers that build their houses on small rivers or creeks,
in which the water is liable to be drained off when the back sup-
plies are dried up by the frost, are wonderfully taught by instinct
to provide against that evil by making a dam quite across the
river, at a convenient distance from their houses. This I look
upon as the most curious piece of workmanship that is performed
by the beaver; not so much for the neatness of the work as for
its strength and real service; and at the same time it discovers
such a degree of sagacity and foresight in the animal of approach-
ing evils, as is little inferior to that of the human species, and is
certainly peculiar to these animals.
The beaver dams differ in shape according to the nature of
the place in which they are built. If the water in the river
or creek has but little motion, the dam is almost straight;
but when the current is more rapid, it is always made with a
considerable curve, convex toward the stream. The materials
made use of in these dams are drift-wood, green willows, birch
and poplar, if they can be got; also mud and stones, intermixed
-in such a manner as must evidently contribute to the strength of
the dam; but in these dams there is no other order or method
observed, except that of the work being carried on with regular
success, and all the parts being made of equal strength.
In places which have been long frequented by beavers, undis-
turbed, their dam, by frequent repairing, becomes a solid bank,
capable of resisting a great force both of water and ice; and as
the willow, poplar, and birch generally take root and shoot up,
they, by degrees, form a kind of regular-planted hedge, which I
have seen in some places so tall, that birds have built their nests
among the branches.
Though the beaver which build their houses in lakes, and
other standing waters, may enjoy a sufficient quantity of their
favorite element without the assistance of a dam, the trouble of
getting wood and other necessaries to their habitation without
the heip of a current, must, in some measure, counterbalance the
other advantages which are reaped from such a situation ; for it
must be observed that the beaver which build in rivers and creeks,
always cut their wood above their houses, so that the current,
with little trouble, conveys it to the place required.
The beaver houses are built of the same materials as their
dams, and are always proportioned in size to the number of
inhabitants, which seldom exceed four old, and six or eight
young ones; though, by chance, I have seen above double that
These houses, though not altogether unworthy of admiration,
fall very short of the general discription given of them; for in-
stead of order or regulation being observed in rearing them, they
‘are of a much ruder structure than their dams.
Those who have undertaken to describe the inside of beaver
houses, as having several apartments appropriated to various
uses, such as eating, sleeping, store-houses for provisions, and
one for their natural occasions, ete., must have been very little
acquainted with the subject; or, which is still worse, guilty of
attempting to impose on the credulous by representing the great-
est falsehoods as real facts. Many years constant residence
among the Indians, during which I had an opportunity of seeing
several hundreds of these houses, has enabled me to affirm that
everything of the kind is entirely void of truth; for notwithstand-
ing the sagacity of these animals, it has never been observed that
they aim at any other conveniences in their houses than to have
a dry place to lie on; and there they usually eat their victuals,
which they occasionally take out of the water.
It frequently happens, that some of the large houses are found
to have one or more partitions, if they deserve that appellation ;
but that is no more than a part of the main building, left by the
sagacity of the beaver to support the roof. On such occasions
it is common for these different apartments, as some are pleased
to call them, to have no communication with each other but by
water; so that, in fact, they may be called double or treble houses,
rather than different apartments of the same house. I have seen
a large beaver house built in a small island, that had near a dozen
houses under one roof; and, two or three of these only excepted,
none of them had any communication with each other but by
water. As there were beavers enough to inhabit each apartment,
it is more than probable that each family knew its own, and
always entered at their own door without having any further
connection with their neighbors than a friendly intercourse; and
to join their united labors in erecting their separate habitations,
and building their dams when required. It is difficult to say
whether their interest on other occasions was any way recipro-
cal. The Indians of my party killed twelve old beavers, and
twenty-five young and half-grown ones, out of the houses above
mentioned; and on examination found that several had escaped
their vigilance,‘and could not be taken but at the expense of
more trouble than would be sufficient to take double the number
in a less difficult situation.
Travellers who assert that the beaver have had doors to their
houses, one on the land side, and the other next the water, seem
to be less acquainted with these animals than others who assign
them an elegant suite of apartments. Such a proceeding would
be quite contrary to their manner of life, and at the same time
would render their houses of no use either to protect them from
their enemies, or guard them against the extreme of cold in
The quiquehatches or wolvereens, are great enemies to the
beaver; and if there were a passage into their houses on the land
side, would not leave one of them alive wherever they came.
I cannot refrain from smiling when I read the accounts of dif-
ferent authors who have written on the economy of these ani-
mals, as there seems to be a contest between them who shall
most exceed in fiction. But the compiler of the ‘‘ Wonders of Nature
and Art” seems, in my opinion, to have succeeded less in this re-
spect; as he has not only collected all the fictions into which
other writers on the subject have run, but has so greatly im-
proved on them, that little remains to be added to his account of
the beaver besides a vocabulary of their language, a code of their
laws, and a sketch of their religion, to make it the most complete
natural history of that animal which can possibly be offered to
the public.
There cannot be a greater imposition, or indeed a grosser insult
on common understanding, than the wish to make us believe the
1 The difficulty here alluded to was the numberless vaults the beaver had
in the sides of the pond, and the immense thickness of the house in some
stories of some of the works ascribed to the beaver; and though
it is not to be supposed that the compiler of a general work can
be intimately acquainted with every subject of which it may be
necessary to treat, yet a very moderate share of understanding is
surely sufficient to guard him against giving credit to such mar-
vellous tales, however smoothly they may be told, or however
boldly they may be asserted by the romancing traveller.
To deny that the beaver is possessed of a very considerable de-
gree of sagacity would be as absurd in me as it is in these authors
who think they cannot allow them too much. I shall willingly
grant them their full share: but it is impossible for any one to
conceive how, or by what means, a beaver whose full height when
standing erect, does not exceed two feet and a half, or three feet
at most, and whose fore paws are not much larger than a half-
crown piece, can ‘‘drive stakes as thick as a man’s leg into the
ground three or four feet deep.” Their “wattling these stakes
with twigs,” is equally absurd ; and their “plastering the inside
of their houses with a composition of mud and straw, and swim-
ming with mud and stones on their tails,” are still more incredible.
The form and size of the animal, notwithstanding allits sagacity,
will not admit of its performing such feats; and it would be as
impossible for a beaver to use its tail as a trowel, except on the
surface of the ground on which it walks, as it would have been
for Sir James Thornhill to have painted the dome of St. Paul’s
Cathedral without the assistance of scaffolding. The joints of
their tail will not admit of their turning it over their backs on
any occasion whatever, as it has a natural inclination to bend
downwards; and it is not without some considerable exertion
that they can keep it from trailing on the ground. This being
the case, they cannot sit erect like a squirrel, which is their com-
mon posture, particularly when eating, or when they are clean-
ing themselves, as a cat or squirrel does, without having their
tails bent forward between their legs; and which may not im-
properly be called their trencher.
So far are the beaver from driving stakes into the ground when
building their houses, that they lay most of the wood crosswise,
and nearly horizontal, and without any other order than that of
leaving a hollow or cavity in the middle; when any unnecessary
branches project inward, they cut them off with their teeth, and
throw them in among the rest to prevent the mud from falling
through the roof. It is a mistaken notion that the woodwork is
first completed and then plastered ; for the whole of their houses,
as well as their dams, are from the foundation one mass of wood
and mud mixed with stones, if they can be procured. The mud
is always taken from the edge of the bank, or the bottom of the
creek or pond, near the door of the house; and though their fore
paws are so small, yet it is held close up between them under
their throat, that they carry both mud and stones; while they
always drag the wood with their teeth.
All their work is executed in the night, and they are so expe-
ditious in completing it that in the course of one night I have
known them to have collected as much mud at their houses as to
have amounted to some thousands of their little handfuls; and
when any mixture of grass or straw has appeared in it, it has
been most assuredly mere chance, owing to the nature of the
ground from which they had taken it. As to their designedly
making a composition for that purpose it is entirely void of truth.
It is a great piece of policy in these animals to cover, or plaster,
as it is usually called, the outside of their houses every fall with
fresh mud, and as late as possible in the autumn, even when the
frost becomes pretty severe ; as by this means it soon freezes as
hard as a stone, and prevents their common enemy, the quiqui-
hatch, from disturbing them during the winter. And as they are
frequently seen to walk over their work, and sometimes to give a
flap with their tail, particularly when plunging into the water,
this has, without doubt, given rise to the vulgar opinion that they
use their tails as a trowel, with which they plaster their houses;
whereas that flapping of the tail is no more than a custom, which
they always preserve, even when they become tame and domes-
tic, and more particularly so when they are startled.
Their food chiefly consists of a large root, something resembling
a cabbage stalk, which grows at the bottom of the lakes and rivers.
They eat also the bark of trees, particularly that of the poplar,
birch, and willow; but the ice preventing them from getting to
the land in winter, they have not any barks to feed upon during
that season, except that of such sticks as they cut down in sum-
mer and throw into the water opposite the doors of their houses;
and as they generally eat a great deal, the roots above men-
tioned constitute the chief part of their food during the winter.
In summer they vary their diet by eating various kinds of herb-
age, and such berries as grow near their haunts during that
When the ice breaks up in the spring, the beaver always leave
their houses, and rove about the whole summer, probably in search
of a more commodious situation; but in case of not succeeding
in their endeavors, they return again to their old habitations a
little before the fall of the leaf, and lay in their winter stock of
woods. They seldom begin to repair the houses till the frost
commences, and never finish the outer coat till the cold is pretty
severe, as has been already mentioned.
When they shift their habitations, or when the increase of their
number render it necessary to make some addition to their houses,
or to erect new ones, they begin felling the wood for these pur-
poses early in the summer, but seldom begin to build till the mid-
dle or latter end of August, and never complete their houses till
the cold weather be set in.
Notwithstanding what has been so repeatedly reported of these
animals assembling in great bodies, and jointly erecting large
towns, cities, and commonwealths, as they have sometimes been
called, I am confident from many circumstances, that even where
the greatest number of beaver are situated in the neighborhood
of each other, their labors are not carried on jointly in the erec-
tion of their different habitations, nor have they any reciprocal
interest except it be such as live immediately under the same
roof; and then it extends no further than to build or keep a dam
which is common to several houses. In such cases it is natural
to think that every one who seemed benefited from such a dam,
should assist in erecting it, being sensible of its utility to all.
Persons who attempt to take beaver in winter should be thor-
oughly acquainted with their manner of life ; otherwise they will
have endless trouble to effect their purpose, and probably with-
out success in the end; because they always have a number of
holes in the banks which serve them as places of retreat when
any injury is offered to their houses, and in general it is in these
holes that they are taken.
When the beaver which are situated in a small river or creek
are to be taken, the Indians sometimes find it necessary to stake
the river across, to prevent them from passing; after which they
endeavor to find out all their holes or places of retreat in the
banks. This requires much practice and experience to aecom-
plish, and is performed in the following manner: every man being
furnished with an ice chisel, lashes it to the end of a small staff,
about four or five feet long; he then walks along the edge of the
banks, and keeps knocking his chisel against the ice. Those
who are acquainted with that kind of work will know by the
sound of the ice when they are opposite to any of the beaver
holes or vaults. As soon as they suspect any, they cut a hole
through the ice big enough to admit an old beaver, and in this
manner proceed until they have found out all their places of re-
treat, or at least as many of them as possible. While the prin-
cipal men are thus employed, some of the understrappers and the
Women are busy in breaking open the house, which at times is
no easy task; for I have frequently known these houses to be five
and six feet thick, and one in particular was more than eight feet
thick on the crown. When the beaver find that their habitations
are invaded, they fly to their holes in the banks for shelter; and
on being perceived by the Indians, which is easily done by at-
tending to the motion of the water, they block up the entrance
with stakes of wood, and then haul the beaver out of his hole
either by hand if they can reach it, or with a large hook made
for that purpose, which is fastened to the end of a long stick.
In this kind of hunting every man has the sole right to all the
beaver caught by him in the holes or vaults; and as this is a con-
stant rule, each person takes care to mark such as he discovers,
by sticking up the branch of a tree or some other distinguishing
post by which he may know them. All that are caught in the
house also are the property of the person who finds it.
The same regulations are observed, and the same process used
in taking beaver that are found in lakes and other standing waters,
except it be that of staking the lakes across, which would be both,
unnecessary and impossible. Taking beaver houses in these situ-
ations is generally attended with less trouble and more success
than in the former. !
The beaver is an animal which cannot keep under water: long
at a time, so that when their houses are broken open, and all their
places of retreat discovered, they have but one choice left, as it
may be called, either to be taken in their houses or their vaults;
in general they prefer the latter, for where there is one beaver
caught in the house, many thousands are taken in their vaults in
the banks. Sometimes they are caught in nets, and in the sum-
mer very frequently in traps. In winter they are very fat and
delicious; but the trouble of rearing their young, the thinness
of their hair, and their constantly roving from place to place,
with the trouble they have in providing against the approach of
winter, generally keep them very poor during the summer season,
at which time their flesh is but indifferent eating, and their skins
of so little value that the Indians generally singe them, even to
the amount of many thousands in one summer. They have from
two to five young ata time. Mr. Dobbs, in his account of Hud-
son’s Bay, enumerates no less than eight different kinds of beaver ;
but it must be understood that they are all of one kind and species ;
his distinctions arise wholly from the different seasons of the
year in which they are killed, and the different uses to which
their skins are applied, which is the sole reason that they vary
so much in value.
Lefrane, as an Indian, must have known better than to have
informed Mr. Dobbs that the beaver have from ten to fifteen
young at a time; or if hedid he must have deceived him willfully,
for the Indians, by killing them in all stages of gestation, have
abundant opportunities of ascertaining the usual number of their
offspring. I have seen some hundreds of them killed at the
season favorable for these observations, and never could discover
more than six young in one female, and that only in two in-
stances, for the usual number, as I have before observed, is from
two to five.
Besides this unerring method of ascertaining the real number
of young which any animal has at a time, there is another rule
to go by with respect to the beaver, which experience has proved
to the Indian never to vary or deceive them, that is by dissection;
for on examining the womb of a beaver, even at a time when not
with young, there is always found a hardish round for every
young she had at the last litter. This is a circumstance I have
been particularly careful to examine, and can affirm it to be true
from real experience.
Most of the accounts, nay I may say all the accounts now ex-
tant respecting the beaver, are taken from the authority of the
French, who have resided in Canada; but their accounts differ
so much from the real state and economy of all the beaver to the
north of that place, as to leave great room to suspect the truth of
them altogether. In the first place, the assertion that they have
two doors to their houses, one on the land side and the other
next the water, is as I have before observed, quite contrary to
fact and common sense, as it would render their houses of no use
to them, either as places of shelter from the inclemency of the
extreme cold in winter, or as a retreat from their common enemy
the quiquehatch. The only thing that could have made M. Du
Pratz, and other French writers, conjecture that such a thing did
exist, must have been from having seen some old beaver houses,
which had been taken by the Indians; for they are always obliged
to make a hole on one side of the house before they can drive
them out; and it is more than probable that in so mild a climate
as Canada the Indians do generally make these holes on the land
side, which without doubt gave rise to the suggestion.
In respect to the beaver dunging in their houses, as some per-
sons assert, it is quite wrong, as they always plunge into the
water to do it. Lam the better enabled to make the assertion
from having kept several of them till they became so domesti-
cated as to answer to their name, and follow those to whom they
Were accustomed, in the same manner as a dog would do; and
they were as much pleased at being fondled as any animal I ever
saw; I had a house built for them, and a small piece of water be-
fore the door, into which they always plunged when they wanted
to ease nature; and their dung being of a light substance, imme-
diately rises and floats on the surface, then separates, and sub-
sides to the bottom. When the winter sets in so as to freeze the
water solid, they still continue their custom of coming out of
their houses and dunging and making water on the ice; and when
the weather was so cold that I was obliged to take them into my
house, they always went into a large tub of water which I set for
that purpose, so that they made not the least dirt, though they
are kept in my own sitting room, where they were the constant
companions of the Indian women and children, and were so fond
of their company, that when the Indians were absent for any
considerable time, the beaver discovered great signs of uneasi-
ness, and on their return showed equal marks of pleasure, by
fondling on them, crawling into their laps, laying on their backs,
sitting erect like a squirrel, and behaving to them like children
who see their parents but seldom. In general during the winter
they lived on the same food as the women did, and were remark-
ably fond of rice and plumb-pudding; they could eat partridges
and fresh venison very freely, but I never tried them with fish,
though I have heard they will at times prey on them. In fact
there are few of the graminivorous that may not be brought to be
carnivorous. It is well known that our domestic poultry will eat
animal food; thousands of geese that come to London market
are fattened on tallow scraps; and our horses in Hudson’s Bay
would not only eat all kinds of animal food, but also drink freely
of the wash or pot liquor intended for the hogs. And we are as-
sured by the most authentic author, that in Iceland, not only black
cattle, but also the sheep, are almost entirely fed on fish and fish-
bones during the winter season. Even in the Isles of Orkney,
and that in summer, the sheep attend the ebbing of the tide as
regular as the Ksquimaux curlew, and go down to the shore which
the tide has left to feed on the sea-weed. This however is through
necessity ; for even the famous Island of Pomona will not afford
them an existence above high water mark.
With respect to the inferior or slave beaver, of which some
authors speak, it is in my opinion very difficult for those who
are best acquainted with the economy of this animal, whether there
are any that deserve that appellation. It sometimes happens
that a beaver is caught which has but a very indifferent coat, and
which has broad patches on the back and shoulders, almost
wholly without hair. This is the only foundation for asserting
that there is an inferior or slave beaver among them. And when
one of the above description is taken, it is perhaps too hastily
inferred, that the hair is worn off from these parts by carrying
heavy loads; whereas it is most probable that it is caused by a
disorder that attacks them somewhat similar to the mange, for
were that falling off of the hair occasioned by performing extra
labor, it is natural to think that instances of it would be more
Yrequent than there are; as it is rare to see one of them in the
course of seven or ten years. I have seen a whole house of these
animals that had nothing on the surface of their bodies but the
fine soft down, all the long hairs having molted off. This and
every other deviation from the general run is undoubtedly owing
to some particular disorder.
AE Eee NDT xX. C.
Bennett’s Article on the Beaver.
From ‘‘The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated.”
Quadrupeds. Vol.i. p.153. Published in 1835.
(Castor Fiber, Linn.)
Among the numerous, widely dispersed, and prolific tribes of
animals which compose the extremely natural order, called by
Linnzeus and the writers of his school Glires, there are none
perhaps which possess so many claims on our attention as the
well-marked and circumscribed little group on the history of
which we are about to enter. The beavers, in fact, interest us
not only as furnishing a most valuable fur, and producing a pe-
culiar secretion occasionally and advantageously employed in
medicine, but also as offering the most remarkable of the few in-
stances occurring among quadrupeds of that architectural instinct,
so remarkably prevalent in the inferior classes, which impels them
to construct their own habitations with materials selected for the
purpose, brought from a distance, and cemented together so as to
form a regular and uniform structure.
The first and most essential character of the order to which
they belong is obviously derived from the great development of
their incisor teeth; and this peculiarity in structure, as might
naturally be expected, is connected with a peculiarity in habits
equally remarkable. So striking, indeed, is the propensity to
gnawing, which distinguishes these animals, that many late zoolo-
gists, of the French school especially, have thrown aside the older
designation applied to them by Linneus, and adopted in its place
the expressive name of Rongeurs or Rodentia. Of this faculty
the beavers appear to exhibit the highest degree of devel-
opment; their powerful incisor teeth not only serving them to
strip off and divide the bark of trees, which forms their principal
nutriment, but also enabling them, when urged by their instinct
of construction, to gnaw through trunks of considerable thick-
ness, and thus to obtain the timber of which they stand in need
for the building of their habitations. These important organs
contribute, therefore, in an especial manner, to supply them both
with food and shelter.
The incisor teeth of the beavers are two in number in each
jaw; they are broad, flat, and generally colored of a deep orange
or almost chestnut brown anteriorly, and pass into acute angles
on their posterior surface. Their extremities terminate externally
in a cutting edge, and shelve considerably inward ; for the ante-
rior surface being alone coated with enamel, and consequently
offering the greatest resistance, is less easily worn down by the
action to which they are exposed. Those of either jaw cor-
respond exactly with their opposites, and the form of the articu-
lation of the lower jaw admitting of little or no lateral motion,
their action is always from behind forward and vice versa. They
have no true roots, but are of equal thickness throughout, and
are implanted within the jaw in sacs or capsules, which repro-
duce them from the base as fast as they are worn down at the
extremity. So strong a tendency have they to increase by this
process, that whenever one of the incisors of either jaw has been
accidentally injured or destroyed, the opposite tooth, meeting
with no resistance from its antagonist, is propelled forward by a
continual enlargement from the base to such an extent as to be-
come at length perfectly monstrous. This mode of growth is
common to the whole order, and the number of the incisor teeth
is also the same in all the groups that compose it, with the excep-
tion of the family of which the hare forms the type.
The entire absence of canine teeth, leaving a vacant space of
some extent between the incisors and the molars, is another char-
acter which the beavers have in common with all the Rodent an-
imals ; but the structure of their molar teeth differs from that of
any other group. These latter organs furnish indeed the best
characters that have yet been employed for the separation of the
Rongeurs into distinct and natural genera. In the beavers they
are four on each side in either jaw, and their crowns present a
flattened surface on which the lines of enamel are so disposed
as to form three folds on the outer side and one on the inner in
those of the upper jaw, while those of the lower offer an arrange-
ment directly the reverse. They were formerly suspected by M.
F. Cuvier, who has paid particular attention to the teeth of the
mammiferous quadrupeds, to be destitute of proper roots, and te
increase from their base in the same manner as the incisors; but
he has since candidly confessed the error into which he had been
led by the inspection of a cranium in which they were not yet
fully developed, and he now admits that in the adult animal they
are furnished with true roots, and are consequently incapable of
receiving any addition to their growth when once completely
formed. Their flattened crowns sufficiently indicate that the
food which they are intended to masticate is entirely vegetable.
In the regularity of their line of profile from the back of the
head to the extremity of the nose, the lateral position of their
diminutive eyes, the depth, obliquity, and obtuseness of their
muscle, the vertical fissure of their upper lip, the softness and
closeness of their fur, and the greater length and muscularity of
their posterior limbs, the beavers may be regarded as almost
typical of the order to which they belong. ‘They exhibit, how-
ever, in their external form several striking modifications peculiar
to themselves. Of these, the most remarkable consists in their
tail, which differs in structure from that of every other quadruped.
This organ, which is nearly half as long as the body, is broadly
dilated, oval, flattened both above and below, covered at its
thickened base alone with hair similar to that which invests the
rest of the animal, but overlaid throughout the greater part of
its extent with a peculiar incrustation which assumes the form of
regular scales closely resembling those of fishes. The feet all
terminate in five toes, those of the anterior extremities smaller
and shorter than those of the posterior, and divided almost to the
base, while the latter are united to their very tips by the inter-
vention of a strong duplicature of the skin, which allows of their
separation to a considerable extent, and forms a broad and pal-
mated expansion, similar in form and serving for the same useful
purpose with the webbed feet of the swimming birds. The nails
are thick and strong; and that of the second toe of the hinder
feet is remarkable for being formed of two portions, an upper one
corresponding with those of the remaining toes, and an under,
placed obliquely, and having a sharp cutting-edge directed down-
The gait of the beavers is waddling and ungraceful, owing
partly to the shortness and inequality of their limbs, and partly
to the outward direction which is given to their heels to enable
their feet more efficiently to fulfill the office of paddles in swim-
ming. The toes alone of the anterior feet, but the whole of the
under surface of the sole in the posterior, are applied to the
ground in walking. The awkwardness of their appearance in
this action is moreover heightened by the clumsiness of their
figure, and by the difficulty which they seem to experience in
dragging after them their cumbrous tail, which is generally suf-
fered to trail upon the ground, but is sometimes slightly elevated
or even curved upward, and is occasionally moved in a direction
from side to side. In the water, however, this member becomes
most useful, both as a paddle and a rudder, to urge them onward,
ad to direct them in their course.
It has often been questioned whether the beavers of Europe
and America constitute two distinct species. M. F. Cuvier has
lately pointed out some slight variations in the form and relative
dimensions of different portiens of the skulls which he had an
opportunity of examining; but his observations cannot yet be
regarded as conclusive. Other naturalists again have broadly
maintained that the solitary and burrowing mode of life of the
one, and the social and constructive propensities supposed to be
peculiar to the other, alone afforded sufficient grounds of dis-
crimination between them. But numberless instances ha ve shown
that these differences in their modes of life are the natural results
of the circumstances in which the animals are respectively placed ;
and that the habits of each, in a situation favorable to the change,
undergo a thorough revolution. Place the means within his reach,
and the constructive instinct of the solitary beaver becomes fully
developed; withdraw those means, and the once skillful builder
degenerates into a burrowing hermit. Those of Europe are, for
the most part, met with in the latter predicament, the neighbor-
hood of civilized man having thinned their numbers and rendered
their associations perilous. In America, on the contrary, they
form populous villages; but only in the back and unsettled parts
of the country; those which are found on the confines of the
different settlements have precisely the same habits with the
European animals.
That similar villages formerly existed in varions parts of
Europe, and more especially in the north, we have abundant
proofs in the ruins of these ancient edifices. But it seems to have
been too hastily taken for granted that none such are to be found
at the present day. In the Transactions of the Berlin Natural
History Society for 1829, an extremely interesting account is
given by M. de Meyerinck of a colony of beavers, which has
been settled for upwards of a century on a little river called the
Nuthe, about half a league above its confluence with the Elbe,
in a desert and sequestered canton in the district of Magdeburg.
Our author speaks of this little settlement as consisting, in the
year 1822, of no more than from fifteen to twenty individuals ;
but few as they were they executed all the laborious tasks of a
much more extensive society. They formed themselves burrows
of thirty or forty paces in length, on a level with the stream, with
one opening below the surface of the water, and another upon
the land; built huts eight or ten feet in height, of branches and
trunks of trees, laid without any regularity, and covered over
with soft earth; and constructed of the same materials a dyke so
perfect as to raise the level of the water more than a foot. All
their habits indeed, as here described, coincide so exactly with
those of the American beavers, that we should feel some surprise
at M. de Meyerinck’s assertion that they differed from them in
several particulars, and especially in their manner of building,
were it not manifest that his ideas of the transatlantic race were
gleaned from the relations of those travellers who have indulged
their imaginations, instead of relying upon their observations, in
all that they have written concerning these singular animals.
The history of the beaver teems in fact with the most ridicu-
lous exaggerations. Even the absurdities of the ancients have
in this instance been exceeded by the credulity of the moderns.
The former, indeed, knew the animal only in a state compara-
tively solitary, and could not therefore attribute to him those
ideas of social policy and that settled system of government for
which the latter have given him unbounded credit. This delusion,
which was perhaps natural enough to those who took but a su-
perficial view of the faculties of this almost mechanical animal,
has now, however, passed away; and the intelligence of the
beaver is recognized as nothing more than a remarkable instinct
exerted upon one particular object, and upon that alone. In all
respects, except as regards the skill with which he constructs his
winter habitation, and the kind of combination into which he
enters with his fellows for carrying their common purpose into
effect, his intelligence is of the most limited description. He has,
in fact, no need of those artful contrivances to which many ani-
mals are compelled to have recourse. His food is simple and
easily procured. His enemies, man excepted, are few, and rarely
of a formidable description; but if surprised by danger, he is quite
unable to evade it by the exercise of cunning or sagacity, and his
only hope of safety is in flight. It has been said that he is docile
in captivity, and may be easily rendered obedient to the com-
mands of his keeper; but it would appear that his docility is
limited to a patient-endurance of his condition, and his obedience
to a simple recognition of those who take care of him, and whom
he may be taught to follow from place to place.
His peculiar conformation renders the beaver what is com-
monly, although improperly, termed an amphibious animal, the
greater part of his existence being passed in the water, in which
he swims and dives with great dexterity. It is for this reason
that he always selects for his dwelling-place the banks of rivers
or lakes. Here he lives secluded during the summer in holes
which he burrows in the earth, and which he quits only in search
of his food, and to indulge himself with bathing. But as the au-
tumn advances, he begins to look out for society, and to prepare
against the rigors and the dearth of winter. With this view he
associates himself with a band of his fellows, sometimes amount-
ing in number to two or three hundred, and the whole body im-
mediately set to work either to repair their old habitations, or if
they have been compelled to desert their former place of abode,
to construct new ones on the same plan.
The mode by which this is accomplished has been so repeat-
edly described by French and English travellers in the northern
parts of America, that it might seem almost superfluous to enter
into any details upon such a subject, were we not well assured that
many of the facts vouched for in their relations, and most of the
coloring which has been given to them, have been derived either
from the warmth of their imaginations, from partial and imper-
fect observation, or from the credulous ignorance of their inform-
ants. Under these circumstances, we cannot do better than recur
to the statements of one or two practical men, whose residence
in the country, and close connection with the fur trade, gave
them the best opportunities for obtaining correct information, and
whose narratives bear in themselves the stamp of authenticity.
Such were Hearne, one of the most intelligent and enterprising
agents whom the Hudson’s Bay Company ever employed; and
Cartwright, who resided for nearly sixteen years on the coast of
Labrador for the sole purpose of procuring furs. From the jour-
nals of these two plain-dealing and matter-of-fact men we shall
proceed to give the principal facts with which they furnish us
relative to the habits of the beaver in its native state, and to the
various modes adopted by the hunters for possessing themselves
of its valuable skin.
The situations in which the beavers build are very various.
Sometimes they take their abode in a pond or a lake, in which
the water is tolerably uniform in height and pretty deep imme-
diately under the bank; but they generally make choice of a run-
ning stream as more convenient for the conveyance of their ma-
terials. They are also said to select in preference the northern
side for the advantage of the sun, and the bank of an island
rather than that of the mainland, as affording them greater se-
curity from the attacks of their enemies. In this selection, how-
ever, their instinct frequently misleads them, for they have been
known to build in situations where they have been unable to pro-
cure food, and where they have consequently perished from star-
vation, or to have fixed upon a stream which has been so swelled
by the effects of a heavy thaw as to sweep away not only their
magazine of provisions, but sometimes even their habitations.
When the water in the stream is not sufficiently deep for their
purpose, or is liable to be diminished by the failure of the supply
from above in consequence of frost, they commence their opera-
tions by throwing a dam across it below the part which they in-
tend to occupy. In slow rivulets this is made nearly straight;
but where the current is strong, it is formed with a curve of
greater or less extent, the convexity of which is turned toward
the stream. The materials of which this dam is constructed con-
sist of drift-wood, and the branches of willows, birch, and pop-
lars, compacted together by mud and stones. The work is raised
in the form of a mound, of considerable thickness at the base,
and gradually narrowing toward the summit, which is made per-
fectly level, and of the exact height of the body of water which
it is intended to keep up. Cartwright adds that he has frequently
crossed the rivers and creeks upon these dams with only slightly
wetting his shoes. The sticks which are used in their construc-
tion vary in size from the thickness of a man’s finger to that of
his ankle, but are seldom larger unless where no others are to be
procured. They are mostly obtained from the neighboring woods,
where they are cut with a dexterity truly astonishing. A beaver,
according to Cartwright, will lop off with its teeth at a single
effort a stem of the thickness of a common walking-stick as
cleanly as if it had been done by a gardener’s pruning-knife.
When compelled to have recourse to the larger trunks, they gnaw
them round and round, always taking care that they shall fall in
the direction of the water, in order as much as possible to save
themselves carriage. Judging from the number of large trees
sometimes cut down in a season, it would appear that the per-
formance of this operation cannot occupy a very considerable
time. As soon as the tree is felled they commence lopping off
its branches, which, as well as the smaller trunks, they cut into
lengths, according to their weight and thickness. These are
dragged in their mouths, and sometimes on their shoulders, to the
water side, where they are thrown into the stream, and towed
with the current to their destination.
Exactly the same materials are employed in the construction
of their habitations. These are built either immediately beneath
the bank, or, if the pool be shallow, at some little distance from
it. They begin by hollowing out the bottom, throwing up the
mud and stones around it, and intermingling them with such
sticks as they can procure. The walls having been thus raised
to a sufficient height, the house is covered in with a roof in the
shape of a dome, generally emerging about four feet, but some-
times as much as six or seven, from the water. The entrance is
made beneath a projection which advances several feet into the
stream with a regular descent, terminating at least three feet be-
low the surface, to guard against its being frozen up. This is
called by the hunters the angle, and a single dwelling is some-
times furnished with two or more. Near the entrance, and on
the outside of their houses, the beavers store up the branches of
trees, the bark of which forms their chief subsistence during the
winter; and these magazines are sometimes so large as to rise
above the surface of the water, and to contain more than a cart-
load of provisions.
In all these operations there appears to be no other concert or
combination among the beavers than that which results from a
common instinct impelling them to the performance of a common
task. The assertion that they are superintended in their labors
by an overseer, who gives notice to his workmen when to be at
their posts by flapping with his tail upon the water, divides them
into parties for each several kinds of work, distributes their em-
ployments, assigns their stations, and superintends the execution
of his commands, is too absurd to require refutation. But there
are many other statements regarding them equally untrue,
although not at first sight so palpably ridiculous. Thus it is said
that their tails are used by them as sledges for the conveyance of
their materials, a purpose for which the conformation of this ap
pendage renders it highly improbable that it can serve, and which
observation has proved to be performed in a very different man-
ner. But not content with metamorphosing this organ into a
sledge, our travellers have also made it a trowel, and have given
very particular descriptions of the manner in which the beaver
employs it in spreading the plaster, with which, according to
their accounts, his work is overlaid. Unfortunately, however, it
is equally unfitted by its structure for such an operation; and the
only organs employed in mixing up the mud with the rest of the
materials, are the fore paws and the mouth. These, in fact, are
the instruments with which all the labors of the beavers are
effected; and it is sufficiently obvious that neither with their
assistance, nor indeed with the united powers of all their organs,
could these animals drive stakes of the thickness of a man’s leg
three or four feet deep into the ground, or execute a variety or
other feats for which they have obtained general credit.
The sticks and branches which they use, instead of being
driven into the ground, are laid for the most part in a horizontal
direction, and they are only prevented from floating away by the
stones and mud which are brought up by the beavers in their
paws from the bottom to be laid upon them, and which gradually
become cemented into a firm and compact mass, Al! their work
is performed during the night. Although the favorable nature or
the situation may have induced many families to assemble in the
same spot, they do not on that account carry on their operations
in common; unless when a dam of large extent is to be built,
when they usually unite their forces for its completion. Each
family occupies itself exclusively on its own habitation, which
has in general but one apartment. The idea of their houses
being divided into several chambers, each allotted to its appro-
priate purpose, may have originated from the fact of their some-
times building by the side of a deserted dwelling, with which
they occasionally open a communication. The families vary in
the number of individuals of which they are composed, but sel-
dom exceed two or four old ones, and twice as many young; the
females producing once a year, from two to three or four at a
birth, and the young ones generally quitting their parents at the
age of three years, and seeking out or building a separate habita-
tion for themselves.
In summer-time they feed either upon the bark of trees or
upon the green herbage and the berries which grow in their
neighborhood; but in winter their diet is almost restricted to the
former article, of which they lay in a large stock previously to
the setting in of the frost. From this store they cut away por-
tions as their necessities require; and after tearing off the bark
reject the wood, leaving it to float away with the current. Willow,
poplar, and birch, are their favorite kinds, and the latter, accord-
ing to Cartwright, renders their flesh ‘‘the most delicious eating
of any animal in the known world.” The root of the water-lily
also affords them an occasional supply, and makes them very
fat, but gives their flesh a strong and unpleasant flavor.
It is not, however, for the delicacy of their flesh, but for the
peculiar closeness of their soft and glossy fur, that a war of ex-
termination is carried on by man against these peaceful and in-
noxious beasts. That this fur was at an early period in great
request for the manufacture of hats is proved by a proclamation
issued in the year 1638, by which it was forbidden to make use
of any materials therein except beaver stuff or beaver wool. From
this time the attention of the North American Indians has been
incessantly directed toward these poor animals, and vast quanti-
ties have in consequence been destroyed every year. Of the
numbers thus sacrificed, and of the importance of the trade, some
idea may be formed by the amount of the sales at various places
and at different periods. In 1743 the Hudson’s Bay Company
alone sold 26,750 skins; and 127,080 were imported into Ro-
chelle. Upwards of 170,000 were exported from Canada in 1788;
and Quebec alone, in 1808, supplied this country with 126,927,
which, at the estimated average of eighteen shillings and nine
pence per skin, would produce no less a sum than £118,994.
The skin of the young or cub beaver is the most valuable, as
being the darkest and the most glossy; and the winter coat is
far superior to the summer. The former season is consequently
preferred for taking them, and various means are adopted for the
purpose. Sometimes the ice is cut through both above and be-
low their dwellings, nets are thrown across, and the devoted
animals are driven from their shelter by the breaking down of
their houses, and compelled to enter the nets. Sometimes a
number of holes are made in the ice, and they are in like manner
driven from their habitations; when, as they are unable to remain
under water for any long time, they rise to the surface where the
ice is broken, and are easily secured. Under these circumstances
they will frequently take refuge in the holes in the banks, which
serve them for summer retreats; but the experienced hunters
readily detect the situation of these vaults by striking with their
chisels on the ice, and always select such spots for making their
apertures, in which they seldom fail of capturing their victims.
In summer it is more usual to take them in their houses by
what is termed staking them. For this purpose the hunters first
make an aperture in the roof to ascertain the situation of the
angle, and having adapted a number of stakes to the opening so
as completely to blockade it, cover in the top, and leave the stakes
on one side ready for use. They then drive the beavers from all
parts of the pond or river by means of dogs; and when the terri-
fied animals have succeeded in reaching their home, they replace
the stakes before the entry, remove the temporary covering from
the roof, and either take them alive, or spear them in their house.
When the sheet of water which they inhabit is merely kept up by
a dam, they are still more easily taken by letting off the water
and leaving their huts completely dry. The gun is also some-
times, but not very commonly used; and log traps, baited with
poplar sticks, occasionally add in a trifling degree to the havoc
made among them.
So little is known of the manners of the beaver in a domesti-
cated state, that we feel a peculiar gratification in having it in our
power to give the extremely interesting history of an individual
which belonged to Mr. Brodleip, to whose kindness we are in-
debted for the following statement:
“The animal arrived in this country in the winter of 1825,
very young, being small and woolly, and without the covering of
long hair which marks the adult beaver. It was the sole survi-
vor of five or six which were shipped at the same time, and it
was in avery pitiable condition. Good treatment quickly restored
it to health, and kindness soon made it familiar. When called
by its name, ‘Binny,’ it generally answered with a little cry, and
came to its owner. The hearth-rug was its favorite haunt, and
thereon it would lie stretched out, sometimes on its back, some-
times on its side, and sometimes flat on its belly, but always near
its master. The building instinct showed itself immediately it was
let out of its cage and materials were placed in its way; and
this before it had been a week in its new quarters. Its strength,
even before it was half grown, was great. It would drag along
a large sweeping-brush, or a warming-pan, grasping the handle
with its teeth so that the:load came over its shoulder, and ad-
vancing in an oblique direction till it arrived at the point where
it wished to place it. The long and large materials were always
taken first, and two of the longest were generally laid crosswise,
with one of the ends of each touching the wall, and the other
ends projecting out into the room. The area formed by the
crossed brushes and the wall he would fill up with hand-brushes,
rush baskets, books, boots, sticks, cloths, dried turf, or anything
portable. As the work grew high, he supported himself on
his tail, which propped him up admirably, and he would often,
after laying on one of his building materials, sit up over against
it, appearing to consider his work, or, as the country people say, .
‘judge it.’ This pause was sometimes followed by changing
the position of the material ‘judged,’ and sometimes it was left
in its place. After he had piled up his materials in one part of
the room (for he generally chose the same place), he proceeded
to wall up the space between the feet of a chest of drawers, which
stood, at a little distance from it, high enough on its legs to make
the bottom a roof for him, using for this purpose dried turf and
sticks, which he laid very even, and filling up the interstices with
bits of coal, hay, cloth, or anything he could pick up. This last
place he seemed to appropriate for his dwelling; the former work
seemed to be intended fora dam. When he had walled up the
space between the feet of the chest of drawers, he proceeded to
carry in sticks, cloths, hay, cotton, and to make a nest; and
when he had done he would sit up under the drawers and comb
himself with the nails of his hind feet. In this operation, that
which appeared at first to be a malformation was shown to be a
beautiful adaptation to the necessities of the animal. The huge
webbed hind feet of the beaver turn in so as to give the appear-
ance of deformity; but if the toes were straight instead of being
incurved, the animal could not usé them for the purpose of keep-
ing its fur in order and cleansing it from dirt and moisture.
‘“Binny generally carried small and light articles between his
right fore leg and his chin, walking on the other three legs; and
large masses, which he could not grasp readily with his teeth, he
pushed forward, leaning against them with his right fore paw
and his chin. He never carried anything on his tail, which he
liked to dip in water, but he was not fond of plunging in the whole
of his body. If his tail was kept moist, he never cared to drink ;
but if it was kept dry, it became hot, and the animal appeared
distressed, and would drink a great deal. It is not impossible
that the tail may have the power ef absorbing water, like the
skin of frogs, though it must be owned that the scaly integument
which invests that member has not much of the character which
generally belongs to absorbing surfaces.
“Bread, and bread and milk, and sugar, formed the principal part
of Binny’s food ; but he was very fond of succulent fruits and roots.
He was a most entertaining creature, and some highly comic scenes
occurred between the worthy, but slow beaver, and a light and
airy Macauco that was kept in the same apartment.”
An animal so sociable in his habits ought to be affectionate ;
and very affectionate the beaver is said to be. Deage mentions
two young ones which were taken alive and brought to a neigh-
boring factory m Hudson’s Bay, where they throve very fast until
one of them was killed accidentally. The survivor instantly felt
the loss, began to moan, and abstained from food until it died.
Mr. Bullock mentioned to the narrator a similar instance which
fell under his notice in North America. A male and female
were kept together in a room, where they lived happily till
the male was deprived of his partner by death. For a day or
two he appeared to be hardly aware of his loss, and brought food
and laid it before her. At last, finding that she did not stir, he
covered her body with twigs and leaves, and was in a pining
state when Mr. Bullock lost sight of him.
The specimens in the garden were sent to the Society from
Canada by Lord Dalhousie. They were partially deprived of
sight before their arrival in this country, but one of them has
still the use of one eye; and the other, although totally blind,
dives most perseveringly for clay, and applies it to stop up every
cranny in their common habitation that can admit “the winter’s
flaw.” ‘They both appear happy and contented.
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